?_œÿÿÿÿ[Œƒl‹\42sh2convÁZÿmain>JO¼/main†Sh 2.0 Settings Files Converter)Ÿm##°O,‡là蟲J#4/&;)z4ÿÿ ‹ ÿÿÿÿ|CONTEXTÑR|CTXOMAPê@|FONT@|KWBTREEsB|KWDATAmA|KWMAPbB|SYSTEM|TOPICË|TTLBTREE¢JI;@;ÿÿÿÿ DÿÿÿÿP1ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿPŽsAssociating Filters> Ž' €.€˜˜:„€‚ÿAssociating Filters èP¡+ $€Ñ€˜†!€‚‚ÿIn this step you choose the filters that will go in your Shoebox 3.0 database types.For each filter in the Shoebox 2.0 settings you will get an "Associate Filter" dialog. Select which database types get this filter and press OK.ÒŽsB R€!€†!€‚‚‚ãlc扂‚ãþT&‰‚‚ãæ7g‰‚ÿNext - Associating your Range SetsBack - to Listing your Database TypesBack - to Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 Settings `/¡Ó16ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÓ-2Associating Punctuation with Language encodingsZ3s-' €f€˜˜:„€‚ÿAssociating Punctuation with Language encodings çÓ>* "€Ï€˜†!€‚ÿNow that you have provided a list of language encoding names for Shoebox 3.0, we begin working on them. The first step is to choose which of these languages, if any, get the punctuation characters from your Shoebox 2.0 settings.ô²-2B R€e€†!€‚‚‚ãt¾Þ‰‚‚ã‹镉‚‚ãæ7g‰‚ÿNext - Associating Sort orders and Case with Language encodings.Back - to Listing your Language EncodingsBack - to Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 Settings G>y1 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿyº•Associating Range SetsA2º' €4€˜˜:„€‚ÿAssociating Range Sets ôyÙ+ $€é€˜†!€‚‚ÿIn this step you choose the range sets that will go in your Shoebox 3.0 database types.For each range set in the Shoebox 2.0 settings you will get an "Associate Range Set" dialog. Select which database types get this range set and press OK.¼{º•A R€ö€†!€‚‚‚ãõ"V¼‰‚‚ã´qÞÁ‰‚‚ãæ7g‰‚ÿNext - Associating your TemplatesBack - to FiltersBack - to Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 Settings i8Ùþ1¬ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþaÜ Associating Sort orders and Case with Language encodingsc<•a' €x€˜˜:„€‚ÿAssociating Sort orders and Case with Language encodings ¸Œþ , &€€˜†!€‚‚‚ÿNow we work through the sort orders and their case associations from Shoebox 2.0.Here is a key concept: A Shoebox 3.0 language encoding can have as many sort orders as it needs. However, each language encoding is limited to one case association.The process of associating sort orders and cases is as follows: The Converter will ask you to associate each sort order in your Shoebox 2.0 settings with zero or more of your language encodings. If the sort order has a case statement it will ask you to associate that with your language encodings. If there are no case associations in your Shoebox 2.0 settings, the Converter will not ask you about it.+aD ( €€†!€‚ÿ¸‹ ü - (€€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒ‚ÿ·Associating case: A Shoebox 3.0 language encoding may have only one case per language encoding. Therefore, when you have selected a particular language encoding to use a certain case it will not be available again. The next time the case association dialog comes up (on another case of another sort order) the language encodings which already have a case will not be available on the list.àžD Ü B R€=€†!€‚‚‚ãÔ'‰‚‚ã›óQ,‰‚‚ãæ7g‰‚ÿNext - Associating VariablesBack - to Associating Punctuation with Language encodingsBack - to Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 Settings Fü "1Dÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ"b@Associating Variables@Ü b' €2€˜˜:„€‚ÿAssociating Variables <"ž+ $€#€˜†!€‚‚ÿIn this step you associate the variables from your Shoebox 2.0 settings with your language encodings.You will get the "Associate Variables" dialog for each of the variables in your Shoebox 2.0 settings. You select the language encodings that will receive this variable.וb@B R€+€†!