c shana2.cct Convert from Shoebox format to .ana file c This is step 2 which turns \m into \a format c Output root define(outroot) > endstore '< W ' c at end of root, output it out(prefroot) ' >' define(outa) > endstore nl '\a ' group(main) '\m ' > do(outa) store(prefroot) use(ana) c main analysis processing, prefixes and roots group(ana) c at end of prefix, output it and store next '- ' > ' ' out(prefroot) store(prefroot) c at suffix, output root ' -' > do(outroot) ' ' use(suff) c at end of root, output it ' ' > do(outroot) do(outa) store(prefroot) c at end of line, finish analysis processing nl > do(outroot) dup use(main) c send out suffixes group(suff) c if another suffix, continue to output ' -' > ' ' c if a new word, start a new analysis ' ' > do(outa) store(prefroot) use(ana) nl > dup use(main)