\_sh v3.0 557 MDF Lexical Fields \key aa \shd On-line Helps for MDF Lexical Database Standards \txt Ninety-seven records in this Helps file are keyed to their two-letter field marker codes, standardized by the Multi-Dictionary Formatter (MDF) program for lexical databases. Five new paradigm fields use three-letter field codes. To read about a particular field, simply search for the letter code of that marker, e.g. for the English gloss field (\ge), search for 'ge'. If a field is listed in a discussion, right-clicking on the field marker (option-click on the Macintosh) will jump you to that marker's topic. \txt Other pertinent topics are covered in this Helps database as well. To read these discussions simply search for (or jump to) them using the following labels: \cf Introduction Range_Sets \cf Order_of_Fields Character_Style_Codes \cf Summary_of_Fields Punctuation_and_Special_Codes \cf Sections_in_a_Lexical_Entry Field_Labels \cf Using_Subentries_or_Lexical_Entries Unknown_Fields \cf Alternate_Hierarchy Formatting_and_Printing \cf Free-form_Fields References \key Alternate_Hierarchy \shd A Sense-Oriented Hierarchy \txt The alternative hierarchy that MDF now supports differs from the standard hierarchy in its ordering of these three crucial field markers: \sn \se \ps. Their ordering can be outlined as follows: \ftx \lx lexeme \sn sense number \se subentry \ps part-of-speech \ps part-of-speech \se subentry \ps part-of-speech \ps part-of-speech \sn sense number \se subentry \ps part-of-speech \ps part-of-speech \se subentry \ps part-of-speech \ps part-of-speech \txt The main purpose of this alternate hierarchy is to allow the user to group or base subentries on a given sense. A simplified example of this would be: \ftx \lx adá \ge throw ; discard \sn 1 \de throw \se mongadá \ps vt \ge throw away ; discard \de throw something away; to discard \se iadá \ps vt \de throw something away \se paadá \mr po-adá \ps vCAUS \de drop \se puadá-adá \mr pu-adá-adá \ps v \de throw away (thoughtlessly or irresponsibly) \sn 2 \de divorce \se muadá \mr m-pu-adá \ps vREC \de divorce smb (lit. throw each other) \se puadá \mr pu-adá \ps vREC \de be divorced; separated (used for divorce and separation of man and wife) \sn 3 \de defecate \se paadá \ps vCAUS \de defecate \txt MDF would format this example (shown without the character styles here) as: \fxv adá throw, discard. 1) throw. mongadá vt. throw something away; to discard. iadá vt. throw something away. paadá Morf: po-adá. vCAUS. drop. puadá-adá v. throw away (thoughtlessly or irresponsibly). 2) divorce. muadá Morf: m-pu-adá. vREC. divorce smb (lit. throw each other). puadá Morf: pu-adá. vREC. be divorced; separated (used for divorce and separation of man and wife). 3) defecate. paadá vCAUS. defecate. \txt Note that by judiciously using the definition (\de) field you can give labels to the sense groupings. \txt This method of organization was urgently requested by people working in languages that were highly polymorphemic, because this hierarchy allows them to group complex polymorphemic lexemes together based on a sense (rather than stand alone -- as subentries do in the standard MDF hierarchy). \nt Currently MDF can only support one method of organization per lexical database. Therefore you must choose which hierarchical method will best meet your needs and use only that one method for all lexical entries in you dictionary. Mixing methods in Shoebox and MDF can produce inaccurate interlinear choices and browse views, as well as odd formatting in the output. \txt To help with the decision, note that there are advantages and disadvantages to using this alternate method: \nwt • One main advantage to this structure is that you can see all the related polymorphemic forms that carry a particular sense. \nwt • One disadvantage of this structure is that you do not readily see the actual range of senses that a particular polymorphemic form can express. \txt For important information on how MDF handles sections in a lexical entry as well as related information on the standard hierarchy, please see: \cf Sections_in_a_Lexical_Entry \txt For information on the order in which fields are formatted for printing, see: \cf Order_of_Fields \txt To continue on with the general discussion, jump to: \cf Using_Subentries_or_Lexical_Entries \ftx \key an \shd \an antonym \txt This field is used to reference an antonym of the lexeme, but using the \lf (lexical function) field for this is a better practice. \txt MDF adds the label "Ant: " to this field. \txt For more detailed information on this, see: \cf \sy synonym \cf \lf lexical function \typ \key bb \shd \bb bibliographic reference \txt This is used to record any bibliographic information pertinent to the lexeme. MDF adds the label 'Read:' to this field. \typ \key bw \shd \bw borrowed word \txt This is for denoting a borrowed word or the source language. There is no standard way such information should be encoded, but generally the following is most common: \ftx \bw Arabic \txt Which would print as: \fxv From: Arabic. \typ \key ce \shd \ce cross-reference (English gloss) \txt This gives the English gloss for the vernacular lexeme referenced by the preceding \cf field. \txt For more information, see: \cf \cf confer/cross-reference \txt Identical national and regional language gloss fields are: \cf \cn and \cr \typ \key cf \shd \cf confer/cross-reference \txt This is a generic reference marker used to link together any two related entries in the lexicon. For example, in Selaru, '-aswasw kaha' means 'high water mark' and needs to cross-reference 'manahma' (the entry for 'rising tide') and visa-versa. \txt The \cf field is bundled with the \ce, \cn, and \cr gloss fields, so this example would be encoded as: \ftx \cf manahma \ftx \ce rising tide \ftx \cn air naik \ftx \cr \txt and would print in a triglot dictionary as: \fxv See: manahma 'rising tide' 'air naik'. \txt Multiple cross reference bundles are concatenated by MDF with semicolons ';' as seen in: \ftx \cf manahma \ftx \ce rising tide \ftx \cn air naik \ftx \cr \ftx \cf mety2 \ftx \ce low tide \ftx \cn \ftx \cr \ftx \cf rean \ftx \ce high tide \ftx \cn \ftx \cr \txt This would be formatted by MDF in a diglot dictionary as: \fxv See: manahma 'rising tide'; mety2 'low tide'; rean 'high tide'. \txt (Note that actually the vernacular text is formatted as bold, and the '2' for the homonym number of 'mety' is subscripted by MDF, but these can't be displayed that way in Shoebox.) \txt One major short coming of using the cross-reference fields (rather than the lexical function fields) is that the semantic relationship between the two related lexemes is not made explicit. But it is often the case that a researcher will know there is some kind of relationship between two lexemes but is unclear as to the nature of that relationship. This is what the \cf field is good for. And once the relationship is determined, the cross-reference information could then be transferred to an \lf field bundle. \txt It is not uncommon for there to be many lexemes that are interrelated. This creates a myriad of cross-references, where each lexeme of a given type is cross-referenced to all other lexemes of that type. Adding new entries to the group can also be very tedious. A simple solution to this is to choose one lexeme as the focal point and have all other related lexemes refer only to that one. That focal lexeme will then contain a listing of all other lexemes in the group, by using either a series of \lf (lexical function) bundles, to describe the relationships between that focal lexeme and each of the other lexemes, or by using the \tb (table) field to make an actual list of the other lexemes and their meanings. \txt For more on grouping cross-references or mapping related lexemes, see: \cf \lf lexical function label \cf \tb table \txt For the English, national and regional glossing fields, see: \cf \ce, \cn and \cr \typ \key Character_Style_Codes \shd Character Style Codes \txt Character style codes can be used in any field (usually the information or discussion type fields) to uniquely mark the specific language of the text that you are discussing. For example, 'fv:' marks the following word as vernacular text: \ftx \ue This usage is a bit blunt. Most people don't say this directly, rather they refer to where they are going, e.g. fv:keta to refer to 'outside the village', but fv:-dai is used in familiar settings. \txt Character style codes are applied only to the following word. A space or any punctuation (except the '-') terminates the style. The style codes must be in lower case, and there must not be any space between the colon and the following word, e.g. \ftx fv:sabun is okay \ftx fv: sabun won't work (the fv: is treated as normal text) \txt Use the underline ( _ ) character to continue the style and link together words in a phrase, e.g. \ftx \ue In the phrase fv:Mala_sai_desy_de? there is a sense of anger or rudeness. \txt MDF will format this whole phrase with the vernacular character style (the underlined characters are converted to spaces). The question mark will not be included in the vernacular style. \txt Character codes should be placed with the word, inside parentheses, quotes, brackets, etc., otherwise the opening brackets will receive the character style along with the word. \shd2 Basic Language and Character Codes \ftx fv: (font--vernacular) \ftx fe: (font--English) \ftx fn: (font--national language) \ftx fr: (font--regional language) \ftx fs: (font--standard) \ftx fb: (font--bold) \ftx fi: (font--italic) \shd2 Other Character Codes \ftx uc: (underline character) \ftx ub: (underline--bold) \ftx ui: (underline--italic) \ftx sc: (underline a scientific name--not required in the \sc field) \txt The uc: code is able to detect which type of field it is used in. If the field is a vernacular field uc: will underline with bold characters (following the vernacular character style); if the field uses the national language, uc: will underline italic characters; and if the field uses English, uc: will underline normal characters (to follow the character style for English). If you want to specifically control the underlining character style, use ui: and ub:. \txt If you need to tweak your formatted dictionary or reversed finderlists and apply a character style where you had forgotten to place a code, simply use the same character style that MS-Word uses to format other such text (e.g. the vernacular font in MS-Word uses the "f_vernacular" style). Just be sure to also add the missing character style code in your lexical database too, otherwise you'll have to "tweak" the output every time. \shd2 Explicit Font Codes \txt To explicitly control the character style or font of any phrase, word, or part of word, use the underlying bar codes used by MDF. For example, to underline only a part of a word, use the |u bar code: \ftx \xv Aulopo|u{a} au lae weidu. \txt The |u{} underlines the bracketed character ('a') only. Note that the curly braces {} can contain any string of letters, numbers, spaces, or punctuation. \txt The complete list of explicit font codes follows: \ftx |fv{ } Vernacular font \ftx |fe{ } English font \ftx |fn{ } National font \ftx |fr{ } Regional font \ftx |fs{ } Standard font (for general punctuation) \ftx |fl{ } The font for field labels \ftx |fb{ } Bold font \ftx |fi{ } Italic font \txt Also supported are the older style codes for these, but you must used |r to turn off the style: \ftx |b Bold font \ftx |i Italic font \ftx |r Return to regular font \txt Note: MDF does not support compound use of these, e.g. "|b|i .... |r", in fact, this kind of use will mess up the formatting. For this reason, you are encouraged to use the new codes. \txt Underlining is more complex and so provides the following: \ftx |u{ } General underlined character font (as shown above) \ftx |uc{ } Specific regular underlined character font \ftx |ub{ } Specific underlined, bold font \ftx |ui{ } Specific underlined, italic font \txt To format a homonym number in a discussion field you can use the explicit code: \ftx |hm{ } Homonym number font \txt For example: \ftx \ec This lexeme is now a homonym with fv:asw|hm{1} 'dog' because proto *l ~ s in Selaru resulting in a loss of contrast. \nt If you choose to use these explicit style codes, you must not forget the closing brace ' } '. If you do, the rest of the field will be considered a part of the specified font! \txt To continue with the general discussion, jump to: \cf Punctuation_and_Special_Codes \ftx \key cn \shd \cn cross-reference (national gloss) \txt This gives the national language gloss for the vernacular lexeme referenced by the preceding \cf field. \txt For more information, see: \cf \cf confer/cross-reference \txt Identical English and regional language gloss fields are: \cf \ce and \cr \typ \key cr \shd \cr cross-reference (regional gloss) \txt This gives the regional language gloss for the vernacular lexeme referenced by the preceding \cf field. MDF formats the \cr field with quotes inside square brackets. \txt For more information, see: \cf \cf confer/cross-reference \txt Identical English and national language gloss fields are: \cf \ce and \cn \typ \key de \shd \de definition (English) \txt This field is used to fully express the semantic domains of each sense of a lexeme in English. For related information, see: \cf \ge gloss (English) \shd2 Hint \txt If an entry has many English glosses, none of which are vitally important to differentiate while glossing texts, give only one gloss in the \ge field (to simplify interlinearizing) and then give all of the glosses in the \de and \re fields. When the dictionary is formatted, the \de field will be used and the \ge field will be discarded. Also, because there are \re fields, the \ge field will be ignored for reversing the database. \txt For example, the Indonesian morpheme '-nya' means 'his' 'hers' or 'its', but for glossing '3sPOS' may be adequate (if not preferable), but '3sPOS' is awkward for both a dictionary printout and an entry in a reversed English finderlist. So, do something like this: \ftx \ge 3sPOS \ftx \re his ; hers ; its \ftx \de his, hers, its \txt This will simplify interlinearizing by keeping Shoebox from asking which gloss ('his', 'hers', or 'its') is appropriate for each occurrence of '-nya' in a text, and yet will allow your lexical database to be more complete in its description of the meaning or semantic domain of the lexeme. \txt Identical vernacular, national and regional fields are: \cf \dv, \dn, and \dr \txt Closely related fields are: \cf \ue, \oe, and \ee \typ \key dn \shd \dn definition (national) \txt This field is used to fully express the semantic domains of each sense of a lexeme in the national language. \txt For more information, see "Hint" under: \cf \de definition English \txt See also: \cf \gn gloss