c ==================================================================== c CNVRT-PD.CCT - Convert MDF paradigm forms to new format c For Shoebox Test Version 3.09 (and later) c See the *** comments to learn how to modify this change table. c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c 1997-10-03 Mark R. Pedrotti (ICTS Software Development) begin > store(WS) ' ' nl d9 endstore c White space: space, newline, tab store(Backslash) '\' endstore use(gMain) c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c Example of converting an old paradigm form field: c \pl asure c To the new format: c \pdl pl c \pdv asure c The paradigm form "bundle" of fields includes optional glosses c in English, national, and regional languages, for example: c \pdl pl c \pdv asure c \pde dogs c \pdn anjing-anjing c *** Here you choose whether you want this change table to add c any of these markers to your lexical database file for you to c fill in later. By default none are added. To have any of the c three markers below added, remove the c [comment] at the beginning c of the line: define(dRestOfBundle) > c '\pde' nl c Paradigm form gloss (English) c '\pdn' nl c Paradigm form gloss (national) c '\pdr' nl c Paradigm form gloss (regional) if(nl) nl clear(nl) endif c Data field ended with a blank line c -------------------------------------------------------------------- group(gMain) c Note: By default, this table uses the standard paradigm markers c for the labels because they are familiar and easy to type. c The mdf_eng.cct and national labels change tables then convert c these internal data items to the standard printing labels. c *** If you want to change the data items themselves (e.g. Pl instead c of pl) while you change to the new format, modify the right-hand-side c of the following rules. Make the corresponding modifications to the c left-hand-side of the rules in group(gParadigmLabel) in the c mdf_*.cct change tables you use for English and national audiences. '\sg' fol(WS) > '\pdl sg' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\pl' fol(WS) > '\pdl pl' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\rd' fol(WS) > '\pdl rd' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\1s' fol(WS) > '\pdl 1s' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\2s' fol(WS) > '\pdl 2s' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\3s' fol(WS) > '\pdl 3s' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\4s' fol(WS) > '\pdl 4s' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\1d' fol(WS) > '\pdl 1d' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\2d' fol(WS) > '\pdl 2d' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\3d' fol(WS) > '\pdl 3d' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\4d' fol(WS) > '\pdl 4d' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\1p' fol(WS) > '\pdl 1p' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\1i' fol(WS) > '\pdl 1i' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\1e' fol(WS) > '\pdl 1e' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\2p' fol(WS) > '\pdl 2p' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\3p' fol(WS) > '\pdl 3p' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\4p' fol(WS) > '\pdl 4p' nl use(gAfterMarker) '\' > dup use(gRestOfField) c -------------------------------------------------------------------- group(gAfterMarker) nl nl fol(Backslash) > set(nl) next nl fol(Backslash) > '\pdv' nl do(dRestOfBundle) use(gMain) c Empty endfile > next nl endfile > '\pdv' nl do(dRestOfBundle) endfile c Empty field any(WS) > '' '' > '\pdv ' use(gParadigmForm) c -------------------------------------------------------------------- group(gParadigmForm) nl nl fol(Backslash) > set(nl) next nl fol(Backslash) > nl do(dRestOfBundle) use(gMain) endfile > next nl endfile > nl do(dRestOfBundle) endfile c -------------------------------------------------------------------- group(gRestOfField) nl fol(Backslash) > dup use(gMain)