\_sh v3.0 400 Grammar Outline \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \key AA Instructions \shd Using the Linguistic Field Manual and the Grammar Outline Database \txt This Grammar Outline is based on the Linguistic Field Manual developed for the LinguaLinks Library and is designed to be used with the Shoebox version of the field manual (LINGMANL.DB). \shd2 Setting it up \txt To use this outline with the accompanying Helps database, LINGMANL.DB (i.e. the Linguistic Field Manual), do the following: \ftx 1. Open both this outline database and the linguistic helps manual in Shoebox (GRAMMAR.DB and LINGMANL.DB). \ftx 2. Set the path (under Database-Properties-Jump Path) so that the Helps database is included. \ftx 3. Set the path in your text database properites (if different from the helps and outline databases) so that the grammar outline database is included. \ftx _________________________________________________ \txt NOTE: The BIBLIOG.DB database included with this release contains a bibliography of all the references cited in the LINGMANL database. If you wish to have this bibliographical information on-line, load this database into Shoebox as well, but it is not required in order to use the Linguistic Field Manual and Grammar Outline databases. \shd2 A Strategy for Using the Outline \txt As you begin to "attack" a language, collecting texts and basic utterances, transcribing and analysing your data, you will begin to see structures that you can describe in the relevant sections of the outline. \txt Go to each of the relevant sections and add a discussion on how your language functions in relation to each relevant topic. Include data which exemplifies the topic and your discussion. \txt It is best to go from the data to the outline (only filling in those records about which you have something relevant to say) rather than looking at the outline and then hunting for those features in your language. This second strategy leads to frustration since there are MANY topics in this outline that are irrelevant or don't apply at all to the language. \txt Going from data to the outline, continue to expand each topic as needed to describe what you are discovering about the language. \txt NOTE: If your goal is to produce only a simple grammar sketch, be advised that this Linguistic Field Manual system may be too complex for your purposes. It is intended to be used over the course of a language program, and emphasizes completeness rather than overview. Nonetheless, it can provide you with insights into many of the areas you will need to address. Simply ignore all of the sections that are not of interest to you (you may use the \vld field to mark only those areas you intend to work in, and then use Shoebox filters to hide the rest of the outline). \shd2 General Formatting Comments \txt The \shd ("section heading") field included in each record provides clear (readable-English) section headings for each topic in this outline. You may change these if you wish. Also included in each record is a \srt ("sort") field which provides a way to arrange the outline in a logical sequence. \txt If you were to print this outline as it is normally sorted in Shoebox, the records would appear in alphabetical order according to the record marker. But by having Shoebox sort the database on the \srt fields instead, you will be able to export a document that follows the intended (logical) order for the outline. \txt With this strategy, if you set a filter to show only the records you've worked on (see the discussion on the \vld field below), then sort the database on the \srt field, and select the browse view so that it shows the \srt and the \shd fields, Shoebox will give you a properly sorted outline and section heading view of your analysis as it currently stands. \txt You can adjust the order of any record just by changing its \srt field. And while this is not as elegant as Word's outline feature, it will do until you are ready to export your analysis into Word for publication. \txt Be sure to tag all your comments, discussions and data fields with unique field markers, so that when you are ready to export your analysis, you can have Shoebox export only those fields you want, and exclude the fields used by the outline (e.g. the cross-reference fields, etc. included to help you with your analysis). This database type comes with a plain text field marker (\txt) that has been added to each of the records. You will want to add others. \txt The \vld ("valid") field marker included in each record of this database allows you to mark only those records where you have inserted data. Simply change the "n" in the \vld field to a "y" when you insert data in a record. To use this field for limiting your viewing or output of the database to just those "valid" records, use a filter. Specify that a "y" must appear in the \vld field. \txt Such a filter would restrict the current view on the database file, so that Shoebox, when viewing, browsing, or exporting data, would only include those records with a "y" in the "valid" field. \txt Refer to the chapter on "Text and Grammar Databases" in the Shoebox manual for more details on how to use these linguistic tools for your analysis of the language. _________________________________________________ \txt NOTE: The user is advised that portions of the outline may be incomplete, and that there may be linking errors that incorrectly connect sections of the outline to help topics or questions. Likewise, modifications for Shoebox 3 are incomplete in some places. Incompleteness is generally marked with *. Sorry for any inconvenience. \txt This outline is a preliminary version and is compatible with the test release of the Linguistic Field Manual database, LINGMANL.DB, originally compiled for Shoebox by Bruce Hooley. This outline most definitely represents work in progress, and while it was created under the supervision of the SIL International Linguistics Coordinator, any errors or shortcomings of the grammar outline are entirely the responsibility of the author, Dan Davis. \vld n \srt 000 \dt 22/Jul/1998 \key AAAA -- Top of Outline \shd Linguistic Field Manual Grammar Outline: first level contents \cf eth Demographic and Ethnographic Information \cf mor Morphological Typology \cf gr Grammatical Categories \cf ord Constituent Order Typology \cf n Noun and Noun Phrase Operations \cf pnom Predicate Nominals and Related Constructions \cf grel Grammatical Relations \cf val Valence-changing Operations \cf v Verb and Verb Phrase Operations \cf prag Pragmatically-marked Structures \cf cplx Complex Constructions \cf disc The Language as a Vehicle for Discourse \ftx _____________________________________________________ \txt For a short discussion on how to use this outline, jump to: \cf AA Instructions \txt For a complete overview of all of the outline headings for this outline go to the next record (Alt-N), or jump to it: \cf All_topics Outline of All Topics \txt For an introduction to the Linguistic Field Manual itself, switch to the LINGMANL.DB database window and go to the top of the database (ALT-DT or use the toolbar button). \vld n \srt 000 \dt 07/Jul/1999 \key All_topics \shd Linguistic Field Manual -- Full Grammar Outline \shd2 Demographic and Ethnographic Information \cf eth Demographic and Ethnographic Information \cf eth_nam The Name of the Language \cf eth_nam_ext External \cf eth_nam_int Internal \cf eth_nam_orig Origins \cf eth_eth Ethnography \cf eth_eth_econ Economic Activity \cf eth_eth_ecosys Ecosystem \cf eth_eth_cult Material Culture \cf eth_eth_cosm Cosmology \cf eth_dem Demography \cf eth_dem_loc Locale \cf eth_dem_other Other Groups \cf eth_dem_intct Interaction \cf eth_affil Genetic Affiliation \cf eth_affil_fam Family \cf eth_affil_rel Relatives \cf eth_affil_src Published Sources \cf eth_prevres Previous Research \cf eth_socl Sociolinguistic Situation \cf eth_socl_mult Multilingualism \cf eth_socl_mult_perc Percentages \cf eth_socl_mult_lang Languages \cf eth_socl_cntxt Contexts of Use \cf eth_socl_via Viability \cf eth_socl_via_use Use by Children \cf eth_socl_via_pres Pressures \cf eth_socl_via_semi Semi-speakers \cf eth_socl_loan Loan Words \cf eth_dlect Dialects \shd2 Morphological Typology \cf mor Morphological Typology \cf mor_typ Synthesis and Fusion \cf mor_typ_synth Synthesis \cf mor_typ_fus Fusion \cf mor_infl Inflection and Derivation \cf mor_infl_gen General \cf mor_infl_drv Derivational \cf mor_infl_infl Inflectional \cf mor_rt Roots and Stems \cf mor_mproc Morphological Processes \cf mor_hd/dep Head/Dependent Marking \shd2 Grammatical Categories \cf gr Grammatical Categories \cf gr_cat Basic Grammatical Categories \cf gr_cat_min Minor Categories \cf gr_adv Adverbs \cf gr_adv_gen General discussion \cf gr_adv_vscpl vs. Complement-taking Verbs \cf gr_adv_man Manner \cf gr_adv_time Time \cf gr_adv_dir/lo Direction/Location \cf gr_adv_ev/epi Evidential/Epistemic \cf gr_mod Modifiers \cf gr_mod_adj Descriptive Adjectives \cf gr_mod_adj_form Form \cf gr_mod_adj_agr Agreement \cf gr_mod_adj_sem Semantic Classes \cf gr_mod_adj_size Size \cf gr_mod_adj_shp Shape \cf gr_mod_adj_col Color \cf gr_mod_adj_val Value \cf gr_mod_adj_txt Texture \cf gr_mod_adj_func Functionality \cf gr_mod_adj_other Other \cf gr_mod_non-num Non-numeral Quantifiers \cf gr_mod_num Numerals \cf gr_mod_num_sys System Used \cf gr_mod_num_ext Extent \cf gr_mod_num_agr Agreement \cf gr_n Nouns \cf gr_n_gen General discussion \cf gr_n_msyn Morphosyntactic Criteria \cf gr_n_dist Distributional Characteristics \cf gr_n_strc Structural Characteristics \cf gr_n_ex Changing Grammatical Category \cf gr_n_typ Types of Nouns \cf gr_n_typ_prop Proper Nouns \cf gr_n_typ_count Count Nouns \cf gr_n_typ_mass Mass Nouns \cf gr_n_typ_other Other \cf gr_n_n/npstr The Structure of the Noun or Noun Phrase \cf gr_n_prn/clt Pronouns and/or Anaphoric Clitics \cf gr_n_prn/clt_intro General Discussion \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist Relevant Distinctions \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_pers Person \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_num Number \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_gen Gender \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_grel Grammmatical Relations \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_role Semantic Roles \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_def Definiteness/Specificity \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_hon Honorifics \cf gr_v Verbs \cf gr_v_cl Verb Classes \cf gr_v_cl_intro General Discussion \cf gr_v_cl_sem Semantic Roles \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com Common Semantic Roles \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_ag Agent \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_force Force \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_instr Instrument \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_exp Experiencer \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_recip Recipient \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_pat Patient \cf gr_v_cl_sem_encod Encoding Semantic Roles \cf gr_v_cl_sem_univ Universal Semantic Roles \cf gr_v_cl_sem_vsrel vs. Grammatical Relations \cf gr_v_cl_weath Weather Verbs \cf gr_v_cl_st States \cf gr_v_cl__inv Involuntary Processes \cf gr_v_cl_bod Bodily Functions \cf gr_v_cl_bod_mot Motion \cf gr_v_cl_bod_loc Locomotion \cf gr_v_cl_bod_mot_op Motion--Verbal Operators \cf gr_v_cl_pos Position \cf gr_v_cl_actn Actions \cf gr_v_cl_actproc Action Processes \cf gr_v_cl_fact Factives \cf gr_v_cl_cogn Cognition \cf gr_v_cl_sens Sensation \cf gr_v_cl_emot Emotion \cf gr_v_cl_utt Utterance \cf gr_v_cl_manip Manipulation \cf gr_v_strc Verb/Verb Phrase Structure \shd2 Constituent Order Typology \cf ord Constituent Order Typology \cf ord_intro General discussion \cf ord_cl Main Clauses \cf ord_cl_case General Case \cf ord_cl_rigd "Rigid" Languages \cf ord_cl_flex "Flexible" Languages \cf ord_cl_prag Pragmatic Factors \cf ord_vp Verb Phrases \cf ord_vp_v-aux Verb, Aux \cf ord_vp_v-aux-adv Verb, Aux, Adverbs \cf ord_np Noun Phrases \cf ord_adpp Adpositional Phrases \cf ord_cmpar Comparatives \cf ord_q Questions \cf ord_q_part Question Particles \cf ord_q_wd Question Words \cf ord_sum Summary \shd2 Noun and Noun Phrase Operations \cf n Noun and Noun Phrase Operations \cf n_intro General Discussion \cf n_cmp Compounding \cf n_dnom Denominalization \cf n_num Number Marking \cf n_case Case \cf n_art Articles \cf n_art_intro General Discussion \cf n_art_dem Demonstratives \cf n_art_like Article-like Particles \cf n_poss Possessors \cf n_cls Class (including Gender) \cf n_dim/aug Diminuation/Augmentation \cf n_other Other Operations (encoded in the np) \shd2 Predicate Nominals and Related Constructions \cf pnom Predicate Nominals and Related Constructions \cf pnom_intro General Discussion \cf pnom_p-nom Predicate Nominals \cf pnom_p-nom_incl/eq Inclusion vs. Equation \cf pnom_p-nom_cop Copulas \cf pnom_p-nom_vcop Copula as Verb \cf pnom_p-nom_cop_pron Copula as Pronoun \cf pnom_p-nom_cop_part Copula as Particle \cf pnom_p-nom_cop_op Copula as Operation \cf pnom_p-nom_cop_tns Copula in Non-present Tenses \cf pnom_p-nom_sum Summary of Typology \cf pnom_p-adj Predicate Adjectives \cf pnom_p-loc Predicate Locatives \cf pnom_exst Existentials \cf pnom_poss Possessive Constructions \cf pnom_sum Summary \shd2 Grammatical Relations \cf grel Grammatical Relations \cf grel_intro General Discussion \cf grel_val Valency \cf grel_typ System Type \cf grel_typ_nom/acc Nominative/Accusative \cf grel_typ_erg/abs Ergative/Absolutive \cf grel_typ_ord Constituent Order \cf grel_splt Split Systems \cf grel_splt_intro General Discussion \cf grel_splt_intr Intransitive \cf grel_splt_tr Transitive \cf grel_splt_tr_a/p Agent/Patient Distinctions \cf grel_splt_tr_ag/emp Agentive Hierarchy \cf grel_splt_tr_agr Agreement and Pronouns \cf grel_splt_tr_top Topicality \cf grel_splt_tr_np Noun Phrases in Transitive Clauses \cf grel_splt_t/a Tense/Aspect \cf grel_splt_sum Summary \cf grel_erg Syntactic Ergativity \cf grel_erg_proc The Process \cf grel_erg_cnj Conjunction Reduction \cf grel_erg_sum Summary \cf grel_case Case Marking \cf grel_vcode Verb Coding \cf grel_ord Constituent Order \cf grel_agent Agentivity/Empathy Hierarchies \cf grel_sum Summary \shd2 Valence-changing Operations \cf val Valence-changing Operations \cf val_p-calc Valence and Predicate Calculus \cf val_p-calc_intro General Discussion \cf val_p-calc_as Valence as Predicate Calculus \cf val_incr Valence Increasing Operations \cf val_incr_caus Causatives \cf val_incr_appl Applicatives \cf val_incr_dat Dative Shift \cf val_decr Valence Decreasing Operations \cf val_decr_intro Introduction \cf val_decr_refl/recip Reflexives/Reciprocals \cf val_decr_refl Reflexives \cf val_decr_recip Reciprocals \cf val_decr_pass Passives \cf val_decr_mid Middle Constructions \cf val_decr_anti-p Antipassives \cf val_decr_demot Object Demotion \shd2 Verb and Verb Phrase Operations \cf v Verb and Verb Phrase Operations \cf v_nz Nominalization \cf v_nz_intro General Discussion \cf v_nz_actn Action Nominalization \cf v_nz_part Participant Nominalization \cf v_other Other Deverbalizing Processes \cf v_cmp Compounding \cf v_cmp_n Noun Incorporation \cf v_cmp_v Complex Verbs \cf v_tam Tense/Aspect/Mode \cf v_tam_tns Tense \cf v_tam_asp Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_perfv Perfective Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_imprf Imperfective Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_perf Perfect Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_cplv Completive Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_incpt Inceptive Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_plu Pluperfect Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_cntv Continuative/Progressive Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_punc Punctual Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_iter Iterative Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_hab Habitual Aspect \cf v_tam_mode Mode \cf v_tam_mode_subj Subjunctive Mode \cf v_tam_mode_opt Optative Mode \cf v_tam_mode_potn Potential Mode \cf v_tam_mode_hypo Hypothetical Mode \cf v_tam_mode_cnd Conditional Mode \cf v_tam_mode_deon Deontic Mode \cf v_tam_mode_epist Epistemic Mode \cf v_tam_msyn Morphosyntax \cf v_tam_ncode Nominal Coding \cf v_tam_adv Temporal Adverbs \cf v_tam_auxv Auxiliary Verbs \cf v_loc Location/Direction \cf v_agr Agreement \cf v_evid Evidentiality \cf v_misc Miscellaneous \cf v_misc_lxtim Lexical Time Reference \cf v_misc_dist Distributive \cf v_misc_env Environmental \shd2 Pragmatically-marked Structures \cf prag Pragmatically-marked Structures \cf prag_stat Pragmatic Statuses \cf prag_iden Identifiability \cf prag_foc Focus \cf prag_top Topic \cf prag_cntr Contrast \cf prag_prom Pragmatic Prominence \cf prag_prom_ord Constituent Order \cf prag_prom_form Formatives \cf prag_prom_clft Cleft Constructions \cf prag_neg Negation \cf prag_neg_lex Lexical Negation \cf prag_neg_mor Morphological Negation \cf prag_neg_anal_part Analytic Negation \cf prag_neg_s-mod Secondary Modifications \cf prag_neg_n-cl Non-Clausal Negation \cf prag_ndecl Non-Declarative Speech Acts \cf prag_ndecl_q Interrogatives \cf prag_ndecl_q_ynq Yes/No Questions \cf prag_ndecl_q_qwd Question Word Questions \cf prag_ndecl_imp Imperatives \shd2 Complex Constructions \cf cplx Complex Constructions \cf cplx_sv Serial Verbs \cf cplx_cplcl Complement Clauses \cf cplx_advcl Adverbial Clauses \cf cplx_advcl_time Time \cf cplx_advcl_loc Location \cf cplx_advcl_man Manner \cf cplx_advcl_purp Purpose \cf cplx_advcl_rsn Reason \cf cplx_advcl_circ Circumstantial \cf cplx_advcl_sim Simultaneous \cf cplx_advcl_cnd Conditional \cf cplx_advcl_cncs Concessive \cf cplx_advcl_sbst Substitutive \cf cplx_advcl_add Additive \cf cplx_advcl_abs Absolutive \cf cplx_med Medial Clauses \cf cplx_med_chn Clause Chaining \cf cplx_med_medcl Medial Clauses \cf cplx_med_sw Switch Reference Systems \cf cplx_relcl Relative Clauses \cf cplx_relcl_np Noun Phrase Encoding \cf cplx_relcl_elem Clause Elements Capable of being Relativized \cf cplx_coord Coordination \cf cplx_coord_np Strategies -- Parallel to Noun Phrases \cf cplx_coord_zero Strategies -- Zero \cf cplx_coord_cnj Strategies -- Coordinating Conjunction \cf cplx_coord_other Other Coordination Strategies \cf cplx_coord_log Logical Relations \cf cplx_other Other Complex Constructions \shd2 The Language as a Vehicle for Discourse \cf disc The Language as a Vehicle for Discourse \cf disc_cnt Continuity (cohesion) and Discontinuity \cf disc_cnt_top Topic Continuity \cf disc_cnt_thm Thematic Continuity \cf disc_cnt_act Action Continuity \cf disc_cnt_prom Episodic Prominence \cf disc_cnt_prom_clim Climax/Peak \cf disc_cnt_prom_intns Intensification \cf disc_genr Genres \cf disc_genr_cnvs Conversation \cf disc_genr_nar Narrative \cf disc_genr_nar_pers Personal Experience \cf disc_genr_nar_hist Historical \cf disc_genr_nar_flk Folk Stories \cf disc_genr_nar_myth Mythology \cf disc_genr_hort Hortatory \cf disc_genr_proc Procedural \cf disc_genr_exp Expository \cf disc_genr_desc Descriptive \cf disc_genr_rit Ritual Speech \cf disc_idm Idiomatic Expressions/Proverbs \cf disc_symb Sound Symbolism \cf disc_typ Typological Findings \cf disc_misc Miscellaneous and Conclusions \cf disc_bib Bibliography or References Cited \vld n \srt 000 \dt 21/Aug/1997 \key cplx \shd Complex Constructions \ftx --------------------------------------------------- \ftx For an introduction discussion, jump to: \cf Hcplx_intro \txt For a complete overview of the Helps available on this topic, jump to: \cf Hcplx \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf cplx_sv Serial Verbs \cf cplx_cplcl Complement Clauses \cf cplx_advcl Adverbial Clauses \cf cplx_med Medial Clauses \cf cplx_relcl Relative Clauses \cf cplx_coord Coordination \cf cplx_other Other Complex Constructions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011 \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key cplx_advcl \shd Adverbial Clauses \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf cplx_advcl_time Time \cf cplx_advcl_loc Location \cf cplx_advcl_man Manner \cf cplx_advcl_purp Purpose \cf cplx_advcl_rsn Reason \cf cplx_advcl_circ Circumstantial \cf cplx_advcl_sim Simultaneous \cf cplx_advcl_cnd Conditional \cf cplx_advcl_cncs Concessive \cf cplx_advcl_sbst Substitutive \cf cplx_advcl_add Additive \cf cplx_advcl_abs Absolutive \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011c \dt \key cplx_advcl_abs \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Absolutive \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_abs \cf Help: Hcplx_advcl_abs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011cl \dt \key cplx_advcl_add \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Additive \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_add \cf Help: Hcplx_advcl_add \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011ck \dt \key cplx_advcl_circ \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Circumstantial \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_circ \cf Help: Hcplx_advcl_circ \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011cf \dt \key cplx_advcl_cncs \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Concessive \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_cncs \cf Help: Hcplx_advcl_cncs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011ci \dt \key cplx_advcl_cnd \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Conditional \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_cnd \cf Help: Hcplx_advcl_cnd \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011ch \dt \key cplx_advcl_loc \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Location \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_loc \cf Help: Hcplx_advcl_loc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011cb \dt \key cplx_advcl_man \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Manner \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_man \cf Help: Hcplx_advcl_man \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011cc \dt \key cplx_advcl_purp \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Purpose \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_purp \cf Help: Hcplx_advcl_purp \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011cd \dt \key cplx_advcl_rsn \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Reason \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_rsn \cf Help: hcplx_advcl_rsn \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011ce \dt \key cplx_advcl_sbst \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Substitutive \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_sbst \cf Help: Hcplx_advcl_sbst \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011cj \dt \key cplx_advcl_sim \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Simultaneous \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_sim \cf Help: Hcplx_advcl_sim \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011cg \dt \key cplx_advcl_time \shd Adverbial Clauses -- Time \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_advcl_time \cf Help: Hcplx_advcl_time \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011ca \dt \key cplx_coord \shd Coordination \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf cplx_coord_np Strategies -- Parallel to Noun Phrases \cf cplx_coord_zero Strategies -- Zero \cf cplx_coord_cnj Strategies -- Coordinating Conjunction \cf cplx_coord_other Other Coordination Strategies \cf cplx_coord_log Logical Relations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011f \dt \key cplx_coord_cnj \shd Coordination Strategies -- Coordinating Conjunction \ftx --------------------------------------------------- \cf Questions: Qcplx_coord_cnj \cf Help: Hcplx_coord_cnj \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011fc \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key cplx_coord_log \shd Logical Relations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_coord_log \cf Help: Hcplx_coord_log \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011fe \dt \key cplx_coord_np \shd Coordination Strategies -- Parallel to Noun Phrases \ftx --------------------------------------------------- \cf Questions: Qcplx_coord_np \cf Help: Hcplx_coord_np \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011fa \dt \key cplx_coord_other \shd Other Coordination Strategies \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_coord_other \cf Help: Hcplx_coord_other \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011fd \dt \key cplx_coord_zero \shd Coordination Strategies -- Zero \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_coord_zero \cf Help: Hcplx_coord_zero \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011fb \dt \key cplx_cplcl \shd Complement Clauses \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_cplcl \cf Help: Hcplx_cplcl \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011b \dt \key cplx_med \shd Medial Clauses, Clause Chaining, and Switch Reference \ftx ----------------------------------------------------- \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf cplx_med_chn Clause Chaining \cf cplx_med_medcl Medial Clauses \cf cplx_med_sw Switch Reference Systems \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011d \dt \key cplx_med_chn \shd Clause Chaining \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_med_chn \cf Help: Hcplx_med_chn \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011da \dt \key cplx_med_medcl \shd Medial Clauses \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_med_medcl \cf Help: Hcplx_med_medcl \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011db \dt \key cplx_med_sw \shd Switch Reference Systems \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_med_sw \cf Help: Hcplx_med_sw \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011dc \dt \key cplx_other \shd Other Complex Constructions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_other \cf Help: Hcplx_other \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011g \dt \key cplx_relcl \shd Relative Clauses \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx For an introduction to relative clauses, jump to: \cf Hcplx_relcl \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf cplx_relcl_np Noun Phrase Encoding \cf cplx_relcl_elem Clause Elements Capable of being Relativized \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011e \dt \key cplx_relcl_elem \shd Clause Elements Capable of being Relativized \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_relcl_elem \cf Help: Hcplx_relcl_elem \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011eb \dt \key cplx_relcl_np \shd Noun Phrase Encoding \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_relcl_np \cf Help: Hcplx_relcl_np \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011ea \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key cplx_sv \shd Serial Verbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qcplx_sv \cf Help: Hcplx_sv \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 011a \dt \key disc \shd Language as a Vehicle for Discourse \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt For an introductory discussion of discourse considerations, jump to: \cf Hdisc_intro_ling \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf disc_cnt Continuity (cohesion) and Discontinuity \cf disc_genr Genres \cf disc_idm Idiomatic Expressions/Proverbs \cf disc_symb Sound Symbolism \cf disc_typ Typological Findings \cf disc_misc Miscellaneous and Conclusions \cf disc_bib Bibliography or References Cited \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012 \dt 20/Aug/1997 \key disc_bib \shd Bibliography or References Cited \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_bib \cf Help: Hdisc_bib \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012g \dt \key disc_cnt \shd Continuity (Cohesion) and Discontinuity \ftx ------------------------------------------------- \ftx For an introductory discussion, jump to: \cf Hdisc_cnt \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf disc_cnt_ref Topic (referential)Continuity \cf disc_cnt_thm Thematic Continuity \cf disc_cnt_act Action Continuity \cf disc_cnt_prom Episodic Prominence \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012a \dt 20/Aug/1997 \key disc_cnt_act \shd Action Continuity \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_cnt_act \cf Help: Hdisc_cnt_act \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012ac \dt \key disc_cnt_prom \shd Episodic Prominence \ftx ------------------------------------------------------ \ftx For an introductory discussion, jump to: \cf Hdisc_cnt_prom \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf disc_cnt_prom_clim Climax/Peak \cf disc_cnt_prom_intns Intensification \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012ad \dt \key disc_cnt_prom_clim \shd Climax/Peak \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_cnt_prom_clim \cf Help: Hdisc_cnt_prom_clim \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012ada \dt \key disc_cnt_prom_intns \shd Intensification \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_cnt_prom_intns \cf Help: Hdisc_cnt_prom_intns \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012adb \dt \key disc_cnt_ref \shd Topic (Referential) Continuity \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_cnt_ref \cf Help: Hdisc_cnt_ref \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012aa \dt 20/Aug/1997 \key disc_cnt_thm \shd Thematic Continuity \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_cnt_thm \cf Help: Hdisc_cnt_thm \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012ab \dt \key disc_genr \shd Genres \ftx -------------------------------------------------- \ftx For an introductory discussion, jump to: \cf Hdisc_genr \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf disc_genr_cnvs Conversation \cf disc_genr_nar Narrative \cf disc_genr_hort Hortatory \cf disc_genr_proc Procedural \cf disc_genr_exp Expository \cf disc_genr_desc Descriptive \cf disc_genr_rit Ritual Speech \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012b \dt \key disc_genr_cnvs \shd Genres -- Conversation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_genr_cnvs \cf Help: Hdisc_genr_cnvs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012ba \dt \key disc_genr_desc \shd Genres -- Descriptive \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_genr_desc \cf Help: Hdisc_genr_desc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012bf \dt \key disc_genr_exp \shd Genres -- Expository \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_genr_exp \cf Help: Hdisc_genr_exp \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012be \dt \key disc_genr_hort \shd Genres -- Hortatory \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_genr_hort \cf Help: Hdisc_genr_hort \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012bc \dt \key disc_genr_nar \shd Genres -- Narrative \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf disc_genr_nar_pers Personal Experience \cf disc_genr_nar_hist Historical \cf disc_genr_nar_flk Folk Stories \cf disc_genr_nar_myth Mythology \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012bb \dt \key disc_genr_nar_flk \shd Folk Stories \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_genr_nar_flk \cf Help: Hdisc_genr_nar_flk \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012bbc \dt \key disc_genr_nar_hist \shd Historical \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_genr_nar_hist \cf Help: Hdisc_genr_nar_hist \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012bbb \dt \key disc_genr_nar_myth \shd Mythology \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_genr_nar_myth \cf Help: Hdisc_genr_nar_myth \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012bbd \dt \key disc_genr_nar_pers \shd Personal Experience \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_genr_nar_pers \cf Help: Hdisc_genr_nar_pers \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012bba \dt \key disc_genr_proc \shd Genres -- Procedural \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_genr_proc \cf Help: Hdisc_genr_proc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012bd \dt \key disc_genr_rit \shd Genres -- Ritual Speech \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_genr_rit \cf Help: Hdisc_genr_rit \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012bg \dt \key disc_idm \shd Idiomatic Expressions/Proverbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_idm \cf Help: Hdisc_idm \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012c \dt \key disc_misc \shd Miscellaneous and Conclusions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_misc \cf Help: Hdisc_misc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012f \dt \key disc_symb \shd Sound Symbolism \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_symb \cf Help: Hdisc_symb \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012d \dt \key disc_typ \shd Typological Findings \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qdisc_typ \cf Help: Hdisc_typ [INCOMPLETE] \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 012e \dt 29/Aug/1997 \key eth \shd Demographic and Ethnographic Information \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf eth_nam The Name of the Language \cf eth_eth Ethnography \cf eth_dem Demography \cf eth_affil Genetic Affiliation \cf eth_prevres Previous Research \cf eth_socl Sociolinguistic Situation \cf eth_dlect Dialects \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001 \dt \key eth_affil \shd Genetic Affiliation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf eth_affil_fam Family \cf eth_affil_rel Relatives \cf eth_affil_src Published Sources \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001d \dt \key eth_affil_fam \shd Genetic Affiliation -- Family \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_affil_fam \cf Help: Heth_affil_fam \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001da \dt \key eth_affil_rel \shd Genetic Affiliation -- Relatives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_affil_rel \cf Help: Heth_affil_rel \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001db \dt \key eth_affil_src \shd Genetic Affiliation -- Published Sources \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_affil_src \cf Help: Heth_affil_src \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001dc \dt \key eth_dem \shd Demography \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf eth_dem_loc Locale \cf eth_dem_other Other Groups \cf eth_dem_intct Interaction \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001c \dt 27/Apr/1998 \key eth_dem_intct \shd Demography -- Interaction \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_dem_intct \cf Help: Heth_dem_intct \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001cc \dt \key eth_dem_loc \shd Demography -- Locale \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_dem_loc \cf Help: Heth_dem_loc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001ca \dt 27/Apr/1998 \key eth_dem_other \shd Demography -- Other Groups \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_dem_other \cf Help: Heth_dem_other \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001cb \dt \key eth_dlect \shd Demographic and Ethnographic Information -- Dialects \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_dlect \cf Help: Heth_dlect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001g \dt \key eth_eth \shd Ethnography \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf eth_eth_econ Economic Activity \cf eth_eth_ecosys Ecosystem \cf eth_eth_cult Material Culture \cf eth_eth_cosm Cosmology \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001b \dt 27/Apr/1998 \key eth_eth_cosm \shd Ethnography -- Cosmology \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_eth_cosm \cf Help: Heth_eth_cosm \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001bd \dt \key eth_eth_cult \shd Ethnography -- Material Culture \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_eth_cult \cf Help: Heth_eth_cult \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001bc \dt \key eth_eth_econ \shd Ethnography -- Economic Activity \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_eth_econ \cf Help: Heth_eth_econ \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001ba \dt \key eth_eth_ecosys \shd Ethnography -- Ecosystem \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_eth_ecosys \cf Help: Heth_eth_ecosys \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001bb \dt \key eth_nam \shd The Name of the Language \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf eth_nam_ext External \cf eth_nam_int Internal \cf eth_nam_orig Origins \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001a \dt \key eth_nam_ext \shd The Name of the Language -- External \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_nam_ext \cf Help: Heth_nam_ext \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001aa \dt \key eth_nam_int \shd The Name of the Language -- Internal \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_nam_int \cf Help: Heth_nam_int \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001ab \dt \key eth_nam_orig \shd The