national \txt For the related definition fields, see: \cf \dv, \de, and \dr \txt Closely related national language fields are: \cf \un, \on, and \en \typ \key dr \shd \dr definition (regional) \txt Often early in the project the definitions we receive are actually in the regional language, not the national language; such definitions could be stored here. \txt If this field is included in the output, MDF adds a label and brackets "[ ]" around it and it is treated as part of the national field. \txt For more information, see "Hint" under: \cf \de definition (English) \txt See also: \cf \gr gloss (regional) \txt For the related definition fields, see: \cf \dv, \de, and \dn \txt Closely related regional language fields are: \cf \ur, \or, and \er \typ \key dt \shd \dt datestamp \txt A Shoebox field to help you keep track of the last time you edited an entry. There need only be one of these in a record (usually the last field) and is usually inserted automatically by Shoebox. The field is set up under the Shoebox menu option: Database-Properties-Options tab. The field marker must be defined first before it can be selected as the datestamp field. \nt This field does not normally print. \typ \key dv \shd \dv definition (vernacular) \txt This is the hardest of all fields to fill in, because it requires the researcher to explain, in the vernacular, what the salient concepts are (i.e. the domain) that this "unit of meaning" captures -- from a native speaker's perspective. Obviously not easy and something usually left to much later. \txt For the related definition fields, see: \cf \de, \dn, and \dr \txt This field is also used for creating a monolingual dictionary. For related monolingual fields, see: \cf \gv, \uv, \ov, and \ev \typ \key ec \shd \ec etymology-comment \txt Any comments the researcher needs to add concerning the etymology of the lexeme can be given here. \txt For more information, see: \cf \et \nt This field does not normally print. \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key ee \shd \ee encyclopedic information (English) \txt A field researcher has an incredible opportunity to assimilate intuitive knowledge of the language and culture of the people with whom he/she works. This type of information is invaluable to others who have no access to the language area (or at least no extended contact with the language community). \txt This knowledge is often never codified. Now Shoebox provides a simple means by which a researcher can "put on paper" this kind of information. Once added, the lexical database becomes more than a "dictionary" but a "knowledge-base" of the language. \txt This field crosses over with the \de, \ue, and \oe fields, but is intended for more verbose explanations of the lexeme (headword, subentry or sense). Basically, the researcher should use this field to encode any additional information needed by a non-native speaker to understand and use this lexeme properly. For example, the lexeme "hatw" (in Selaru) can be described with the following fields: \ftx \de a fired, earthen, baking form used for making fv:skyerker \ftx \ee Often today this is replaced by a cast iron griddle, much like a waffle iron, which is frequently found in the shape of four hearts. \txt MDF does not add any label to this field, but simply formats it as entered. \shd2 Tip \txt Since MDF does not format or add any label to this field, you can actually use this field to include additional information about a lexical entry which is not handled by any of the other fields that MDF supports. You can even add your own label to this information. It's not pretty, but it works. For example, if you wanted to create a new field to keep track of the weather (a hypothetical example to be sure), you could enter your observations thus: \ftx \ee |fl{Weather: }The sun is hot with scattered showers expected. \txt The special character code " |fl{ }" tells MDF that the data contained in the curly braces needs to be formatted as a label. The rest of the field is treated just like a normal encyclopedic field. \nt Note: Using the encyclopedic fields in this manner should not be a common practice, as this will make it impossible for Shoebox or any other program to know exactly what kind of data is contained in your encyclopedic fields. But in a pinch, it does allow for this kind of flexibility. \txt Identical national and regional language fields are: \cf \en and \er \txt Related fields include: \cf \de, \ue, and \oe \txt For more on special character formatting codes, see: \cf Character_Style_Codes \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key eg \shd \eg etymology-gloss \txt The published gloss for the etymological reference is given here. \txt For more information, see: \cf \et \typ \key en \shd \en encyclopedic information (national) \txt The national language equivalent to the \ee field. This field should cover information that provides a more complete knowledge-base on the lexeme. \txt For more information, see: \cf \ee \txt Closely related fields are: \cf \dn, \un, and \on \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key er \shd \er encyclopedic information (regional) \txt The regional language equivalent to the \ee field. This field should cover information that provides a more complete knowledge-base on the lexeme. \txt MDF adds the brackets "[ ]" around this field. If included in the output, it is treated as part of the national field. \txt For more information, see: \cf \ee \txt Closely related fields are: \cf \dr, \ur, and \or \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key es \shd \es etymology-source \txt The reference or source abbreviation for etymology of the lexeme is given here. \txt For more information, see: \cf \et \nt This field does not normally print. \typ \key et \shd \et etymology \txt The etymology for the lexeme is put here, e.g.: \ftx \et *babuy \txt This field is bundled with the following fields: \cf \eg etymology-gloss \cf \es etymology-source [doesn't print normally] \cf \ec etymology-comment [doesn't print normally] \txt A full example would be: \ftx \et *ha[ñ]seng \ftx \eg breathe loudly \ftx \es PANDYMC \ftx \ec *s > /h/? Not a likely cognate. \txt Which would print as either: \fxv *ha[ñ]seng 'breathe loudly'. \txt Or: \fxv *ha[ñ]seng 'breathe loudly' PANDYMC (*s > /h/? Not a likely cognate.) \txt Depending on whether you have changed the default MDF settings to include the \es and \ec fields or not. \nt You must explicitly include the asterisk (*) if you want it printed. The print tables will not add it. \typ \key ev \shd \ev encyclopedic information (vernacular) \txt This field contains the vernacular description of any pertinent encyclopedic information related to the lexeme or headword, subentry, or sense. This is intended for use in a monolingual dictionary, but can be used in diglot and triglot dictionaries as well. \txt For more information, see: \cf \ee \txt Related fields are: \cf \gv, \dv, \ov, \uv \typ \key Field_Labels \shd Field Labels \txt MDF adds field labels to many of the fields as it formats your lexicon for printing. These labels are explicitly noted in the discussion of each of the field markers. Until now it was difficult to change these labels, but MDF now allows for these field labels to be changed for either English or National audiences. \txt By default, MDF uses the following two CC tables to make the label substitutions: \ftx MDF_eng.cct (for English labels) \ftx MDF_inz.cct (for national (Indonesian)language labels) \txt MDF also comes with CC tables for French and Spanish: \ftx MDF_frn.cct (for French labels) \ftx MDF_spn.cct (for Spanish labels) \txt These CC tables are installed into the MDF folder, just under the Shoebox program folder. \nt For MDF to work properly, all of MDF's CC tables need to be copied to your Projects folder. (This is the folder where you keep your project (PRJ) files, langauge (LNG) files, and database type (TYP) files.) \txt Try one of these "canned" CC tables first, if these won't meet your needs, you can edit them so that they put on the exact labels that you need. \nt These files are specified in the File-Export-MDF-Options-Audience dialog box. \txt To change a field label: \ftx 1. IMPORTANT: First, using File Manager or Explorer, to copy the CCT file you want to change to a new filename. \ftx 2. Next open the new CCT file in Notepad. \ftx 3. At the end of this file you will find a section marked as "group(gLabel)"; under here are all of the field labels that MDF adds to the beginning of fields. The following are a few of the label-changing lines from one of these files: "Ant:" > "Lawan:" c \an Antonym "Read:" > "Baca:" c \bb Bibliography "From:" > "Pinjaman:" c \bw Borrowed word (loan) \ftx 4. Carefully change each label in the "Lawan:" column that needs changing. Be careful you do NOT delete the " marks! \ftx 5. Save the file to the new name (be careful that Notepad doesn't stick on a .TXT extension on the file --if it does, rename it). \ftx 6. Now go back to Shoebox and the MDF Export-Options-Audience box to give the name of the new CC table you created. \txt In these CC tables there is also options for making consistent changes to your lexical function (\lf) labels, part of speech (\ps) labels, and paradigm form (\pdl) labels. This allows you to keep your Range Sets labels for these all in one language, but when the dictionary is printed for another audience, the labels are changed appropriately. \txt For a detailed description of the MDF formatting process, see: \cf Formatting_and_Printing \txt For related information on how MDF can also substitute Range Set labels, see: \cf Range_Sets \txt To continue with the general discussion, jump to: \cf Unknown_Fields \ftx \key Formatting_and_Printing \shd Formatting and Printing Your Dictionary and Finderlists \txt So your lexicon is ready, and you want to print it. This assumes you've set up the database to be an MDF type database (check the box in Database-Properties-Options labeled "Multi-Dictionary Formatter"). \txt To format your lexicon, choose "Multi-Dictionary Formatter" from the File-Export menu. Here you will be able to select the intended audience (either English or national), the format (diglot, triglot, or a reversal finderlist), specify text for the footer for each of these choices, select a filter (to limit the formatted document to a smaller set of records), and specify whether you want Word opened automatically (for Windows users). \txt This dialog box also has an Options button which will allow you to set the basic parameters MDF uses to create the formatted dictionary or finderlists. These options include selecting specific fields to include or exclude and some basic page formatting. \txt Clicking OK gives you a chance to specify a filename and location for the new document. Clicking OK again starts the whole process. MDF goes through several steps to format the document (detailed below). The final product is a Rich Text Format (RTF) file. \txt If you requested that Word open automatically, then Word will open and load the resulting formatted RTF document. It will look a bit funny at this point, because it needs its styles to be updated by the document template. To do this, select "Finish exporting from Shoebox" from the Tools menu. The Word macro will complete several finishing touches to the document. Once it is done, the document is ready for printing (unless you will be tweaking the table fields, etc.). \shd2 The Formatting Steps from Start to Finish \txt The following charts give the actual formatting steps the lexical database goes through and what Consistent Change Table files are used at each step in the process of becoming a formatted RTF document. \hd1 The MDF Exporting Process \shd A. The Exporting Steps \shd2 1. Filter records \txt Shoebox filters the database records according to the "Filter records:" dropdown list in the export Multi-Dictionary Formatter dialog box. \nt Note: \txt This is independent of the filtering (and sorting) settings of the active database window. \shd2 2a. Selecting fields - Dictionary \txt a. Shoebox unconditionally excludes any field from the formatting process, independent of any other option, if its marker is in the Excluded list in the Select Fields dialog box (to see which fields are excluded, under Options, in the Multi-Dictionary Formatter dialog box, click on Select Fields to be Excluded). \txt b. Fields are then conditionally included or excluded by MDF according to the Audience and Format radio buttons and the Include ... check boxes (under Options). The MDFDICT1.CCT change table does the conditional selection for the dictionary process and writes its output to a temporary file. \nt New in version 3.09: \txt You can choose whether or not to include the regional fields when you select a national audience (the default is no). \shd2 2b. Selecting fields - Finderlist \txt Fields are conditionally included or excluded according to the Audience and Format radio buttons and the Include part of speech check box (under Options). The MDFLIST1.CCT change table does the conditional selection for the finderlist process and writes its output to a temporary file. \shd2 3a. Sorting a dictionary \txt MDF causes Shoebox to read the temporary file and sort a dictionary by: \shd3 a. \lc and \hm \nwt if "Sort by \lc citation form" is checked (under Options). This is the default. \nt Note: \nwt MDF copies \lx to \lc, if there's no \lc field in a record. If \lc and \lx have different language encodings (e.g. one's in a non-Roman script and the other's a Romanized transliteration), then every record must have an \lc field for correct sorting. \shd3 b. \lx and \hm \nwt if "Sort by \lc citation form" is unchecked. \shd2 3b. Sorting a finderlist \txt MDF sorts a finderlist by: \shd3 a. \re and \ps \nwt if the Audience is English \shd3 b. \rn, \ps, and \pn \nwt if the Audience is National \nt Note: \nwt The conditional field selection in MDFLIST1.CCT will use \ge and \gn gloss fields if there are no \re or \rn fields. If entries in a dictionary or finderlist aren't ordered correctly, check that the default Sort Order Properties in the language encodings for the markers listed above are correct. \nwt MDF starts a new section in the dictionary or finderlist with a new letter heading whenever the primary sorting group of the first non-"ignore" character of a headword changes. Therefore, a rule of thumb is that each line in the "Primary characters" edit box will correspond to a section. \shd2 4a. Formatting - Dictionary \txt Formatting the dictionary is done by the MDFDICT2.CCT change table file. \nt Note: \nwt A new section or "formatting unit" begins at the \lx, \se, \ps, \pn, and \sn markers. \shd3 a. Fields are stored and output in the standard order. \nt New in version 3.09: \nwt For the national audience, national (and regional, if