ࡱ>  Root Entry F`C~?CompObjnWordDocument!-ObjectPool`C~?`C~? FMicrosoft Word 6.0 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.69q _Oh+'0 SummaryInformation( $ H l   Dh C:\PROGRA~1\WINWORD6\NORMAL.DOTMDF National AudienceMark R. Pedrotti@pySH@Y@@LMicrosoft Word 6.077ܥe= e!-LLL'L'L'L'L'v'v'v'v'v'v' ' v'Q,C'''''''')_*_*_*,*_+3,,T,9Q,L'' ''''Q,'L'L'''''''L''L'')`'h'L'L'L'L'')'' dk7FinishExportingFromShoebox macro for MDF in Shoebox 5.0dk2000-07-21 Mark R. PedrottiddiMAINdRi UpdateStylesdRiAlignColumnsAtSectionBreaksnk 2000-07-21dRiInsertGraphicsdRiKeepHeadingWithNextEntrydRgddRi sEnvironment$ glnk 1997-10-01dRibWindows gi sEnvironment$jWindows lddRk@ 1998-03-17 MRP: The distributed .DOT file has the binary formatdRk< of Word 6 or 7. Word 8 (or later) want to save the templatedRk> in its own binary format. Let the macro handle this situationdRk6 so that the user isn't prompted to confirm saving it,dRk> because they probably won't understand why this is happening.dRgdoi sWordVersion$ gldogi sWordVersion$j6.0 lgi sWordVersion$j7.0 ldogdj%Onk Overwrite the same .dot filedogFdodRdddRk2 1997-09-17 MRP: Save .RTF file as a Word documentdRi sFilePath$ gSdRilenPath gi sFilePath$dRilenPathldogg i sFilePath$l j.rtfdoi sFilePath$ gi sFilePath$ilenPathldoibWindowsdoi sFilePath$ i sFilePath$j.docdododRdRgTs i sFilePath$s lddRgdRg,dRi sMessage$ j Finished exporting from Shoebox.dRibWindowsdoi sMessage$ i sMessage$gl dR doi sMessage$ i sMessage$gl dRdRi sMessage$ i sMessage$j"Saved the file as a Word Document.dRg+i sMessage$dnkMAINddi UpdateStylesdRk6MDF in Shoebox converts markers to styles and does thedRk4document and section formatting (Export Page Setup),dRk;but all style formatting attributes come from the template.dRgVs.dR/idlg4gNdR>idlgdRgWsR idlgsRs' ldddiAlignColumnsAtSectionBreaksdRk6Cause entries at the end of the double-column sectionsdRk;to line up by deleting the paragraphs that Shoebox inserts.dRk@This way, the section breaks directly follow the paragraph marksdRkidlgdgidlgshdgdisGraphicStyle$ jGraphicdgss isGraphicStyle$dgps js ls ls ls ls ls ls} ld!g׀ ldRg ldRglldRk.Note: The comments show a sample graphic fielddRisField$ gnksago.pcx;1.25";1.1";PCXdRilenField gisField$nk23dRiiAfterFilePath glisField$j;nk9dRi sFilePath$ g isField$liiAfterFilePathlnkdRi iAfterWidth giiAfterFilePathlisField$j;nk15dRilenWidth i iAfterWidthiiAfterFilePathlnk5dRisWidth$ g isField$iiAfterFilePathlilenWidthnk1.25"dRi iAfterHeight gi iAfterWidthlisField$j;nk20dRi lenHeight i iAfterHeighti iAfterWidthlnk4dRisHeight$ g isField$i iAfterWidthli lenHeightnk1.1"ddRgdRgs i sFilePath$s j0dRglldRgs ls j0gl"s j0gl"s j0gl"s j0gl"s j62.5%s j68.75%s5 isWidth$s6 isHeight$dRg ldRgldRgss isGraphicStyle$dRgps js ls ls ls ls ls ls} ld"dnkInsertPicturesddiKeepHeadingWithNextEntrydRkA1996-01-22 MRP: I think this needs to be rewritten more carefullydRk:Cause Letter Paragraphs to keep with the next (i.e. first)dRk=Entry Paragraph of the section. The ordinary "Keep with next"dRk9paragraph property is defeated by the section break afterdRk@the letter heading (when the lexical entries are double-column).dRk=Insert a page break before any Letter Paragraph that is alonedRk=at the bottom of a page (separated from its lexical entries).ddR6j Checking