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#!/usr/bin/perl # For now, this just tests the addition and removal of 1000 VLAN interfaces on eth0 # Arguments: # graph Generate a graph. # clean Remove interfaces. use strict; $| = 1; if ($ARGV[0] eq "graph") { my $dev_cnt = 0; my $user = 0; my $system = 0; my $real = 0; my $prog = ""; open(IPNH, ">/tmp/ip_rpt_no_hash.txt") || die("Can't open /tmp/ip_rpt_no_hash.txt\n"); open(IFCFGNH, ">/tmp/ifconfig_rpt_no_hash.txt") || die("Can't open /tmp/ifconfig_rpt_no_hash.txt\n"); open(IP, ">/tmp/ip_rpt.txt") || die("Can't open /tmp/ip_rpt.txt\n"); open(IFCFG, ">/tmp/ifconfig_rpt.txt") || die("Can't open /tmp/ifconfig_rpt.txt\n"); my $hash = $ARGV[1]; my $no_hash = $ARGV[2]; open(IF, "$no_hash"); while (<IF>) { my $ln = $_; chomp($ln); #print "LINE: -:$ln:-\n"; if ($ln =~ /Doing ip addr show for (\S+)/) { $dev_cnt = $1; $prog = "ip"; } elsif ($ln =~ /Doing ifconfig -a for (\S+)/) { $dev_cnt = $1; $prog = "ifconfig"; } elsif ($ln =~ /^real (\S+)/) { $real = $1; } elsif ($ln =~ /^user (\S+)/) { $user = $1; } elsif ($ln =~ /^sys (\S+)/) { $system = $1; #print "prog: $prog $dev_cnt\t$user\t$system\t$real\n"; if ($prog eq "ip") { print IPNH "$dev_cnt\t$user\t$system\t$real\n"; } else { print IFCFGNH "$dev_cnt\t$user\t$system\t$real\n"; } } else { #print "INFO: Didn't match anything -:$ln:-\n"; } } close(IPNH); close(IFCFGNH); close(IF); open(IF, "$hash"); while (<IF>) { my $ln = $_; chomp($ln); #print "LINE: -:$ln:-\n"; if ($ln =~ /Doing ip addr show for (\S+)/) { $dev_cnt = $1; $prog = "ip"; } elsif ($ln =~ /Doing ifconfig -a for (\S+)/) { $dev_cnt = $1; $prog = "ifconfig"; } elsif ($ln =~ /^real (\S+)/) { $real = $1; } elsif ($ln =~ /^user (\S+)/) { $user = $1; } elsif ($ln =~ /^sys (\S+)/) { $system = $1; #print "prog: $prog $dev_cnt\t$user\t$system\t$real\n"; if ($prog eq "ip") { print IP "$dev_cnt\t$user\t$system\t$real\n"; } else { print IFCFG "$dev_cnt\t$user\t$system\t$real\n"; } } else { #print "INFO: Didn't match anything -:$ln:-\n"; } } close(IP); close(IFCFG); my $plot_cmd = "set title \"ip addr show V/S ifconfig -a\" set terminal png color set output \"ip_addr_show.png\" set size 1,2 set xlabel \"Interface Count\" set ylabel \"Seconds\" set grid plot \'/tmp/ip_rpt.txt\' using 1:3 title \"ip_system\" with lines, \\ \'/tmp/ip_rpt.txt\' using 1:2 title \"ip_user\" with lines, \\ \'/tmp/ifconfig_rpt.txt\' using 1:3 title \"ifconfig_system\" with lines, \\ \'/tmp/ifconfig_rpt.txt\' using 1:2 title \"ifconfig_user\" with lines, \\ \'/tmp/ip_rpt_no_hash.txt\' using 1:3 title \"ip_system_no_hash\" with lines, \\ \'/tmp/ip_rpt_no_hash.txt\' using 1:2 title \"ip_user_no_hash\" with lines, \\ \'/tmp/ifconfig_rpt_no_hash.txt\' using 1:3 title \"ifconfig_system_no_hash\" with lines, \\ \'/tmp/ifconfig_rpt_no_hash.txt\' using 1:2 title \"ifconfig_user_no_hash\" with lines"; print "Plotting with cmd -:$plot_cmd:-\n"; open(GP, "| gnuplot") or die ("Can't open gnuplot pipe(2).\n"); print GP "$plot_cmd"; close(GP); exit(0); } my $num_if = 4000; `/usr/local/bin/vconfig set_name_type VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD`; my $d = 5; my $c = 5; if ($ARGV[0] ne "clean") { my $i; print "Adding VLAN interfaces 1 through $num_if\n"; print "Turnning off /sbin/hotplug"; `echo > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug`; my $p = time(); for ($i = 1; $i<=$num_if; $i++) { `/usr/local/bin/vconfig add eth0 $i`; #`ip address flush dev vlan$i`; `ip address add 192.168.$c.$c/24 dev vlan$i`; `ip link set dev vlan$i up`; if (($i <= 4000) && (($i % 250) == 0)) { print "Doing ifconfig -a for $i devices.\n"; `time -p ifconfig -a > /tmp/vlan_test_ifconfig_a_$i.txt`; print "Doing ip addr show for $i devices.\n"; `time -p ip addr show > /tmp/vlan_test_ip_addr_$i.txt`; } $d++; if ($d > 250) { $d = 5; $c++; } } my $n = time(); my $diff = $n - $p; print "Done adding $num_if VLAN interfaces in $diff seconds.\n"; sleep 2; } print "Removing VLAN interfaces 1 through $num_if\n"; $d = 5; $c = 5; my $p = time(); my $i; for ($i = 1; $i<=$num_if; $i++) { `/usr/local/bin/vconfig rem vlan$i`; $d++; if ($d > 250) { $d = 5; $c++; } } my $n = time(); my $diff = $n - $p; print "Done deleting $num_if VLAN interfaces in $diff seconds.\n"; sleep 2; if ($ARGV[0] ne "clean") { my $tmp = $num_if / 4; print "\nGoing to add and remove 2 interfaces $tmp times.\n"; $p = time(); for ($i = 1; $i<=$tmp; $i++) { `/usr/local/bin/vconfig add eth0 1`; `ifconfig vlan1`; `ifconfig vlan1 up`; `ifconfig vlan1 down`; `/usr/local/bin/vconfig add eth0 2`; `ifconfig vlan2`; `ifconfig vlan2 up`; `ifconfig vlan2 down`; `/usr/local/bin/vconfig rem vlan2`; `/usr/local/bin/vconfig rem vlan1`; } $n = time(); $diff = $n - $p; print "Done adding/removing 2 VLAN interfaces $tmp times in $diff seconds.\n"; } print "Re-installing /sbin/hotplug"; `echo /sbin/hotplug > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug`;