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mò ‚=5Dc @ s• d Z d k Z d k Z d k Z d d g Z d d d d d d „ Z d d d d d „ Z d „ Z e d j o! e e ƒ ƒ Z e i e ƒ n d S( sí Module/script to "compile" all .py files to .pyc (or .pyo) file. When called as a script with arguments, this compiles the directories given as arguments recursively; the -l option prevents it from recursing into directories. Without arguments, if compiles all modules on sys.path, without recursing into subdirectories. (Even though it should do so for packages -- for now, you'll have to deal with packages separately.) See module py_compile for details of the actual byte-compilation. Nt compile_dirt compile_pathi i c C sè | p d G| Gd GHn y t i | ƒ } Wn% t i j o d G| GHg } n X| i ƒ d } x~| D]v} t i i | | ƒ } | d j o t i i | | ƒ } n d } | d j o! | i | ƒ } | o qj qß n t i i | ƒ ol| d | d } } | d j oF| t o d p d } t i | ƒ i } y t i | ƒ i } Wn t i j o d } n X| | j o | o qj n | p d G| Gd GHn y t i | d | t ƒ } Wny t j o t ‚ qZt i! j o/ } | o d G| Gd GHn | i# GHd } qZt$ j o } d G| GHd } qZX| d j o d } qZqàqj | d j ou | t i' j oe | t i( j oU t i i) | ƒ oB t i i* | ƒ o. t+ | | d | | | | ƒ p d } qàqj qj W| S( sÁ Byte-compile all modules in the given directory tree. Arguments (only dir is required): dir: the directory to byte-compile maxlevels: maximum recursion level (default 10) ddir: if given, purported directory name (this is the directory name that will show up in error messages) force: if 1, force compilation, even if timestamps are up-to-date quiet: if 1, be quiet during compilation t Listings ...s Can't listi iýÿÿÿs .pyt ct oi t Compilingt SorryN(, t quiett dirt ost listdirt namest errort sortt successt namet patht joint fullnamet ddirt Nonet dfilet rxt searcht mot isfilet headt tailt __debug__t cfilet statt st_mtimet ftimet ctimet forcet py_compilet compilet Truet okt KeyboardInterruptt PyCompileErrort errt msgt IOErrort et maxlevelst curdirt pardirt isdirt islinkR ( R R- R R"