position of headings...dRi iViewNormal gudRgsdRgnk1Cause Word to repaginate after styles are updateddRgdRiiPos godRgdR!go iiPosdogldog" jDouble-column Sectiondogdogdo dogldodoiiPos godogdR"dRgnk+Return to the original Show/Hide PP settingdRi iViewNormal lgud[uK@Normala "A@"Default Paragraph FontO vernacularUOEnglishVOnationalO!regional4O24Graphic & ' ( ) 10%OA First dual"OQ"First plural exclusive"Oa"First plural inclusiveOq First pluralOFirst singularO Second dualO Second pluralOSecond singularO Third dualO Third pluralOThird singularONon-animate dualONon-animate plural O Non-animate singularO!AntonymO1 Bibliography(OQB(Block Paragraph$clORlEntry ParagraphN%@3;@`0Pp @ ` @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Oa Borrowed wordOrLetter Section'(O(Centered Paragraph(OCross-referenceO Letter (v)ODefinition (E)ODefinition (n)O"Definition (r)ODate (last edited)ODefinition (v)"O"Encyclopedic info (E)"O"Encyclopedic info. (n)"O"!"Encyclopedic info. (r)"O1"Etymology (proto form)"OA"Encyclopedic info. (v)OQf_boldUOa f_EnglishOqf_italicVOf_labelVO f_nationalO" f_regionalO f_standardO f_vernacularOhidden\OHomonym numberhO Letter (E)O Letter (n)&OQ&Indented ParagraphAO!Index of semanticsO1Lexical functionOA LiterallyOQLexemec"Oa"Main entry cross-ref.Oq Morphology O Notes (anthropology)ONotes (general)ONotes (discourse)6O6Letter ParagraphK( Uc ONotes (grammar)ONotes (phonology)ONotes (questions)$O$Notes (sociolinguistics)"O"Only/restrictions (E)"O"Only/restrictions (n)"O"!"Only/restrictions (r)"O1"Only/restrictions (v)OAParadigmOa Plural formOq Phonetic form]OPart of speechV"O"Reduplication form(s)O Reversal (E)O ReferenceO Reversal (n)O" Reversal (r) O Scientific nameV^OSemantic domainOSubentrycO Singular formO! Sense numberO1SourceOAStatusOQSynonymHOAbHTable3f)@`0Pp @ ` Oq Thesaurus O underlined boldU^O underlined^O Usage (E)"O"underlined italicV^O Usage (n)O" Usage (r)O Usage (v)OVariant form(s) O Word-level gloss (E) O Word-level gloss (n) O"! Word-level gloss (r)$O1$Example free trans. (E)0OA0$Example (gloss for interlinearizing)$OQ$Example free trans. (n)$O"a$Example free trans. (r)Oq Example (v)&O&Double-column Sectionx&@&Header yH$Uc @ Footer zH$&O&Single-column Section{RORFinderlist Paragraph0|&  @ ` O Headword (E)cO Headword (n)c&O&Letter Paragraph 1ONon-MDFO f_analysisO!Picture&OQ2&Indent1 ParagraphP&OQB&Indent2 Paragraph&OQR&Indent3 ParagraphpOa Headword (r)Oq Letter (r)[  Authorized Gateway CustomerC:\SHW_307\MDF\MDF_N.DOTAuthorized Gateway CustomerC:\SHW_307\MDF\MDF_N.DOTAuthorized Gateway CustomerC:\SHW\MDF40\MDF_N.DOTAuthorized Gateway CustomerC:\SHW\MDF40\MDF_N.DOTAuthorized Gateway CustomerC:\SHW\MDF40\MDF_N.DOTAuthorized Gateway CustomerC:\SHW\MDF40\MDF_N.DOTAuthorized Gateway CustomerS:\SHW\RELEASE\MDF\MDF_N.DOTMark R. Pedrotti.\\SWDEVSERVER\SOURCE\SHW\RELEASE\MDF\MDF_N.DOTMark R. PedrottiC:\MDFMACRO\MDF_N.DOTMark R. PedrottiC:\MDFMACRO\MDF_N.DOTUQ    Y&Finish Converting MDFFinishExportingFromShoebox&Finish exporting from ShoeboxFINISHCONVERTINGMDFFINISHEXPORTINGFROMSHOEBOX@HP LaserJet 6P\\JARNET-A\CCSswdevPCL5EMS2HP LaserJet 6P@g XX@MSUDHP LaserJet 6Pd HP LaserJet 6P@g XX@MSUDHP LaserJet 6Pd CTimes New Roman Symbol &Arial5Courier New hZGMy%9MDF National AudienceMark R. Pedrotti