Name of the Language -- Origins \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_nam_orig \cf Help: Heth_nam_orig \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001ac \dt \key eth_prevres \shd Demographic and Ethnographic Information -- Previous Research \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_prevres \cf Help: Heth_prevres \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001e \dt \key eth_socl \shd Sociolinguistic Situation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf eth_socl_mult Multilingualism \cf eth_socl_cntxt Contexts of Use \cf eth_socl_via Viability \cf eth_socl_loan Loan Words \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001f \dt \key eth_socl_cntxt \shd Sociolinguistic Situation -- Contexts of Use \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_socl_cntxt \cf Help: Heth_socl_cntxt \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001fb \dt \key eth_socl_loan \shd Sociolinguistic Situation -- Loan Words \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_socl_loan \cf Help: Heth_socl_loan \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001fd \dt \key eth_socl_mult \shd Sociolinguistic Situation -- Multilingualism \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf eth_socl_mult_perc Percentages \cf eth_socl_mult_lang Languages \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001fa \dt \key eth_socl_mult_lang \shd Sociolinguistic Situation -- Multilingualism -- Languages \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_socl_mult_lang \cf Help: Heth_socl_mult_lang \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001fab \dt \key eth_socl_mult_perc \shd Sociolinguistic Situation -- Multilingualism -- Percentages \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_socl_mult_perc \cf Help: Heth_socl_mult_perc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001faa \dt \key eth_socl_via \shd Sociolinguistic Situation -- Viability \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf eth_socl_via_use Use by Children \cf eth_socl_via_pres Pressures \cf eth_socl_via_semi Semi-speakers \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001fc \dt \key eth_socl_via_pres \shd Sociolinguistic Situation -- Viability -- Pressures \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_socl_via_pres \cf Help: Heth_socl_via_pres \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001fcb \dt \key eth_socl_via_semi \shd Sociolinguistic Situation -- Viability -- Semi-speakers \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_socl_via_semi \cf Help: Heth_socl_via_semi \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001fcc \dt \key eth_socl_via_use \shd Sociolinguistic Situation -- Viability -- Use by Children \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qeth_socl_via_use \cf Help: Heth_socl_via_use \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 001fca \dt \key gr \shd Grammatical Categories \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_cat Basic Grammatical Categories \cf gr_cat_min Minor Categories \cf gr_adv Adverbs \cf gr_mod Modifiers \cf gr_n Nouns \cf gr_v Verbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003 \dt \key grel \shd Grammatical Relations \txt For an introductory discussion of Grammatical Relations, jump to: \cf Hgrel_intro \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf grel_intro General Discussion \cf grel_val Valency \cf grel_typ System Type \cf grel_splt Split Systems \cf grel_erg Syntactic Ergativity \cf grel_case Case Marking \cf grel_vcode Verb Coding \cf grel_ord Constituent Order \cf grel_agent Agentivity/Empathy Hierarchies \cf grel_sum Summary \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007 \dt 20/Aug/1997 \key grel_agent \shd Grammatical Relations -- Agentivity/Empathy Hierarchies \ftx ------------------------------------------------------- \cf Questions: Qgrel_ag/emp \cf Help: Hgrel_ag/emp \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007i \dt \key grel_case \shd Grammatical Relation -- Case Marking \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: QGrel_case \cf Help: Hgrel_case \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007f \dt \key grel_erg \shd Syntactic Ergativity \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf grel_erg_proc The Process \cf grel_erg_cnj Conjunction Reduction \cf grel_erg_sum Summary \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007e \dt \key grel_erg_cnj \shd Syntactic Ergativity -- Conjunction Reduction \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_erg_cnj \cf Help: Hgrel_erg_cnj \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007eb \dt \key grel_erg_proc \shd Syntactic Ergativity -- The Process \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_erg \cf Help: Hgrel_erg \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007ea \dt \key grel_erg_sum \shd Syntactic Ergativity -- Summary \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_erg_sum \cf Help: Hgrel_erg_sum \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007ec \dt \key grel_intro \shd Introduction to Grammatical Relations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_intro \cf Help: Hgrel_intro \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007a \dt \key grel_ord \shd Grammatical Relations -- Constituent Order \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_ord \cf Help: Hgrel_ord \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007h \dt \key grel_splt \shd Split Systems \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf grel_splt_intro General Discussion \cf grel_splt_intr Intransitive \cf grel_splt_tr Transitive \cf grel_splt_t/a Tense/Aspect \cf grel_splt_sum Summary \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007d \dt \key grel_splt_intr \shd Split Systems -- Intransitive \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_splt_intr \cf Help: Hgrel_splt_intr \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007db \dt \key grel_splt_intro \shd Split Systems -- General Discussion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_splt \cf Help: Hgrel_splt \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007da \dt \key grel_splt_sum \shd Split Systems -- Summary \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_splt_sum \cf Help: Hgrel_splt_sum \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007df \dt \key grel_splt_tr \shd Split Systems -- Transitive \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf grel_splt_tr_a/p Agent/Patient Distinctions \cf grel_splt_tr_ag/emp Agentive Hierarchy \cf grel_splt_tr_agr Agreement and Pronouns \cf grel_splt_tr_top Topicality \cf grel_splt_tr_np Noun Phrases in Transitive Clauses \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007dc \dt \key grel_splt_tr_agr \shd Split Systems -- Transitive -- Agreement and Pronouns \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_splt_tr_agr \cf Help: Hgrel_splt_tr_agr \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007dcc \dt \key grel_splt_tr_ag/emp \shd Split Systems -- Transitive -- Agentive Hierarchy \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_splt_tr_ag/emp \cf Help: Hgrel_splt_tr_ag/emp \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007dcb \dt \key grel_splt_tr_a/p \shd Split Systems -- Transitive -- Agent/Patient Distinction \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_splt_tr_a/p \cf Help: Hgrel_splt_tr_a/p \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007dca \dt \key grel_splt_tr_np \shd Split Systems -- Transitive -- Noun Phrases in Transitive Clauses \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_splt_tr_np \cf Help: Hgrel_splt_tr_np \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007dce \dt \key grel_splt_tr_top \shd Split Systems -- Transitive -- Topicality \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_splt_tr_top \cf Help: Hgrel_splt_tr_top \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007dcd \dt \key grel_splt_t/a \shd Split Systems -- Tense/Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_splt_t/a \cf Help: Hgrel_splt_t/a \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007de \dt \key grel_sum \shd Grammatical Relations -- Summary \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_sum \cf Help: Hgrel_sum \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007j \dt \key grel_typ \shd System Type \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf grel_typ_nom/acc Nominative/Accusative \cf grel_typ_erg/abs Ergative/Absolutive \cf grel_typ_ord Constituent Order \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007c \dt \key grel_typ_erg/abs \shd System Type -- Ergative/Absolutive \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_typ_erg/abs \cf Help: Hgrel_typ_erg/abs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007cb \dt \key grel_typ_nom/acc \shd System Type -- Nominative/Accusative \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_typ_nom/acc \cf Help: Hgrel_typ_nom/acc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007ca \dt \key grel_typ_ord \shd System Type -- Constituent Order \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_typ_ord \cf Help: Hgrel_typ_ord \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007cc \dt \key grel_val \shd Grammatical Relations -- Valency \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_val \cf Help: Hgrel_val \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007b \dt \key grel_vcode \shd Grammatical Relations -- Verb Coding \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgrel_vcode \cf Help: Hgrel_vcode \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 007g \ftx \key gr_adv \shd Grammatical Categories -- Adverbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_adv_gen General discussion \cf gr_adv_vscpl vs. Complement-taking Verbs \cf gr_adv_man Manner \cf gr_adv_time Time \cf gr_adv_dir/loc Direction/Location \cf gr_adv_ev/epis Evidential/Epistemic \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003c \dt \key gr_adv_dir/loc \shd Adverbs -- Direction/Location \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_adv_dir/loc \cf Help: Hgr_adv_dir/loc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ce \dt \key gr_adv_ev/epis \shd Adverbs -- Evidential/Epistemic \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_adv_ev/epis \cf Help: Hgr_adv_ev/epis \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003cf \dt \key gr_adv_gen \shd Adverbs -- General Discussion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_adv_gen \cf Help: Hgr_adv_gen \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ca \dt \key gr_adv_man \shd Adverbs -- Manner \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_adv_man \cf Help: Hgr_adv_man \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003cc \dt \key gr_adv_time \shd Adverbs -- Time \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_adv_time \cf Help: Hgr_adv_time \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003cd \dt \key gr_adv_vscpl \shd Adverbs -- vs. Complement-taking Verbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_adv_vscpl \cf Help: Hgr_adv_vscpl \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003cb \dt \key gr_cat \shd Basic Grammatical Categories \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_cat \cf Help: Hgr_cat \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003a \dt \key gr_cat_min \shd Minor Grammatical Categories \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_cat_min \cf Help: Hgr_cat_min \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003b \dt \key gr_mod \shd Grammatical Categories -- Modifiers \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_mod_adj Descriptive Adjectives \cf gr_mod_non-num Non-numeral Quantifiers \cf gr_mod_num Numerals \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003d \dt \key gr_mod_adj \shd Descriptive Adjectives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_mod_adj_form Form \cf gr_mod_adj_agr Agreement \cf gr_mod_adj_sem Semantic Classes \cf gr_mod_adj_size Size \cf gr_mod_adj_shp Shape \cf gr_mod_adj_col Color \cf gr_mod_adj_val Value \cf gr_mod_adj_txt Texture \cf gr_mod_adj_func Functionality \cf gr_mod_adj_other Other \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003da \dt \key gr_mod_adj_agr \shd Descriptive Adjectives -- Agreement \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_adj_agr \cf Help: Hgr_mod_adj_agr \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003dab \dt \key gr_mod_adj_col \shd Descriptive Adjectives -- Color \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_adj_col \cf Help: Hgr_mod_adj_col \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003daf \dt \key gr_mod_adj_form \shd Descriptive Adjectives -- Form \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_adj_form \cf Help: Hgr_mod_adj_form \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003daa \dt \key gr_mod_adj_func \shd Descriptive Adjectives -- Functionality \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_adj_func \cf Help: Hgr_mod_adj_func \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003dai \dt \key gr_mod_adj_other \shd Descriptive Adjectives -- Other \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_adj_other \cf Help: Hgr_mod_adj_other \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003daj \dt \key gr_mod_adj_sem \shd Descriptive Adjectives -- Semantic Classes \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_adj_sem \cf Help: Hgr_mod_adj_sem \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003dac \dt \key gr_mod_adj_shp \shd Descriptive Adjectives -- Shape \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_adj_shape \cf Help: Hgr_mod_adj_shape \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003dae \dt \key gr_mod_adj_size \shd Descriptive Adjectives -- Size \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_adj_size \cf Help: Hgr_mod_adj_size \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003dad \dt \key gr_mod_adj_txt \shd Descriptive Adjectives -- Texture \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_adj_txt \cf Help: Hgr_mod_adj_txt \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003dah \dt \key gr_mod_adj_val \shd Descriptive Adjectives -- Value \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_adj_val \cf Help: Hgr_mod_adj_val \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003dag \dt \key gr_mod_non-num \shd Non-numeral Quantifiers \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_non-num \cf Help: Hgr_mod_non-num \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003db \dt \key gr_mod_num \shd Numerals \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_mod_num_sys System Used \cf gr_mod_num_ext Extent \cf gr_mod_num_agr Agreement \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003dc \dt \key gr_mod_num_agr \shd Numerals -- Agreement \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_num_agr \cf Help: Hgr_mod_num_agr \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003dcc \dt \key gr_mod_num_ext \shd Numerals -- Extent \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_num_ext \cf Help: Hgr_mod_num_ext \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003dcb \dt \key gr_mod_num_sys \shd Numerals -- System Used \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_mod_num_sys \cf Help: Hgr_mod_num_sys \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003dca \dt \key gr_n \shd Nouns \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_n_gen General discussion \cf gr_n_msyn Morphosyntactic Criteria \cf gr_n_dist Distributional Characteristics \cf gr_n_strc Structural Characteristics \cf gr_n_ex Changing Grammatical Category \cf gr_n_typ Types of Nouns \cf gr_n_n/npstr The Structure of the Noun or Noun Phrase \cf gr_n_prn/clt Pronouns and/or Anaphoric Clitics \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003e \dt \key gr_n_dist \shd Nouns -- Distributional Characteristics \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_dist \cf Help: Hgr_n_dist \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ec \dt \key gr_n_ex \shd Changing Grammatical Category \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_ex_chgcat \cf Help: Hgr_n_ex_chgcat \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ee \dt \key gr_n_gen \shd Nouns -- General Discussion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_gen \cf Help: Hgr_n_gen \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ea \dt \key gr_n_msyn \shd Nouns -- Morphosyntactic Criteria \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_msyn \cf Help: Hgr_n_msyn \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003eb \dt \key gr_n_n/npstr \shd Nouns -- The Structure of the Noun or Noun Phrase \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_n/npstr \cf Help: Hgr_n_n/npstr \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003eg \dt \key gr_n_prn/clt \shd Pronouns and/or Anaphoric Clitics \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_n_prn/clt_intro General Discussion \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist Relevant Distinctions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003eh \dt \key gr_n_prn/clt_dist \shd Pronouns and/or Anaphoric Clitics -- Relevant Distinctions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_pers Person \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_num Number \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_gen Gender \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_grel Grammmatical Relations \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_role Semantic Roles \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_def Definiteness/Specificity \cf gr_n_prn/clt_dist_hon Honorifics \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ehb \dt 27/Apr/1998 \key gr_n_prn/clt_dist_def \shd Relevant Distinctions -- Definiteness/Specificity \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_prn/clt_dist_def \cf Help: Hgr_n_prn/clt_dist_def \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ehbf \dt \key gr_n_prn/clt_dist_gen \shd Relevant Distinctions -- Gender \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_prn/clt_dist_gen \cf Help: Hgr_n_prn/clt_dist_gen \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ehbc \dt \key gr_n_prn/clt_dist_grel \shd Relevant Distinctions -- Grammatical Relations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_prn/clt_dist_grel \cf Help: Hgr_n_prn/clt_dist_grel \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ehbd \dt \key gr_n_prn/clt_dist_hon \shd Relevant Distinctions -- Honorifics \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_prn/clt_dist_hon \cf Help: Hgr_n_prn/clt_dist_hon \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ehbg \dt \key gr_n_prn/clt_dist_num \shd Relevant Distinctions -- Number \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_prn/clt_dist_num \cf Help: Hgr_n_prn/clt_dist_num \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ehbb \dt \key gr_n_prn/clt_dist_pers \shd Relevant Distinctions -- Person \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_prn/clt_dist_pers \cf Help: Hgr_n_prn/clt_dist_pers \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ehba \dt \key gr_n_prn/clt_dist_role \shd Relevant Distinctions -- Semantic Roles \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_prn/clt_dist_role \cf Help: Hgr_n_prn/clt_dist_role \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ehbe \dt \key gr_n_prn/clt_intro \shd Pronouns and/or Anaphoric Clitics \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_prn/clt_intro \cf Help: Hgr_n_prn/clt_intro \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003eha \dt \key gr_n_strc \shd Nouns -- Structural Characteristics \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_strc \cf Help: Hgr_n_strc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ed \dt \key gr_n_typ \shd Types of Nouns \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_n_typ_prop Proper Nouns \cf gr_n_typ_count Count Nouns \cf gr_n_typ_mass Mass Nouns \cf gr_n_typ_other Other \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003ef \dt \key gr_n_typ_count \shd Types of Nouns -- Count Nouns \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_typ_count \cf Help: Hgr_n_typ \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003efb \dt \key gr_n_typ_mass \shd Types of Nouns -- Mass Nouns \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_typ_mass \cf Help: Hgr_n_typ \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003efc \dt \key gr_n_typ_other \shd Types of Nouns -- Other \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_typ_other \cf Help: Hgr_n_typ_other \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003efd \dt \key gr_n_typ_prop \shd Types of Nouns -- Proper Nouns \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_n_typ_prop \cf Help: Hgr_n_typ_prop \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003efa \dt \key gr_v \shd Verbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_v_cl Verb Classes \cf gr_v_strc Verb/Verb Phrase Structure \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003f \dt \key gr_v_cl \shd Verb Classes \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \ftx gr_v_cl_intro General Discussion \ftx gr_v_cl_sem Semantic Roles \ftx gr_v_cl_weath Weather Verbs \ftx gr_v_cl_st States \ftx gr_v_cl__inv Involuntary Processes \ftx gr_v_cl_bod Bodily Functions \ftx gr_v_cl_pos Position \ftx gr_v_cl_actn Actions \ftx gr_v_cl_actproc Action Processes \ftx gr_v_cl_fact Factives \ftx gr_v_cl_cogn Cognition \ftx gr_v_cl_sens Sensation \ftx gr_v_cl_emot Emotion \ftx gr_v_cl_utt Utterance \ftx gr_v_cl_manip Manipulation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fa \dt \key gr_v_cl_actn \shd Verbs -- Actions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_actn \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_actn \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fah \dt \key gr_v_cl_actproc \shd Verbs -- Action Processes \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_actproc \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_actproc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fai \dt \key gr_v_cl_bod \shd Bodily Functions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_v_cl_bod_mot Motion \cf gr_v_cl_bod_loc Locomotion \cf gr_v_cl_bod_mot_op Motion -- Verbal Operators \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003faf \dt \key gr_v_cl_bod_loc \shd Bodily Functions -- Locomotion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_bod_loc \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_bod_loc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fafb \dt \key gr_v_cl_bod_mot \shd Bodily Functions -- Motion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_bod_mot \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_bod_mot \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fafa \dt \key gr_v_cl_bod_mot_op \shd Bodily Functions -- Motion -- Verbal Operators \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_bod_mot_op \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_bod_mot_op \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fafc \dt \key gr_v_cl_cogn \shd Verbs -- Cognition \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_cogn \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_cogn \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fak \dt \key gr_v_cl_emot \shd Verbs -- Emotion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_emot \cf Help: Hgr_v_emot \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fam \dt \key gr_v_cl_fact \shd Verbs -- Factives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_fact \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_fact \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003faj \dt \key gr_v_cl_intro \shd Verb Classes -- General Discussion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003faa \dt \key gr_v_cl_manip \shd Verbs -- Manipulation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_manip \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_manip \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fao \dt \key gr_v_cl_pos \shd Verbs -- Position \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_pos \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_pos \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fag \dt \key gr_v_cl_sem \shd Verb Classes -- Semantic Roles \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com Common Semantic Roles \cf gr_v_cl_sem_encod Encoding Semantic Roles \cf gr_v_cl_sem_univ Universal Semantic Roles \cf gr_v_cl_sem_vsrel vs. Grammatical Relations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fab \dt \key gr_v_cl_sem_com \shd Verb Classes -- Semantic Roles -- Common Semantic Roles \ftx ------------------------------------------------------- \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_ag