included) fields are now output before the English fields (in a triglot) for all sets of related fields. For more on the output order, see: \cf Order_of_Fields \shd3 b. Labels and punctuation added \nwt Labels and punctuation are added at the beginning and end of data fields, and between fields that occur more than once. See step 5 below for how to change these labels. \shd2 4b. Formatting - Finderlist \txt Formatting a finderlist is done by the MDFLIST2.CCT change table file. \shd3 a. Multiple reversal items are merged into a single entry \shd3 b. Labels and punctuation are added \shd2 5. Changing labels for the audience \nt New in version 3.09: \txt Now you can translate the contents of the Range-Set-like fields: \lf, \pdl, and \ps. The formatting change tables MDFDICT2.CCT and MDFLIST2.CCT (from step 4 above) only output standard English labels. Four change tables are provided to change these labels: \nwt mdf_eng.cct - English mdf_frn.cct - French mdf_inz.cct - Bahasa Indonesia mdf_spn.cct - Spanish \nt Note: \txt If your national language isn't included, you should copy the MDF3_ENG.CCT file to a new name, and then edit the new file according to the instruction given in the comments marked with *** within the file. \txt To select a different change table for the labels for an English or national audience, click on Options, then Audience. \nt Note: \txt MDF expects to find all of the change tables it needs inside your Project folder (these include all the ones mentioned above). If you make a new CC table for your national language labels, be sure it resides inside your Project folder too. \shd2 6. Converting the formatted database to a Rich Text Format document \shd3 a. A special database type determines the marker-to-style conversion \txt MDF uses the file MDF_RTF.TYP, a special database type file, to determine the marker-to-style conversions required to go from the database markers to the styles in the RTF document. \nt Note: \txt You can't export using MDF unless this file is in your Project folder. If it isn't there, you must exit Shoebox, and copy it from the MDF folder under your Shoebox program folder over to your Project folder. (You must exit Shoebox, copy the file, and then restart Shoebox for this to work--Shoebox only checks for database type files when it first starts.) \txt The reason for using a different database type (than the one you use for your lexical database file) is that the formatting step (step 4 above) adds some markers that don't belong in your database file. Also, the RTF type file retains a carefully controlled list of the marker field names. This is significant, because they are the connection between the formatted database and the actual style names found in the Word document templates. If this list of field names were changed or corrupted, the document templates would no longer work with the formatted RTF files. \shd3 b. MDF writes a Rich Text Format file \txt MDF writes a Rich Text Format file converting all of the formatting done to the database file over to an RTF document. MDF also formats this new document with the page and section specifications you chose in the Page Setup dialog box. \nt New in version 3.09: \txt To change the column specifications, use the Section tab, under Page Setup. \shd3 c. Matching the RTF file with the document template \txt The resulting RTF document has a template pre-selected. You determine which template is used by select whether the export is for an English or a National Audience. You can change which template is used here by clicking on Audience..., under the Options button. The default files are: MDF_E.DOT and MDF_N.DOT, and they should be either in your Project folder, or in the folder where the rest of your Word templates are. \txt If you wish to make changes to these templates, it is best to copy them to new file names first, and then modify the copies. (Be sure to tell MDF the names of the new DOT files via the Options-Audience dialog box.) \txt Except for document and section formatting, you define ALL the formatting for the printed dictionary or finderlist via style attributes in these templates. \shd B. Importing to Word and Printing \shd2 1. Open the RTF file in Word \txt If you checked "Automatically open document in word processor", Shoebox causes Word to automatically open the exported document (if you have Word installed on your computer and associated with RTF files); otherwise you must open the RTF file in Word yourself. \shd2 2. Finish the process of exporting from Shoebox \txt To make the final formatting touches, choose the menu option "Finish exporting from Shoebox" from under the Tools menu in Word. This runs the FinishExportingFromShoebox macro in the document template. It updates style formatting and does a few other special formatting operations. It also saves the exported file as a Word DOC file. \txt If you need to change any style formatting, click on the text that needs changing, choose Format, Style, and Modify. Make the changes needed, and remember to check the "Add to Template" box before you choose OK. \nt Note: \txt If you change any style formatting, it's best to close the file, switch to Shoebox and export the file all over again, since the macro may have inserted explicit page breaks that are no longer valid. If you remembered to check "Add to Template", the style changes you made will be reflected in the new document. \shd2 3. Print it \txt If the document looks fine, choose File Print. \txt If you see anything wrong with the data content itself (typos, etc.), you can edit them directly in the formatted document and then print it. But, be sure to go back and make the corresponding changes to your lexical database file in Shoebox too --otherwise you'll be doing it again next time! \txt _______________ \nt This concludes the general discussion of how to use MDF. \txt For more information, see: \cf References \txt To return to the top of the database, simply close all unneeded windows, and then use the Database-First Record menu option, or use the First Record button on the tool bar (or search for 'aa'). \txt To see the description of any particular field, simply right-click on its marker in either of these lists (or anywhere else in this On-line Helps file): \cf Order_of_Fields \cf Summary_of_Fields \ftx \key Free-form_Fields \shd Free-form Fields \txt The following fields are "free-form" fields, meaning that MDF will not add periods, etc. to them; they are basically formatted as you entered them. Therefore, when using these fields, you are encouraged to use capitalization and proper punctuation. Free-form fields may be as long as you need, e.g. several sentences. \ftx \rf reference * \pc picture \ftx \xv vernacular example \nt notes, general \ftx \xe English example \np notes on phonology \ftx \xn national example \ng notes on grammar \ftx \xr regional example \nd notes on discourse \ftx \ve variant form (English) \na notes on anthro. \ftx \vn variant form (National) \ns notes on socioling. \ftx \vr variant form (Regional) \nq questions \ftx \ur usage (regional) \or only (regional) \er encyclopedic (Regional) \ftx \tb table \txt The following fields are also free-form, except that MDF will add a punctuation to the end if you do not. \ftx \uv usage (vernacular) \ov only (vernacular) \ue usage (English) \oe only (English) \un usage (national) \on only (national) \ev encyclopedic (vern) \ee encyclopedic (English) \en encyclopedic (National) \nt In this On-line Helps database, if a field is not explicitly marked in its description as being a "free-form" field, then it is not one. \txt If a field is not a free-form field, you do not need to use any terminating punctuation; MDF adds the needed punctuation to the end of each non-free-form field. \txt * The picture reference field is free-form so long as the field does not begin with .G. (which marks it as a graphics link paragraph). See \pc for more information on the picture reference field. \txt To continue on with the general discussion, jump to: \cf Range_Sets \ftx \key ge \shd \ge gloss (English) \txt This is intended for interlinear morpheme-level glossing. It is used for reversing the dictionary if an \re field is not present (or is present but empty). It is also used as an English definition in the printed dictionary if there is no \de field (or it is present but empty). \txt The user may enter data either with each gloss getting its own field: \ftx \ge put_out \ftx \ge move \txt Or with the glosses strung together, separated by a semicolon with a space on either side of it (so as to be unlike any normal punctuation): \ftx \ge put_out ; move \txt Shoebox can recognize either format and when interlinearizing will give the user the choice of both glosses in either case. \txt The underline character '_' in the example glosses above is to force Shoebox to treat the multiple word gloss 'put out' as a single gloss. MDF will convert underline characters in gloss fields to spaces automatically. The sequence ' ; ' is also converted to ', ' by MDF when formatting a dictionary or finderlist. \txt The advantage of keeping your glosses in separate fields is that if you setup Shoebox to sort on the \ge fields (to get a type of on-line finderlist), it will sort on all of them, but if the glosses are all concatenated, Shoebox will only index on the first form. \txt For important related information, see: \cf \de definition (English) \cf \re reverse form (English) \typ \key gn \shd \gn gloss (national) \txt This is intended for interlinear morpheme-level glossing. It is used for reversing the dictionary if an \rn field is not present (or is present but empty). It is also used as a national language definition in the printed dictionary if there is no \dn field (or it is present but empty). \txt The user may enter data either with each gloss getting its own field: \ftx \gn keluarkan \ftx \gn pindahkan \txt Or with the glosses strung together, separated by a semicolon with a space on either side of it (so as to be unlike any normal punctuation): \ftx \gn keluarkan ; pindahkan \txt Shoebox can recognize either format and when interlinearizing will give the user the choice of both glosses in either case. \txt MDF will convert the ' ; ' sequence to ', ' when formatting the dictionary. (MDF will also automatically convert any underline character '_' in a gloss field to a space when formatting.) \txt For important related information, see: \cf \dn definition (national) \cf \rn reversal form (national) \typ \key gr \shd \gr gloss (regional) \txt This helps clarify the national language gloss in the prominent regional language of the area. This is also used as a regional definition in the printed dictionary if there is no \dr field present (or it is present but empty). \txt The user may enter data either with each gloss getting its own field: \ftx \gr kasi_pinda \ftx \gr kasi_pulang \txt Or with the glosses strung together, separated by a semicolon with a space on either side of it (so as to be unlike any normal punctuation): \ftx \ge kasi_pinda ; kasi_pulang \txt Shoebox can recognize either format and when interlinearizing will give the user the choice of both glosses in either case. \txt The underline character '_' in the example glosses above is to force Shoebox to treat the multiple word gloss 'kasi pinda' as a single gloss. MDF will convert underline characters in gloss fields to spaces automatically. The sequence ' ; ' is also converted to ', ' by MDF when formatting a dictionary or finderlist. \txt If this field is included in the output, MDF adds a label and brackets "[ ]" around it and it is treated as part of the national field. \txt For important related information, see: \cf \dr definition (regional) \cf \rr reversal form (regional) \typ \key gv \shd \gv gloss (vernacular) \txt This field is available for the development of a monolingual dictionary. And while this may seem somewhat meaningless (a vernacular gloss for a vernacular word), it actually can be a useful place to store the simple explanations the researcher is given by a language assistant concerning the meaning of the headword or lexeme. These can then be formulated into a more exact definition and transfer to the \dv field. It could also be used for those lexemes which can actually be defined with short glosses. It could also serve as a subset to the information covered in \dv field. \txt See: \cf \dv \typ \key hm \shd \hm homonym number \txt This is field is used to differentiate homonym entries (lexemes that sound or are spelled the same but have no semantic relationship). This field generally comes directly after the \lx field and is simply followed by a 1, 2, or 3, etc.: \ftx \lx asw \ftx \hm 2 \ftx \ps n ... \txt (note the lack of punctuation in the \hm field) \txt Any cross-reference to one of these entries should also include the homonym number, e.g.: \ftx \cf asw2 \txt When the lexical database is converted to MS-Word format for printing, the homonym number for both the entry and the cross-reference will be subscripted by MDF using the homonym number character style. \txt For more on character styles, see: \cf Character_Style_Codes \typ \key Introduction \shd Standard Lexical Database Field Markers (for MDF) \shd2 Introduction \txt This Helps file is designed to be "on-line" in Shoebox while you work on your lexicon. Most of the information in this helps file describes the standardized MDF field markers and their contents (i.e. what kind of information the markers mark). To look up the description of a field marker, use the Shoebox Search command and type the field marker code, (without the backslash \ character), e.g. for information on the \ps field, search for 'ps' (no quotes). \txt You can also, use the 'Jump' feature to look up information more quickly. (Be sure to include the "MDFields.db" database in the Jump path.) \txt If you are unsure of the code, first look under 'Summary_of_Fields' for the code you want, and then search for the field marker. \shd2 Three Types of Field Markers \txt In this On-line Helps database, each field marker is describe by of the following categories: \typ \txt This marks all of the "basic" field markers. These are the field markers which will be useful to the most people. Consider including all of the basic field markers in your Shoebox lexical database template, so they will be inserted automatically into each of your new records. Leaving a basic field empty is okay. \typ \txt This marks the "reserved" fields, meaning, these fields serve a crucial function in the MDF formatting process and so should be used only if needed. These are the \lc, \hm, \se, and \sn fields. Empty reserved fields should not be included in your records, i.e. if present, they should contain data. \typ \txt This marks the "optional" fields. These are the more technical fields given to cover just about