\_sh v3.0 114 Lexicon \lx a twink \e an eye \com Observe that a phrase can be substituted. That is one way to handle the difference between "a" and "an". \lx ben \e then \lx bess \e dress \lx Cince \e Prince \lx clindow \e window \lx clindows \e windows \lx cumpkin \e pumpkin \lx dag \e rag \lx dirk \e work \e dirk \lx dit \e fit \lx drancy \e fancy \lx drip \e slip \e drip \lx dripper \e slipper \e dripper \lx earl \e girl \e earl \lx earls \e girls \e earls \lx eyeling \e twinkling \lx fall \e ball \e fall \lx fess \e dress \lx fidn't \e didn't \lx flub \e scrub \e flub \lx fodmother \e godmother \lx gairy \e fairy \lx gelligible \e eligible \lx gritty \e pretty \e gritty \lx hice \e mice \lx hince \e prince \lx hive \e live \e hive \lx hived \e hived \e lived \lx kalace \e palace \lx kroclamation \e proclamation \lx lappily \e happily \lx micked \e wicked \lx moke \e stroke \lx morse \e horse \lx morses \e horses \lx pearl \e girl \e pearl \lx pearls \e girls \e pearls \lx pep \e step \e pep \lx peps \e steps \lx pine \e shine \e pine \lx ping \e king \e ping \lx poach \e coach \e poach \lx prance \e dance \lx pranced \e danced \lx pransome \e handsome \lx Prinderella \e Cinderella \lx Prinderella's \e Cinderella's \lx rirty \e dirty \lx scoor \e floor \lx scoors \e floors \lx shan \e pan \lx shans \e pans \lx shot \e pot \e shot \lx shots \e pots \e shots \lx sisty \e ugly \lx slop \e drop \e slop \lx slopped \e dropped \e slopped \lx sly \e try \e sly \lx slyed \e tried \lx stalace \e palace \lx stridnight \e midnight \lx thut \e but \lx twance \e once \lx twink \e eye \lx ugler \e sister \lx uglers \e sisters \lx wean \e clean \e wean \lx wepstother \e stepmother \lx wine \e time \e wine \lx wirty \e dirty