\_sh v3.0 563 Readme Notes \id ADAPT3C \s Derivation sample from Yawelmani (with a reduced number of rule files) \s2 The Rule Files \p This is the same Yawelmani data and rules as in the previous sample, but modified to reduce the number of rule files. The result is a more flexible setup for experimentation and testing of rules. Because each rule file is not specific to a particular rule and Generate process, rules can easily be added to a rule file, reordered with other rules, or moved from one file to another. \p In this example, the rules are divided into four sets such that the rules in a given set generally do not interact with one another. The exception is that vowels inserted by Vowel Epenthesis are also harmonized by Vowel Harmony (in YAWPH30.RUL), but that is a fairly transparent interaction. Also, all rules that are sensitive to morpheme boundaries are in the first rule set (YAWPH10.RUL), so the first Generate process is allowed to remove the boundaries. \s2 Example File \p The file YAWDERIV.TXT shows the derivations. The name of the rule set that is producing each step is shown on the left. The field name summarizes and abbreviates the names of the rules in the set. You can see the effect of each rule set by looking at the changes in the derived form. If none of the rules in the set applied, then the form is the same as in the line above. During experimentation the rule set names would of course be more general. \s2 Interlinear Setup \p Look at the interlinear setup to see the list of processes. You will see a list of four Generate processes. Each Generate process applies one of the rule files with its specific set of rules, and it generates an intermediate line that shows the results of the rules. \s2 Comments \p This derivation layout is closer to publication format in that it does not show so many lines in which rules did not apply. But it does not have the rule names shown explicitly as they would be in a paper. This can be gotten around by changing the names after the derivations have been pasted into the paper. \nt Note: \p If a derivation is copied from Shoebox and pasted into a document in a word processor, the paste will show the markers rather than the field names, so the rule names will not appear in the pasted material. You will have to change the markers to rule names by hand, or with search and replace. \p \s To go to the next Adaptation tutorial, open the project in the ADAPT4A folder.