c SHA_PRJ.CCT to create project settings file from the output of c the SH2Conv program. c K. Buseman 29-July-96 begin > store(1-9) '12345679' endstore '\+ShProjectSettings' nl '\AutoWrap' nl '\ExportAsRTF' nl '\CurrentWindow' nl '\OmitMarkers' nl '\IncludeFormatting' nl '\LangCtrlHeight 19' nl '\+fntMarkers ' nl '\Name MS Sans Serif' nl '\Size 10' nl '\-fntMarkers' nl '\placementMain normal -1 -1 -4 -4 45 27 636 408' nl '\+dblst ' nl nl store(displacement) '22' endstore store(pos1) '0' endstore store(pos2) '0' endstore store(pos3) '495' endstore store(pos4) '195' endstore store(znum) '0' endstore store(discard) '\fn' any(1-9) > endstore '\+db' set(fn) nl > nl if(fn) clear(fn) begin '\+wndlst ' nl '\+wnd ' nl '\placement normal -1 -1 -4 -23 ' outs(pos1) ' ' add(pos1) cont(displacement) outs(pos2) ' ' add(pos2) cont(displacement) outs(pos3) ' ' add(pos3) cont(displacement) outs(pos4) ' ' add(pos4) cont(displacement) nl '\z ' outs(znum) c ifeq(znum) '0' begin '0' end c output digit 0 incr(znum) nl '\ViewMarkers' nl '\widthMarkerArea 50' nl '\-wnd' nl '\-wndlst' nl '\-db' nl nl end store(discard) '\fn' any(1-9) ' ' nl > '' c don't bother with empty boxes endfile > endstore '\-dblst' nl '\-ShProjectSettings' nl endfile