\_sh v3.0 550 Interlinear \id MRK 14 \c 14 Kapitel \v 1 \co Observe that "igjen til" is a phrase in the lexicon. To see it, select the two words and right-click on them. \t Det var nå bare to dager igjen til påske og de usyrede brøds \ps Pron V Adv Adv Num N Adv N Conj Pron Adj N \e1 it was now only two days before Passover and they unleavened bread \e It was now only two days before Passover and the unleavened bread \co Observe that Overprestene is also in the lexicon. \co Observe that "they the scribes" is fixed by a Rearrange rule. \t høytid. Overprestene og de skriftlærde søkte etter en utvei \ps N N Conj Pron N V Adv Det N \e1 festival the chief priests and they the scribes sought after a way \e festival. The chief priests and the scribes sought after a way \t til å gripe ham med list og få ham drept. \ps Prep V Pron PrepP Conj V Pron V \e1 to catch him by cunning and have him killed \e to catch him by cunning and have him killed. \v 2 \co Observe that "it will cause a riot" comes from an idiomatic phrase that is in the lexicon. \co Also note that "they said" comes from the lexical entry "sa de". This is handled by the lexicon rather than by a Rearrange Rule because at this point in the analysis, no generalizations can be made. \t "Men ikke på høytiden," sa de, "ellers blir det oppstyr blant \ps Conj AdvP N VP Conj VP Prep \e1 but not during the festival they said or it will cause a riot among \e "But not during the festival," they said, "or it will cause a riot among \t folket." \ps N \e1 the people \e the people." \v 3 \co Observe that "Simon one leper" is changed to "Simon the leber" by the "PN one N" Rearrange rule. \t Jesus var nå i Betania hos Simon den spedalske. Mens de \ps PN V Adv Prep PN Prep PN Num N Conj Pron \e1 Jesus was now in Bethany with Simon one leper while they \e Jesus was now in Bethany with Simon the leper. While they \co Observe that "sat at the table" comes from an idiomatic phrase in the lexicon. \t satt til bords, \ps V \e1 sat at the table \e sat at the table, \co Observe that Norwegian puts the verb before the subject more often than English does, but in this case ("in came a woman"), having the verb first sounds good in English as well. \t kom det inn en kvinne med en alabastkrukke med ekte og meget \ps VP Det N Prep N Adj Conj Adv \e1 in came a woman with an alabaster jar of genuine and very \e in came a woman with an alabaster jar of genuine and very \t kostbar nardussalve. Hun åpnet krukken og helte salven ut over \ps Adj N Pron V N Conj V N Adv Prep \e1 expensive nard perfume she broke the jar and poured the perfume out over \e expensive nard perfume. She broke the jar and poured the perfume out over \t hans hode. \ps Poss N \e1 his head \e his head. \v 4 \t Noen som var der, sa foraget til hverandre: "Hva skal denne \ps N Adv V Adv Prep Pron Pron V Dem \e1 some that were there said indignantly to one another what will this \e Some that were there, said indignantly to one another: "What will this \co Observe that while "salve" is an English word, it does not mean the same as "salve" in Norwegian. This is called a false cognate, and is one of the dangers that has to be avoided in CARLA. \co Observe that for the phrase "waste with perfume" was originally handled by a rule that said "N with N2" became "N of N2". But later this was found to be applying falsely, and no other places were found in this chapter where it applied correctly, so it was removed. A rule has to be balanced so that the number of times it applies falsely is small compared to the number of correct applications. Sometimes overriding rules with more specific context can be used to reduce the number of places a rule applies falsely. \co So, the change from "with" to "of" needs to be done manually. To see how easy this is, put the cursor at the front of "with" in the \e line. Press the delete key four times to delete the word, and then type "of". Alignment is maintained. (But note that selecting the whole word and deleting or replacing it does not maintain alignment.) \t sløsingen med salve være godt for? \ps N Prep N V Adj Prep \e1 waste with perfume be good for \e waste with perfume be good for? \v 5 \co Observe that the word for "one" sometimes needs to be translated "it". But this is very hard to predict, so needs to be done manually. \t Den kunne ha vært solgt for mer enn tre hundre denarer og