Agent \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_force Force \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_instr Instrument \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_exp Experiencer \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_recip Recipient \cf gr_v_cl_sem_com_pat Patient \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003faba \dt \key gr_v_cl_sem_com_ag \shd Common Semantic Roles -- Agent \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_sem_com_ag \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_sem_com_ag \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fabaa \dt \key gr_v_cl_sem_com_exp \shd Common Semantic Roles -- Experiencer \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_sem_com_exp \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_sem_com_exp \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fabad \dt \key gr_v_cl_sem_com_force \shd Common Semantic Roles -- Force \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_sem_com_force \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_sem_com_force \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fabab \dt \key gr_v_cl_sem_com_instr \shd Common Semantic Roles -- Instrument \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_sem_com_instr \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_sem_com_instr \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fabac \dt \key gr_v_cl_sem_com_pat \shd Common Semantic Roles -- Patient \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_sem_com_pat \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_sem_com_pat \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fabaf \ftx \key gr_v_cl_sem_com_recip \shd Common Semantic Roles -- Recipient \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_sem_com_recip \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_sem_com_recip \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fabae \dt \key gr_v_cl_sem_encod \shd Semantic Roles -- Encoding \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_sem_encod \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_sem_encod \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fabb \dt \key gr_v_cl_sem_univ \shd Semantic Roles -- Universal Semantic Roles \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_sem_univ \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_sem_univ \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fabc \dt \key gr_v_cl_sem_vsrel \shd Semantic Roles vs. Grammatical Relations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_sem_vsrel \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_sem_vsrel \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fabd \dt \key gr_v_cl_sens \shd Verbs -- Sensation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_sens \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_sens \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fal \dt \key gr_v_cl_st \shd Verbs -- States \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_st \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_st \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fad \dt \key gr_v_cl_utt \shd Verbs -- Utterance \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_utt \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_utt \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fan \dt \key gr_v_cl_weath \shd Verbs -- Weather Verbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl_weath \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl_weath \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fac \dt \key gr_v_cl__inv \shd Verbs -- Involuntary Processes \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_cl__inv \cf Help: Hgr_v_cl__inv \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fae \dt \key gr_v_strc \shd Verbs -- Verb/Verb Phrase Structure \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qgr_v_strc \cf Help: (embedded in question record) \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 003fb \dt \key intro \shd Introduction \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 00000 \dt \key mor \shd Morphological Typology \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx For an introductory discussion of Morphology, jump to: \cf Hmor_intro \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf mor_typ Synthesis and Fusion \cf mor_infl Inflection and Derivation \cf mor_rt Roots and Stems \cf mor_mproc Morphological Processes \cf mor_hd/dep Head/Dependent Marking \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 002 \dt 19/Aug/1997 \key mor_hd/dep \shd Morphological Typology -- Head/Dependent Marking \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qmor_hd/dep \cf Help: Hmor_hd/dep \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 002e \dt 19/Aug/1997 \key mor_infl \shd Morphological Typology -- Inflection \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf mor_infl_gen General \cf mor_infl_drv Derivational \cf mor_infl_infl Inflectional \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 002b \dt 19/Aug/1997 \key mor_infl_drv \shd Morphological typology -- Inflection and Derivation -- Derivational \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qmor_infl_drv \cf Help: Hmor_infl_drv \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 002bb \dt 19/Aug/1997 \key mor_infl_gen \shd Morphological typology -- Inflection and Derivation -- General \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qmor_infl_gen \cf Help: Hmor_infl_gen \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 002ba \dt 19/Aug/1997 \key mor_infl_infl \shd Morphological typology -- Inflection and Derivation -- Inflectional \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qmor_infl_infl \cf Help: Hmor_infl_infl \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 002bc \ftx \dt 19/Aug/1997 \key mor_mproc \shd Morphological Typology -- Morphological Processes \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qmor_mproc \cf Help: Hmor_mproc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 002d \dt 19/Aug/1997 \key mor_rt \shd Morphological Typology -- Roots and Stems \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qmor_rt \cf Help: Hmor_rt \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 002c \dt 19/Aug/1997 \key mor_typ \shd Morphological Typology -- Synthesis and Fusion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf mor_typ_synth Synthesis \cf mor_typ_fus Fusion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 002a \dt 19/Aug/1997 \key mor_typ_fus \shd Morphological Typology -- Fusion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qmor_typ_fus \cf Help: Hmor_typ_fus \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 002ab \dt 19/Aug/1997 \key mor_typ_synth \shd Morphological Typology -- Synthesis \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qmor_typ_synth \cf Help: Hmor_typ_synth \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 002aa \dt 19/Aug/1997 \key n \shd Noun and Noun Phrase Operations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf n_intro General Discussion \cf n_cmp Compounding \cf n_dnom Denominalization \cf n_num Number Marking \cf n_case Case \cf n_art Articles \cf n_poss Possessors \cf n_cls Class (including Gender) \cf n_dim/aug Diminuation/Augmentation \cf n_other Other Operations (encoded in the noun phrase) \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005 \dt 20/Aug/1997 \key n_art \shd Nominal Operations -- Articles \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf n_art_intro General Discussion \cf n_art_dem Demonstratives \cf n_art_like Article-like Particles \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005f \dt \key n_art_dem \shd Articles -- Demonstratives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_art_dem \cf Help: Hn_art_dem \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005fb \dt \key n_art_intro \shd Articles -- Introduction \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_art \cf Help: Hn_art \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005fa \dt \key n_art_like \shd Articles -- Article-like Particles \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_art_like \cf Help: Hn_art_like \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005fc \dt \key n_case \shd Nominal Operations -- Case \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_case \cf Help: Hn_case \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005e \dt \key n_cls \shd Nominal Operations -- Class (including Gender) \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_cls \cf Help: Hn_cls \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005h \dt \key n_cmp \shd Nominal Operations -- Compounding \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_cmp \cf Help: Hn_cmp \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005b \dt \key n_dim/aug \shd Nominal Operations -- Diminuation/Augmentation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_dim/aug \cf Help: Hn_dim/aug \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005i \dt \key n_dnom \shd Nominal Operations -- Denominalization \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_dnom \cf Help: Hn_dnom \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005c \dt \key n_intro \shd Nominal Operations -- General Discussion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_intro \cf Help: Hn_intro \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005a \dt \key n_num \shd Nominal Operations -- Number Marking \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_num \cf Help: Hn_num \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005d \dt \key n_other \shd Nominal Operations -- Other Operations (encoded in the noun phrase) \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_other \cf Help: Hn_other \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005j \dt \key n_poss \shd Nominal Operations -- Possessors \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qn_poss \cf Help: Hn_poss \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 005g \dt \key ord \shd Constituent Order Typology \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf ord_intro General discussion \cf ord_cl Main Clauses \cf ord_vp Verb Phrases \cf ord_np Noun Phrases \cf ord_adpp Adpositional Phrases \cf ord_cmpar Comparatives \cf ord_q Questions \cf ord_sum Summary \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004 \dt \key ord_adpp \shd Adpositional phrases \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_adpp \cf Help: Hord_adpp \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004e \dt \key ord_cl \shd Constituent Order in Main Clauses \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf ord_cl_case General Case \cf ord_cl_rigd "Rigid" Constituent Order Languages \cf ord_cl_flex "Flexible" Constituent Order Languages \cf ord_cl_prag Pragmatic Factors \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004b \dt \key ord_cl_case \shd Constituent Order in Main Clauses -- General Case \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_cl_case \cf Help: Hord_cl_case \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004ba \dt \key ord_cl_flex \shd Constituent Order in Main Clauses -- "Flexible" Order Languages \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_cl_flex \cf Help: Hord_cl_flex \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004bc \dt \key ord_cl_prag \shd Constituent Order in Main Clauses -- Pragmatic Factors \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_cl_prag \cf Help: Hord_cl_prag1 \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004bd \dt \key ord_cl_rigd \shd Constituent Order in Main Clauses - "Rigid" order Languages \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_cl_rigd \cf Help: Hord_cl_rigd \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004bb \dt \key ord_cmpar \shd Comparatives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_cmpar \cf Help: Hord_cmpar \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004f \dt \key ord_intro \shd Constituent Order Typology -- General Discussion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_hist_cl \cf Help: Hord_hist_cl \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004a \ftx \key ord_np \shd Constituent Order in Noun Phrases \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_np \cf Help: Hord_np \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004d \dt \key ord_q \shd