every topic. You may want to include some of these in your database template as well. And no doubt, some of these optional fields will be of no use to you. Like with basic fields, leaving an optional field empty is okay. \shd2 Multiple Fields \txt The number of occurrences of any given field is not restricted. But multiple occurrences of a given field will be concatenated within a hierarchical section, e.g. with a sense, or if there is no sense, then within a part of speech section, or subentry section, etc. Multiple occurrences within the same record but in separate sections (sense, part of speech, or subentry) are kept separate. \txt To continue this discussion, jump to: \cf Order_of_Fields \ftx \key is \shd \is index of semantics \txt "Beyond key terms: a lexicon useful for translation" (Rick Nivens, manuscript) discusses the use of Louw and Nida's (1988) Greek-English semantic domain categories. While Nivens proposes another way of doing this in his paper, it is also possible to use this \is field to catalog lexical entries according to these semantic domains. Reversing on this field would then yield semantically related entries (in relation to the New Testament). \txt One word of caution: this is an etic approach, i.e. Greek semantics will rarely line up exactly with the vernacular domains. This field is to be a tool, and no attempt should be made to "force-fit" lexemes into pre-defined domains. \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "Semantics: " to this field. \txt For related fields see: \cf \sd semantic domain \cf \th thesaurus \txt For references see: \cf References \nt This field does not normally print. \typ \key lc \shd \lc lexical citation \txt This should be added only if the lexical entry form is inappropriate for the printed dictionary, and you want to substitute another form for the printed entry, e.g. you might want the entry "lewat" printed as "léwat" if its stress pattern were not predictable. \txt Roots are commonly used as the lexeme form in Shoebox lexical databases, but if the language affixes prepositionally, a dictionary printed with root forms as the entry form can be very confusing to native speakers. In this case, you could choose a consistent conjugated form (e.g. 3s-verb form) for a citation form. \txt MDF will always replace the \lx field with the \lc field, if present, and then resort the dictionary according to these fields. (You can choose to restrict MDF to sort the database only by the \lx field, even for those entries with an \lc field. This restriction will not effect the \lc field though, an \lc field will still print as the entry form for its record. Choosing to restrict MDF to the \lx field may cause some citation forms to appear out of sequence.) \typ \key le \shd \le lexical function (English gloss) \txt This is for giving the English gloss of the vernacular lexeme referenced by the lexical function. \txt For more information, see: \cf \lf lexical function label \cf \lv vernacular lexeme referenced by the lexical function \txt Related fields are: \cf \ln and \lr \txt For generic cross-referencing, see: \cf \cf confer/cross-reference \typ \key lf \shd \lf lexical function label \txt For encoding the semantic networks of a language. The \lf field bundle includes the following fields: \cf \lf the lexical function or relationship label \cf \lv vernacular lexeme referenced by that lexical function/relation \cf \le English gloss of the vernacular lexeme \cf \ln national gloss of the vernacular lexeme \cf \lr regional gloss of the vernacular lexeme \txt MDF supports two ways of using the \lf bundles. A typical example using the original (mixed data) method would be: \ftx \lf Syn = -dew \ftx \le chop on end \ftx \ln \ftx \lr \txt (Note that empty fields are okay.) \txt The improved way to handle \lf bundles is to separate the lexical function label from the vernacular lexeme by using both the \lf and \lv fields. Using this method, the above example looks like: \ftx \lf Syn \ftx \lv -dew \ftx \le chop on end \ftx \ln \ftx \lr \txt In either case, this lexical function would be formatted by MDF to print as: \fxv Syn: -dew 'chop on end'. \txt If the other glosses were filled in, they would be included in the printout (if a triglot dictionary was requested). Multiple lexical function bundles are concatenated with a semicolon '; ', e.g.: \fxv Syn: -dew 'chop on end'; Syn: -sin 'split'. \txt The new MDF method for handling lexical functions (using the \lv field) has some distinct advantages over the old way: 1) Since the lexical function label sits by itself in the \lf field, you can now use the Shoebox Range Set feature to maintain consistent labeling. 2) Using \lf and \lv fields with the sort and jump features of Shoebox will be much easier. 3) Browsing on a database sorted by the \lv and \lf fields and displaying the \lv, \lf, and \le fields will give a virtual \lv reversal view of your data -- allowing you to see all of the lexical functions that any given lexeme has been categorized under. 4) New Shoebox features like integrity checks, range-set building, and word lists will not work properly on the \lf field if it contains mixed data. 5) If the vernacular language is written in a non-Roman script, the lexeme and lexical function label need to be in different fields since they have different language encodings. \txt See also: \cf \lv vernacular lexeme referenced by the lexical function label \txt For more information on Range Sets, see: \cf Range_Sets \txt For an alternative way to create a table of related lexical items, see: \cf \tb table \txt For generic cross-referencing, see: \cf \cf confer/cross-reference \txt For more detailed information on language analysis through lexical functions, see the MDF field manual (Coward and Grimes, 1995) and the article "Mapping a culture through networks of meaning" (Grimes 1987). For referential information on these, see: \cf References \typ \key ln \shd \ln lexical function (national gloss) \txt This is for giving the national gloss of the vernacular lexeme referenced by the lexical function. \txt For more information, see: \cf \lf lexical function label \cf \lv vernacular lexeme referenced by the lexical function \txt Related fields are: \cf \le and \lr \txt For generic cross-referencing, see: \cf \cf confer/cross-reference \typ \key lr \shd \lr lexical function (regional gloss) \txt This is for giving the regional gloss of the vernacular lexeme referenced by the lexical function. \txt For more information, see: \cf \lf lexical function label \cf \lv vernacular lexeme referenced by the lexical function \txt Related fields are: \cf \le and \ln \txt For generic cross-referencing, see: \cf \cf confer/cross-reference \typ \key lt \shd \lt literal meaning \txt Used to elucidate the destinct meanings of the parts of an idiom or complex phrase in a lexical entry (\lx) or subentry (\se). \ftx \lx setengah mati \ftx \ps idm \ftx \ge exhausting ; tiring ; frustrating \ftx \de used to describe a situation, activity, or person as being exhausting, tiring, or frustrating \ftx \lt half dead \txt MDF adds the label "Lit: " to this field and adds single quote marks around the data. \typ \key lv \shd \lv vernacular lexeme referenced by the lexical function \txt This field is used in MDF for encoding the vernacular lexeme in a lexical function network. The \lv field "points to" the vernacular lexeme (morpheme, word, or phrase) that is semantically related to the current headword as mapped or cataloged by the label in the \lf field. An example of its use would be: \ftx \lx feten <-- the headword/lexeme \ftx \ps n \ftx \ge millet \ftx ... \ftx \lf Gen <-- the lexical function/relationship \ftx \lv agat <-- the related lexeme \ftx \le grain <-- the English gloss of 'agat' \ftx ... \txt In this example, 'agat' ('grain') is in a Generic relationship to 'feten' ('millet'). Note that the lexeme 'agat' should also appear in the lexicon. \txt For more information, see: \cf \lf lexical function label \txt Glossing fields for this vernacular lexeme are: \cf \le, \ln, and \lr \txt For generic cross-referencing, see: \cf \cf cross-reference \typ \key lx \shd \lx lexeme or headword of the lexical entry \txt This is the record marker in Shoebox and is the field by which the database is normally sorted. When formatted, MDF resorts the dictionary based on this field (or the \lc field, if present). \txt This field contains the lexeme or headword, which is commonly mono-morphemic in a Shoebox lexical database. But such a lexeme form may not be very accessible for vernacular speakers if printed. To provide a more readable form for vernacular speakers, use the \lc field. \txt For a discussion of "lexical citation", see: \cf \lc \nt Since this is the record marker, it cannot be added inside any record. It is discussed here simply for completeness. \key mn \shd \mn main entry form \txt This is used to reference a minimal entry back to its main entry. Minimal or "minor" entries consist of abbreviated information, e.g.: \ftx \lx tado \ps adj \ge calm \mn teduh \txt MDF formats this as: \fxv tado adj. calm; See main entry: teduh. \txt In this example, the minor entry "tado" has minimal information and contains a reference back to the main semantically related entry "teduh". This cross-referencing is done through the \mn field: \ftx \mn teduh \txt The main entry "teduh" would be more verbose, containing all of the information normally included in a lexical entry. The "teduh" entry would also have the field "\va tado" to reference the variant (dialect) form. \txt For related information, see: \cf \va variant forms \txt For a detailed discussion of the issues involved in using minor (or minimal) entries, see: \cf Using_Subentries_or_Lexical_Entries \typ \key mr \shd \mr morphemic representation \txt This can be used to show the underlying morphemic structure for complex lexemes. MDF gives this field the label 'Morph:' \txt In Buru, the lexeme 'agat' ('grain') is a complex morpheme. Its internal structure should be encoded as: \ftx \mr aga-t \txt MDF will format this as: \fxv Morph: aga-t. \typ \key na \shd \na notes on anthropology \txt This field is for any ethnographic note that is pertinent to the lexeme that you wish to keep separate. \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "Anth: " to this field and brackets it with "[ ]". \txt For generic notes, use: \cf \nt \txt For closely related fields, designed to print (not just for notes), see: \cf \ee, \en, and \er encyclopedic field bundle \txt Earlier versions of MDF recognized two types of ethnographic fields, this one (\na), and \en (which has been discontinued as an ethnographic field). \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key nd \shd \nd notes on discourse \txt This is a place for your notes on discourse/text analysis, should you wish to keep them separate. \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "Disc: " to this field and brackets it with "[ ]". \txt For generic notes, see: \cf \nt \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key ng \shd \ng notes on grammar \txt This is a place for your grammar notes, should you wish to keep them separate. \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "Gram: " to this field and brackets it with "[ ]". \txt For generic notes, see: \cf \nt \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key np \shd \np notes on phonology \txt This is a place for your phonology notes, should you wish to keep them separate. \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "Phon: " to this field and brackets it with "[ ]". \txt For generic notes, see: \cf \nt \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key nq \shd \nq questions \txt This is a place for your questions, should you wish to keep them separate. \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "Ques: " to this field and brackets it with "[ ]". \txt For generic notes, see: \cf \nt \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key ns \shd \ns notes on sociolinguistics \txt This is used for encoding sociolinguistic notes. Dialect information (i.e. which villages use this lexeme form, etc.) should be explained in the following fields: \cf \ue, \un, \ur (Usage) \cf \ee, \en, \er (Encyclopedic) \cf \oe, \on, \or (Only --restrictions) \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "Socio: " to this field and brackets it with "[ ]". \txt For generic notes, see: \cf \nt \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key nt \shd \nt notes, etc. \txt This is a generic dump for all your personal notes about an entry, subentry, or sense. More specific note fields are provided for "splitters", i.e. those who desire a finer differentiation to their notes. These are: \cf \np notes on phonology \cf \ng notes on grammar \cf \nd notes on discourse \cf \na notes on anthropology \cf \ns notes on sociolinguistics \cf \nq questions \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "Notes: " to this field and brackets it with "[ ]". \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key oe \shd \oe only [restrictions] (English) \txt This is for encoding any semantic and/or grammatical restrictions pertinent to the lexeme. \txt In Buru, the lexeme 'anafina' is glossed as 'female'. But this needs to be restricted to only 'human' references, which could be encoded as: \ftx \oe Human \txt and would print as: \fxv Restrict: Human. \txt Since this is a free-form field, you can be as verbose as needed, but in many cases, such as this one, a simple code may suffice. \txt Closely related English fields are: \cf \de, \ue, and \ee \txt Identical national and regional language fields are: \cf \on and \or \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key on \shd \on only [restrictions] (national) \txt The national language equivalent to the \oe field. This field is for clarifying semantic and grammatical restrictions pertinent to the lexeme. See the \oe field for more information. \txt MDF initially adds the label "NatRestrict: " to this field. This is later changed to whatever national language label is specified for this field in the national audience CC table. For more information on this, see: \cf Field_Labels \txt For more information, see: \cf \oe \txt Closely related national fields are: \cf \dn, \un, and \en \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key or \shd \or only [restrictions] (regional) \txt The regional language equivalent to the \oe field. This field is for clarifying semantic and grammatical restrictions pertinent to the lexeme. \txt If included in the output, MDF adds brackets "[ ]" around this field, and it is treated as part of the national field. \txt For more information, see: \cf \oe \txt Closely related regional fields are: \cf \dr, \ur, and \er \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key Order_of_Fields \shd