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/* Copyright 1999-2006 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. MagickCore drawing methods. */ #ifndef _MAGICKCORE_DRAW_H #define _MAGICKCORE_DRAW_H #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif #include "magick/type.h" typedef enum { UndefinedAlign, LeftAlign, CenterAlign, RightAlign } AlignType; typedef enum { UndefinedPathUnits, UserSpace, UserSpaceOnUse, ObjectBoundingBox } ClipPathUnits; typedef enum { UndefinedDecoration, NoDecoration, UnderlineDecoration, OverlineDecoration, LineThroughDecoration } DecorationType; typedef enum { UndefinedRule, #undef EvenOddRule EvenOddRule, NonZeroRule } FillRule; typedef enum { UndefinedGradient, LinearGradient, RadialGradient } GradientType; typedef enum { UndefinedCap, ButtCap, RoundCap, SquareCap } LineCap; typedef enum { UndefinedJoin, MiterJoin, RoundJoin, BevelJoin } LineJoin; typedef enum { UndefinedMethod, PointMethod, ReplaceMethod, FloodfillMethod, FillToBorderMethod, ResetMethod } PaintMethod; typedef enum { UndefinedPrimitive, PointPrimitive, LinePrimitive, RectanglePrimitive, RoundRectanglePrimitive, ArcPrimitive, EllipsePrimitive, CirclePrimitive, PolylinePrimitive, PolygonPrimitive, BezierPrimitive, ColorPrimitive, MattePrimitive, TextPrimitive, ImagePrimitive, PathPrimitive } PrimitiveType; typedef enum { UndefinedReference, GradientReference } ReferenceType; typedef enum { UndefinedSpread, PadSpread, ReflectSpead, RepeatSpread } SpreadMethod; typedef struct _GradientInfo { GradientType type; PixelPacket color; SegmentInfo stop; unsigned long length; SpreadMethod spread; MagickBooleanType debug; unsigned long signature; struct _GradientInfo *previous, *next; } GradientInfo; typedef struct _ElementReference { char *id; ReferenceType type; GradientInfo gradient; unsigned long signature; struct _ElementReference *previous, *next; } ElementReference; typedef struct _DrawInfo { char *primitive, *geometry; RectangleInfo viewbox; AffineMatrix affine; GravityType gravity; PixelPacket fill, stroke; double stroke_width; GradientInfo gradient; Image *fill_pattern, *tile, *stroke_pattern; MagickBooleanType stroke_antialias, text_antialias; FillRule fill_rule; LineCap linecap; LineJoin linejoin; unsigned long miterlimit; double dash_offset; DecorationType decorate; CompositeOperator compose; char *text; unsigned long face; char *font, *metrics, *family; StyleType style; StretchType stretch; unsigned long weight; char *encoding; double pointsize; char *density; AlignType align; PixelPacket undercolor, border_color; char *server_name; double *dash_pattern; char *clip_path; SegmentInfo bounds; ClipPathUnits clip_units; Quantum opacity; MagickBooleanType render; ElementReference element_reference; MagickBooleanType debug; unsigned long signature; } DrawInfo; typedef struct _PointInfo { double x, y; } PointInfo; typedef struct _PrimitiveInfo { PointInfo point; unsigned long coordinates; PrimitiveType primitive; PaintMethod method; char *text; } PrimitiveInfo; typedef struct _TypeMetric { PointInfo pixels_per_em; double ascent, descent, width, height, max_advance, underline_position, underline_thickness; SegmentInfo bounds; } TypeMetric; extern MagickExport DrawInfo *CloneDrawInfo(const ImageInfo *,const DrawInfo *), *DestroyDrawInfo(DrawInfo *); extern MagickExport MagickBooleanType DrawAffineImage(Image *,const Image *,const AffineMatrix *), DrawClipPath(Image *,const DrawInfo *,const char *), DrawImage(Image *,const DrawInfo *), DrawPatternPath(Image *,const DrawInfo *,const char *,Image **), DrawPrimitive(Image *,const DrawInfo *,const PrimitiveInfo *); extern MagickExport void GetAffineMatrix(AffineMatrix *), GetDrawInfo(const ImageInfo *,DrawInfo *); #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } #endif #endif