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#!/usr/bin/perl -w eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell # $Id: xml_split,v 1.5 2005/06/15 15:06:49 mrodrigu Exp $ use strict; use XML::Twig; use FindBin qw( $RealBin $RealScript); use Getopt::Std; import xml_split::state::parser; import xml_split::state::twig; $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION=1; # to stop processing after --help or --version use vars qw( $VERSION $USAGE); $VERSION= "0.05"; $USAGE= "xml_split [-l <level> | -c <cond>] [-b <base>] [-n <nb>] [-e <ext>] [-p <plugin>] [-I <plugin_dir>] [-i] [-d] [-v] [-h] [-m] [-V] <files>\n"; { # main block my $opt={}; getopts('l:c:b:n:e:p:idvhmV', $opt); # defaults $opt->{n} ||= 2; # number of digits used for creating parts $opt->{I} ||= "$ENV{HOME}/.xml_split"; if( $opt->{h}) { die $USAGE, "\n"; } if( $opt->{m}) { exec "pod2text $RealBin/$RealScript"; } if( $opt->{V}) { print "xml_split version $VERSION\n"; exit; } if( $opt->{c}) { die "cannot use --level and --condition at the same time\n" if( $opt->{l}); } else { $opt->{l} ||= 1; $opt->{c}= "level( $opt->{l})"; } my $options= { cond => $opt->{c}, base => $opt->{b}, nb_digits => $opt->{n}, ext => $opt->{e}, plugin => $opt->{p}, no_pi => $opt->{d}, verbose => $opt->{v}, xinclude => $opt->{i} ? 1 : 0, }; my $state; if( my $plugin= $opt->{p}) { if( $plugin!~ m{^[\w:.-]+$}) { die "wrong plugin name '$plugin' (only word characters are allowed in plugin names)\n"; } push @INC, $opt->{I}; eval { require $plugin }; if( $@) { die "cannot find plugin '$plugin': $!"; } import $plugin; $state= $plugin->new( $options); } if( $opt->{l}) { $state||= xml_split::state::parser->new( $options); $state->{level}= $opt->{l}; warn "using XML::Parser\n" if( $opt->{v}); split_with_parser( $state, @ARGV); } else { $state||= xml_split::state::twig->new( $options); split_with_twig( $state, @ARGV); } exit; } sub split_with_twig { my( $state, @files)= @_; if( !@files) { $state->{base} ||= 'out'; $state->{ext} ||= '.xml'; my $twig_options= twig_options( $state); my $t= XML::Twig->new( %$twig_options, $state); $state->{twig}= $t; $t->parse( \*STDIN); end_file( $t, $state); } else { foreach my $file (@files) { unless( $state->{base}) { $state->{seq_nb}=0; } my( $base, $ext)= ($file=~ m{^(.*?)(\.\w+)?$}); $state->{base} ||= $base; $state->{ext} ||= $ext || '.xml'; my $twig_options= twig_options( $state); my $t= XML::Twig->new( %$twig_options); $state->{twig}= $t; $t->parsefile( $file); end_file( $t, $state); } } } sub split_with_parser { my( $state, @files)= @_; if( !@files) { $state->{base} ||= 'out'; $state->{ext} ||= '.xml'; my $parser_options= parser_options( $state); my $p= XML::Parser->new( %$parser_options); $state->{parser}= $p; $p->parse( \*STDIN); } else { foreach my $file (@files) { unless( $state->{base}) { $state->{seq_nb}=0; } my( $base, $ext)= ($file=~ m{^(.*?)(\.\w+)?$}); $state->{base} ||= $base; $state->{ext} ||= $ext || '.xml'; my $parser_options= parser_options( $state); my $p= XML::Parser->new( %$parser_options); $state->{parser}= $p; $p->parsefile( $file); } } } sub parser_options { my( $state)= @_; # prepare output to the main document unless( $state->{no_pi}) { my $file_name= $state->main_file_name(); # main file name warn "generating main file $file_name\n" if( $state->{verbose}); open( my $out, '>', $file_name) or die "cannot create main file '$file_name': $!"; $state->{main_fh}= $out; $state->{current_fh}= $out; } my $handlers= { Start => sub { parser_start_tag( $state, shift( @_)); }, End => sub { parser_end_tag( $state, shift( @_)); }, Default => sub { default( $state, shift( @_)); }, }; return { Handlers => $handlers }; } sub parser_start_tag { my( $state, $p)= @_; if( $p->depth == $state->{level}) { $state->{seq_nb}++; my $file_name= $state->file_name; # prepare chunk file warn "generating $file_name\n" if( $state->{verbose}); open( my $out, '>', $file_name) or die "cannot create output file '$file_name': $!"; $state->{current_fh}= $out; # output pi unless( $state->{no_pi}) { print {$state->{main_fh}} $state->include( $file_name) ; } } print {$state->{current_fh}} $p->original_string if( $state->{current_fh}); } sub parser_end_tag { my( $state, $p)= @_; print {$state->{current_fh}} $p->original_string if( $state->{current_fh}); if( $p->depth == $state->{level}) { close $state->{current_fh}; $state->{current_fh}= $state->{main_fh}; } } sub default { my( $state, $p)= @_; print {$state->{current_fh}} $p->original_string if( $state->{current_fh}); } sub twig_options { my( $state)= @_; # base options, ensures maximun fidelity to the original document my $twig_options= { keep_encoding => 1, keep_spaces => 1 }; # prepare output to the main document unless( $state->{no_pi}) { my $file_name= $state->main_file_name(); # main file name warn "generating main file $file_name\n" if( $state->{verbose}); open( my $out, '>', $file_name) or die "cannot create main file '$file_name': $!"; $state->{out}= $out; $twig_options->{twig_print_outside_roots}= $out; $twig_options->{start_tag_handlers}= { $state->{cond} => sub { $_->set_att( '#in_fragment' => 1); } }; } $twig_options->{twig_roots}= { $state->{cond} => sub { dump_elt( @_, $state); } }; return $twig_options; } sub dump_elt { my( $t, $elt, $state)= @_; $state->{seq_nb}++; $state->{elt}= $elt; my $file_name= $state->file_name; warn "generating $file_name\n" if( $state->{verbose}); my $fragment= XML::Twig->new(); $fragment->{twig_xmldecl} = $t->{twig_xmldecl}; $fragment->{twig_doctype} = $t->{twig_doctype}; $fragment->{twig_dtd} = $t->{twig_dtd}; if( !