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In most cases, you'll want to assign a username and password to each person who works with your Web site.</p> <p>User roles are assigned to accounts, and determine the types of access that users are allowed when using the Web site. For example, if you have a group of users who will view site content and make changes, you can assign them to the Author role. This role is created by default. As a site administrator, you can modify the <a href="fpaGloss.htm#rights" class="glossterm">access rights</a> for the default roles or create new roles.</p> <p>You can assign a user to more than one role. However, if you're using the default user roles, you need only select one role for the user account. Each default role has all of the rights of those lower on the list plus additional rights. For example, an author has browser rights in addition to the right to author pages.</p> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mChae"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mChaeBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mChaeBtn, mChaeItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mChae" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mChaeBtn, mChaeItems);"> Default user roles </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mChaeItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <p>The following <a href="fpaGloss.htm#role" class="glossterm">roles</a> are available for Microsoft FrontPage-extended Webs by default. Each role gives the user <a href="fpaGloss.htm#rights" class="glossterm">rights</a> to perform specific actions on a Web site or <a href="fpaGloss.htm#virtualserver" class="glossterm">virtual server</a>.</p> <ul> <LI><b>Browser </b>View the pages in the Web site. <LI><b>Contributor </b>View the pages in the Web site. <LI><b>Author </b>Add pages to the Web site. This role contains all Browser rights as well. </LI> <LI><b>Advanced Author </b>Edit a Web site in Microsoft FrontPage. This role contains all Author rights plus the following rights: <b> Border Web</b>, <b> Theme Web</b>, <b> Link Style Sheets</b>, and <b> Recalc Web</b>. </LI> <li><b>Administrator </b>Manage a Web site or virtual server. This role contains all rights.</li> </ul> </DIV> </DIV> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mGom"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mGomBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mGomBtn, mGomItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mGom" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mGomBtn, mGomItems);"> Access rights list </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mGomItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <p>The following <a href="fpaGloss.htm#rights" class="glossterm">rights</a> are available. Each right gives the user permission to perform a specific action on a Web site or <a href="fpaGloss.htm#virtualserver" class="glossterm">virtual server</a>.</p> <h2>Web design rights</h2> <ul> <li><b>Author Pages</b> Create, edit, or delete HTML pages and directories. <li><b>Browse</b> Browse pages in this Web site, including those with Web bots. <li><b>Register Components</b> Upload new components (runtime code) and have them run by the server. <li><b>Set Source Control</b> Set the source control options.</li> <li><b>Theme Web</b> Apply a <a href="fpaGloss.htm#theme" class="glossterm">theme</a> to a Web site.</li> <li><b>Border Web</b> Apply a <a href="fpaGloss.htm#border" class="glossterm">border</a> to a Web site.</li> <li><b>Link Style Sheets</b> Apply a <a href="fpaGloss.htm#CSS" class="glossterm">style sheet</a> to an entire Web site.</li> </ul> <h2>Web administration rights</h2> <ul> <li><b>Configure Access </b> Create, delete, and modify <a href="fpaGloss.htm#role" class="glossterm">roles</a>, including adding users to the roles and specifying which rights are assigned to a role. <li><b>Set Permissions</b> Specify permissions for individual files. <li><b>Create Accounts</b> Create local machine accounts. <li><b>Manage Server Health</b> Run the <a href="fpaGloss.htm#serverhealth" class="glossterm">server health</a> features for a virtual server.</li> <li><b>Manage Usage Analysis</b> Modify the <a href="fpaGloss.htm#usageanalysis" class="glossterm">usage analysis</a> settings for a virtual server.</li> <li><b>Manage Subweb</b> Create, rename, or remove <a href="fpaGloss.htm#subweb" class="glossterm">subwebs</a>.</li> <li><b>Recalc Web</b> <a href="fpaGloss.htm#recalculateweb" class="glossterm">Recalculate</a> a Web site.</li> </ul> </DIV> </DIV> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mIha"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mIhaBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mIhaBtn, mIhaItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mIha" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mIhaBtn, mIhaItems);"> About anonymous user access </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mIhaItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <p>If you're creating a public Web site, you can allow permissions for <a href="fpaGloss.htm#anonymoususeraccess" class="glossterm">anonymous users</a> who don't have accounts.</p> </DIV> </DIV> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mOne"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mOneBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mOneBtn, mOneItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> <A class="clsTocHead" href="javascript:void();" id="mOne" onClick="return ToggleDisplay(mOneBtn, mOneItems);"> About user accounts and roles for subwebs </A> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mOneItems"> <SCRIPT>'none';</SCRIPT> <DIV class="clsTocItem1"> <p>If you have created <a href="fpaGloss.htm#subweb" class="glossterm">subwebs</a> on your Web site, you can allow the subwebs to have unique accounts and user roles or you can specify that they use those of their parent Web site.</p> </DIV> </DIV> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="exptbl"> <tr> <td> <LABEL for="mGle"> <IMG align="right" valign="top" border="0" width="9" height="9" src="plus.gif" class="clsImgButton" id="mGleBtn" onClick="ToggleDisplay(mGleBtn, mGleItems);" alt=""> </LABEL> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <DIV class="clsTocItem" id="mGleItems"> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <ol> <li>On the <b>Site Administration</b> page, under <b>Users and Roles</b>, click <b>Manage roles</b>.</li> <li>Click the <a href="fpaGloss.htm#role" class="glossterm">role</a> you would like to modify.</li> <li>Set or clear the checkboxes to enable or disable <a href="fpaGloss.htm#rights" class="glossterm">access rights</a> for the role.</li> <li>Click <b>Submit</b>.</li> </ol> <P><b>Note</b> If you don't see the <b>Show a list of roles </b> option, you are probably in a <a href="fpaGloss.htm#subweb" class="glossterm">subweb</a> that uses the user account and roles settings of a higher-level Web site of the server or <a href="fpaGloss.htm#virtualserver" class="glossterm">virtual server</a>. To work with accounts and roles, either go to the top-level Web site, or set up unique permissions for this subweb. See your network administrator or ISP for more information.</P> </td></tr></table> <table class="footer" align="center"> <tr> <td><img src="1p.gif" height="10px" width="10px"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a class="owsnav" href="fpaHome.htm">Home</a> | <a class="owsnav" href="fpaIndex.htm">Index</a> | <a class="owsnav" href="fpaTOC.htm">Contents</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>©1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation<br> All rights reserved. <a href="wsaextr8.htm">Terms of use.</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>