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mς =5Dc @ s° d Z d Z d k Z d k Z d k Td k l Z d k Td k l Z d k l Z d k l Z d k l Z d Z d Z d a d a d. Z d/ Z d+ Z d d, d- Z d S(0 s# distutils.core The only module that needs to be imported to use the Distutils; provides the 'setup' function (which is to be called from the setup script). Also indirectly provides the Distribution and Command classes, although they are really defined in distutils.dist and distutils.cmd. s0 $Id: 37828 2004-11-10 22:23:15Z loewis $N( t *( s DEBUG( s grok_environment_error( s Distribution( s Command( s Extensions° usage: %(script)s [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...] or: %(script)s --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...] or: %(script)s --help-commands or: %(script)s cmd --help c C s t i i | } t t S( N( t ost patht basenamet script_namet scriptt USAGEt vars( R R ( ( t$ /usr/lib/python2.4/distutils/core.pyt gen_usage$ s t distclassR t script_argst optionst namet versiont authort author_emailt maintainert maintainer_emailt urlt licenset descriptiont long_descriptiont keywordst platformst classifierst download_urlt sourcest include_dirst define_macrost undef_macrost library_dirst librariest runtime_library_dirst extra_objectst extra_compile_argst extra_link_argst swig_optst export_symbolst dependst languagec K sk | i d } | o | d =n t } | i d p! t i i t i d | d <n | i d p t i d | d <n y | | a } WnM t j oA } | i d o t d | d | f qα t d | n Xt d j o | Sn | i t o d GH| i n t d j o | Sn y | i } Wn/ t j o# } t t | i d | n Xt o d GH| i n t d j o | Sn | oΐ y | i Wqgt j o t d qgt t i f j o@ } t | } t o t i i | d qct | qgt t! f j o* } t o qct d t"