c shana3.cct Convert from Shoebox format to .ana file c Step 3 examines text line and creates \n and \c fields begin > store(cap) 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' endstore store(punct) '.,?!;:"()<>' "'" endstore group(main) '\t ' > store(textline) c don't keep marker '\f ' > endstore dup c this is preceding formating '\a ' > endstore dup c analysis line use(word) group(word) c this waits until the end of the \a line c then pulls the textline out of the store, c so it is the next input nl > dup append(textline) begin ifneq(textline) '' back(1) repeat end store(discard) c discard the word we're looking at use(\c\n) group(\c\n) c check for capitalization and punctuation in word any(cap) > set(cap) any(punct) > append(final) dup endstore set(punct) store(discard) any(punct) ' ' > append(final) dup endstore set(punct) store(textline) use(endtext) ' ' > store(textline) use(endtext) group(endtext) nl > dup endstore if(cap) '\c 1' nl endif if(punct) '\n ' out(final) nl endif clear(cap,punct) store(final) endstore use(main)