pengene \ps Num V Aux V V Prep Adv Conj Num Num N Conj N \e1 one could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and the money \e One could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and the money \t gitt til de fattige." Og de skjente på henne. \ps V Prep Pron N Conj Pron V Pron \e1 given to they poor and they rebuked her \e given to the poor." And they rebuked her. \v 6 \t Men Jesus sa: "La henne være! Hvorfor plager dere henne? Hun har gjort \ps Conj PN V V Pron V N V Pron Pron Pron Aux V \e1 but Jesus said let her be why trouble you her she has done \e But Jesus said: "Let her be! Why you trouble her? She has done \t en god gjerning mot meg. \ps Det NP Pron \e1 a good deed to me \e a good deed to me. \v 7 \t De fattige har dere alltid hos dere, og dere kan gjøre vel mot dem \ps Pron N VP Adv Prep Pron Conj Pron V V AdvP Pron \e1 they poor you have always with you and you can do good to them \e The poor you have always with you, and you can do good to them \t så ofte dere vil; men meg har dere ikke alltid. \ps Prep Pron V Conj Pron VP Adv \e1 as often as you will but me you have not always \e as often as you will; but me you have not always. \v 8 \t Hun gjorde det hun kunne, og salvet på forhånd mitt legeme \ps Pron VP Pron V Conj V Adv Poss N \e1 she did what she could and perfumed beforehand my body \e She did what she could, and perfumed beforehand my body \t til gravferden. \ps PrepP \e1 for burial \e for burial. \v 9 \t Sannelig, jeg sier dere: Overalt i verden hvor evangeliet \ps Adv Pron V Pron N Prep N Conj N \e1 truly I tell you everywhere in the world where the gospel \e Truly, I tell you: Everywhere in the world where the gospel \t blir forkynt, skal også det hun gjorde, fortelles til minne om henne. \ps VP V Adv Pron Pron V V Prep V Pron \e1 is preached will also it she did be told to remember her \e is preached, will also what she did, be told to remember her. \v 10 \t Men Judas Iskariot, en av de tolv, gikk til overprestene og \ps Conj N N NP Pron Num V Prep N Conj \e1 but Judas Iscariot one of they twelve went to the chief priests and \e But Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests and \t tilbød seg å forråde Jesus. \ps V Prep V PN \e1 agreed to betray Jesus \e agreed to betray Jesus. \v 11 \t De ble glade da de hørte det, og lovte å gi ham penger. \ps Pron V Adj Conj Pron V Pron Conj V Prep V Pron N \e1 they were glad when they heard it and promised to give him money \e They were glad when they heard it, and promised to give him money. \t Fra da av søkte han en anledning til å forråde ham. \ps Prep AdvP V Pron N Prep V Pron \e1 from then on sought he an opportunity to betray him \e From then on he sought an opportunity to betray him. \v 12 \t På den første dag i de usyrede brøds høytid, da \ps Prep N N PrepP Adj N N Conj \e1 during the first day of the unleavened bread festival when \e During the first day of the unleavened bread festival, when \t påskelammet ble slaktet, spurte disiplene ham: \ps N V V V N Pron \e1 the Passover lambs were sacrificed asked the disciples him \e the Passover lambs were sacrificed, the disciples asked him: \co Observe that the odd phrasing "Where do you want we will go and do..." needs to be fixed by hand. This phrase could be fixed by a rule or a lexical entry, but the rule or entry would probably be so specific that it would only apply in this one place, so it is easier to fix this one place than to make a rule. \t "Hvor vil du vi skal gå og gjøre i stand til påskemåltidet for deg?" \ps Conj V Pron Pron V V Conj V V N Prep Pron \e1 where will you we will go and do to prepare the Passover for you \e "Where do you want we will go and do to prepare the Passover for you?" \v 13 \t Da sendte han to disipler av sted og sa til dem: "Gå inn i byen! \ps Conj VP Num N Adv Conj V Prep Pron V Prep N \e1 then he sent two disciples ahead and said to them go into the city \e Then he sent two disciples ahead and said to them: "Go into the city! \co Observe that there is a Rearrange rule that says "as V" becomes "that V". This approach is used because the word "som" usually translates as "as", but before a verb it is used as a relative pronoun. In this example, it could be translated "who" instead of "that", but Shoebox cannot determine whether the head noun is human or not. So changing "as" to "that" in the rule makes it work in