€‚‚‚ãþT&‰‚‚ãt¾Þ‰‚‚ãæ7g‰‚ÿNext - Listing your Databasž@Ü e TypesBack - to Associating sort orders and caseBack - to Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 Settings KžÌ@1¯ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÌ@ADAssociating your TemplatesE@A' €<€˜˜:„€‚ÿAssociating your Templates žrÌ@¯C, &€å€˜†!€‚‚‚ÿHere you choose the templates that go with your Shoebox 3.0 database types. Templates are the markers and field contents that are automatically placed into newly created records.In Shoebox 2.0 each of the database windows could have a template; that is, Boxes 1-6 and Box 9. There may be as many as six templates.Each Shoebox 3.0 database type may have one template. Therefore, when you choose a database type to have a certain template, that database type will no longer be available in the "Associate Templates" dialog. On the next template, those database types which you have given templates will no longer be listed.àžADB R€=€†!€‚‚‚ã`ñ­‰‚‚ãlc扂‚ãæ7g‰‚ÿNext - Generating the Shoebox 3.0 Settings FilesBack - to Associating your Range SetsBack - to Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 Settings > ¯CÍD1‹ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÍDE_JDatabase Type8DE' €"€˜˜:„€‚ÿDatabase Type ¥zÍDªG+ $€õ€˜†!€‚‚ÿThis Shoebox feature allows you to have an underlying, user-defined model for databases of the same type. The model includes a collection of properties that defines various components of the database and some of the methods used for manipulating records.Shoebox allows you to specify this set of properties for each database of a similar type (e.g., Dictionary, Scripture, Parsing, etc.). These properties include the name and a description, a set of possible field markers, filters, jump path, the date stamp marker and interlinear settings. Once defined these properties apply to all databases assigned to that particular type. l=EH/ .€z€˜†!€€€‚ÿAs an example, a Dictionary Database Type might contain:X ªGnIK d€€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚€€ƒ€€‚ÿ·The recommended set of Field Markers used by the MDF program·Filters used for finding particular records in a lexicon (e.g., all nouns, a particular morpheme, words with homonyms, etc.)·Jump paths for related databases·The Date Stamp field marker dt+H™I( €€†!€‚ÿÆœnI_J* "€9€˜†!€‚ÿThe settings files converter will help you move your interlinear settings, filters, and templates from Shoebox 2.0 into database types for Shoebox 3.0. Z)™I¹J1©ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ¹J K…MGenerating the Shoebox 3.0 Settings FilesT-_J K' €Z€˜˜:„€‚ÿGenerating the Shoebox 3.0 Settings Files Ö«¹JãL+ $€W€˜†!€‚‚ÿNow that we are finished with selecting the parts of your Shoebox 2.0 settings, the Converter produces your Shoebox 3.0 settings. The language encoding and database type files are written to the directory you specified for the project file.The Converter uses CC to make your Shoebox 3.0 settings. It expects to find the CC table files in its directory; otherwise it will ask you to show it directory containing those files.¢i K…M9 B€Ò€†!€‚‚‚ãõ"V¼‰‚‚ãæ7g‰‚ÿBack - to Associating your TemplatesBack - to Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 Settings ^-ãLãM1oÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿãM;N……Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 SettingsX1…M;N' €b€˜˜:„€‚ÿGuide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 Settings +ãMfO* "€€˜†!€‚ÿWelcome to the guide for converting your Shoebox 2.0 settings files into Shoebox 3.0 for Windows settings. We will step you through the process of turning your sha.set file into a Shoebox 3.0 project with associated database types and language encodings.1;N—O+ &€ €†!€‚‚‚‚ÿEfOÜO) "€8€˜†!€‚ÿThe steps are as follows:m;—OU€2 4€v€R†ÈZ‚H€ÜOU€…M€ƒãw~²‰‚ÿ·Step One - Choosing directories and a project name+ÜO€€( €€†!€‚ÿe3U€å€2 4€f€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒã‹镉‚ÿ·Step Two - Listing your Language Encodings+€€( €€†!