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$Id: DOM,v 1.3 1999/05/26 15:42:16 kmacleod Exp $ These are some notes relating XML::Grove to the core Document Object Model <> (REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001). In theory it should be relatively easy to create a strict DOM interface that closely matches the DOM spec, I will keep such an interface in mind to avoid conflicting designs. On the left are DOM classes and methods and on the right are equivalent XML::Grove classes, methods, and notes. Equivalents marked with an asterisk (*) are available with the XML::Grove extensions Data::Grove::Parent, XML::Grove::Normalize, or XML::Grove::GetElementsByTagName. DOMImplementation No Equivalent boolean hasFeature(feature, version) DocumentFragment Any XML::Grove object can be a document fragment. Document XML::Grove::Document doctype not yet implemented implementation not yet implemented documentElement $grove->root (*) createXXX XXX->new getElementsByTagName $grove->get_elements_by_tag_name (*) `Node' in DOM is a superclass of all other nodes in DOM, `XML::Grove' is the superclass of all objects in the XML::Grove module. Node XML::Grove nodeName $element->{Name} nodeValue $element->{Value} nodeType use `ref()' and pattern matching (match /.*::TYPE(::.*)?$/) parentNode $obj->{Parent} (*) childNodes $obj->{Contents} firstChild $obj->{Contents}[0] lastChild $obj->{Contents}[-1] previousSibling no equivalent nextSibling no equivalent attributes $element->{Attributes} ownerDocument $obj->root->{Parent} (*) insertBefore splice(@{$node->{Contents}}, $index, 0, $new_child) replaceChild splice(@{$node->{Contents}}, $index, 1, $new_child) removeChild splice(@{$node->{Contents}}, $index, 1) appendChild push(@{$node->{Contents}}, $new_child) hasChildNodes $#{$node->{Contents}} != -1 cloneNode $new = $obj->clone() NodeList NodeLists are Perl arrays NamedNodeMap NamedNodeMap are Perl hashes CharacterData data $characters->{Data} Attr Attr are stored in Perl hashes, unspecified values are undef Element XML::Grove::Element getAttribute $element->{Attributes}{$name} setAttribute $element->{Attributes}{$name} = $value removeAttribute undef $element{Attributes}{$name} getAttributeNode no equivalent setAttributeNode no equivalent removeAttributeNode delete $element{Attributes}{$name} getElementsByTagName $elem->get_elements_by_tag_name (*) normalize $elem->normalize (*) Text data $characters->{Data} Comment XML::Grove::Comment data $comment->{Data} CDATASection XML::Grove::CData DocumentType see XML::Grove::Document Notation XML::Grove::Notation nodeName $notation->{Name} publicId $notation->{PublicId} systemId $notation->{SystemId} Entity XML::Grove::ExtEntity nodeName $ext_entity->{Name} publicId $ext_entity->{PublicId} systemId $ext_entity->{SystemId} notationName $ext_entity->{Notation}{Name} EntityReference XML::Grove::Entity nodeName $entity->{Name} nodeValue $entity->{Data} ProcessingInstruction XML::Grove::PI target $pi->{Target} data $pi->{Data}