\+DatabaseType Anthropology Analysis \ver 5.0 \desc Anthropology Analysis database as described in the Shoebox Applications chapter on anthropology. \+mkrset \lngDefault Default \mkrRecord anth \+mkr anth \nam anthropology category \desc This is the record marker, and it is filled with a category code, number, label or topic (depending on what system you are using), e.g. \anth 765 Mourning. \lng Default \MultipleWordItems \MustHaveData \+fnt \Name Arial \Size 12 \Bold \Underline \rgbColor 0,0,0 \-fnt \NoWordWrap \-mkr \+mkr bib \nam bibliography \desc Bibliographic references to specific articles relevant to the discussion can be entered in this field. \lng Default \mkrOverThis anth \-mkr \+mkr cf \nam confer \desc This field can be used to cross-reference related topics in the analysis. This field can also be used to reference specific records in your data corpus (like the date of a particularly insightful observation in your anthropology notes database). This cross-reference field makes jumping to a relevant piece of data easy. \lng Default \MultipleWordItems \+fnt \Name Courier New \Size 10 \rgbColor 0,128,0 \-fnt \NoWordWrap \mkrOverThis anth \-mkr \+mkr data \nam example data \desc This is where relevant example data, quotes, stories, etc. from your notes database can be copied for confirming the analysis. \lng Default \mkrOverThis anth \-mkr \+mkr dt \nam date edited \desc This field (using Shoebox's date stamp feature) indicates how recent the generalization is, reflecting the potential need for revision. \lng Default \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 10 \rgbColor 0,0,0 \-fnt \mkrOverThis anth \-mkr \+mkr mtrl \nam related material \desc This field is used to reference related material not on the computer, e.g. the location of photographs, drawings, audio and video recordings, artifacts, etc. \lng Default \mkrOverThis anth \-mkr \+mkr nt \nam notes \desc General notes or comments to yourself can be entered in this field. \lng Default \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 10 \rgbColor 0,0,0 \-fnt \mkrOverThis anth \-mkr \+mkr pp \nam paragraph \desc This field simply specifies a text paragraph. Any type of text can be entered in a paragraph field. It is set so that the "Marker for following field" is \pp. Shift-Enter overrides this feature. \lng Default \mkrOverThis anth \mkrFollowingThis pp \-mkr \+mkr q \nam questions \desc Questions for further study. These will help guide future elicitation sessions. \lng Default \mkrOverThis anth \-mkr \+mkr s1 \nam section--level 1 \desc This field is used to provide section headings and structure to the discussion of the topic. There can be as many levels as needed, but three is usually adequate. \lng Default \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 12 \Bold \Italic \rgbColor 0,0,255 \-fnt \mkrOverThis anth \mkrFollowingThis pp \-mkr \+mkr s2 \nam section--level 2 \desc This field is used to provide section headings and structure to the discussion of the topic. There can be as many levels as needed, but three is usually adequate. \lng Default \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 12 \Bold \rgbColor 0,0,255 \-fnt \mkrOverThis s1 \mkrFollowingThis pp \-mkr \+mkr s3 \nam section--level 3 \desc This field is used to provide section headings and structure to the discussion of the topic. There can be as many levels as needed, but three is usually adequate. \lng Default \+fnt \Name Times New Roman \Size 10 \Bold \Italic \rgbColor 0,0,255 \-fnt \mkrOverThis s2 \mkrFollowingThis pp \-mkr \+mkr top \nam * \lng Default \mkrOverThis anth \-mkr \-mkrset \iInterlinCharWd 8 \+filset \-filset \+jmpset \+jmp Cross-reference \EnforceRefIntegrity \+mkrsubsetIncluded \mkr cf \-mkrsubsetIncluded \+drflst \+drf \File C:\xxxx\ANTHRO\Anthcat.db \mkr anth \-drf \-drflst \-jmp \-jmpset \+template \fld \pp \n \fld \q \n \fld \dt 07/May/1998 \-template \mkrRecord anth \mkrDateStamp dt \+PrintProperties \header File: &f, Date: &d \footer Page &p \topmargin 1.00 in \leftmargin 0.25 in \bottommargin 1.00 in \rightmargin 0.25 in \recordsspace 100 \-PrintProperties \+expset \+expRTF Rich Text Format \+rtfPageSetup \paperSize letter \topMargin 1 \bottomMargin 1 \leftMargin 1.25 \rightMargin 1.25 \gutter 0 \headerToEdge 0.5 \footerToEdge 0.5 \columns 1 \columnSpacing 0.5 \-rtfPageSetup \-expRTF \+expSF Standard Format \-expSF \expDefault Standard Format \-expset \PreventNumbering \DisableNumbering \-DatabaseType