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#!/usr/bin/perl -w eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell # $Id: xml_grep,v 1.14 2005/10/27 12:27:53 mrodrigu Exp $ use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use XML::Twig; my $VERSION="0.7"; # options (all used globally in the script) my( $help, $man, @roots, @paths, $files, $count, $nb_results, $encoding, @exclude, $wrap, $nowrap, $descr, $group, $pretty_print, $version, $text_only, $date); # used to check if the wrapping tags need to be output my $results = 0; my $file_results = 0; # first process the case where the user provides only # an xpath expression and a list of files if( @ARGV && ($ARGV[0] !~ m{^-}) ) { splice( @ARGV, 0, 0, '--group_by_file', 'file', '--pretty_print', 'indented', '--cond'); } GetOptions( 'help' => \$help, 'man' => \$man, 'Version' => \$version, 'exclude|v=s' => \@exclude, 'root=s' => \@roots, 'cond=s' => \@paths, 'files' => \$files, 'count' => \$count, 'nb_results=i' => \$nb_results, 'encoding=s' => \$encoding, 'wrap:s' => \$wrap, 'nowrap' => \$nowrap, 'descr:s' => \$descr, 'group_by_file:s' => \$group, 'pretty_print:s' => \$pretty_print, 'text_only' => \$text_only, 'date!' => \$date, ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man; if( $version) { warn "$0 version $VERSION\n"; exit; } # case where options are given, but no root or path, assume the # first arg is a path if( !@roots and !@paths and !@exclude and @ARGV) { @paths= shift @ARGV; } unless( @roots or @paths or @exclude or $files) { pod2usage(1); exit; } if( ($files or $count) and !@paths) { pod2usage(1); exit; } if( ($files or $count) and (@roots or $encoding or defined( $wrap) or defined( $group) or defined( $pretty_print))) { pod2usage(1); exit; } if( $files and !@ARGV) { pod2usage(1); exit; } if( !$files and !$count and @paths and !@roots) { @roots= @paths; @paths=(); } $date=1 unless( defined $date); # defaults for optional arguments to options $group = 'file' if( defined $group and !$group); $pretty_print = 'indented' if( defined $pretty_print and !$pretty_print); if( $nowrap) { $wrap=''; } elsif( !defined( $wrap) and (@roots or @paths)) { $wrap= 'xml_grep'; } if( !defined( $descr) and (@roots or @paths)) { if( $date) { $date= localtime(); $descr = qq{version="$VERSION" date="$date"} } else { $descr = qq{version="$VERSION"}; } } # some globals my( $current_file, $count_file, $count_total); # will be used to create the twig my %options; if( $count) { my $twig_roots={}; my $twig_root= sub { $count_file++; $_[0]->purge; }; foreach my $path (@paths) { $twig_roots->{$path}= $twig_root; } $options{twig_roots}= $twig_roots; } elsif( @exclude) { # general options $nowrap=1; # twig options $options{twig_print_outside_roots} = 1; my $root_handlers={}; foreach my $exclude (@exclude) { $root_handlers->{$exclude}= sub { }; } $options{twig_roots}= $root_handlers; } else { create_regular_handlers( \%options, \@roots, \@paths); } $options{pretty_print} = $pretty_print if( $pretty_print); $options{output_encoding} = $encoding if( $encoding); my $t= create_twig( %options); if( @ARGV) { foreach my $file (@ARGV) { $current_file= $file; my $ok= ($current_file=~ m{^(http|ftp|file)://}) ? $t->safe_parseurl( $file) : $t->safe_parsefile( $file); if( !$ok) { if( $@ =~ m{XMLGREP: FOUND}) { # in files mode print $current_file, "\n"; $nb_results--; exit unless( $nb_results); } elsif( $@ =~ m{^XMLGREP: NB_RESULT_REACHED}) { print file_result_end() if( $group && $file_results); print result_end() if( $results); exit; } else { $@ ||= 'unknown cause'; die $@; } } else { if( $count) { print "$current_file: $count_file\n"; $count_total += $count_file; $count_file=0; } elsif( @roots) { print file_result_end() if( $file_results); } elsif( $count) { print "$count_total matches\n"; } } } if( $count) { print "total: $count_total\n"; } print result_end() if( $results); } else { $file_results=0; my $ok= $t->safe_parse( \*STDIN); die $@ if( !$ok and ( $@ !~ m{^XMLGREP: NB_RESULT_REACHED})); if( $count) { print "$count_total matches\n"; } else { print result_end(); } } sub create_regular_handlers { my( $options, $roots, $paths)= @_; if( @$roots) { my $root_handlers={}; my $root_handler= twig_roots_handler( @$paths); foreach my $root (@$roots) { $root_handlers->{$root}= $root_handler; } $options->{twig_roots}= $root_handlers; } if( @$paths) { my $twig_handlers={}; my $twig_handler= twig_handlers(); foreach my $path (@$paths) { $twig_handlers->{$path}= $twig_handler; } $options->{twig_handlers}= $twig_handlers; } } sub create_twig { my( %options)= @_; my $twig; eval { $twig= XML::Twig->new( %options) }; if( $@) { # see if we are in the case where the only condition uses string() or regexp if( ($@=~ m{^(regexp|string\(\)) condition not supported on twig_roots option}) && $options{twig_roots} && !$options{twig_handlers} && ( keys %{$options{twig_roots}} == 1) ) { # in this case add the proper twig_roots option my $cond= (keys %{$options{twig_roots}})[0]; (my $root= $cond)=~ s{\[[^\]]*\]$}{}; warn "cond: '$cond' - root: '$root'\n"; delete $options{twig_roots}; delete $options{twig_handlers}; @paths= ($cond); @roots= ($root); create_regular_handlers( \%options, \@roots, \@paths); return create_twig( %options); } elsif( $@=~ m{^wrong condition: unrecognized expression in handler: '(.