JGCSCS 4 Python *.py JGsoft support@editpadpro.com http://www.editpadpro.com/cscs.html http://www.python.org TRUE # 0 5 # Python example if test(ok): number = 1234; else: string = 'abcdef'; 0 FALSE 13 Comment #.*+ FALSE FALSE 5 0 0 TRUE Reserved words \b(?:and|assert|break|class|continue|def|del|elif|else|except|exec|finally|for|from|global|if|import|in|is|lambda|not|or|pass|print|raise|return|try|while)\b TRUE FALSE 7 0 0 FALSE Hexadecimal number \b0x[0-9A-F]++\b TRUE FALSE 10 0 0 FALSE Integer \b[0-9]++L\b TRUE FALSE 10 0 0 FALSE Floating point number J after a number makes it imaginary \b[0-9]++(?:\.[0-9]++)?+(E[-+]?+[0-9]++)?+J?+\b TRUE FALSE 10 0 0 FALSE Operator [-+*/%<>=&|^~!]++ FALSE FALSE 13 0 0 FALSE Bracket [][(){}]++ FALSE FALSE 17 0 0 FALSE Triple-single-quoted string Triple-quoted strings can be multiline. u?r?'''.*?''' TRUE TRUE 9 0 0 TRUE Triple-single-quoted string If the last string is not properly closed, this scheme element makes sure the remainder of the file is colored as a string. Must come after the properly closed string scheme element (so that one takes precedence) u?r?'''.*+ TRUE TRUE 9 0 0 TRUE Triple-double-quoted string Triple-quoted strings can be multiline. u?r?""".*?""" TRUE TRUE 9 0 0 TRUE Triple-double-quoted string If the last string is not properly closed, this scheme element makes sure the remainder of the file is colored as a string. Must come after the properly closed string scheme element (so that one takes precedence) u?r?""".*+ TRUE TRUE 9 0 0 TRUE Single-quoted string String delimited by single quotes. Quotes can appear in the string if they are escaped with a \ u?r?'[^'\\\r\n]*+(?:\\(?:.|$)[^'\\\r\n]*+)*+'? TRUE FALSE 9 0 -1 TRUE Double-quoted string String delimited by double quotes. Quotes can appear in the string if they are escaped with a \ u?r?"[^"\\\r\n]*+(?:\\(?:.|$)[^"\\\r\n]*+)*+"? TRUE FALSE 9 0 -1 TRUE 5 ( ) TRUE 3 [ ] TRUE 3 { } TRUE 3 " " FALSE 2 ' ' FALSE 2 0