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mō x^Sc @ sh d k Z d k Z d k l Z l Z d k l Z e i Z e i d e Z d e f d YZ d S( N( s ConsumerIdentitys DataLib( s Factss rhsm-app.t FactLibc B s) t Z d Z e e e d Z d Z RS( sū Used by CertManager to update a system's facts with the server, used primarily by the cron job but in a couple other places as well. Makes use of the facts module as well. c C s: t i | | | | | _ | i p t | _ n d S( N( t DataLibt __init__t selft lockt uept factst Facts( R R R R ( ( t/ /usr/share/rhsm/subscription_manager/factlib.pyR $ s c C s d } | i i o\ t | i i } t i p | Sn t i } | i } | i i | i | n t i d | S( Ni s( Facts have not changed, skipping upload.( t updatesR R t has_changedt lent get_factst ConsumerIdentityt existst readt consumert getConsumerIdt consumer_uuidt update_checkR t logt info( R R R R ( ( R t _do_update* s ( t __name__t __module__t __doc__t NoneR R ( ( ( R R s ( t gettextt loggingt certlibR R t subscription_manager.factsR t _t getLoggerR R R ( R R R R R R R R ( ( R t ? s