Constituent Order in Questions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf ord_q_part Question Particles \cf ord_q_wd Question Words \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004g \dt \key ord_q_part \shd Question Particles \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_q_part \cf Help: Hord_q_part \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004ga \dt \key ord_q_wd \shd Question Words \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_q_wd \cf Help: Hord_q_wd \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004gb \dt \key ord_sum \shd Constituent Order Typology -- Summary \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_sum \cf Help: Hord_sum \ftx \ftx Cautionary Note: Hord_cl_caut \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004h \dt \key ord_vp \shd Constituent Order in Verb Phrases \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf ord_vp_v-aux Verb, Aux \cf ord_vp_v-aux-adv Verb, Aux, Adverbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004c \dt \key ord_vp_v-aux \shd Constituent Order in Verb Phrases -- Verb, Aux \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_vp_v-aux \cf Help: Hord_vp_v-aux \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 004ca \dt \key ord_vp_v-aux-adv \shd Constituent Order in Verb Phrases -- Verb, Aux, Adverb \ftx ------------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qord_vp_v-aux-adv \cf Help: Hord_vp_v-aux-adv \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \ftx \srt 004cb \dt \key pnom \shd Predicate Nominals and Related Constructions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf pnom_intro General Discussion \cf pnom_p-nom Predicate Nominals \cf pnom_p-adj Predicate Adjectives \cf pnom_p-loc Predicate Locatives \cf pnom_exst Existentials \cf pnom_poss Possessive Constructions \cf pnom_sum Summary \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006 \dt \key pnom_exst \shd Existentials \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_exst \cf Help: Hpnom_exst \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006e \dt \key pnom_intro \shd Predicate Nominals and Related Constructions -- General Discussion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_intro \cf Help: Hpnom_intro \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006a \dt \key pnom_p-adj \shd Predicate Adjectives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_p-adj \cf Help: Hpnom_p-adj \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006c \dt \key pnom_p-loc \shd Predicate Locatives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_p-loc \cf Help: Hpnom_p-loc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006d \dt \key pnom_p-nom \shd Predicate Nominals \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf pnom_p-nom_incl/eq Inclusion vs. Equation \cf pnom_p-nom_cop Copulas \cf pnom_p-nom_sum Summary of Typology \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006b \dt \key pnom_p-nom_cop \shd Predicate Nominals -- Copulas \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf pnom_p-nom_vcop Copula as Verb \cf pnom_p-nom_cop_pron Copula as Pronoun \cf pnom_p-nom_cop_part Copula as Particle \cf pnom_p-nom_cop_op Copula as Operation \cf pnom_p-nom_cop_tns Copula in Non-present Tenses \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006bb \dt \key pnom_p-nom_cop_op \shd Predicate Nominals -- Copula as Operation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_p-nom_cop_op \cf Help: Hpnom_p-nom_cop_op \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006bbd \dt \key pnom_p-nom_cop_part \shd Predicate Nominals -- Copula as Particle \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_p-nom_cop_part \cf Help: Hpnom_p-nom_cop_part \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006bbc \dt \key pnom_p-nom_cop_pron \shd Predicate Nominals -- Copula as Pronoun \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_p-nom_cop_pron \cf Help: Hpnom_p-nom_cop_pron \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006bbb \dt \key pnom_p-nom_cop_tns \shd Predicate Nominals -- Copula in Non-present Tenses \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_p-nom_cop_tns \cf Help: Hpnom_p-nom_cop_tns \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006bbe \dt \key pnom_p-nom_incl/eq \shd Inclusion vs. Equation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_p-nom_incl/eq \cf Help: Hpnom_p-nom_incl/eq \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006ba \dt \key pnom_p-nom_sum \shd Predicate Nominals -- Summary of Typology \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_p-nom_sum \cf Help: Hpnom_p-nom_sum \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006c \dt \key pnom_p-nom_vcop \shd Predicate Nominals -- Copula as Verb \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_p-nom_vcop \cf Help: Hpnom_p-nom_vcop \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006bba \dt \key pnom_poss \shd Possessive Constructions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_poss \cf Help: Hpnom_poss \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006f \dt \key pnom_sum \shd Predicate Nominal and EPL relationships -- Summary \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qpnom_sum \cf Help: Hpnom_sum \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 006g \dt \key prag \shd Pragmatically Marked Structures \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf prag_stat Pragmatic Statuses \cf prag_iden Identifiability \cf prag_foc Focus \cf prag_top Topic \cf prag_cntr Contrast \cf prag_prom Pragmatic Prominence \cf prag_neg Negation \cf prag_ndecl Non-Declarative Speech Acts \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010 \dt \key prag_cntr \shd Contrast \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_cntr \cf Help: Hprag_cntr \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010e \dt \key prag_foc \shd Focus \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_foc \cf Help: Hprag_foc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010c \dt \key prag_iden \shd Identifiability \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_iden \cf Help: Hprag_iden \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010b \dt \key prag_ndecl \shd Non-Declarative Speech Acts \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx For general questions, jump to: \cf Qprag_ndecl \ftx For a general introduction, jump to: \cf Hprag_ndecl \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf prag_ndecl_q Interrogatives \cf prag_ndecl_imp Imperatives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010h \dt \key prag_ndecl_imp \shd Imperatives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: \cf Help: \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010hb \dt \key prag_ndecl_q \shd Interrogatives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf prag_ndecl_q_ynq Yes/No Questions \cf prag_ndecl_q_qwd Question Word Questions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010ha \dt \key prag_ndecl_q_qwd \shd Question Word Questions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_ndecl_q_qwd \cf Help: Hprag_ndecl_q_qwd \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010hab \dt \key prag_ndecl_q_ynq \shd Yes/No Questions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_ndecl_q_ynq \cf Help: Hprag_ndecl_q_ynq \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010haa \dt \key prag_neg \shd Negation \ftx --------------------------------------------------------------- \ftx For general questions on negation, jump to: \cf Qprag_neg_intro \ftx For a general introduction to negation, jump to: \cf Hprag_neg_intro \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf prag_neg_lex Lexical Negation \cf prag_neg_mor Morphological Negation \cf prag_neg_anal_part Analytic Negation \cf prag_neg_s-mod Secondary Modifications \cf prag_neg_n-cl Non-Clausal Negation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010g \dt \key prag_neg_anal_part \shd Negation -- Analytic \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_neg_anal_part \cf Help: Hprag_neg_anal_part \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010gc \dt \key prag_neg_lex \shd Lexical Negation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_neg_lex \cf Help: Hprag_neg_lex \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010ga \dt \key prag_neg_mor \shd Morphological Negation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_neg_mor \cf Help: Hprag_neg_mor \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010gb \dt \key prag_neg_n-cl \shd Non-Clausal Negation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_neg_n-cl \cf Help: Hprag_neg_n-cl \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010ge \dt \key prag_neg_s-mod \shd Negation -- Secondary Modifications \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_neg_s-mod \cf Help: Hprag_neg_s-mod \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010gd \dt \key prag_prom \shd Pragmatic Prominence \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf prag_prom_ord Constituent Order \cf prag_prom_form Formatives \cf prag_prom_clft Cleft Constructions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010f \dt \key prag_prom_clft \shd Cleft Constructions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_prom_clft \cf Help: Hprag_prom_clft \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010fc \dt \key prag_prom_form \shd Formatives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_prom_form \cf Help: Hprag_prom_form \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010fb \dt \key prag_prom_ord \shd Constituent Order \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_prom_ord \cf Help: Hprag_prom_ord \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010fa \dt \key prag_stat \shd Pragmatic Statuses \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_stat \cf Help: Hprag_stat \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010a \dt \key prag_top \shd Topic \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qprag_top \cf Help: Hprag_top \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 010d \dt \key v \shd Other Verb and Verb Phrase Operations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf v_nz Nominalization \cf v_other Other Deverbalizing Processes \cf v_cmp Compounding \cf v_tam Tense/Aspect/Mode \cf v_loc Location/Direction \cf v_agr Agreement \cf v_evid Evidentiality \cf v_misc Miscellaneous \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009 \dt \key val \shd Valence Changing Operations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf val_p-calc Valence and Predicate Calculus \cf val_incr Valence Increasing Operations \cf val_decr Valence Decreasing Operations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008 \dt 27/Apr/1998 \key val_decr \shd Valence Decreasing Operations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf val_decr_intro Introduction \cf val_decr_refl/recip Reflexives/Reciprocals \cf val_decr_pass Passives \cf val_decr_mid Middle Constructions \cf val_decr_anti-p Antipassives \cf val_decr_demot Object Demotion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008c \dt \key val_decr_anti-p \shd Antipassives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qval_decr_anti-p \cf Help: Hval_decr_anti-p \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008ce \dt \key val_decr_demot \shd Object Demotion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qval_decr_demot \cf Help: Hval_decr_demot \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008cf \dt \key val_decr_intro \shd Valence Decreasing Operations -- Introduction \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qval_decr \cf Help: Hval_decr \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008ca \dt \key val_decr_mid \shd Middle Constructions \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qval_decr_mid \cf Help: Hval_decr_mid \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008cd \dt \key val_decr_pass \shd Passives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: Qval_decr_pass \cf Help: Hval_decr_pass \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008cc \dt \key val_decr_recip \shd Reciprocals \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qval_decr_recip \cf Help: Hval_decr_recip \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008cbb \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key val_decr_refl \shd