Tryag File Manager
Turbo Force
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mō =5Dc @ sC d Z d k l Z d k l Z d k Z d e f d YZ d S( sd OptionMenu widget modified to allow dynamic menu reconfiguration and setting of highlightthickness ( s OptionMenu( s _setitNt DynOptionMenuc B s# t Z d Z d Z e d Z RS( sF unlike OptionMenu, our kwargs can include highlightthickness c O s t i | } d | i j o | d =n t i | | | | | | | i d | i d | | _ | i d | _ d S( Nt highlightthicknesst command( t copyt kwargst kwargsCopyt keyst OptionMenut __init__t selft mastert variablet valuet valuest configt getR ( R R R R R R R ( ( t1 /usr/lib/python2.4/idlelib/dynOptionMenuWidget.pyR s c C sp | d i d d x: | D]2 } | d i d | d t | i | | i q W| o | i i | n d S( sē clear and reload the menu with a new set of options. valueList - list of new options value - initial value to set the optionmenu's menubutton to t menui t endt labelR N( R t deletet valueListt itemt add_commandt _setitR R R t set( R R R R ( ( R t SetMenu s ( t __name__t __module__t __doc__R t NoneR ( ( ( R R s ( R t TkinterR R R R ( R R R R ( ( R t ? s