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############################################################################ # Matt Rodriguez, LBNL #Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California, #through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory #(subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). #All rights reserved. ############################################################################ """ API to generated proxy certificates """ import os, sys import struct import re import time, calendar, datetime import_regex = re.compile(r"\s*\s*") errstr = "You must have the openssl 0.9.8 libraries in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH""" try: from M2Crypto import BIO, X509, RSA, EVP, ASN1 except ImportError, ex: if import_regex.match(str(ex)): print errstr sys.exit(-1) else: raise ex MBSTRING_FLAG = 0x1000 MBSTRING_ASC = MBSTRING_FLAG | 1 KEY_USAGE_VALUE = "Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment" PCI_VALUE_FULL = "critical, language:Inherit all" PCI_VALUE_LIMITED = "critical, language:" class ProxyFactoryException(Exception): """ Base class for exceptions in the ProxyFactory class """ class Proxy: """ class that holds proxy certificate information, consisting of an issuer cert a user cert and a key for the user cert """ def __init__(self): self._key = None self._cert = None self._issuer = None def read(self, proxypath=None): """ reads in a proxy certificate information """ if proxypath is None: proxypath = get_proxy_filename() proxyfile = open(proxypath) bio = BIO.File(proxyfile) self._cert = X509.load_cert_bio(bio) self._key = RSA.load_key_bio(bio) self._issuer = X509.load_cert_bio(bio) def getcert(self): """ Returns a X509 instance """ return self._cert def getkey(self): """ Returns a RSA instance """ return self._key def getissuer(self): """ Returns a X509 instance """ return self._issuer def setcert(self, cert): """ Sets the user cert should be a X509 instance """ self._cert = cert def setkey(self, key): """ Sets the user key should be a RSA instance """ self._key = key def setissuer(self, issuer): """ Sets the issuer cert should be a X509 instance """ self._issuer = issuer def write(self, proxypath=None): """ Writes the proxy information to a file """ proxyfile = open(proxypath, "w") bio = BIO.File(proxyfile) bio.write(self._cert.as_pem()) self._key.save_key_bio(bio, cipher=None) bio.write(self._issuer.as_pem()) bio.close() os.chmod(proxypath, 0600) class ProxyFactory: """ Creates proxies """ def __init__(self, kw={'cert':None,'key':None,'valid':(12,0),'full':True}): self._usercert = get_usercert(kw['cert']) self._userkey = get_userkey(kw['key']) self._proxycert = None self._proxykey = None self._valid = kw['valid'] self._full = kw['full'] def generate(self): """ generates a new proxy like grid-proxy-init """ if not self._check_valid(): raise ProxyFactoryException("The issuer cert is expired") if self._proxycert is None: self._proxycert = X509.X509() key = EVP.PKey() self._proxykey = RSA.gen_key(512, 65537) key.assign_rsa(self._proxykey, capture=0) self._proxycert.set_pubkey(key) self._proxycert.set_version(2) self._set_times() issuer_name = self._usercert.get_subject() self._proxycert.set_issuer_name(issuer_name) serial_number = self._make_serial_number(self._proxycert) self._proxycert.set_serial_number(serial_number) self._set_subject() sign_pk = EVP.PKey() sign_pk.assign_rsa(self._userkey) self._add_extensions() self._proxycert.sign(sign_pk, 'md5') def set_proxycert(self, proxycert): """ This method is useful if you don't want to pay the costs associated with generating a new key pair. """ self._proxycert = proxycert def getproxy(self): """ Return a proxy instance """ proxy = Proxy() proxy.setissuer(self._usercert) proxy.setcert(self._proxycert) proxy.setkey(self._proxykey) return proxy def _set_subject(self): """ Internal method that sets the subject name """ subject_name = X509.X509_Name() serial_number = self._make_serial_number(self._proxycert) issuer_name = self._usercert.get_subject() issuer_name_txt = issuer_name.as_text() seq = issuer_name_txt.split(",") for entry in seq: name_component = entry.split("=") subject_name.add_entry_by_txt(field=name_component[0].strip(), type=MBSTRING_ASC, entry=name_component[1],len=-1, loc=-1, set=0) subject_name.add_entry_by_txt(field="CN", type=MBSTRING_ASC, entry=str(serial_number), len=-1, loc=-1, set=0) self._proxycert.set_subject_name(subject_name) def _set_times(self): """ Internal function that sets the time on the proxy certificate """ not_before = ASN1.ASN1_UTCTIME() not_after = ASN1.ASN1_UTCTIME() not_before.set_time(int(time.time())) offset = (self._valid[0] * 3600) + (self._valid[1] * 60) not_after.set_time(int(time.time()) + offset ) self._proxycert.set_not_before(not_before) self._proxycert.set_not_after(not_after) def _make_serial_number(self, cert): """ Lifted from the globus code """ message_digest = EVP.MessageDigest('sha1') pubkey = cert.get_pubkey() der_encoding = pubkey.as_der() message_digest.update(der_encoding) digest = digest_tuple = struct.unpack('BBBB', digest[:4]) sub_hash = long(digest_tuple[0] + (digest_tuple[1] + ( digest_tuple[2] + ( digest_tuple[3] >> 1) * 256 ) * 256) * 256) return sub_hash def _add_extensions(self): """ Internal method that adds the extensions to the certificate """ key_usage_ext = X509.new_extension("keyUsage", KEY_USAGE_VALUE, 1) self._proxycert.add_ext(key_usage_ext) if self._full: pci_ext = X509.new_extension("proxyCertInfo", PCI_VALUE_FULL, 1, 0) else: pci_ext = X509.new_extension("proxyCertInfo", PCI_VALUE_LIMITED, 1, 0) self._proxycert.add_ext(pci_ext) def _check_valid(self): """ Internal method that ensures the issuer cert has valid, not_before and not_after fields """ before_time = self._usercert.get_not_before() after_time = self._usercert.get_not_after() before_tuple = time.strptime(str(before_time), "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z") after_tuple = time.strptime(str(after_time), "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z") starts = datetime.timedelta(seconds=calendar.timegm(before_tuple)) expires = datetime.timedelta(seconds=calendar.timegm(after_tuple)) now = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time()) time_delta = expires - now #cert has expired if time_delta.days < 0: return False #cert is not yet valid, not likely but should still return False time_delta = now - starts if time_delta.days < 0: return False return True #Utility Functions def get_proxy_filename(): """ function that returns the default proxy path which is /tmp/x509up_uuid """ if == 'posix': proxy_filename = "x509up_u" + (str(os.getuid())) proxypath = os.path.join("/tmp", proxy_filename) elif == 'nt': username = os.getenv("USERNAME") if username is None: raise RuntimeError("""USERNAME is not set in environment. Can't determine proxy file location""") proxy_filename = "x509up_u" + username drive = os.path.splitdrive(os.getcwd())[0] proxydir = drive + os.sep + "temp" proxypath = os.path.join(proxydir, proxy_filename) else: except_string = """get_proxy_filename is not supported on this platform Try explicitly specifying the location of the proxyfile""" raise RuntimeError(except_string) return proxypath def get_usercert(certfile=None): """ function that returns a X509 instance which is the user cert that is expected to be a ~/.globus/usercert.pem A check is performed to ensure the certificate has valid before and after times. """ if certfile is None: certfile = open(os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".globus","usercert.pem")) else: certfile = open(certfile) bio = BIO.File(certfile) cert = X509.load_cert_bio(bio) return cert def get_userkey(keyfile=None): """ function that returns a X509 instance which is the user cert that is expected to be a ~/.globus/userkey.pem """ if keyfile is None: keyfile = open(os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".globus","userkey.pem")) else: keyfile = open(keyfile) bio = BIO.File(keyfile) key = RSA.load_key_bio(bio) return key