\+DatabaseType Anthropology Notes \ver 5.0 \desc Anthropology Notes database, based on the recommendations given in the Shoebox Applications chapter on anthropology. \+mkrset \lngDefault Default \mkrRecord date \+mkr anth \nam anthro category \desc Here go the key words, categories or cross-reference codes that catalog the data in the entry. Many use the Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM) codes in this field. This is a compilation of over 625 categories for organizing cultural data and is very useful for guiding research and avoiding "holes" in your data. OCM is recommended; certainly worth learning how to use, but each of us will probably find the need to add certain categories of our own. Shoebox can easily handle this. \lng Default \MultipleWordItems \+fnt \Name Courier New \Size 10 \rgbColor 0,128,0 \-fnt \NoWordWrap \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr bib \nam bibliography \lng Default \mkrOverThis anth \-mkr \+mkr cf \nam confer \desc Other relevant entries can be cross-referenced by placing the Date of the other entry in this field. Using the Jump feature on this reference will display the other entry in another window. Generally used for entries that you want to keep closely related. \lng Default \+fnt \Name Arial \Size 10 \rgbColor 0,0,0 \-fnt \NoWordWrap \mkrOverThis anth \-mkr \+mkr data \nam anthro data \desc This contains the actual data in a fully expanded form. The data may be a single sentence, or a description that takes several pages. Break long descriptions down into multiple entries a, b, c, etc. so that the \anth reference field will retrieve only the relevant chunk of data--not the entire description. Be as complete as memory, notes, and time allow. The full description needs to be written down as soon as possible while your memory is fresh. (See the description of the \de field.) \lng Default \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr date \nam date observed \desc The date the data was actually observed or elicited. For ease of sorting, the dates should be enter-ed as YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 1998-03-23). Doing so will keep the events or observations in chronological order. If several notes are written for the same day, add letters to the date (e.g. 1998-03-23b). More than 26 entries for a given day (not common), use za, zb, etc. \lng Default \MultipleWordItems \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 14 \Bold \rgbColor 0,0,0 \-fnt \-mkr \+mkr de \nam date entered \desc It's not always possible to input data the same day it's collected. This field is used to indicate the date the data is actually entered into the computer (or when it was entered it in a data notebook). This distinction is important since the longer we wait to transcribe our notes or write down an incident we participated in or heard about, the more unreliable the facts become. Later, we may find that we can explain a discrepancy in our data by the fact that it was not written up until several days (or even weeks) after the event was observed. Either enter the date using the same format as the \date field, or enter the time difference, e.g. d02 (for two days later), d15, w03 (w = weeks), y03 (y = years). \lng Default \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr dt \nam date edited \desc This field retains the date the journal entry was last edited. It has been set up so that Shoebox will date stamp this field automatically. \lng Default \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 10 \rgbColor 0,0,0 \-fnt \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr hypo \nam hypothesis \desc State hypothesis of the researcher here. The data may suggest certain hypotheses that need to be checked out. Once a hypothesis is stated, you can be on the lookout for other data that either supports or refutes the hypothesis. \lng Default \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 10 \Bold \rgbColor 0,0,0 \-fnt \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr loc \nam location \desc Where were you when you collected the data? In your home, office, courtyard, a house or garden, the town square? Location can effect the type of information you are getting. A Shoebox range set might be useful here as well, depending on how you enter these locations. \lng Default \+datset \dat Tehini \dat marketplace \-datset \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 12 \rgbColor 128,0,0 \-fnt \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr mtrl \nam related material \desc This field should be used to catalog information and material relevant to the entry but not on the computer, such as the location of photo-graphs, drawings, audio and video recordings, artifacts, published and unpublish-ed material on the current topic, etc. \lng Default \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr nt \nam notes \desc Place any notes or comments pertaining to the entry here. This may be used to qualify the data. \lng Default \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 10 \rgbColor 255,0,0 \-fnt \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr part \nam participant \desc For recording the participants in the data gathering. People often adjust their information to fit their audience, and certain information may not be shared or shared differently when certain people are present. \lng Default \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr q \nam questions \desc Questions for further investigation. Often as we write up the data we find that there is certain other information that we need, e.g. if the entry is discussing the market, possible questions might be, "What do the men sell? What do women sell? Do outsiders sell anything not sold by local people?" This field becomes a list of data to be collected later. \lng Default \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 10 \Bold \rgbColor 0,0,255 \-fnt \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr rscr \nam researcher \desc Where more than one person is involved in data collection, teams will want to use this field to specify which member made the entry. This allows data from multiple researchers to be stored in one database, and yet be viewed, if needed, separately. Generally, initials are adequate and a Shoebox range set should be set up for this field. \lng Default \+datset \dat bjm \-datset \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr srce \nam source \desc This field contains the name of the person(s) from whom the data for this entry is obtained. (If the data comes from observation, the source is yourself, spouse, or colleague.) Maintain a biographical sketch of each source, including age, sex, marital status, kinship group, place of birth and childhood, social standing, etc. in a biographical Shoebox database, where the \srce field marker is the record marker. If the data comes from a book or article, cite the author. Maintain a bibliographical database as well. \lng Default \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr type \nam type of data \desc Specify if the data for this entry comes from an observation, reported information, an impression, an informal conversation you had or overheard, a more formal interview, a book or article, or some other data type. This also helps you to evaluate the validity of your data. Abbreviations may be used; set up a Shoebox range set for this field to insure consistency. \lng Default \+datset \dat observation \-datset \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 11 \Bold \rgbColor 0,0,0 \-fnt \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \+mkr wthr \nam weather \desc The day's weather is recorded in this field. This is useful in that it makes it easy, after several years of faithful data collection, to draw conclusions concerning the weather patterns of the area, and its relation to behavior and cultural events. If several entries are written for a given day, you only need to fill in this field in the first entry. \lng Default \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 11 \Italic \rgbColor 0,0,0 \-fnt \mkrOverThis date \-mkr \-mkrset \iInterlinCharWd 8 \+filset \-filset \+jmpset \+jmp Anthro Category lookup \EnforceRefIntegrity \+mkrsubsetIncluded \mkr anth \-mkrsubsetIncluded \+drflst \+drf \File C:\xxxx\ANTHRO\Anthcat.db \mkr anth \-drf \-drflst \-jmp \+jmp Date lookup \+mkrsubsetIncluded \mkr date \mkr de \-mkrsubsetIncluded \+drflst \+drf \File C:\xxxx\ANTHRO\AnthNote.db \mkr date \-drf \-drflst \match_char p \-jmp \-jmpset \+template \fld \de \fld \wthr \fld \rscr \fld \type \fld \loc \fld \srce \fld \part \n \fld \data \n \fld \anth \fld \mtrl \fld \hypo \fld \q \fld \nt \fld \dt 28/Apr/98 \-template \mkrRecord date \mkrDateStamp dt \+PrintProperties \header File: &f, Date: &d \footer Page &p \topmargin 1.00 in \leftmargin 0.25 in \bottommargin 1.00 in \rightmargin 0.25 in \recordsspace 100 \-PrintProperties \+expset \+expRTF Rich Text Format \+rtfPageSetup \paperSize letter \topMargin 1 \bottomMargin 1 \leftMargin 1.25 \rightMargin 1.25 \gutter 0 \headerToEdge 0.5 \footerToEdge 0.5 \columns 1 \columnSpacing 0.5 \-rtfPageSetup \-expRTF \+expSF Standard Format \-expSF \expDefault Standard Format \-expset \PreventNumbering \DisableNumbering \-DatabaseType