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# # Copyright (C) The Free Software Foundation, 1998, 1999, 2000 # Copyright (C) Eazel, Inc. 2000, 2001 # All rights reserved. # # Mime types as provided by the GNOME libraries for GNOME. # # Applications can provide more mime types by installing other # .mime files in the PREFIX/share/mime-info directory. # # The format of this file is: # # mime-type # ext[,prio]: list of extensions for this mime-type # regex[,prio]: a regular expression that matches the filename # # more than one ext: and regex: fields can be present. # # prio is the priority for the match, the default is 1. This is required # to distinguish composed filenames, for example .gz has a priority of 1 # and .tar.gz has a priority of 2 (thus a file having the filename # something.tar.gz will match the mime-type for tar.gz before the mime-type # for .gz # # The values in this file are kept in alphabetical order for convenience. # Please maintain this when adding new types. Also consider adding a # human-readable description to gnome-vfs.keys when adding a new type here. # # Also do please not add illegal mime types, observe the mime standard when # adding new types. application/andrew-inset ext: ez application/msword ext: doc application/octet-stream ext: bin application/oda ext: oda application/ogg ext: ogg application/pdf ext: pdf application/pgp ext: pgp application/postscript ext: ps eps application/qif ext: qif application/rtf ext: rtf application/vnd.corel-draw ext: cdr application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 ext: 123 wk1 wk3 wk4 wks application/ ext: xls xla xlt xlc xld application/ ext: ppt pps # StarOffice 5.x document types application/vnd.stardivision.calc ext: sdc application/vnd.stardivision.chart ext: sds application/vnd.stardivision.draw ext: sda application/vnd.stardivision.impress ext: sdd sdp application/vnd.stardivision.mail ext: smd application/vnd.stardivision.math ext: smf application/vnd.stardivision.writer ext: sdw vor sgl # OpenOffice 6.x document types application/vnd.sun.xml.calc ext: sxc application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template ext: stc application/vnd.sun.xml.draw ext: sxd application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template ext: std application/vnd.sun.xml.impress ext: sxi application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template ext: sti application/vnd.sun.xml.math ext: sxm application/vnd.sun.xml.writer ext: sxw application/ ext: sxg application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template ext: stw application/x-abiword ext: abw application/x-ape ext: ape application/x-applix-presents ext: ap application/x-applix-spreadsheet ext: as application/x-applix-word ext: aw application/x-arj ext: arj application/x-asp ext: asp application/x-backup ext: bak BAK application/x-bcpio ext: bcpio application/x-bittorrent ext: torrent application/x-blender ext: blender blend BLEND application/x-bzip ext: bz2 bz application/x-bzip-compressed-tar regex,2: tar\.bz2$ application/x-cgi ext: cgi application/x-chess-pgn ext: pgn application/x-cinelerra ext: application/x-compress ext: Z application/x-compressed-tar regex,2: tar\.gz$ ext: tgz application/x-core-file regex: ^core$ application/x-cpio ext: cpio application/x-cpio-compressed regex,2: \.cpio\.gz$ application/x-dc-rom ext: dc application/x-deb ext: deb application/x-dia-diagram ext: dia application/x-dvi ext: dvi application/x-e-theme ext: etheme ETHEME application/x-font-afm ext: afm application/x-font-bdf ext: bdf application/x-font-linux-psf ext: psf application/x-font-pcf ext: pcf application/x-font-speedo ext: spd application/x-font-ttf ext: ttf TTF ttc TTC application/x-font-type1 ext: pfa pfb application/x-gameboy-rom ext: gb application/x-gchempaint ext: gchempaint application/x-gcrystal ext: gcrystal application/x-genesis-rom ext: gen md application/x-glade ext: glade application/x-gnome-app-info ext: desktop application/x-gnucash ext: gnucash gnc xac application/x-gnumeric ext: gnumeric application/x-gtar ext: gtar application/x-gzip ext: gz application/x-hdf ext: hdf application/x-iso-image ext:iso application/x-java-archive ext: jar application/x-java-byte-code ext: class application/x-jbuilder-project ext: jpr jpx application/x-kde-app-info ext: kdelnk application/x-killustrator ext: kil application/x-kpresenter ext: kpr application/x-kspread ext: ksp application/x-kword ext: kwd application/x-lha ext: lha application/x-lhz ext: lhz application/x-magicpoint ext: mgp application/x-matroska ext: mkv mka mks application/x-mif ext: mif application/x-mrproject ext: mrp mrproject application/x-ms-dos-executable ext: exe application/x-msx-rom ext: msx application/x-n64-rom ext: n64 application/x-nes-rom ext: nes application/x-netcdf ext: cdf nc application/x-object-file