most places. In this case however, even "who carries" would not be very natural. It should be "a man carrying a water jug". That can be fixed by hand. \t Der vil dere møte en mann som bærer en vannkrukke. Følg ham, \ps Adv V Pron V Det N Conj V Det N N Pron \e1 there will you meet a man as carries a water jar follow him \e There you will meet a man that carries a water jar. Follow him, \v 14 \co Observe that we cannot easily predict where "der" should be translated "where" instead of "there". In this sample, we have chosen to produce "there" and fix it by hand. If you search for "there" you will find that the two instances in this verse are the only two in this whole chapter that need to be changed to "where". All others are correct as "there". In a case like that I prefer to produce the most likely one and fix the other case rather than make it ambiguous and be asked lots of times. \t og der han går inn, skal dere si til mannen i huset: \ps Conj Adv VP Prep V Pron V Prep N Prep N \e1 and there he goes in will you say to the man in the house \e and there he goes in, you will say to the man in the house: \t Mesteren spør: Hvor er rommet der jeg kan holde påskemåltid med \ps N V Conj V N Adv Pron V V N Prep \e1 the master asks where is the room there I can hold the Passover with \e The master asks: Where is the room there I can hold the Passover with \t mine disipler? \ps Poss N \e1 my disciples \e my disciples? \v 15 \t Da skal han vise dere en sal ovenpå med benker og puter, \ps Conj V Pron V Pron Det Adj N Prep N Conj N \e1 then will he show you a large upper room with seats and cushions \e Then he will show you a large upper room with seats and cushions, \t ferdig til måltid. Der skal dere stelle i stand for oss." \ps Adj PrepP Adv V Pron V Prep Pron \e1 ready for the meal there will you make preparations for us \e ready for the meal. There you will make preparations for us." \v 16 \t Disiplene gikk da av sted og kom inn i byen. De fant det \ps N V PrepP Conj V Prep N Pron V Pron \e1 the disciples went on ahead and came into the city they found it \e The disciples went on ahead and came into the city. They found it \t slik som han hadde sagt, og de gjorde i stand til påskemåltidet. \ps Adv Conj Pron V V Conj Pron V N \e1 just as he had said and they made preparations for the Passover \e just as he had said, and they made preparations for the Passover. \v 17 \t Da det var blitt kveld, kom Jesus dit med de tolv. \ps N N V PN Dem Prep Pron Num \e1 when it was evening came Jesus there with they twelve \e When it was evening, Jesus came there with the twelve. \v 18 \t Mens de satt til bords og spiste, sa han: "Sannelig, jeg sier dere: \ps Conj Pron V Conj V V Adv Pron V Pron \e1 while they sat at the table and ate he said truly I tell you \e While they sat at the table and ate, he said: "Truly, I tell you: \t En av dere skal forråde meg - en som spiser sammen med meg." \ps NP Pron V V Pron - Pron V Adv Prep Pron \e1 one of you will betray me - one that eats together with me \e One of you will betray me - one that eats together with me." \v 19 \co Observe that the phrase translated "one by one" is a long idiomatic phrase that has been entered in the lexicon. To see it, select the whole phrase and do a right click. The translation "one by one" is not the literal equivalents of the words, but that is all right. The important thing is to produce the best adaptation, not the most literal. \t Da ble de bedrøvet, og den ene etter den andre sa til ham: \ps Conj V Pron Adj Conj Adv V Prep Pron \e1 then were they saddened and one by one said to him \e Then they were saddened, and one by one said to him: \t "Det er vel ikke meg?" \ps AdvP PronP \e1 surely it is not I \e "Surely it is not I?" \v 20 \t Men han svarte: "Det er en av de tolv, en som dypper i fatet \ps Conj Pron V Pron V PrepP Pron Num Pron V Prep N \e1 but he replied it is one of they twelve one that dips in the dish \e But he replied: "It is one of the twelve, one that dips in the dish \t sammen med meg. \ps Adv Prep Pron \e1 together with me \e together with me. \v 21 \co Observe that "go" to "must go" must be fixed manually. \co Observe that "The" needs to be manually changed to "the". It comes out upper case because the word it comes from in the input is upper case. There is no easy way to overcome this problem. \t For Menneskesønnen går bort, som