€‚ÿvD倆2 4€ˆ€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒã›óQ,‰‚ÿ·Step Three - Associating Punctuation with Language encodings+±( €€†!€‚ÿ€N†1‚2 4€œ€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒãt¾Þ‰‚ÿ·Step Four - Associating Sort orders and Case with Language encodings +±\‚( €€†!€‚ÿ]+1‚¹‚2 4€V€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒãÔ'‰‚ÿ·Step Five - Associating Variables +\‚ä‚( €€†!€‚ÿb0¹‚Fƒ2 4€`€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒãþT&‰‚ÿ·Step Six - Listing your Database Types +ä‚qƒ( €€†!€‚ÿ\*FƒÍƒ2 4€T€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒã´qÞÁ‰‚ÿ·Step Seven - Associating Filters +qƒøƒ( €€†!€‚ÿd2̓\„2 4€d€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒãlc扂ÿ·Step Eight - Associating your Range Sets +øƒ‡„( €€†!€‚ÿb0\„é„2 4€`€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒãõ"V¼‰‚ÿ·Step Nine - Associating your Templates +‡„…( €€†!€‚ÿq?é„……2 4€~€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒã`ñ­‰‚ÿ·Step Ten - Generating the Shoebox 3.0 Settings Files B…Ç…1êÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Ç…†¼‡Language Encoding<……†' €*€˜˜:„€‚ÿLanguage Encoding ¹ŽÇ…¼‡+ $€€˜†!€‚‚ÿThis feature of Shoebox allows you to specify the various languages used in your database(s) along with the properties of each language. These properties include font, sort orders, case associations, variables and the keyboard.The settings files converter will help you move your sort orders and their case, punctuation, and variables from Shoebox 2.0 into language encodings for Shoebox 3.0. L†ˆ1”ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ˆNˆ±ŠListing your Database TypesF¼‡Nˆ' €>€˜˜:„€‚ÿListing your Database Types  oˆî‰1 0€ß€˜†!€ãÓêD·‰‚‚ÿHere you list the database types that go with your Shoebox 3.0 project. The Converter will help you add interlinear settings, filters, and templates to your Shoebox 3.0 database types.You may enter into the list as many database types as you need. You may also leave the database type list empty, in which case the Converter will skip database type information.ÃNˆ±ŠB R€€†!€‚‚‚ã´qÞÁ‰‚‚ãÔ'‰‚‚ãæ7g‰‚ÿNext -Associating FiltersBack - to Associating VariablesBack - to Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 Settings P1Zÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ‹K‹tŽListing your Language EncodingsJ#±ŠK‹' €F€˜˜:„€‚ÿListing your Language Encodings 6‹2 2€ €˜†!€ã÷¹á0‰‚‚‚ÿHere you list the language encodings that go with your Shoebox 3.0 project. The Converter will help you add sort orders and cases, variable, and punctuation to the language encodings you enter in the list.You may enter as many language encodings as you need. You may also leave the language encoding list empty, in which case the Converter will skip language encoding information.You will want to skip language encodings when you merely want to create a new project or database type from Shoebox 2.0 settings.ó±K‹tŽB R€c€†!€‚‚‚ã›óQ,‰‚‚ãw~²‰‚‚ãæ7g‰‚ÿNext - Associating Punctuation with Language encodings.Back - to Choosing Directories and a Project nameBack - to Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 Settings 8¬Ž1–ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ¬ŽÞŽOÀsha.set2 tŽÞŽ' €€˜˜:„€‚ÿsha.set _6¬Ž=) "€l€˜†!€‚ÿThe sha.set file contains the Shoebox 2.0 settings.+ÞŽh( €€†!€‚ÿÛ=OÀ\ ˆ€þ€R†ÈZ‚H€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚€€ƒ‚ÿ·Sort orders and case·Filters·Variables·TemplhOÀtŽates·Files to open·Punctuation·Interlinear settings @hÀ1 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÀÉÀ¢ÂShoebox project:OÀÉÀ' €&€˜˜:„€‚ÿShoebox project Ù®À¢Â+ $€]€˜†!