Recommended Field Order \txt The following are all of the fields in their recommended order for a lexical entry. The order shown here assumes you are using the standard hierarchy (the alternate hierarchy only varies in the hierarchical order of the \sn, \se, and \ps fields). For more information on the alternate hierarchy, see: \cf Alternate_Hierarchy \txt The field order shown here is nearly identical to the order in which MDF outputs the fields when formatting your lexicon. This needs to be stressed that when MDF formats your lexicon, the fields are rearranged to (nearly) the following order. This is to provide a consistent field sequence to each and every lexical entry (a much desired goal of any published work). \txt The main differences between the recommended order given here and the order in which MDF outputs the fields are as follows: \txt 1) the \lx and \lc fields -- in the database, the \lx field must come first, \txt but for printing, the citation (\lc) field is the first field out (if it exists). \txt 2) the gloss and definition fields -- the gloss field prints only if there \txt is no definition field. \txt 3) the reverse fields and the word gloss fields -- these generally do not \txt print; but if you request them, they print grouped together after the \txt definitions. \txt It is recommended that you use the database template feature of Shoebox to help you maintain a consistent ordering of your fields. \nt Deviating from this order (especially for the \se, \ps, \pn, and \sn fields) could foul MDF formatting, since these fields also serve to mark section boundaries. For more on this, see: \cf Sections_in_a_Lexical_Entry \txt In the following list, the following codes are used: \ftx 'B' marks 'Basic' fields (17 total) to include in your template \ftx 'R' marks 'Reserved' fields (4 total) \ftx (all other fields are 'Optional') \ftx --------------------------------------------------------- \ftx \lx (lexical entry) ONLY ONE PER LEXICAL ENTRY \ftx R \hm (homonym number) \ftx R \lc (lexical citation) \ftx \ph (phonetic/phonemic form) \ftx R \se (subentry) \ftx B \ps (part of speech) \ftx B \pn (part of speech-national) \ftx R \sn (sense number) \ftx \gv (gloss-vernacular) \ftx \dv (definition-vernacular) \ftx B \ge (gloss-English) \ftx B \re (reversal form-English) [default set not to print] \ftx \we (word gloss-English) [default set not to print] \ftx B \de (definition-English) \ftx B \gn (gloss-national) \ftx B \rn (reversal form-national) [default set not to print] \ftx \wn (word gloss-national) [default set not to print] \ftx B \dn (definition-national) \ftx \gr (gloss-regional) \ftx \rr (reversal form-regional) [default set not to print] \ftx \wr (word gloss-regional) [default set not to print] \ftx \dr (definition-regional) \ftx \lt (literal meaning) \ftx \sc (scientific name) \ftx B \rf (reference to notebooks, etc.) \ftx B \xv (example-vernacular) \ftx B \xe (example-English) \ftx B \xn (example-national) \ftx \xr (example-regional) \ftx \uv (usage-vernacular) \ftx \ue (usage-English) \ftx \un (usage-national) \ftx \ur (usage-regional) \ftx \ev (encyclopedic info.-vernacular) \ftx \ee (encyclopedic info.-English) \ftx \en (encyclopedic info.-national) \ftx \er (encyclopedic info.-regional) \ftx \ov (only [restrictions]-vernacular) \ftx \oe (only [restrictions]-English) \ftx \on (only [restrictions]-national) \ftx \or (only [restrictions]-regional) \ftx \lf (lexical function label) \ftx \lv (vernacular lexeme referenced by the lexical function) \ftx \le (lexical function-English gloss of referenced lexeme) \ftx \ln (lexical function-national gloss of referenced lexeme) \ftx \lr (lexical function-regional gloss of referenced lexeme) \ftx \sy (synonyms) \ftx \an (antonyms) \ftx \mr (morphemic representation) \ftx B \cf (confer/cross-reference) \ftx B \ce (cross-reference-English gloss) \ftx B \cn (cross-reference-national gloss) \ftx \cr (cross-reference-regional gloss) \ftx \mn (main entry form) \ftx \va (variant forms, e.g. dialect, etc.) \ftx \ve (variant forms comment-English) \ftx \vn (variant forms comment-national) \ftx \vr (variant forms comment-regional) \ftx \bw (borrowed word) \ftx \et (etymology) \ftx \eg (etymology-gloss) \ftx \es (etymology-source) [default set not to print] \ftx \ec (etymology-comment) [default set not to print] \ftx \pd (paradigm set) \ftx \pdl (paradigm label) \ftx \pdv (paradigm vernacular form) \ftx \pde (paradigm form-English gloss) \ftx \pdn (paradigm form-national gloss) \ftx \pdr (paradigm form-regional gloss) \ftx \sg (singular noun form) \ftx \pl (plural noun form) \ftx \rd (reduplication forms) \ftx \1s (1st person singular verb form) \ftx \2s (2nd person singular verb form) \ftx \3s (3rd person singular verb form) \ftx \4s (singular non-human/non-animate verb form) \ftx \1d (1st person dual verb form) \ftx \2d (2nd person dual verb form) \ftx \3d (3rd person dual verb form) \ftx \4d (dual non-human/non-animate verb form) \ftx \1p (1st person plural-generic verb form) \ftx \1e (1st person plural-exclusive verb form) \ftx \1i (1st person plural-inclusive verb form) \ftx \2p (2nd person plural verb form) \ftx \3p (3rd person plural verb form) \ftx \4p (plural non-human/non-animate verb form) \ftx \tb (table) \ftx \sd (semantic domain) [default set not to print] \ftx \is (index of semantics) [default set not to print] \ftx \th (thesaurus) [default set not to print] \ftx \bb (bibliographic reference) \ftx \pc (picture reference) \ftx B \nt (notes, etc.) \ftx \np (notes on phonology) \ftx \ng (notes on grammar) \ftx \nd (notes on discourse) \ftx \na (notes on anthropology) \ftx \ns (notes on sociolinguistics) \ftx \nq (questions) \ftx \so (source of data) [default set not to print] \ftx \st (status) [default set not to print] \ftx B \dt (datestamp) [default set not to print] \ftx --------------------end of example record-------------------- \nt (To see the description of any particular field, simply right-click on its marker.) \txt To continue this discussion, jump to: \cf Summary_of_Fields \ftx \key ov \shd \ov only [restrictions] (vernacular) \txt This field contains the vernacular description of any semantic and/or grammatical restrictions pertinent to the lexeme or headword. This is intended for use in a monolingual dictionary, but can be used in diglot and triglot dictionaries as well. \txt MDF initially adds the label "VerRestrict: " to this field. This is not changed by either the English or national audience CC table. But you may add a rule to change this if you wish. For more information on how to do this, see: \cf Field_Labels \txt For more information, see: \cf \oe \txt Related vernacular fields are: \cf \gv, \dv, \ev, \uv \typ \key pc \shd \pc picture \txt This contains either the book and page number reference of a relevant picture (you've either sketched in a notebook or found in a picture book), or a graphics link for a PCX file of a picture you want to include in your printed dictionary. \txt If the field does not begin with '.G.' as in a graphics link, then the field is treated as "free- form". The field is output near the end of an entry paragraph, and the print tables put parentheses ( ) around the whole field (to set it off from other types of information). \txt If the \pc field begins with a graphics link mark (.G.), then it is NOT a "free-form" field and should follow the basic form below: \ftx \pc .G.sago.pcx;1.5";1";PCX \txt The .G. marks this as a graphics link; next follows the filename of the picture; next is the width (here 1.5") and then the height (1") and finally the graphics format (PCX). Each bit of information is separated by a semicolon. \txt When the dictionary is formatted, the graphics information is moved to the beginning of the entry, subentry, or sense in which the \pc field is found. This will cause the text to flow around the picture. Sizes much larger than 1.5"x1.5" are not recommended. In double column format the picture is placed flush right in the column; in single column format the picture is flush right to the right margin. \nt This is a "free-form" field, if it is not a Graphics Link paragraph. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key pd \shd \pd paradigm set \txt This is used for specifying the noun or verb class, gender, or other paradigm set that the lexeme or headword is associated with. These classes are generally given labels or numbers to differentiate them. It is assumed that the classes are explained elsewhere (like the introduction to the dictionary) and all that is needed here is the class label or number, e.g.: \ftx \pd 3 \txt Mnemonic codes are actually better than numbers (since what the number represents is very difficult to remember), e.g.: \ftx \pd met:vrt \txt might refer to a "verb root which metathesizes with its subject prefix". This is much easier to decode than "3". For consistency be sure to use Shoebox's Range Set feature on this field. For more information, see: \cf Range_Sets \txt MDF formats this field as: \fxv Prdm: met:vrt. \txt To give the actual vernacular form for a paradigm (especially needed where the paradigm is incomplete or is irregular in form), MDF now provides the following fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \txt The older specialized fields are still available (but do not support glossing). They are: \cf \sg, \pl, \rd, \1s, \2s, \3s, \4s, \1d, \2d, \3d, \4d, \1p, \1i, \1e, \2p, \3p, and \4p \typ \key pde \shd \pde paradigm form (English gloss) \txt This is used for glossing the vernacular paradigm form in English, e.g.: \ftx \pdl Pl \ftx \pdv asure \ftx \pde dogs \ftx \pdn anjing-anjing \txt MDF will format these as: \fxv Pl: asure 'dogs' 'anjing-anjing'. \txt where the paradigm label is italic, the vernacular form is in vernacular font, and the two glosses are in their appropriate language fonts. \txt For a more detailed explanation of this set of fields, see: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \txt For the related glossing fields, see: \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \nt Note: All the fields in this bundle are made up of markers using three-letter codes. This is new for MDF. This departure helps make it clear that these fields are related to the \pd field without interfering with any established two-letter marker. \txt For more information on the paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \typ \key pdl \shd \pdl paradigm label \txt The paradigm field (\pd) field is used to define the general paradigm set a headword or lexeme is associated with. But it is also useful to give the actual forms for a paradigm, especially where a paradigm set is incomplete or irregular. For example, the third-singular genitive marker normally possesses nouns with the form '-na', except with certain nouns, where its form is irregular. Any noun that takes an irregular 3sGen form should be marked: \ftx \lx ow \ftx \ps n \ftx \ge jackfruit \ftx \gn nangka \ftx \pd n-fd \ftx \pdl 3sGEN \ftx \pdv owan \ftx \pde his/her jackfruit \ftx \pdn nangkanya \txt MDF will format these paradigm label fields as: \fxv 3sGEN: owan 'his/her jackfruit' 'nangkanya'. \txt (where the "3sGEN" is formatted as italic and the vernacular form and the glossing are formatted with the appropriate language fonts) \nt Note: The paradigm label (\pdl) fields can be used with or without the paradigm set (\pd) field. \txt The purpose of this new set of fields is to overcome a longstanding need in MDF to provide for a greater variety of defined paradigm fields. Up till now, MDF has provided 17 specialized fields for encoding paradigm forms, but these are wholly inadequate, as there are many paradigms not covered by these fields. So, it was determined that user-defined labeling was the best way to provide the needed flexibility without having to create a huge number of other specialized fields. Also, this new set of fields supercedes the specialized field method by supporting glossing. \fxv You can use any label you need to mark a paradigm. Use Shoebox's Range Set feature to insure consistent labeling. For more information, see: \cf Range_Sets \nt Note: All the fields in this bundle are made up of markers using three-letter codes. This is new for MDF. This departure helps make it clear that these fields are related to the \pd field without interfering with any established two-letter marker. \txt The related fields to this set are: \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \txt For more information on the paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt The older specialized fields are still available (but do not support glossing). They are: \cf \sg, \pl, \rd, \1s, \2s, \3s, \4s, \1d, \2d, \3d, \4d, \1p, \1i, \1e, \2p, \3p, and \4p \typ \key pdn \shd \pdn paradigm form (national gloss) \txt This is used for glossing the vernacular paradigm form in the national language. For the related glossing fields, see: \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \txt For a more detailed explanation of this set of fields, see: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \nt Note: All the fields in this bundle are made up of markers using three-letter codes. This is new for MDF. This departure helps make it clear that these fields are related to the \pd field without interfering with any established two-letter marker. \txt For more information on the paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \typ \key pdr \shd \pdr paradigm form (regional gloss) \txt This is used for glossing the vernacular paradigm form in the regional language. For the related glossing fields, see: \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \txt For a more detailed explanation of this set of fields, see: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \nt Note: All the fields in this bundle are made up of markers using three-letter codes. This is new for MDF. This departure helps make it clear that these fields are related to the \pd field without interfering with any established two-letter marker. \txt For more information on the paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \typ \key pdv \shd \pdv paradigm vernacular form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular paradigm form specified by the label in the \pdl field, e.g.: \ftx \pdl 1s \ftx \pdv koban \txt where "koban" is the first-singular verb form of the verb root "-oban". MDF will format the '1s' label as italic, and the contents of the \pdv field as vernacular text. \txt For a more detailed explanation, see: \cf \pdl paradigm label \txt For the related glossing fields, see: \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \nt Note: All the fields in this bundle are made up of markers using three-letter codes. This is new for MDF. This departure helps make it clear that these fields are related to the \pd field without interfering with any established two-letter marker. \txt For more information on the paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \typ \key ph \shd \ph phonetic/phonemic form \txt This can be used as needed to retain the phonetic information that is lost when an orthographic spelling is used for an entry. \txt MDF will place square brackets around the data. For example: \ftx \ph apa \txt will print as: \fxv [apa] \txt The field is formatted with the character style "Phonetic form (pronunciation)", so that you can specify a unique font for this field in the document template for MS-Word. \typ \key pl \shd \pl plural form \txt This is a special field used to give the plural form of the lexeme, e.g. in Selaru, the plural form of the lexical entry 'asw' ('dog') is entered as: \ftx \pl asure \txt MDF adds a "Pl: " label to this form. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \txt For related fields, see: \cf \sg singular form \cf \pd paradigm set \typ \key pn \shd \pn part of speech (national) \txt This field is used to classify the part of speech with labels found in national language dictionaries. Consistent labeling is important. Use Shoebox's Range Set feature for this field. \txt MDF requires that the \pn field follow the \ps field: \ftx \ps n (noun) \ftx \pn kb (the national abbreviate for 'noun') \nt If the order is reversed, MDF will not function properly. \txt MDF will format the \pn field only if you specify that the output is for a national audience. When a national audience is specified, the \pn field will replace the \ps field. But if there is no \pn field or it is empty, the \ps field will be output for the national audience as for an English audience. \txt For more information, see: \cf \ps part of speech \txt For important information on Range Sets and on MDF's label substitution feature, see: \cf Range_Sets \typ \key ps \shd \ps part of speech \txt This field is used to classify the part of speech for the vernacular form (not the national or English gloss), i.e., "fat" may be an adjective in English, but that does not mean the vernacular form can be classified as such. Consistent labeling is important. Use Shoebox's Range Set feature for this field. For more information, see: \cf Range_Sets \txt To specify a national part of speech label, see: \cf \pn part of speech (national) \typ \key Punctuation_and_Special_Codes \shd Punctuation \txt Generally, leave off all punctuation at the end of bookkeeping fields and basic data fields (\hm, \sn, \ge, \lf, etc.). The only places where you need to include punctuation is in and at the end of free-form (discussion type) fields (\ue, \ee, \nt, etc.). In all other data fields, final punctuation is added by MDF automatically. For a list of free-form fields, see: \cf Free-form_Fields \shd Special Codes \txt Shoebox now allows you to hard code the following special characters directly into you lexical database (this works for both the RTF and the MDF exporting process): \ftx |{tab} Inserts a Tab character \ftx |{endash} Inserts an En-dash character \ftx |{emdash} Inserts an Em-dash character \ftx |{~} Inserts a non-breaking space \ftx |{-} Inserts an optional hyphen \ftx |{_} Inserts a non-breaking hyphen \txt For an example which uses the special code for Tab, see: \cf \tb Tables \txt For information on special codes for embedding character styles on , see: \cf Character_Style_Codes \txt To continue with the general discussion, jump to: \cf Field_Labels \ftx \key Range_Sets \shd Range Sets \txt Through the Range Set feature, Shoebox provides you with a powerful way to maintain consistent labeling on any field where you are using a relatively small set of categorizing codes. The most common fields for this are: \cf \ps part of speech \cf \pn part of speech (national) \cf \pd paradigm set \cf \sd semantic domain \cf \is index of semantics \cf \th thesaurus \txt Now with the new method of encoding lexical functions (where the label is by itself in the \lf line) and with the addition of paradigm form fields, you are strongly encouraged to use Range Sets for these fields: \cf \lf lexical function \cf \pdl paradigm form label \txt Here are other fields which could benefit from the Range Set feature: \cf \hm homonym number \cf \sn sense number \cf \bw borrowed word (source of a loan word) \cf \es etymology source \cf \so source of data/information \cf \st status of the lexical entry \txt The easiest way to start a Range Set for a particular field, is to Right-Click on the field marker (option-click on the Macintosh) and select the "Range Set" button from the Marker Properties dialog box that pops up. You can enter the labels (or letters or numbers, if you are basing the Range Set on "characters") directly (separated by a ) or use the new Build Range Set feature. This will build a Range Set on the current field marker using the contents of all occurrences of this field in all of the currently opened databases of this type. This is a great way to start a new Range Set on an existing database or to compile a new list at any time of what is currently in use (to see how consistent you are being, e.g. am I using : or _ to concatenate complex labels, did I add a new label when I already had one that is spelled almost the same, etc.). \nt Do not build a Range Set on a field which does not have a closed set of possible labels. \shd2 Changing Range Set Labels (for the \ps, \lf, and \pdl fields) \txt Up till now a problem has been that, since most labels used in a Range Set are language specific (e.g. English), when an MDF-based dictionary is formatted for a national audience, these labels will come out in English, making them unreadable for non-English speakers. MDF now provides a way around this (for certain fields) by allowing you to list English and National Audience substitutes for each label in the Range Sets. (The purpose of the English substitute allows users to consistently change the formatted output labels from the labels they use in their database, e.g. one-letter codes in the paradigm label fields could be changed to more readable abbreviations). \nt This ability to make Range Set label substitutions is limited to the \ps, \lf, and \pdl fields. (If more fields need to be covered, please notify us at the address given in the first record of this database. If you are an experienced CC programmer, you could add your own sections.) \fxv Note: with this feature, you no longer need to use the \pn field to output national parts of speech. (But if you ever sort or browse on the \pn field you will still need to use \pn.) \txt These Range Set label substitutions are handled by the same CC tables that change the default MDF field labels. For more information on these CC tables, see: \cf Field_Labels \txt The areas in these CC tables that need "tweaking" are the special "group" sections, e.g. group(gPartOfSpeech), group(gParadigmLabel), etc. Be sure to follow the instructions given in these groups carefully. It is best to include a CC rule for every label in the field's Range Set. To make sure you don't miss any: \ftx 1. In Shoebox, Right-click on the field marker, to go to its properties sheet. \ftx 2. Click on the "Range Sets..." button \ftx 3. Click on "Build Range Set" \ftx 4. Use the mouse to select all of the Range Set labels in the edit window on the left. \ftx 5. Copy them to the Clipboard () \ftx 6. Open Notepad (or any text editor) and Paste in the labels (that is ). \ftx 7. Now you can print the labels or save them to a file. \ftx 8. Use Notepad (or whatever) to edit the appropriate CC table and add a CC rule for each label in your Range Set. \nt For more information on Range Sets, see the Shoebox helps file. \txt To continue with the general discussion, jump to: \cf Character_Style_Codes \key rd \shd \rd reduplication form(s) \txt A repository for reduplication forms for later study (conceivably these forms will be moved to subentries, etc. as more is learned about them). For example, the reduplicated form for 'yoban' ('hit') in Selaru is: \ftx \rd ioboban \txt MDF adds a "Redup: " label to this form. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For information on subentries, see: \cf \se subentry (a polymorphemic form or a phrase) \txt For information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key re \shd \re reversal form (English) \txt This gives the English word or phrase to be use to reverse the dictionary for an English index. If an \re * is present, the relevant entry, subentry, or sense will be ignored (i.e. not included in the reversed index). Like the \ge field, the data for this field can be kept each in its own field or concatenated in one field, separated by ' ; '. \txt It is often the case that there are several translation equivalents for a single vernacular term. 'huma' might mean 'house', 'hut', 'shack', 'dwelling', 'lean-to', etc. Each of these equivalents would be good to have in the reversed index, e.g.: \ftx \re house ; hut ; shack ; dwelling ; lean-to \txt They could also be entered in separate \re fields. For more information on this, see: \cf \ge gloss (English) \txt The advantage of keeping them in separate fields is that if you setup Shoebox to sort on the \re fields (to get an on-line finderlist), it will sort on all of them, but if the reversal glosses are all concatenated, Shoebox will only index on the first form. \nt This field does not normally print in the dictionary. \typ \key References \bib Coward, David F. and Charles E. Grimes. 1995. Making Dictionaries: a guide to lexicography and MDF. SIL: Waxhaw, NC. \bib Grimes, Charles E. 1987. Mapping a culture through networks of meaning. Notes on Linguistics. 39:25-36. SIL: Dallas. \bib Louw, Johannes P., and Eugene A. Nida (eds.). 1988. Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament based on semantic domains. United Bible Societies: New York. \bib Nivens, Rick. 1990. Beyond key terms: a lexicon useful for translation. Manuscript. \key rf \shd \rf reference to notebooks, texts, etc. \txt This field keeps the notebook reference for the following example sentence. This will enable you to validate the example at a later date (e.g., if it comes from an early notebook, it may be suspect). \txt The \rf, \xv, \xn, and \xe fields are considered "bundled" (or grouped) together. If you include multiple examples for a single entry, subentry, or sense, be sure to include the fields grouped together. \ftx \rf nbk1.23.12 \ftx \xv example1 \ftx \xn ... \ftx \xe ... \ftx \rf nbk1.54.09 \ftx \xv example2 \ftx \xn ... \ftx \xe ... etc. \txt Usually these are grouped with the \rf field at the beginning of each bundle, but if you don't want to use the \rf field, then the \xv field will mark the beginning of example sentence bundles. \txt You may use as many different example sentence bundles as you need for each sense, part of speech, and/or subentry in a record. Within a given section (e.g. sense), multiple examples are printed one after the other. \txt MDF adds the label "Ref: " to this field. \txt See also: \cf \xv example sentence (vernacular) \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key rn \shd \rn reversal form (national) \txt This gives the national language word or phrase form to be use to reverse the dictionary for a national language index. If an \rn * is present the relevant entry, subentry, or sense will be ignored (i.e. not included in the reversed index). Like the \gn field, the data for this field can be kept each in its own field or concatenated in one field, separated by ' ; '. \txt For more information, see: \cf \re reverse English \txt Also see: \cf \gn gloss-national \nt This field does not normally print in the dictionary. \typ \key rr \shd \rr reversal form (regional) \txt This gives a regional language form which could be used to reverse the dictionary (to make a regional language list), or to be included in a national language list marked as the regional language (to aid recall). \nt The ability to reverse on a regional form is not currently supported in MDF. This field does not normally print in the dictionary. \typ \key sc \shd \sc scientific name \txt Providing a scientific name for a lexeme can be very useful if accurate. The gloss "a type of tree" is nearly worthless (but often the best we can do at the time). Having the scientific name allows us to eventually find the appropriate English gloss for such a species. Getting the scientific name requires access to high quality books (color pictures help). \txt The data given is automatically underlined and italicized by MDF; no formatting is needed. \typ \key sd \shd \sd semantic domain \txt This is the English version of \th and probably the one to use first. Here you try to catalog and differentiate the semantic compartments of an entry, being careful to not let the English force or mask the vernacular relations. Moving to the vernacular terms (given in \th field) as early as possible is best. \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "SD: " to this field. \txt For related fields see: \cf \th thesaurus \cf \is index of semantic \nt This field does not normally print. \typ \key se \shd \se subentry (a polymorphemic form or a phrase) \txt This is like the \lx field except it occurs within the record, marking the word (or phrase) as a form derived from the root. Following this marker would be all the fields that comprise a typical lexical entry. There can be several of these subentries within a record. Subentries can also have multiple senses. A simple example using subentries would be: \ftx \lx bren \ftx \ps vi \ftx \ge play \ftx \ee Implies lack of focus or purpose. \ftx \se brenak \ftx \ps vt \ftx \ge play_s.t. \ftx \de play a game, or play with s.t. \ftx \se inabren \ftx \ps n \ftx \ge recreation ; entertainment \ftx \se rabrenak \ftx \ps n \ftx \ge toy \ftx \dt 17/Jun/92 \txt This would print like the following: \fxv bren vi. play. Implies lack of focus or purpose. brenak vt. play a game, or play with s.t. inabren n. recreation, entertainment. rabrenak n. toy. \txt But note that the subentries in this example are far too simplistic; they lack much of the information that should be provided for these polymorphemic lexemes (definitions, example sentences, cross-references, notes, etc.). \txt For a more detailed discussion of the issues involved in using subentries, see: \cf Using_Subentries_or_Lexical_Entries \txt For information on the topic of sections in a lexical entry, see: \cf Sections_in_a_Lexical_Entry \typ \key Sections_in_a_Lexical_Entry \shd Sections in a Lexical Entry \shd2 (Understanding the hierarchical structure of an entry) \txt MDF has two built-in hierarchical structures that should be flexible enough to meet most needs. (See "Alternate_Hierarchy" for a discussion of MDF's other hierarchy.) The field codes that mark the boundaries to lexical subsections are \lx, \ps (\pn), \sn, \se. Each of these sections or subsections can take a full set of field markers (except that \lc and \hm which should only occur at the top of the record). \shd2 Multiple parts of speech \txt Multiple parts of speech (\ps) in an entry are used to organize sections within an entry. A lexeme that fills more than one syntactic slot (as a noun, verb, etc.) should not be handled as homonyms. This is because the different syntactic functions (e.g. 