det er skrevet om ham; \ps Prep N V Adv Conj Pron V Adj Prep Pron \e1 for the Son of Man go away as it is written on him \e For The Son of Man go away, as it is written of him; \t men ve det menneske som forråder ham! \ps Conj N N Conj V Pron \e1 but woe to the man as betrays him \e but woe to the man that betrays him! \t Det hadde vært bedre for det mennesket om han aldri var født." \ps Pron V V Adv Prep Pron N Prep Pron Adv V V \e1 it had been better for it man on he never was born \e It had been better for that man if he never was born." \v 22 \co Observe that I have a fairly general rule that attempts to move a subject pronoun from after the verb to before it. It says that "V SPron NP" becomes "SPron V NP". It works well in this verse. \t Mens de holdt måltid, tok han et brød, takket, brøt det, gav \ps Conj Pron V N V Pron Det N V V Pron V \e1 while they held the meal took he a bread held it broke it gave \e While they held the meal, he took a bread, held it, broke it, gave \t dem og sa: "Ta dette! Dette er mitt legeme." \ps Pron Conj V V Dem Dem V Poss N \e1 them and said take this this is my body \e them and said: "Take this! This is my body." \v 23 \t Og han tok en kalk, takket, gav dem, og de drakk alle av den. \ps Conj Pron V Det N V V Pron Conj Pron V Adj PrepP \e1 and he took a cup held it gave them and they drank all of it \e And he took a cup, held it, gave them, and they all drank of it. \v 24 \co Observe that while the phrasing "my blood, covenant blood" is not in any English translation, it is not an unreasonable way of translating the phrase. \t Og han sa: "Dette er mitt blod, paktens blod, som utøses for mange. \ps Conj Pron V Dem V Poss N V N Conj V Prep N \e1 and he said this is my blood covenant blood as shed for many \e And he said: "This is my blood, covenant blood, that shed for many. \v 25 \t Sannelig, jeg sier dere: Aldri mer skal jeg drikke av vintreets frukt \ps Adv Pron V Pron Adv V Pron V \e1 truly I tell you never again will I drink wine \e Truly, I tell you: Never again I will drink wine \t før den dag jeg drikker den ny i Guds rike." \ps Conj Num N Pron V Num N Prep Poss N \e1 before one day I drink one anew in God's kingdom \e before one day I drink it anew in God's kingdom." \v 26 \t Da de hadde sunget lovsangen, gikk de ut til Oljeberget. \ps Conj Pron V V N V Pron Adv Prep N \e1 when they had sung the hymn went they out to Olivet \e When they had sung the hymn, they went out to Olivet. \v 27 \t Jesus sa til dem: "Dere skal alle vende dere fra meg, for det er \ps PN V Prep Pron Pron V Adj V Pron Prep Pron Prep Pron V \e1 Jesus said to them you will all fall you from me for it is \e Jesus said to them: "You all will fall you from me, for it is \co Observe that I do not enter phrases like "sheep spread scattered" in the lexicon because I assume they happen only a couple of times in the whole NT. \t skrevet: Jeg vil slå hyrden ned, så hjorden blir spredt. \ps Adj Pron V V N Adv Conj N V V \e1 written I will strike the shepherd down so the sheep spread scattered \e written: I will strike the shepherd down, so the sheep spread scattered. \v 28 \t Men etter at jeg er oppstått, \ps Conj Conj V V \e1 but after I am risen \e But after I am risen, \t skal jeg gå i forveien for dere til Galilea." \ps V Pron V Prep Pron Prep PN \e1 will I go ahead of you to Galilee \e I will go ahead of you to Galilee." \v 29 \t Da sa Peter: "Om så alle vender seg fra deg, skal ikke jeg \ps Conj V PN Conj Adj V ReflPron Prep Pron V Neg Pron \e1 then said Peter even though all fall himself from you will no I \e Then said Peter: "Even though all fall himself from you, I will not \t gjøre det." \ps V Pron \e1 do it \e do it." \v 30 \t Jesus svarte: "Sannelig, jeg sier deg: I denne natt, før hanen galer \ps PN V Adv Pron V Pron Adv Conj N V \e1 Jesus replied truly I tell you tonight before the cock crows \e Jesus replied: "Truly, I tell you: Tonight, before the cock crows \t to ganger, skal du fornekte meg tre ganger." \ps Num N V Pron V Pron Num N \e1 two times will you deny me three times \e two times, you will deny me three times." \v 31 \t Men Peter forsikret: "Om jeg så skal dø med deg, vil jeg ikke \ps Conj PN V Prep Pron Conj V V Prep Pron V Pron Neg \e1 but Peter insisted on I as will die with you will I no \e But Peter insisted: "Even if I will die with you will I no \co Observe that the