€‚‚ÿA Project is primarily the configuration of the Shoebox work space. It retains vital information between each session: the size and position of the program window, the files that were loaded, how many windows you had open, where they were placed on the screen, and how each particular window was sorted and filtered.The settings file converter will create a new project with the same files to open as you had in Shoebox 2.0. b1ÉÀÃ1‰ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÃ`øÅThe Shoebox 2.0 settings to Shoebox 3.0 Converter\5¢Â`Ã' €j€˜˜:„€‚ÿThe Shoebox 2.0 settings to Shoebox 3.0 Converter îšÃNÅT v€5€˜†!€ã÷¹á0‰ãÓêD·‰ãÄý ú‰ã/¦Mw‰ã÷¹á0‰ãÓêD·‰ãÄý ú‰‚ÿThe Shoebox 2.0 settings to Shoebox 3.0 Converter is a program you use to change your old settings files into Shoebox 3.0 settings. Together with the language encodings, database types, and project, and the Shoebox 2.0 settings, it helps you determine what information belongs in which places. In the end, it produces the Shoebox 3.0 files for language encodings, database types, and project.j:`øÅ0 0€t€†!€‚‚ãæ7g‰‚ÿYour guide to upgrading from Shoebox 2.0 setting. ANÅùÅ1"ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿùÅ4Æ%ÇChoose Directory;¸Å4Æ' €(€˜˜:„€‚ÿChoose Directory ñÇùÅ%Ç* "€€˜†!€‚ÿThis dialog is for navigating among and choosing directories. Clicking on a directory selects it. You may use the "Drives" box to change drives. Clicking "OK" will choose the selected directory. X'4Æ}Ç1qÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ}ÇÏÇËChoosing directories and a project nameR+%ÇÏÇ' €V€˜˜:„€‚ÿChoosing directories and a project name Ý}ÇãÉ7 <€»€˜†!€ã/¦Mw‰‚ãÄý ú‰‚ÿYou need to tell the Shoebox 2.0 Converter the directory where your Shoebox 2.0 settings file, sha.set, resides. You may find it easiest to specify this path by using Browse... to navigate to it.Likewise, you need to specify the directory and project. name for your new Shoebox 3.0 project. The project file name should be 8 characters or less with a .PRJ extension. The project directory is where the database type and language encoding files will get written as well.ˆ_ÏÇkÊ) "€¾€˜†!€‚ÿIf you need character conversion (such as ASCII to ANSI), then specify the conversion table.¤kãÉË9 B€Ö€†!€‚‚‚ã‹镉‚‚ãæ7g‰‚ÿNext - Listing your Language Encodings.Back - to Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 Settings 1kÊÿÿÿÿ1ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÖÍ€HelvTimes New RomanSymbolArialMS Sans SerifCourier Newƒzdÿÿÿÿfÿÿÿÿgÿÿÿÿhÿÿÿÿj¥„lã‰ʃÉÊÿÿÿÿËäÌÍØ Î€Ï¸Щõì䢇ʃ¥„¥„Áã‰[€.ƒ©[€.ƒ©ʃ[äØ €¢‡ã‰ã‰©¸¥„㉸äØ ¸©¸Á€[¢‡ʃää㉢‡€.ƒØ /&;)i24et 183CA ÿÿÿÿÿÿcaseccchoose directorychoosing directories, project choosing projectcontentsconvertingdatabasedatabase type0directoryDencodingHfilterLguide Pintroduction€language„language encodinglist¤overview¬project°punctuation´range set¸settings¼sha.setÄShoebox 2.0Ìsort orderÐsortingÔstepsØtableÜtemplateàtypeävariablesè 8000 database 832E database type 832E type 832E cc 87A2 table 87A2 settings 87A2 guide 87A2 guide 89E3 introduction 89E3 converting 89E3 steps 89E3 guide 89E3 language 10206 encoding 10206 language encoding 10206 list 103A9 database 103A9 database type 103A9 guide 103A9 language 105B8 language encoding 105B8 list 105B8 guide 105B8 sha.set 10890 settings 10890 Shoebox 2.0 10890 project 18000 contents 181C1 overview 181C1 directory 183CA choose directory 183CA sha.set 183CA *choosing directories, project 184A5 choosing project 184A5 guide 184A5 /&;)Lzÿÿ³ÿÿÿÿAssociating FiltersAssociating Punctuation with Language encodings[Associating Range SetsäAssociating Sort orders and Case with Language encodingsØ Associating Variables€Associating your Templates.ƒDatabase Type¢‡Generating the Shoebox 3.0 Settings Filesã‰Guide to Converting your Shoebox 2.0 SettingsLanguage Encoding©Listing your Database Types¸Listing your Language Encodingssha.set€Shoebox projectÁThe Shoebox 2.0 settings to Shoebox 3.0 ConverterʃChoose Directory¥„Choosing directories and a project namew‡tEðÁ‡³ /&;)L4ÿÿ`ÿÿÿÿO¦”㉋镸ÓêD·.ƒõ"V¼€ ð_¾Á´qÞÁt¾Þälcæ[Äý ú€þT&©æ7gã‰`ñ­¢‡Ô'Ø ›óQ,÷¹á0¦ïÝ@ʃ/¦MwPÊð{¥„w~²¥„