*?)'}) { die "error in filter condition '$1'\n"; } else { die "error: $@"; } } return $twig; } sub twig_roots_handler { my( @paths)= @_; return sub { my( $t, $root)= @_; if( !@paths or $_->att( '#print')) { print result_start() unless( $results); print file_result_start() unless( !$group or $file_results); if( $text_only) { print $root->text, "\n"; } else { $root->print; } $nb_results--; unless( $nb_results) { $@= "XMLGREP: NB_RESULT_REACHED"; die; } } $t->purge; 1; }; } sub twig_handlers { if( $files) { return sub { $@="XMLGREP: FOUND"; die; }; } else { return sub { my( $t, $hit)= @_; foreach my $elt ( $hit->ancestors_or_self) { $elt->set_att( '#print' => 1); } 1; }; } } sub result_start { $results=1; return if( $text_only); my $enc_decl= $encoding ? qq{encoding="$encoding" } : ''; return $wrap ? qq{<?xml version="1.0" $enc_decl?>\n<$wrap $descr>\n} : ''; } sub result_end { my $result; return if( $text_only); if( !$group) { $result= "\n"; } $result .= qq{</$wrap>\n} if( $wrap); return $result; } sub file_result_start { $file_results=1; return if( $text_only); my $result; $result= qq{<$group filename="$current_file">}; if( !$pretty_print) { $result.= "\n"; } return $result; } sub file_result_end { $file_results=0; return if( $text_only); return qq{\n</$group>\n}; } __END__ =head1 NAME xml_grep - grep XML files looking for specific elements =head1 SYNOPSYS xml_grep [options] <file list> or xml_grep <xpath expression> <file list> By default you can just give C<xml_grep> an XPath expression and a list of files, and get an XML file with the result. This is equivalent to writing xml_grep --group_by_file file --pretty_print indented --cond <file list> =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--help> brief help message =item B<--man> full documentation =item B<--Version> display the tool version =item B<--root> <cond> look for and return xml chunks matching <cond> if neither C<--root> nor C<--file> are used then the element(s) that trigger the C<--cond> option is (are) used. If C<--cond> is not used then all elements matching the <cond> are returned several C<--root> can be provided =item B<--cond> <cond> return the chunks (or file names) only if they contain elements matching <cond> several C<--cond> can be provided (in which case they are OR'ed) =item B<--files> return only file names (do not generate an XML output) usage of this option precludes using any of the options that define the XML output: C<--roots>, C<--encoding>, C<--wrap>, C<--group_by_file> or C<--pretty_print> =item B<--count> return only the number of matches in each file usage of this option precludes using any of the options that define the XML output: C<--roots>, C<--encoding>, C<--wrap>, C<--group_by_file> or C<--pretty_print> =item B<--date> when on (by default) the wrapping element get a C<date> attribute that gives the date the tool was run. with C<--nodate> this attribute is not added, which can be useful if you need to compare 2 runs. =item B<--encoding> <enc> encoding of the xml output (utf-8 by default) =item B<--nb_results> <nb> output only <nb> results =item B<--wrap> <tag> wrap the xml result in the provided tag (defaults to 'xml_grep') If wrap is set to an empty string (C<--wrap ''>) then the xml result is not wrapped at all. =item B<--nowrap> same as using C<--wrap ''>: the xml result is not wrapped. =item B<--descr> <string> attributes of the wrap tag (defaults to C<< version="<VERSION>" date="<date>" >>) =item B<--file_wrap> <optional_tag> wrap results for each files into a separate element. By default that element is named C<file>. It has an attribute named C<filename> that gives the name of the file. the short version of this option is B<-g> =item B<--exclude> <condition> same as using C<-v> in grep: the elements that match the condition are excluded from the result, the input file(s) is (are) otherwise unchanged the short form of this option is B<-v> =item B<--pretty_print> <optional_style> pretty print the output using XML::Twig styles ('C<indented>', 'C<record>' or 'C<record_c>' are probably what you are looking for) if the option is used but no style is given then 'C<indented>' is used short form for this arggument is B<-s> =item B<--text_only> Displays the text of the results, one by line. =back =head2 Condition Syntax <cond> is an XPath-like expression as allowed by XML::Twig to trigger handlers. exemples: 'para' 'para[@compact="compact"]' '*[@urgent]' '*[@urgent="1"]' 'para[string()="WARNING"]' see XML::Twig for a more complete description of the <cond> syntax options are processedby Getopt::Long so they can start with '-' or '--' and can be abbreviated (C<-r> instead of C<--root> for example) =head1 DESCRIPTION B<xml_grep> does a grep on XML files. Instead of using regular expressions it uses XPath expressions (in fact the subset of XPath supported by XML::Twig) the results can be the names of the files or XML elements containing matching elements. =head1 SEE ALSO XML::Twig Getopt::Long =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR Michel Rodriguez <>