wrong result below comes because the rules do not see sentence boundaries. There is no easy way to prevent this, but it can be corrected by breaking the line at the sentence boundary and readapting the two pieces. (Note that in order to break the line below, you must push the word "it" over to line up with "Det" so that every line will have a word starting in that column. You can push the word over by putting the cursor in front of it and pressing spaces.) \t fornekte deg!" Det samme sa de alle. \ps V Pron Pron N V \e1 deny you it same they all said \e you deny it same they all said. \v 32 \t De kom til et sted som heter Getsemane. Da sa han til \ps Pron V Prep Det N V N Conj V Prep \e1 they came to a place called Gethsemane then he said to \e They came to a place called Gethsemane. Then he said to \t disiplene: "Sett dere her mens jeg ber!" \ps N V Pron Adv Conj Pron V \e1 the disciples sit you here while I pray \e the disciples: "You sit here while I pray!" \v 33 \t Så tok han med seg Peter, Jakob og Johannes. \ps VP Prep ReflPron PN N Conj PN \e1 then he took with himself Peter James and John \e Then he took with himself Peter, James and John. \t Han ble grepet av angst og gru, \ps VP V Prep N Conj N \e1 he was siezed of fear and dread \e He was siezed of fear and dread, \v 34 \t og han sa til dem: "Min sjel er tynget til døden av sorg. \ps Conj Pron V Prep Pron Poss N V Adj PrepP PrepP \e1 and he said to them my soul is overwhelmed to death with sorrow \e and he said to them: "My soul is overwhelmed to death with sorrow. \t Bli her og våk!" \ps V Adv Conj V \e1 stay here and watch \e Stay here and watch!" \v 35 \t Han gikk fram et lite stykke, kastet seg til jorden og bad \ps Pron V Adv PrepP V ReflPron Prep N Conj V \e1 he went on a little way cast himself to the ground and prayed \e He went on a little way, cast himself to the ground and prayed \t at timen måtte gå ham forbi, om det var mulig. \ps Conj N V VP Prep Pron V Adv \e1 that the hour might go from him on it was possible \e that the hour might go from him, if it was possible. \v 36 \co Observe that I have left "Abba" out of the lexicon because it can be allowed to pass through directly. The failure mark in the part of speech line is evidence that it was not in the lexicon. \t Han sa: "Abba, Far! Alt er mulig for deg. \ps Pron V *** N N V Adv Prep Pron \e1 he said Abba Father everything is possible for you \e He said: "Abba, Father! Everything is possible for you. \t Ta dette beger fra meg! \ps V Dem N Prep Pron \e1 take this cup from me \e Take this cup from me! \t Men ikke som jeg vil, bare som du vil." \ps Conj PrepP Pron V Adv Conj Pron V \e1 but not as I will only as you will \e But not as I will, only as you will." \v 37 \t Da han kom tilbake og fant dem sovende, sa han til Peter: "Simon, \ps Conj Pron V Adv Conj V Pron V V Prep PN PN \e1 when he came back and found them sleeping he said to Peter Simon \e When he came back and found them sleeping, he said to Peter: "Simon, \t du sover? Klarte du ikke å våke en eneste time? \ps Pron V V Pron V V N N \e1 you sleep could you not watch only one hour \e you sleep? Could you not watch only one hour? \v 38 \t Våk og be om at dere ikke må komme i fristelse! \ps V Conj V Pron V V PrepP \e1 watch and pray that you may not come into temptation \e Watch and pray that you may not come into temptation! \t Ånden er villig, men menneskenaturen er svak." \ps N V Adj Conj N V Adj \e1 the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak \e The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." \v 39 \t Så gikk han bort på ny og bad med de samme ord. \ps Conj VP Adv Adv Conj V Prep Pron N N \e1 so he went away again and prayed with they same words \e So he went away again and prayed with the same words. \v 40 \t Da han kom tilbake, fant han dem igjen sovende, for øynene deres \ps Conj Pron V Adv VP Pron Adv V Prep N \e1 when he came back he found them again sleeping for their eyes \e When he came back, he found them again sleeping, for their eyes \t var tunge av søvn. Og de visste ikke hva de skulle svare ham. \ps VP Conj Pron V Pron Pron Aux V Pron \e1 were heavy with sleep and they did not know what they could answer him \e were heavy with sleep. And they did not know what they could answer him. \v 41 \t Han kom til dem for tredje gang og sa: \ps Pron V Prep Pron Prep Adj N Conj V \e1 he