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""" dsml - generate and parse DSMLv1 data (see written by Michael Stroeder <> See for details. $Id:,v 1.9 2004/06/17 13:52:07 stroeder Exp $ Python compability note: Tested with Python 2.0+. """ __version__ = '0.5.2' import string,base64 def list_dict(l): """ return a dictionary with all items of l being the keys of the dictionary """ d = {} for i in l: d[i]=None return d special_entities = ( ('&','&'), ('<','<'), ('"','"'), ("'",'''), ) def replace_char(s): for char,entity in special_entities: s = string.replace(s,char,entity) return s class DSMLWriter: def __init__( self,f,base64_attrs=[],dsml_comment='',indent=' ' ): """ Parameters: f File object for output. base64_attrs Attribute types to be base64-encoded. dsml_comment Text placed in comment lines behind <dsml:dsml>. indent String used for indentiation of next nested level. """ self._output_file = f self._base64_attrs = list_dict(map(string.lower,base64_attrs)) self._dsml_comment = dsml_comment self._indent = indent def _needs_base64_encoding(self,attr_type,attr_value): if self._base64_attrs: return self._base64_attrs.has_key(string.lower(attr_type)) else: try: unicode(attr_value,'utf-8') except UnicodeError: return 1 else: return 0 def writeHeader(self): """ Write the header """ self._output_file.write('\n'.join([ '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', '<!DOCTYPE root PUBLIC "dsml.dtd" "">', '<dsml:dsml xmlns:dsml="">', '%s<dsml:directory-entries>\n' % (self._indent), ]) ) if self._dsml_comment: self._output_file.write('%s<!--\n' % (self._indent)) self._output_file.write('%s%s\n' % (self._indent,self._dsml_comment)) self._output_file.write('%s-->\n' % (self._indent)) def writeFooter(self): """ Write the footer """ self._output_file.write('%s</dsml:directory-entries>\n' % (self._indent)) self._output_file.write('</dsml:dsml>\n') def unparse(self,dn,entry): return self.writeRecord(dn,entry) def writeRecord(self,dn,entry): """ dn string-representation of distinguished name entry dictionary holding the LDAP entry {attr:data} """ # Write line dn: first self._output_file.write( '%s<dsml:entry dn="%s">\n' % ( self._indent*2,replace_char(dn) ) ) objectclasses = entry.get('objectclass',entry.get('objectClass',[])) self._output_file.write('%s<dsml:objectclass>\n' % (self._indent*3)) for oc in objectclasses: self._output_file.write('%s<dsml:oc-value>%s</dsml:oc-value>\n' % (self._indent*4,oc)) self._output_file.write('%s</dsml:objectclass>\n' % (self._indent*3)) attr_types = entry.keys()[:] try: attr_types.remove('objectclass') attr_types.remove('objectClass') except ValueError: pass attr_types.sort() for attr_type in attr_types: self._output_file.write('%s<dsml:attr name="%s">\n' % (self._indent*3,attr_type)) for attr_value_item in entry[attr_type]: needs_base64_encoding = self._needs_base64_encoding( attr_type,attr_value_item ) if needs_base64_encoding: attr_value_item = base64.encodestring(attr_value_item) else: attr_value_item = replace_char(attr_value_item) self._output_file.write('%s<dsml:value%s>\n' % ( self._indent*4, ' encoding="base64"'*needs_base64_encoding ) ) self._output_file.write('%s%s\n' % ( self._indent*5, attr_value_item ) ) self._output_file.write('%s</dsml:value>\n' % ( self._indent*4, ) ) self._output_file.write('%s</dsml:attr>\n' % (self._indent*3)) self._output_file.write('%s</dsml:entry>\n' % (self._indent*2)) return try: import xml.sax,xml.sax.handler except ImportError: pass else: class DSMLv1Handler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler): """ Content handler class for DSMLv1 """ def __init__(self,parser_instance): self._parser_instance = parser_instance xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self) def startDocument(self): pass def endDocument(self): pass def startElement(self,raw_name,attrs): assert raw_name.startswith(''),'Illegal name' name = raw_name[5:] if name=='dsml': pass elif name=='directory-entries': self._parsing_entries = 1 elif name=='entry': self._dn = attrs['dn'] self._entry = {} elif name=='attr': self._attr_type = attrs['name'].encode('utf-8') self._attr_values = [] elif name=='value': self._attr_value = '' self._base64_encoding = attrs.get('encoding','').lower()=='base64' # Handle object class tags elif name=='objectclass': self._object_classes = [] elif name=='oc-value': self._oc_value = '' # Unhandled tags else: raise ValueError,'Unknown tag %s' % (raw_name) def endElement(self,raw_name): assert raw_name.startswith('dsml:'),'Illegal name' name = raw_name[5:] if name=='dsml': pass elif name=='directory-entries': self._parsing_entries = 0 elif name=='entry': self._parser_instance.handle(self._dn,self._entry) del self._dn del self._entry elif name=='attr': self._entry[self._attr_type] = self._attr_values del self._attr_type del self._attr_values elif name=='value': if self._base64_encoding: attr_value = base64.decodestring(self._attr_value.strip()) else: attr_value = self._attr_value.strip().encode('utf-8') self._attr_values.append(attr_value) del attr_value del self._attr_value del self._base64_encoding # Handle object class tags elif name=='objectclass': self._entry['objectClass'] = self._object_classes del self._object_classes elif name=='oc-value': self._object_classes.append(self._oc_value.strip().encode('utf-8')) del self._oc_value # Unhandled tags else: raise ValueError,'Unknown tag %s' % (raw_name) def characters(self,ch): if self.__dict__.has_key('_oc_value'): self._oc_value = self._oc_value + ch elif self.__dict__.has_key('_attr_value'): self._attr_value = self._attr_value + ch else: pass class DSMLParser: """ Base class for a DSMLv1 parser. Applications should sub-class this class and override method handle() to implement something meaningful. Public class attributes: records_read Counter for records processed so far """ def __init__( self, input_file, ContentHandlerClass, ignored_attr_types=None, max_entries=0, ): """ Parameters: input_file File-object to read the LDIF input from ignored_attr_types Attributes with these attribute type names will be ignored. max_entries If non-zero specifies the maximum number of entries to be read from f. line_sep String used as line separator """ self._input_file = input_file self._max_entries = max_entries self._ignored_attr_types = list_dict(map(string.lower,(ignored_attr_types or []))) self._current_record = None,None self.records_read = 0 self._parser = xml.sax.make_parser() self._parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces,0) content_handler = ContentHandlerClass(self) self._parser.setContentHandler(content_handler) def handle(self,*args,**kwargs): """ Process a single content LDIF record. This method should be implemented by applications using LDIFParser. """ import pprint pprint.pprint(args) pprint.pprint(kwargs) def parse(self): """ Continously read and parse DSML records """ self._parser.parse(self._input_file)