$state->{no_pis}) { # if we are still witin a fragment, just replace the element by the PI # otherwise print it to the main document my $include= $state->include( $file_name); $elt->del_att( '#in_fragment'); if( $elt->inherited_att( '#in_fragment')) { $elt->parent( '*[@#in_fragment="1"]')->set_att( '#has_subdocs' => 1); $include->replace( $elt); } else { $elt->cut; $include->print( $state->{out}); } } else { $elt->cut; } $fragment->set_root( $elt); open( my $out, '>', $file_name) or die "cannot create output file '$file_name': $!"; $fragment->set_keep_encoding( 1); $fragment->print( $out); close $out; } sub end_file { my( $t, $state)= @_; unless( $state->{no_pi}) { close $state->{out}; } } # for Getop::Std sub HELP_MESSAGE { return $USAGE; } sub VERSION_MESSAGE { return $VERSION; } package xml_split::state; sub new { my( $ref, $options)= @_; my $state= bless $options, $ref; $state->{seq_nb}=0; return $state; } sub file_name { my( $state)= @_; my $nb= sprintf( "%0$state->{nb_digits}d", $state->{seq_nb}); my $file_name= "$state->{base}-$nb$state->{ext}"; return $file_name; } sub main_file_name { my( $state)= @_; my $nb= sprintf( "%0$state->{nb_digits}d", 0); my $file_name= "$state->{base}-$nb$state->{ext}"; return $file_name; } 1; package xml_split::state::parser; import xml_split::state; use base 'xml_split::state'; sub include { my( $state, $file_name)= @_; if( $state->{xinclude}) { return qq{<xi:include href="$file_name" />}; } else { return qq{<?merge subdocs = 0 :$file_name?>}; } } 1; package xml_split::state::twig; import xml_split::state; use base 'xml_split::state'; sub include { my( $state, $file_name)= @_; my $include; my $subdocs= $state->{elt}->att( '#has_subdocs') || 0; if( $state->{xinclude}) { $include= XML::Twig::Elt->new( 'xi:include', { href => $file_name }); if( $subdocs) { $include->set_att( subdocs => 1); } } else { $include= XML::Twig::Elt->new( '#PI') ->set_pi( merge => " subdocs = $subdocs :$file_name"); } return $include; } 1; package main; __END__ =head1 NAME xml_split - cut a big XML file into smaller chunks =head1 DESCRIPTION C<xml_split> takes a (presumably big) XML file and split it in several smaller files. The memory used is the memory needed for the biggest chunk (ie memory is reused for each new chunk). It can split at a given level in the tree (the default, splits children of the root), or on a condition (using the subset of XPath understood by XML::Twig, so C<section> or C</doc/section>). Each generated file is replaced by a processing instruction that will allow C<xml_merge> to rebuild the original document. The processing instruction format is C<< <?merge subdocs=[01] :<filename> ?> >> File names are <file>-<nb>.xml, with <file>-00.xml holding the main document. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item -l <level> level to cut at: 1 generates a file for each child of the root, 2 for each grand child defaults to 1 =item -c <condition> generate a file for each element that passes the condition xml_split -c <section> will put each C<section> element in its own file (nested sections are handled too) Note that at the moment this option is a lot slower than using C<-l> =item -b <name> base name for the output, files will be named <base>-<nb><.ext> <nb> is a sequence number, see below C<--nb_digits> <ext> is an extension, see below C<--extension> defaults to the original file name (if available) or C<out> (if input comes from the standard input) =item -n <nb> number of digits in the sequence number for each file if more digits than <nb> are needed, then they are used: if C<--nb_digits 2> is used and 112 files are generated they will be named C<< <file>-01.xml >> to C<< <file>-112.xml >> defaults to 2 =item -e <ext> extension to use for generated files defaults to the original file extension or C<.xml> =item -i use XInclude elements instead of Processing Instructions to mark where sub files need to be included =item -v verbose output Note that this option can slow down processing considerably (by an order of magnitude) when generating lots of small documents =item -V outputs version and exit =item -h short help =item -m man (requires pod2text to be in the path) =back =head1 EXAMPLES xml_split foo.xml # split at level 1 xml_split -l 2 foo.xml # split at level 2 xml_split -c section foo.xml # a file is generated for each section element # nested sections are split properly =head1 SEE ALSO XML::Twig, xml_merge =head1 TODO =over 4 =item test At the moment this is really alpha code, tested only on small, simple documents. It would be a good idea to first check that indeed the whole document is not loaded in memory! =item optimize the code any idea welcome! I have already implemented most of what I thought would improve performances. =item provide other methods that PIs to keep merge information XInclude is a good candidate (alpha support added in 0.04). using entities, which would seem the natural way to do it, doesn't work, as they make it impossible to have both the main document and the sub docs to be well-formed if the sub docs include sub-sub docs (you cant have entity declarations in an entity) =back =head1 AUTHOR Michel Rodriguez <> =head1 LICENSE This tool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.