came to them for third time and said \e He came to them for third time and said: \t "Dere sover og hviler fremdeles? Nå er det avgjort. Timen er kommet. \ps Pron V Conj V Adv Adv VP N V V \e1 you sleep and rest still now it is enough the hour is come \e "You sleep and rest still? Now it is enough. The hour is come. \t Menneskesønnen skal overgis i synderes hender. \ps N V Poss N \e1 the Son of Man will be betrayed into sinner's hands \e The Son of Man will be betrayed into sinner's hands. \v 42 \t Stå opp, la oss gå! \ps V Adv V Pron V \e1 stand up let us go \e Stand up, let us go! \t Han som forråder meg, er nær." \ps Pron Conj V Pron V Adj \e1 he as betrays me is near \e He that betrays me, is near." \v 43 \t I det samme, mens han ennå talte, kom Judas, en av de tolv, og \ps Adv Conj Pron Adv V V N PrepP Pron Num Conj \e1 immediately while he still spoke came Judas one of they twelve and \e Immediately, while he still spoke, came Judas, one of the twelve, and \t med ham en flokk som var væpnet med sverd og stokker; de kom \ps Prep Pron Det N Conj V Adj Prep N Conj N Pron V \e1 with him a crowd as was armed with swords and spears they came \e with him a crowd that was armed with swords and spears; they came \t fra overprestene, de skriftlærde og de eldste. \ps Prep N Pron N Conj Pron N \e1 from the chief priests they the scribes and they the elders \e from the chief priests, the scribes and the elders. \v 44 \t Forræderen hadde avtalt et tegn med dem: \ps Adv V V Det N Prep Pron \e1 beforehand had arranged a sign with them \e Beforehand had arranged a sign with them: \t "Den jeg kysser, han er det. \ps Num Pron V VP \e1 one I kiss he is the one \e "One I kiss, he is the one. \t Grip ham og før ham bort med sikker vakt." \ps V Pron Conj VP Prep Adj N \e1 arrest him and lead him away with sure guard \e Arrest him and lead him away with sure guard." \v 45 \t Og da han kom, gikk han med en gang bort til Jesus og sa: \ps Conj Conj Pron V VP AdvP Prep PN Conj V \e1 and when he came he went immediately to Jesus and said \e And when he came, he went immediately to Jesus and said: \t "Rabbi!" og kysset ham. \ps *** Conj V Pron \e1 Rabbi and kissed him \e "Rabbi!" and kissed him. \v 46 \t Så la de hånd på ham og tok ham til fange. \ps Conj VP Pron Conj V Pron N \e1 so they laid hands on him and took him prisoner \e So they laid hands on him and took him prisoner. \v 47 \t En av dem som stod sammen med ham, drog da sverdet og hogg etter \ps PrepP Pron Conj V Adv Prep Pron V Conj N Conj V \e1 one of them as came together with him drew then the sword and struck \e One of them that came together with him, drew then the sword and struck \t øversteprestens tjener, så øret ble kuttet av. \ps Poss N Conj N VP \e1 the high priest's servant so the ear was cut off \e the high priest's servant, so the ear was cut off. \v 48 \t Da sa Jesus til dem: "Dere har rykket ut med sverd og stokker \ps Conj V PN Prep Pron N V Adv Prep N Conj N \e1 then said Jesus to them you have come out with swords and spears \e Then said Jesus to them: "You have come out with swords and spears \t for å gripe meg, som om jeg var en røver. \ps Prep V Pron Conj Prep Pron V Det N \e1 to catch me as on I was a robber \e to catch me, as if I was a robber. \v 49 \t Dag etter dag var jeg hos dere og underviste på tempelplassen, men \ps N Adv N V Pron Prep Pron Conj V PrepP Conj \e1 day after day was I with you and teaching in the temple but \e Day after day I was with you and teaching in the temple, but \t da grep dere meg ikke! Men slik skulle skriftene oppfylles." \ps Conj V Pron Pron Neg Conj Adv Aux N V \e1 then arrested you me no but just could the Scriptures be fulfilled \e then you arrested me not! But just could the Scriptures be fulfilled." \v 50 \t Da forlot alle ham og flyktet. \ps Conj V Adj Pron Conj V \e1 then forsook all him and fled \e Then all forsook him and fled. \v 51 \t En ung mann var i følge med Jesus; han hadde bare et linklede \ps Num Adj N V V PN Pron V Adv Det N \e1 a young man was following Jesus he had only a linen cloth \e A young man was Jesus following he had only a linen cloth \t om seg. De grep ham, \ps Prep ReflPron Pron V Pron \e1 on himself they arrested him \e on himself. They arrested him, \v 52 \t men han gjorde seg fri fra linkledet og flyktet naken bort. \ps Conj Pron VP Prep N Conj V Adj Adv \e1 but he freed