Reflexives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qval_decr_refl \cf Help: Hval_decr_refl \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008cba \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key val_decr_refl/recip \shd Reflexives/Reciprocals \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf val_decr_refl Reflexives \cf val_decr_recip Reciprocals \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008cb \dt \key val_incr \shd Valence Increasing Operations \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf val_incr_caus Causatives \cf val_incr_appl Applicatives \cf val_incr_dat Dative Shift \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008b \dt \key val_incr_appl \shd Applicatives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qval_incr_appl \cf Help: Hval_incr_appl \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008bb \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key val_incr_caus \shd Causatives \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qval_incr_caus \cf Help: Hval_incr_caus \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008ba \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key val_incr_dat \shd Dative Shift \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qval_incr_dat_shift \cf Help: Hval_incr_dat_shift \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008bc \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key val_p-calc \shd Valence and Predicate Calculus \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf val_p-calc_intro General Discussion \cf val_p-calc_as Valence as Predicate Calculus \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008a \dt \key val_p-calc_as \shd Valence as Predicate Calculus \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qval_p-calc_as \cf Help: Hval_p-calc_as \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008ab \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key val_p-calc_intro \shd Valence and Predicate Calculus -- General Discussion \ftx ---------------------------------------------------- \cf Questions: ***Qval_p-calc \cf Help: Hval_p-calc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 008aa \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_agr \shd Agreement \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_agr \cf Help: Hv_agr \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009f \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_cmp \shd Compounding \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf v_cmp_n Noun Incorporation \cf v_cmp_v Complex Verbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009c \dt \key v_cmp_n \shd Noun Incorporation \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_cmp_n \cf Help: Hv_cmp_n \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009ca \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_cmp_v \shd Complex Verbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_cmp_v \cf Help: Hv_cmp_v \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009cb \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_evid \shd Evidentiality \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_evid \cf Help: Hv_evid \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009g \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_loc \shd Location/Direction \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_loc \cf Help: Hv_loc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009e \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_misc \shd Other Verb and Verb Phrase Operations -- Miscellaneous \ftx ------------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf v_misc_lxtim Lexical Time Reference \cf v_misc_dist Distributive \cf v_misc_env Environmental \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009h \dt \key v_misc_dist \shd Miscellaneous -- distributive \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_misc_dist \cf Help: Hv_misc_dist \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009hb \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_misc_env \shd Miscellaneous -- Environmental \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_misc_env \cf Help: Hv_misc_env \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009hc \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_misc_lxtim \shd Miscellaneous -- Lexical Time Reference \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_misc_lxtim \cf Help: Hv_misc_lxtim \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009ha \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_nz \shd Nominalization \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf v_nz_intro General Discussion \cf v_nz_actn Action Nominalization \cf v_nz_part Participant Nominalization \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009a \dt \key v_nz_actn \shd Action Nominalization \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_nz_actn \cf Help: Hv_nz_actn \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009ab \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_nz_intro \shd Nominalization -- General Discussion \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_nz \cf Help: Hv_nz \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009aa \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_nz_part \shd Participant Nominalization \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_nz_part \cf Help: Hv_nz_part \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009ac \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_other \shd Other Deverbalizing Processes \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_other \cf Help: Hv_other \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009b \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam \shd Tense/Aspect/Mode \ftx ----------------------------------------------- \ftx For an introduction to tense/aspect/mode, jump to: \cf Hv_tam \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf v_tam_tns Tense \cf v_tam_asp Aspect \cf v_tam_mode Mode \cf v_tam_msyn Morphosyntax \cf v_tam_ncode Nominal Coding \cf v_tam_adv Temporal Adverbs \cf v_tam_auxv Auxiliary Verbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009d \dt 02/Sep/1997 \key v_tam_adv \shd Temporal Adverbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_adv \cf Help: Hv_tam_adv \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009df \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_asp \shd Tense/Aspect/Mode -- Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_asp \cf Help: Hv_tam_asp \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf v_tam_asp_perfv Perfective Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_imprf Imperfective Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_perf Perfect Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_cplv Completive Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_incpt Inceptive Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_plu Pluperfect Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_cntv Continuative/Progressive Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_punc Punctual Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_iter Iterative Aspect \cf v_tam_asp_hab Habitual Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009db \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_asp_cntv \shd Continuative/Progressive Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_asp_cntv \cf Help: Hv_tam_asp_cntv \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dbg \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_asp_cplv \shd Completive Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_asp_cplv \cf Help: Hv_tam_asp_cplv \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dbd \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_asp_hab \shd Habitual Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_asp_hab \cf Help: Hv_tam_asp_hab \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dbj \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_asp_imprf \shd Imperfective Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_asp_imprf \cf Help: Hv_tam_asp_imprf \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dbb \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_asp_incpt \shd Inceptive Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_asp_incpt \cf Help: Hv_tam_asp_incpt \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dbe \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_asp_iter \shd Iterative Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_asp_iter \cf Help: Hv_tam_asp_iter \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dbi \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_asp_perf \shd Perfect Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_asp_perf \cf Help: Hv_tam_asp_perf \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dbc \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_asp_perfv \shd Perfective Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_asp_perfv \cf Help: Hv_tam_asp_perfv \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dba \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_asp_plu \shd Pluperfect Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_asp_plu \cf Help: Hv_tam_asp_plu \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dbf \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_asp_punc \shd Punctual Aspect \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_asp_punc \cf Help: Hv_tam_asp_punc \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dbh \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_auxv \shd Auxiliary Verbs \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_auxv \cf Help: Hv_tam_auxv \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dg \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_mode \shd Tense/Aspect/Mode -- Mode \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \ftx This section contains the following subsections: \cf v_tam_mode_subj Subjunctive Mode \cf v_tam_mode_opt Optative Mode \cf v_tam_mode_potn Potential Mode \cf v_tam_mode_hypo Hypothetical Mode \cf v_tam_mode_cnd Conditional Mode \cf v_tam_mode_deon Deontic Mode \cf v_tam_mode_epist Epistemic Mode \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dc \dt \key v_tam_mode_cnd \shd Conditional Mode \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_mode_cnd \cf Help: Hv_tam_mode_cnd \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dce \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_mode_deon \shd Deontic Mode \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_mode_deon \cf Help: Hv_tam_mode_deon \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dcf \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_mode_epist \shd Epistemic Mode \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_mode_epist \cf Help: Hv_tam_mode_epist \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dcg \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_mode_hypo \shd Hypothetical Mode \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_mode_hypo \cf Help: Hv_tam_mode_hypo \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dcd \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_mode_opt \shd Optative Mode \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_mode_opt \cf Help: Hv_tam_mode_opt \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dcb \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_mode_potn \shd Potential Mode \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_mode_potn \cf Help: Hv_tam_mode_potn \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dcc \dt 25/Aug/1997 \key v_tam_mode_subj \shd Subjunctive Mode \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_mode_subj \cf Help: Hv_tam_mode_subj \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dca \dt 02/Sep/1997 \key v_tam_msyn \shd Tense/Aspect/Mode -- Morphosyntax \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_msyn \cf Help: Hv_tam_msyn \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009dd \dt 02/Sep/1997 \key v_tam_ncode \shd Tense/Aspect/Mode -- Nominal Coding \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_ncode \cf Help: Hv_tam_ncode \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009de \dt 02/Sep/1997 \key v_tam_tns \shd Tense/Aspect/Mode -- Tense \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \cf Questions: ***Qv_tam_tns \cf Help: Hv_tam_tns \ftx ------------------------------------------------ \txt \vld n \srt 009da \dt 02/Sep/1997