'shower' (n) 'shower' (v) are still clearly related to each other in meaning. \ftx \lx shower \ftx \ps n \ftx \de a light rain \ftx \ps vt \ftx \de to bestow special things on someone \txt MDF starts new \ps fields within an entry on a new line, preceded by an em dash to show that the lexeme form has not changed but its function has. \fxv shower n. a light rain. \fxv -- vt. to bestow special things on someone. \shd2 Multiple Senses \txt MDF allows sense numbers (\sn) to be used as another level of hierarchy within an entry. In the standard hierarchy, the sense number is lower than part of speech, and so multiple senses should be grouped under the relevant parts of speech to denote related but distinct meanings within a particular part of speech. (See "Alternate_Hierarchy" for a discussion of MDF's other hierarchy.) Multiple senses in each separate part of speech should start with '1' (as seen in the following, more complete entry for 'shower'): \ftx \lx shower \ftx \ps n \ftx \sn 1 \ftx \de a light rain \ftx \sn 2 \ftx \de a man-made device for dispensing water in droplets on a person; used for bathing \ftx \sn 3 \ftx \de an event in which gifts are given to someone; as in baby showers and wedding showers \ftx \ps v \ftx \sn 1 \ftx \de raining lightly \ftx \sn 2 \ftx \de to bathe using a device which causes water to dispense in droplets on a persons head; usually done standing up \ftx \sn 3 \ftx \de to bestow special things on someone \txt This complex record would print as: \fxv shower n. 1) a light rain. 2) a man-made device for dispensing water in droplets on a person; used for bathing. 3) an event in which gifts are given to someone; as in baby showers and wedding showers. -- v. 1) raining lightly. 2) to bathe using a device which causes water to dispense in droplets on a persons head; usually done standing up. 3) to bestow special things on someone. \txt Some lexicographers want to make fine distinctions between subsenses. These can be handled in MDF in the \sn field with a, b, c, etc. subcategorization. \ftx \lx lexeme \ftx \ps n \ftx \sn 1a \ftx \ge gloss \ftx \de definition \ftx \sn 1b \ftx \ge gloss \ftx \de definition \ftx \sn 1c \ftx \ge gloss \ftx \de definition \ftx \sn 2 \ftx \ge gloss \ftx \de definition \ftx \sn 3 \ftx \ge gloss \ftx \de definition \txt Which would have the general printed structure of: \fxv lexeme n. 1a) definition. 1b) definition. 1c) definition. 2) definition. 3) definition. \shd2 Using Subentries \txt Subentries (\se) provide a further level of hierarchy. These are commonly built around polymorphemic forms in a root-based dictionary (see the MDF field manual (Coward and Grimes, 1995) for an extended discussion). \ftx \lx bren \ftx \ps vi \ftx \ge play \ftx \ee Implies lack of focus or purpose. \ftx \se brenak \ftx \ps vt \ftx \ge play_s.t. \ftx \de play a game, or play with s.t. \ftx \se inabren \ftx \ps n \ftx \ge recreation ; entertainment \ftx \se rabrenak \ftx \ps n \ftx \ge toy \ftx \dt 17/Jun/92 \txt This would print like the following: \fxv bren vi. play. Implies lack of focus or purpose. brenak vt. play a game, or play with s.t. inabren n. recreation, entertainment. rabrenak n. toy. \txt A more complete example using subentries: \ftx \lx bersih \ftx \ps adj \ftx \sn 1 \ftx \ge clean \ftx \de be clean, not dirty or messy \ftx \sn 2 \ftx \ge innocent \ftx \de be innocent, without fault \ftx \se kebersihan \ftx \ps n \ftx \ge cleanliness \ftx \se membersihkan \ftx \ps vt \ftx \sn 1 \ftx \ge clean_up \ftx \de clean s.t. up \ftx \sn 2 \ftx \ge purify \ftx \de purify, repent or renounce immoral actions \ftx \se pembersih \ftx \ps n \ftx \sn 1 \ftx \ge cleanser \ftx \sn 2 \ftx \ge janitor \ftx \dt 17/Jun/92 \txt Which would print as: \fxv bersih adj. 1) be clean, not dirty or messy. 2) be innocent, without fault. kebersihan n. cleanliness. membersihkan vt. 1) clean s.t. up. 2) purify, repent or renounce immoral actions. pembersih n. 1) cleanser. 2) janitor. \txt For information on MDF's alternate hierarchy, see: \cf Alternate_Hierarchy \txt To continue with the general discussion, jump to: \cf Using_Subentries_or_Lexical_Entries \ftx \key sg \shd \sg singular form \txt This is a special field used to give the singular form of the lexeme, e.g. in Selaru, the singular form of the lexical entry 'asw' ('dog') is entered as: \ftx \sg askwe \txt MDF adds a "Sg: " label to this form. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \txt For related fields, see: \cf \pl plural form \cf \pd paradigm set \typ \key sn \shd \sn sense number \txt Where an entry has more than one sense, this code gives the number and marks the beginning of each sense, e.g.: \ftx \sn 3 (no punctuation) \txt Generally each \sn section contains a full basic set of field markers (especially example sentences as these help to validate the distinctions between the senses). Depending on the hierarchy you choose, the sense number \sn is considered either below the \ps field (in the standard hierarchy) or is superior to all fields but the \lx, \lc, and \hm fields (in the alternate hierarchy). \txt For more information on hierarchy, see: \cf Sections_in_a_Lexical_Entry \cf Alternate_Hierarchy \txt For information relating to examples, see: \cf \rf \nt Do not forget to include \sn 1 in records that have more than one sense. \typ \key so \shd \so source of data \txt This is a place to indicate the name and village of the informant who gave you the data in the current entry. There is no standard way such information should be encoded. \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "Source: " to this field and brackets it with "[ ]". \nt This field does not normally print. \typ \key st \shd \st status \txt This is used to indicate how complete or thoroughly checked an entry is, e.g.: \fxv \st OK \fxv \st no-print \fxv \st check \txt Later you could filter the database to select only "check" records, export this filtered database through MDF, and print the formatted output from Word. This makes it easy for a language assistant to systematically check these entries. \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "Status: " to this field and brackets it with "[ ]". \nt This field does not normally print. \typ \key Summary_of_Fields \shd Summary of Fields (not ordered) \txt The following are all of the fields MDF recognizes, listed in their suggested groups: \nt ( ' f ' marks free-form fields) \ftx RECORD MARKER \lx lexical entry (only one allowed per record) \ftx BASIC FIELDS OPTIONAL FIELDS (Cont.) \ps part of speech \1i 1st plural incl. form \pn part of speech (natnl) \2p 2nd plural form \ge gloss (English) \3p 3rd plural form \gn gloss (national) \4p pl. non-human form \re reversal (English) \ph phonetic form \rn reversal (national) \cr cross ref. (regional) \de definition (English) \mr morphemic form \dn definition (national) \rd reduplication form f \rf reference to notebooks \va variant form f \xv example (vern.) \ve variant (Engish) f \xe example (English) \vn variant (national) f \xn example (national) \vr variant (regional) \cf cross reference \mn main entry form \ce cross ref. (English) \lf lexical function \cn cross ref. (national) \lv lexeme ref'd by lexical fnct f \nt notes, etc. \le lexical fnct (English) \dt datestamp \ln lexical fnct (national) \lr lexical fnct (regional) RESERVED FIELDS \sy synonyms \hm homonym number \an antonyms \lc lexical citation f \uv usage (vernacular) \se subentry f \ue usage (English) \sn sense number f \un usage (national) f \ur usage (regional) OPTIONAL FIELDS f \ov only (vernacular) \gv gloss (vernacular) f \oe only (English) \gr gloss (regional) f \on only (national) \rr reversal (Regn) f \or only (regional) \we word-gloss (Engl) f \ev encyclo. (vern) \wn word-gloss (Natn) f \ee encyclo. (Engl) \wr word-gloss (Regn) f \en encyclo. (Natnl) \dv definition (vern) f \er encyclo. (Regnl) \dr definition (Regn) \bw borrowed word \lt literal meaning \et etymology f \xr example (Regnl) \eg etymology (gloss) \pd paradigm set \es etymology (source) \pdl paradigm label f \ec etymology (comment) \pdv paradigm form (vernac) \sd semantic domain \pde paradigm gloss (Engl) \is index of semantics \pdn paradigm gloss (Natn) \th thesaurus \pdr paradigm gloss (Regn) f \bb bibliographic ref. \sg sing. noun form \sc scientific name \pl plural noun form f \tb table/chart \1s 1st singular verb form f \pc picture \2s 2nd singular verb form f \np notes on phonology \3s 3rd singular verb form f \ng notes on grammar \4s sing. non-human form f \nd notes on discourse \1d 1st dual verb form f \na notes on anthro. \2d 2nd dual verb form f \ns sociolinguistics \3d 3rd dual verb form f \nq questions \4d dual non-human form \st status \1p 1st plural form \so source of data \1e 1st plural excl. form \nt (To see the description of any particular field, simply right-click on its marker.) \txt To continue this discussion, jump to: \cf Sections_in_a_Lexical_Entry \ftx \key sy \shd \sy synonym \txt This and the \an (antonym) field are helpful for those who want to keep track of such information without using the \lf structure. \txt But now that the full structure of the lexical function fields has been established and built into MDF, you are encouraged to use the \lf fields to handle "synonym" and "antonym" cross-referencing (instead of the \sy and \an fields). This is because the \lf fields allow for glossing of the reference, whereas \sy and \an do not. Glossing has the advantage of giving the user an idea of the meaning of a referenced lexeme without actually having to go and look it up directly. For example, a synonym of '-haw' ('to pound with a pestle') is '-tutu' ('to pound with a rock'). This could be encoded in the '-haw' entry as: \ftx \sy -tutu \txt And would print as: \fxv Syn: -tutu. \txt But this tells the reader nothing really. Whereas if this were encoded as: \ftx \lf Syn \ftx \lv -tutu \ftx \le to pound with a rock \txt This would print as: \fxv Syn: -tutu 'to pound with a rock'. \txt Which, to the outsider using your dictionary, is far more helpful. \txt For related information, see: \cf \lf and \cf \txt See also: \cf \an \typ \key tb \shd \tb table \txt This marks the following text as unformatted. Line-breaks and hard-coded tab characters will be retained. (Multiple spaces are also be retained, but this is only useful if you define the "Table" font in MS-Word to be a fixed width font.) \txt A table, or list, of "cutting verbs" might look like this: \ftx \tb The summary of all types of cutting verbs: |{tab}fv:-akrina:|{tab}split in two lengthwise |{tab}fv:-boras:|{tab}cut s.t. in small pieces with a knife |{tab}fv:-dew:|{tab}chop s.t. into smaller pieces while standing it on end |{tab}fv:-het:|{tab}chop or hack with a machete |{tab}fv:-kety:|{tab}slice open and clean an animal |{tab}fv:-lary:|{tab}slice (like chilies, etc.) |{tab}fv:-lilit:|{tab}shave or carve |{tab}fv:-mair:|{tab}to adz wood |{tab}fv:-simat:|{tab}pop out or cut out coconut meat \txt In Shoebox, the table field is marked as a "No Word Wrap" field (in the Marker-Properties dialog box). This allows you direct control over line-breaks and spacing. Note the |{tab} bar-code in the above example. This tells Shoebox to insert a Tab at each of these places, when the file is formatted by MDF or exported to an RTF file. (Currently Shoebox does not support typing the Tab character directly.) \txt Inevitably, your tables will require some "tweaking" in MS-Word before you print the dictionary. To do this, first convert the file to MS-Word format using MDF, and then search for the "Table" style. After some tweaking, these could then be converted into a Word table (with the Word menu command: Table-Convert Text to Table). \txt For a more powerful and in-depth approach to mapping the relations of lexical items, see: \cf \lf lexical functions \txt For more on special codes supported by Shoebox, see: \cf Punctuation_and_Special_Codes \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key th \shd \th thesaurus \txt This is a field for developing a vernacular-based thesaurus. It is to be labeled with the vernacular term governing the semantic domain of the entry. Reversing on this field (within Shoebox) would yield a vernacular thesaurus. \txt If selected for output, MDF adds the label "Thes: " to this field. \txt For related fields see: \cf \sd semantic domain \cf \is index of semantics \nt This field does not normally print. \typ \key ue \shd \ue usage (English) \txt This field should cover such information as common usage, or restrictions in usage, (such as taboos), or any other information that is needed so a non-native speaker can use this lexeme properly. For example, the Selaru lexical entry for "wai" contains the field: \ftx \ue A kin term of address which is used for same-sex siblings or for marriable non-kin; but may not be said to siblings of the opposite sex. \txt MDF adds the label "Usage: " to this field. \txt Identical national and regional language fields are: \cf \un and \ur \txt Closely related fields are: \cf \de, \ee, and \oe \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key un \shd \un usage (national) \txt The national language equivalent to the \ue field. This field should cover information such as common usage, or restrictions in usage. For more information, see: \cf \ue usage (English) \txt MDF initially adds the label "NatUsage: " to this field. This is later changed to whatever national language label is specified for this field in the national audience CC table. For more information on this, see: \cf Field_Labels \txt Identical English and regional language fields are: \cf \ue and \ur \txt Closely related fields are: \cf \dn, \en, and \on \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key Unknown_Fields \shd Unknown Fields \txt Any field marker in a lexical database that is not recognized by MDF is considered an unknown or Non-MDF Field. \nt Normally MDF discards unknown fields from the formatted output. \txt While it is always best to use available fields where possible (for the sake of functionality and compatibility), if you should need to create a field not covered by the 102 MDF fields (say, for some special bookkeeping or analysis chore), you may do so without worry. As a general rule, any field marker of three or four letters is a non-MDF field. The only exceptions to this rule are the new paradigm fields: \pdl, \pdv, \pde, \pdn, and \pdr. \nt If you want MDF to include non-MDF fields