himself from the linen cloth and fled naked away \e but he freed himself from the linen cloth and fled away naked. \v 53 \t De førte så Jesus til øverstepresten, og alle overprestene, \ps Pron V Conj PN Prep N Conj Adj N \e1 they led so Jesus to the high priest and all the chief priests \e They led so Jesus to the high priest, and all the chief priests, \t de eldste og de skriftlærde kom sammen. \ps Pron N Conj Pron N V Adv \e1 they the elders and they the scribes came together \e the elders and the scribes came together. \v 54 \t Men Peter fulgte etter, langt bak Jesus, helt inn på gårdsplassen \ps Conj PN V Adv Adv Prep PN Adv Prep N \e1 but Peter followed after far behind Jesus right into the courtyard \e But Peter followed after, far behind Jesus, right into the courtyard \t hos øverstepresten. Der satte han seg ned blant vaktene og \ps Prep N Adv VP Adv Prep N Conj \e1 with the high priest there he sat down among the guards and \e with the high priest. There he sat down among the guards and \t varmet seg ved bålet. \ps V ReflPron Prep N \e1 warmed himself by the fire \e warmed himself by the fire. \v 55 \t Overprestene og hele Rådet prøvde å skaffe vitnesbyrd \ps N Conj Adj N V Prep V N \e1 the chief priests and whole the Sanhedrin tried to find testimony \e The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin tried to find testimony \t mot Jesus, så de kunne få ham dømt til døden; \ps Prep PN Conj Pron V V Pron V PrepP \e1 against Jesus so they could have him condemned to death \e against Jesus, so they could have him condemned to death; \t men de fant ikke noe. \ps Conj Pron V N \e1 but they found nothing \e but they found nothing. \v 56 \t Mange vitnet falskt mot ham, \ps N V Adv Prep Pron \e1 many witnessed falsely against him \e Many witnessed falsely against him, \t men deres vitnesbyrd stemte ikke overens: \ps Conj Poss N VP \e1 but their testimony did not agree \e but their testimony did not agree: \v 57 \t Da stod noen fram og kom med dette falske vitnesbyrdet mot ham: \ps Conj VP Conj V Dem Adj N Prep Pron \e1 then some came and gave this false testimony against him \e Then some came and gave this false testimony against him: \v 58 \t "Vi har hørt ham si: Jeg skal rive ned dette templet som er gjort \ps VP V Pron V Pron V V Adv Dem N RelP V \e1 we have heard him say I will tear down this temple who is done \e "We have heard him say: I will tear down this temple who is done \t med hender, og på tre dager bygge et annet som ikke er gjort \ps Prep N Conj Prep Num N V N VP V \e1 with hands and during three days build another that is not done \e with hands, and during three days build another that is not done \t med hender." \ps Prep N \e1 with hands \e with hands." \v 59 \t Men heller ikke her stemte deres vitnesbyrd overens. \ps Conj Adv V Poss N N \e1 but not even here agreed their testimony each other \e But not even here agreed their testimony each other. \v 60 \t Da reiste øverstepresten seg, steg fram og spurte Jesus: "Har du \ps Conj V N ReflPron V Conj V PN N \e1 then raised the high priest himself stood up and asked Jesus have you \e Then raised the high priest himself, stood up and asked Jesus: "Have you \t ikke noe å si til det de anklager deg for?" \ps N Prep V Prep Pron Pron V Pron Prep \e1 nothing to say to it they accuse you for \e nothing to say to what they accuse you for?" \v 61 \t Men han tidde og svarte ikke et ord. Igjen spurte øverstepresten: \ps Conj Pron V Conj VP Adv V N \e1 but he was silent and did not answer again asked the high priest \e But he was silent and did not answer. Again asked the high priest: \t "Er du Messias, Den Høylovedes Sønn?" \ps N N Adj N \e1 are you the Messiah the Blessed One's son \e "Are you The Messiah, The Blessed One's Son?" \v 62 \t Jesus svarte: "Jeg er det. Og dere skal få se Menneskesønnen sitte \ps PN V V Pron Conj Pron V N V \e1 Jesus replied I am it and you will see the Son of Man sit \e Jesus replied: "I am it. And you will see The Son of Man sit \t ved Kraftens høyre hånd og komme med himmelens skyer." \ps Prep N Adj N Conj V Prep N PrepP \e1 by the Mighty One's right hand and come with the clouds of the sky \e by The Mighty One's right hand and come with the clouds of the sky." \v 63 \t Da flerret øverstepresten kappen sin og sa: \ps Conj V N N Conj V \e1 then tore the high priest his clothes and said \e Then tore the high