\_sh v3.0 257 Phonological Rules \id Phonological rules to generate English \co =============== \co Definitions \co =============== \co Vowel \def V a e i o u \co Consonant \def C b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z \co Single consonants that double \def Cs b d g m n p r t \co =============== \co Phonological Rules \co =============== \co Rule 1: Irregular words \ru seek -ed sought \co Rule 2: y to i before e \ru y -e ie \ex tried, crier \co Rule 3: Final e after consonant disappears before vowel \ru [C]e -[V] [C][V] \ex danced, dancer, dancing \co Rule 4: Doubled consontants \ru [V][Cs] -e [V][Cs][Cs]e \ex dropped, slipper \co Rule 5: Article a vs. an \co (Hyphen is put on 'a-' by lookup before generate. Also 'an' is changed to 'a-' by lookup.) \ru #a- [V] #an##[V] \ex an eye \co Rule 6: If not 'an', then it is 'a'. \co (Double space keeps alignment of next word.) \ru #a- #a### \ex