in the formatted output, simply check "Include non-MDF fields" under Options in the MDF Export dialog box. \txt All unknown fields are collected together and placed at the end of the section they occur in. They are bracketed with [ ] and marked with the label: ??. \txt To continue with the general discussion, jump to: \cf Formatting_and_Printing \key ur \shd \ur usage (regional) \txt The regional language equivalent to the \ue field. This field should cover information such as common usage, or restrictions in usage. For more information, see: \cf \ue usage (English) \txt MDF adds the brackets "[ ]" around this field. If included in the output, it is treated as part of the national field. \txt Identical English and national language fields are: \cf \ue and \un \txt Closely related fields are: \cf \dr, \er, and \or \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key Using_Subentries_or_Lexical_Entries \shd Using Subentries, Lexical Entries, and Minimal Entries \txt A common question that all lexicographers must face when wrestling with complex (polymorphemic) lexemes is whether to incorporate them in the lexicon as subentries under the lexical entry of their root lexeme, or to place them in the lexicon as independent lexical entries. This is not an easy question to answer, but it is addressed in greater detail in Chapter 4 (section 4.6) of the MDF field manual (Coward and Grimes, 1995). For this On-line Helps, we will summarize the two options below: \shd2 1. Using Subentries and Minimal Entries \txt If you want to keep all related (root and polymorphemic) lexemes together, use the subentry method shown below (this is a simplified example): \ftx \lx bren \ftx \ps vi \ftx \ge play \ftx \ee Implies lack of focus or purpose. \ftx \se brenak \ftx \ps vt \ftx \ge play_s.t. \ftx \de play a game, or play with s.t. \ftx \se inabren \ftx \ps n \ftx \ge recreation ; entertainment \ftx \se rabrenak \ftx \ps n \ftx \ge toy \ftx \dt 17/Jun/92 \txt This would print as: \fxv bren vi. play. Implies lack of focus or purpose. brenak vt. play a game, or play with s.t. inabren n. recreation, entertainment. rabrenak n. toy. \txt This method allows you to see all of the related pieces close together. But you have to know where to look. And this is a major problem; outsiders will not know that to find a discussion of "inabren" they must look under "bren". To make this easier for new users, we recommend you also make extensive use of "Minimal Entries" (essentially the same as "minor entries") -- these are lexical entries that have only the most basic fields (maybe a \ps field and a gloss field), but they include the \mn "main entry" field which provides the sign-post back to the lexical entry where more information can be found. \txt The minimal entry for "inabren" might be: \ftx \lx inabren \ftx \ps n \ftx \ge recreation \ftx \mn bren \txt Through MDF, the \mn field adds the label "See main entry:". \txt That is all there is to this minimal entry. For this reason, it is expected that the subentry for "inabren" would look very much like a full lexical entry; it would contain verbose definitions, have example sentences, multiple senses (if needed), cross-referencing, and any encyclopedic information, notes, or comments that are needed to elucidate this lexeme, i.e. it would be as though a full lexical entry were stuck right inside another lexical entry. (The above example of subentry use obviously falls short of this expectation -- it is merely an example.) \txt But practically speaking, many find it difficult to actually put the same amount of effort into embellishing a subentry as they would into a main lexical entry. For this reason, and for the fact that such embellished records soon become enormous, you might find the alternative way better for you: \shd2 2. Lexical Entries and Cross-referencing \txt The alternative is nearly the exact opposite: make all lexemes (roots or polymorphemic forms) main lexical entries. But in order to see the relationships between the scattered pieces, you will need to use an extensive cross-referencing system. MDF provides the \cf and the \lf field bundles for this. \txt Again using the above example, the "bren" lexical entry would include the following fields: \ftx \cf brenak \ftx \ce play s.t. \ftx \cf inabren \ftx \ce recreation \ftx \cf rabrenak \ftx \ce toy \txt These \cf fields reference full lexical entries for both "inabren" and for "rabrenak". If you wish to provide even further information regarding the relationship between the "bren" lexeme and these referenced lexemes, use the \lf field (the \lf labels shown here are not certain): \ftx \lf Vgoal \ftx \lv brenak \ftx \le play s.t. \ftx \lf Ngoal \ftx \lv inabren \ftx \le recreation \ftx \lf Ninst \ftx \lv rabrenak \ftx \le toy \txt This strategy keeps the records smaller and still provides a way to see what all the related forms are and their general meanings and relationships. But for more detailed information about a related lexeme requires searching through the lexicon (easy in Shoebox, but tedious when in book form). \txt You will need to decide which strategy will work best for you. \txt For more information on sections in a lexical entry, see: \cf Sections_in_a_Lexical_Entry \cf Alternate_Hierarchy \txt For information on related fields, see: \cf \mn main entry form \cf \cf general cross-reference \cf \lf lexical function cross-reference \txt To continue with the general discussion, jump to: \cf Free-form_Fields \ftx \key uv \shd \uv usage (vernacular) \txt This field contains the vernacular description of common usage, or restrictions in usage, (such as taboos), or any other information that is needed to describe the lexeme fully. This is intended for use in a monolingual dictionary, but can be used in diglot and triglot dictionaries as well. For more information, see: \cf \ue usage (English) \txt MDF initially adds the label "VerUsage: " to this field. This is not changed by either the English or national audience CC table. But you may add a rule to change this if you wish. For more information on how to do this, see: \cf Field_Labels \txt Identical English, national and regional language fields are: \cf \ue, \un and \ur \txt Closely related fields are: \cf \ev, \ov, \dv, and \gv \typ \key va \shd \va variant forms \txt This is where variant forms of the lexical entry or subentry can be noted (be they from another dialect or minor alternation in the focus dialect, as in "do not" and "don't"). These variant forms can (but do not have to) refer to minor or minimal entries found elsewhere in the dictionary. \txt The \va field heads a bundle of comment fields (\ve, \vn, \vr). These comment fields can be used to specify the dialect name or area that uses the variant form given in the \va field. But because they are comment fields, you may enter any comment information that you want to appear in the dictionary with the variant form. \txt MDF adds the label "Variant:" to the beginning of the first \va field in any given section of a lexical entry. The comment fields are added to the variant form with parentheses, but no additional label. Multiple variant bundles are allowed. \txt The related comment fields are: \cf \ve, \vn, and \vr \txt For information concerning minor entries, see: \cf \mn main entry form \txt For a detailed discussion of the issues involved in using minor (or minimal) entries, see: \cf Using_Subentries_or_Lexical_Entries \typ \key ve \shd \ve variant comment (English) \txt This is bundled with the \va field and is where English comments can be given for the variant form. For more information, see: \cf \va variant forms \txt MDF adds parentheses "( )" around this field. \txt The related comment fields are: \cf \vn and \vr \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key vn \shd \vn variant comment (national) \txt This is bundled with the \va field and is where national language comments can be given for the variant form. For more information, see: \cf \va variant forms \txt MDF adds parentheses "( )" around this field. \txt The related comment fields are: \cf \ve and \vr \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key vr \shd \vr variant comment (regional) \txt This is bundled with the \va field and is where regional language comments can be given for the variant form. For more information, see: \cf \va variant forms \txt If this field is included in the output, MDF adds parentheses "( )" around it and it is treated as part of the national field. \txt The related comment fields are: \cf \ve and \vn \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key we \shd \we word-level gloss (English) \txt This gives the gloss to be used in word-level interlinear glossing. \txt Related fields are: \cf \wn and \wr \nt This field does not normally print. \typ \key wn \shd \wn word-level gloss (national) \txt This gives the gloss to be used in word-level interlinear glossing. \txt Related fields are: \cf \we and \wr \nt This field does not normally print. \typ \key wr \shd \wr word-level gloss (regional) \txt This gives the gloss to be used in word-level interlinear glossing. \txt Related fields are: \cf \we and \wn \nt This field does not normally print. \typ \key xe \shd \xe translation of example (English) \txt This provides the English translation of the example sentence given in the \xv field. \txt For more information about example sentences, see: \cf \xv example sentence (vernacular) \cf \rf reference to notebooks, texts, etc. \txt Related fields are: \cf \xn and \xr \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key xg \shd \xg (discontinued field) \txt This field has been discontinued. Originally, MDF reserved the marker \xg for interlinear glossing, but its function was never fully developed. For this reason, it has been removed from the reserved list of field markers that MDF will recognized. \nt If this field is included in a lexical entry, MDF will simply treat it the same as an unknown field. \txt For information on unknown fields, see: \cf Unknown_Fields \key xn \shd \xn translation of example (national) \txt This provides the national translation of the example sentence given in the \xv field. \txt For more information about example sentences, see: \cf \xv example sentence (vernacular) \cf \rf reference to notebooks, texts, etc. \txt Related fields are: \cf \xe and \xr \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key xr \shd \xr translation of example (regional) \txt This provides the regional translation of the example sentence given in the \xv field. \txt MDF adds the brackets "[ ]" around this field. If included in the output, it is treated as part of the national field. \txt For more information about example sentences, see: \cf \xv example sentence (vernacular) \cf \rf reference to notebooks, texts, etc. \txt Related fields are: \cf \xe and \xn \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key xv \shd \xv example sentence (vernacular) \txt A good rule of thumb is to keep your example sentences relatively short (one line or so). Good examples should indicate the usage of the lexeme without being stilted. \txt Be aware that sentences taken straight from texts generally do not make good example sentences, because this removes them from their context. Such sentences are often encoded with particles operating on the larger discourse and are likely to be bound anaphorically with preceding participants. \txt Nouns rarely need example sentences, but good sentences are crucial to differentiating the various senses of verbs and can demonstrate and verify peculiar or rare domains or usages. \txt For more information about example sentences, see: \cf \rf reference to notebooks, texts, etc. \txt Related fields, used to translate or gloss the vernacular example sentence, are: \cf \xe, \xn, and \xr \nt This is a "free-form" field. Punctuation and capitalization should be used as needed. \typ \key 1d \shd \1d 1st dual verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form. MDF adds the label "1d: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 1e \shd \1e 1st plural exclusive verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form, e.g.: \ftx \1e aramyoban \txt MDF adds the label "1px: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 1i \shd \1i 1st plural inclusive verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form, e.g.: \ftx \1i toban \txt MDF adds the label "1pi: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 1p \shd \1p 1st plural (generic) verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form. MDF adds the label "1p: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 1s \shd \1s 1st singular verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form, e.g.: \ftx \1s yoban \txt MDF adds the label "1s: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 2d \shd \2d 2nd dual verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form. MDF adds the label "2d: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 2p \shd \2p 2nd plural verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form, e.g.: \ftx \2p myoban \txt MDF adds the label "2p: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 2s \shd \2s 2nd singular verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form, e.g.: \ftx \2s moban \txt MDF adds the label "2s: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 3d \shd \3d 3rd dual verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form. MDF adds the label "3d: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 3p \shd \3p 3rd plural verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form, e.g.: \ftx \3p roban \txt MDF adds the label "3p: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 3s \shd \3s 3rd singular verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form, e.g.: \ftx \3s yoban \txt MDF adds the label "3s: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 4d \shd \4d dual non-human or non-animate verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form. MDF adds the label "3dn: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 4p \shd \4p plural non-human or non-animate verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form. MDF adds the label "3pn: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ \key 4s \shd \4s singular non-human or non-animate verb form \txt This field is used to give the vernacular for this particular paradigm form. MDF adds the label "3sn: " to this field. The data is formatted as vernacular text. \txt For more information on paradigm fields, see: \cf \pd paradigm set \txt For more flexible labeling and to allow for glossing, MDF now provides the following set of paradigm fields: \cf \pdl paradigm label \cf \pdv paradigm vernacular form \cf \pde paradigm form-English gloss \cf \pdn paradigm form-national gloss \cf \pdr paradigm form-regional gloss \typ