priest his clothes and said: \t "Hva skal vi nå med vitner? \ps Pron V Pron Adv Prep N \e1 what will we now with witnesses \e "What will we now with witnesses? \v 64 \t Dere har hørt gudsbespottelsen. Hva mener dere?" \ps N V N N \e1 you have heard the blasphemy what do you think \e You have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?" \t Alle fant ham skyldig til å dø. \ps Adj V Pron Adj Prep V \e1 all found him guilty to die \e All found him guilty to die. \v 65 \t Da gav noen seg til å spytte på ham, \ps Conj V Prep V Pron \e1 then some began to spit at him \e Then some began to spit at him, \t og de dekket til ansiktet hans, slo ham med knyttnevene og sa: \ps Conj Pron V N V Pron Prep N Conj V \e1 and they covered his face hit him with the fists and said \e and they covered his face, hit him with the fists and said: \t "Nå kan du profetere!" Og vaktene slo ham i ansiktet. \ps Adv V Pron V Conj N V Pron Adv \e1 now can you prophesy and the guards hit him also \e "Now can you prophesy!" And the guards hit him also. \v 66 \t Imens var Peter nede på gårdsplassen. En av tjenestepikene hos \ps Conj V PN Adv PrepP PrepP N \e1 while was Peter below in the courtyard one of the servant girls of \e While was Peter below in the courtyard. One of the servant girls of \t øverstepresten kom forbi, \ps N V Adv \e1 the high priest came by \e the high priest came by, \v 67 \t og da hun fikk se Peter som satt og varmet seg, \ps Conj Conj Pron V PN Conj V Conj V ReflPron \e1 and when she saw Peter as sat and warmed himself \e and when she saw Peter that sat and warmed himself, \t stirret hun på ham og sa: \ps PrepP Pron Conj V \e1 she looked closely at him and said \e she looked closely at him and said: \t "Også du var med denne nasareeren Jesus." \ps Adv N Prep Dem N PN \e1 also you were with this Nazarene Jesus \e "Also you were with this Nazarene Jesus." \v 68 \co Observe that the lack of punctuation before "I" comes from a rule that matched "Pron V Pron2" to override the subject inversion rule.. As mentioned before, rules are not aware of sentence boundaries. In this case the rule did not produce wrong word order, but it did shift the alignment of "I" so that it was not aligned with "Jeg" and did not pick up the punctuation from it. \t Men han nektet. "Jeg fatter og begriper ikke hva du snakker om," \ps Conj Pron V Pron V Conj V Neg Pron Pron V \e1 but he denied I know and understand no what you speak of \e But he denied I know and understand not what you speak of," \v 69 \t Men piken fikk øye på ham og begynte igjen å si til dem \ps Conj N V Pron Conj V Adv Prep V Prep Pron \e1 but the girl saw him and began again to say to them \e But the girl saw him and began again to say to them \t som stod omkring: "Han er en av dem." \ps Conj V Adj Pron V PrepP Pron \e1 as came standing he is one of them \e that came standing: "He is one of them." \v 70 \t Men han nektet på ny. Kort etter sa også de som stod der, til \ps Conj Pron V Adv Adv Adv V Adv Pron Conj V Adv Prep \e1 but he denied again soon after said also they as came there to \e But he denied again. Soon after said also they that came there, to \t Peter: "Visst er du en av dem. Du er jo galileer." \ps PN VP PrepP Pron VP N \e1 Peter surely you are one of them you are certainly Galilean \e Peter: "Surely you are one of them. You are certainly Galilean." \v 71 \t Men han gav seg til å banne og sverge: "Jeg kjenner ikke den \ps Conj Pron V ReflPron Prep V Conj V Pron VP \e1 but he gave himself to curse and swear I know not \e But he gave himself to curse and swear: "I know not \t mannen dere snakker om." \ps N Pron V \e1 the man you speak of \e the man you speak of." \v 72 \t I det samme gol hanen for annen gang. Da husket Peter \ps Adv V N Prep Adj N Conj V PN \e1 immediately crowed the cock for the second time then remembered Peter \e Immediately crowed the cock for the second time. Then remembered Peter \t det som Jesus hadde sagt til ham: "Før hanen galer to ganger, \ps Pron Conj PN V V Prep Pron Conj N V Num N \e1 it as Jesus had said to him before the cock crows two times \e it as Jesus had said to him: "Before the cock crows two times, \t skal du fornekte meg tre ganger." Og han brast i gråt. \ps V Pron V Pron Num N Conj Pron V \e1 will you deny me three times and he broke down and wept \e you will deny me three times." And he broke down and wept.