ext: o lo application/x-oleo ext: oleo application/x-palm-database ext: pdb application/x-php ext: php php3 php4 application/x-profile regex: gmon\.out$ application/x-python-byte-code ext: pyc application/x-qw ext: qif application/x-rar ext: rar application/x-rar-compressed ext: rar application/x-reject ext: rej application/x-rpm ext: rpm application/x-shar ext: shar application/x-shared-library ext: so application/x-shared-library-la ext: la application/x-shockwave-flash ext: swf application/x-smil ext: smil smi sml application/x-sms-rom ext: sms gg application/x-sv4cpio ext: sv4cpio application/x-sv4crc ext: sv4crc application/x-tar ext: tar application/x-theme ext: theme # FIXME 5372: This matches too many file # names, including virtually all file names that end in ".1.Z". application/x-troff-man-compressed regex: ([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][a-z]?|n)\.g?[Zz]$ application/x-unix-archive ext: a application/x-ustar ext: ustar application/x-wais-source ext: src application/x-xbase ext: dbf application/x-xbel ext: xbel application/x-zoo ext: zoo application/zip ext: zip audio/ac3 ext: ac3 audio/basic ext: snd audio/mpeg ext: mp1 mp3 audio/prs.sid ext: sid psid audio/x-aiff ext: aif aifc aiff audio/x-flac ext: flac audio/x-it ext: it IT audio/x-m4a ext: m4a audio/x-midi ext: midi mid audio/x-mod ext: mod MOD audio/x-mpegurl ext: m3u audio/x-ms-asx ext: asx wax audio/x-pn-realaudio ext: ram audio/x-real-audio ext: rm ra rv audio/x-s3m ext: S3M s3m audio/x-scpls ext: pls audio/x-stm ext: STM stm audio/x-ulaw ext: au audio/x-voc ext: voc audio/x-wav ext: wav audio/x-xi ext: xi audio/x-xm ext: xm XM image/bmp ext: bmp image/cgm ext: cgm image/gif ext: gif image/ief ext: ief image/jpeg ext: jpe jpeg jpg image/png ext: png image/svg+xml ext: svg svgz image/tiff ext: tif tiff image/vnd.djvu ext: djvu djv image/vnd.dwg ext: dwg image/vnd.dxf ext: dxf image/x-3ds ext: 3ds image/x-applix-graphic ext: ag image/x-bmp ext: bmp image/x-cmu-raster ext: ras image/x-compressed-xcf regex,2: \.xcf\.gz$ regex,2: \.xcf\.bz2$ image/x-dcm ext: dcm image/x-emf ext: emf image/x-fits ext: fits image/x-gray ext: gray image/x-icb ext: icb image/x-ico ext: ico image/x-iff ext: iff IFF image/x-ilbm ext: ilbm ILBM image/x-lwo ext: lwo lwob image/x-lws ext: lws image/x-miff ext: miff image/x-palm ext: palm image/x-pcx ext: pcx image/x-photo-cd ext: pcd image/x-pict ext: pct pict image/x-portable-anymap ext: pnm image/x-portable-bitmap ext: pbm image/x-portable-graymap ext: pgm image/x-portable-pixmap ext: ppm image/x-psd ext: psd image/x-rgb ext: rgb image/x-sgi ext: sgi image/x-sun-raster ext: sun image/x-tga ext: tga image/x-wmf ext: wmf image/x-xbitmap ext: xbm image/x-xcf ext: xcf image/x-xfig ext: fig image/x-xpixmap ext: xpm image/x-xwindowdump ext: xwd message/x-gnu-rmail regex: ^RMAIL$ model/vrml ext: wrl text/abiword ext: abw text/bib ext: bib text/calendar ext: ics text/css ext: css text/html ext: html htm HTML text/mathml ext: mml text/plain ext: asc txt TXT text/richtext ext: rtx text/sgml ext: sgml sgm text/spreadsheet ext: sylk slk text/tab-separated-values ext: tsv text/x-asm ext: s text/x-authors regex: AUTHORS text/x-c ext: c text/x-c++ ext: cc C cpp c++ text/x-c-header ext: h H h++ hpp text/x-comma-separated-values ext: csv text/x-copying regex: COPYING text/x-credits regex: CREDITS text/x-csh ext: csh text/x-dcl ext: dcl text/x-dsl ext: dsl text/x-dtd ext: dtd text/x-emacs-lisp ext: el text/x-fortran ext: f text/x-gtkrc regex: [.|]gtkrc text/x-haskell ext: hs text/x-idl ext: idl text/x-install regex: INSTALL text/x-java ext: java text/x-javascript ext: js text/x-literate-haskell ext: lhs text/x-lua ext: lua text/x-lyx ext: lyx text/x-makefile regex: [Mm]akefile text/x-objc ext: m text/x-pascal ext: p pascal text/x-patch ext: diff patch text/x-perl ext: pl perl pm text/x-po ext: po text/x-python ext: py text/x-readme regex: README.* regex: TODO* text/x-scheme ext: scm text/x-setext ext: etx text/x-sh ext: sh text/x-sql ext: sql text/x-tcl ext: tcl text/x-tex ext: tex cls sty ltx text/x-texinfo ext: texi texinfo text/x-troff ext: roff t tr # FIXME 5372: This matches too many file # names, including virtually all file names that end in ".1". text/x-troff-man regex: (([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|n)|\.man)$ ext: man text/x-troff-me ext: me text/x-troff-mm ext: mm text/x-troff-ms ext: ms text/x-vcalendar ext: vcs vcf text/x-vcard ext: gcrd text/x-verilog-src ext: v vl vh verilog text/x-yacc ext: yacc y text/xml ext: xml video/mpeg ext: mp2 mpe mpeg mpg vob dat video/quicktime ext: mov qt video/ ext: viv vivo video/x-anim regex: \.anim[1-9j]$ video/x-flc ext: flc video/x-fli ext: fli video/x-ms-asf ext: asf video/x-ms-wmv ext: wmv video/x-ms-wvx ext: wvx video/x-msvideo ext: avi video/x-nsv ext: nsv NSV video/x-sgi-movie ext: movie