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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet href='search_result.xsl' type='text/xsl'?> <resultset num_results='5' page='1'> <username>jjdick</username> <admin>jjdick</admin> <link> REGEXP \'[[:<:]]~[[:>:]]\'&string_0=happy&connective_0=AND</link> <template_type>mydictionary_search_result</template_type> <search_string>happy</search_string> <refgroup><ref>01185</ref> <lxam>i:xpa:ki</lxam> <lxam_c>i:xpa:ki</lxam_c> <lxoa>i:xpa:ki</lxoa> <lxoa_c>i:xpa:ki</lxoa_c> <psm>V1</psm> <incorp>N-V1</incorp> <der>V1-b</der> <infv>class-3a(k)</infv> <sense_egroup><sense_e>to be very happy from having many items to choose from; overjoyed from being confronted with an abundance of choices; to be filled with glee from what ones sees</sense_e> <sense_s>estar muy feliz por tener enfrente mucho de que escoger; regocijar por lo que estáa la vista</sense_s> <sense_s_s>estar muy feliz por tener enfrente mucho de que escoger; regocijar por lo que estaa la vista</sense_s_s> <sense_d>Pending</sense_d> <phrase_ngroup><phrase_n>San i:xpa:ki, xkimati katlewa wel mlá:k ka:nas.</phrase_n> <phrase_n_s>San i:xpa:ki, xkimati katlewa wel mla:k ka:nas.</phrase_n_s> <phrase_d>Am</phrase_d> <phrase_e>He is delighted with his possibilities (in this case four girlfriends), he doesn't know which one he will marry.</phrase_e> <phrase_s>Estáabrumado y feliz por las opciones que tiene (en este caso de tener 4 novias), no sabe con cual se va a casar.</phrase_s> <phrase_s_s>Estaabrumado y feliz por las opciones que tiene (en este caso de tener 4 novias), no sabe con cual se va a casar.</phrase_s_s> </phrase_ngroup> <phrase_ngroup><phrase_n>San tii:xpa:ki. Xe tikita katlewa milá:k tihkowas.</phrase_n> <phrase_n_s>San tii:xpa:ki. Xe tikita katlewa mila:k tihkowas.</phrase_n_s> <phrase_d>Am</phrase_d> <phrase_e>You're like a kid in a candy store (liking the looks of everything). You still can't decide which one you're really going to buy.</phrase_e> <phrase_s>Estás feliz de la vida con todo lo que ves. Todavía no has decido cual vas a comprar.</phrase_s> <phrase_s_s>Estas feliz de la vida con todo lo que ves. Todavia no has decido cual vas a comprar.</phrase_s_s> </phrase_ngroup> <phrase_ngroup><phrase_n>San i:xpa:ki ika miák yo:kitak tlake:ntli, nochi kukwaltsitsi:ntih. Tomi:n kwa:ki pero ni:n se: xkikowa. San i:xpa:ki.</phrase_n> <phrase_n_s>San i:xpa:ki ika miak yo:kitak tlake:ntli, nochi kukwaltsitsi:ntih. Tomi:n kwa:ki pero ni:n se: xkikowa. San i:xpa:ki.</phrase_n_s> <phrase_d>Am</phrase_d> <phrase_e>He is filled with glee from seeing the clothes, they are all really beautiful. He has brought money but won't buy even one. He's just happy from looking (and can't make a decision).</phrase_e> <phrase_s>Estáfeliz por ver la ropa, todo estámuy bonita. Trajo dinero pero no va a compar ni uno. Solamente estáde regocijo (sin poder decidir).</phrase_s> <phrase_s_s>Estafeliz por ver la ropa, todo estamuy bonita. Trajo dinero pero no va a compar ni uno. Solamente estade regocijo (sin poder decidir).</phrase_s_s> </phrase_ngroup> </sense_egroup> <root>i:x</root> <root>pa:ki</root> <nse><nao>I:xpa:ki</nao> refers to the state of a person who sees many inviting and nice things, such as one who enters a store and sees a lot of nice clothes and not knowing immediately which is best or which he will buy, happily looks everything over.</nse> <grm>Note that the reduplication in /ii:xpa:ki/ is of the incorporated noun, not the verbal base. Determine the difference between /ii:xpa:ki/ and /i:xpapa:ki/, if both are correct.</grm> <alpha>ixpaki</alpha> </refgroup> <refgroup><ref>04614</ref> <lxam>pa:ki</lxam> <lxam_c>pa:ki</lxam_c> <lxoa>pa:ki</lxoa> <lxoa_c>pa:ki</lxoa_c> <psm>V1</psm> <der>V1-b</der> <infv>class-3a(k)</infv> <sense_egroup><sense_e>to be happy; to be content</sense_e> <sense_s>estar feliz; estar contento</sense_s> <sense_d>Pending</sense_d> <phrase_ngroup><phrase_n>Pa:ki, yo:yekok itah.</phrase_n> <phrase_d>Am</phrase_d> <phrase_e>He is happy, his father has arrived.</phrase_e> <phrase_s>Estáfeliz, ya llegósu papá.</phrase_s> <phrase_s_s>Estafeliz, ya llegosu papa.</phrase_s_s> </phrase_ngroup> <phrase_ngroup><phrase_n>Pa:ki mosuwa:w pa:mpa o:tekok.</phrase_n> <phrase_d>Am</phrase_d> <phrase_e>Your wife is happy because you've arrived.</phrase_e> <phrase_s>Tu esposa estáfeliz porque llegaste.</phrase_s> <phrase_s_s>Tu esposa estafeliz porque llegaste.</phrase_s_s> </phrase_ngroup> <phrase_ngroup><phrase_n>Nochipa nampa:ktokeh, xkaman namokwala:nian.</phrase_n> <phrase_d>Am</phrase_d> <phrase_e>You all are always content, you never get angry with each other (in this case referring to a man and his wife).</phrase_e> <phrase_s>Ustedes siempre están contentos, nunca se enojan (en este caso un hombre y su esposa).</phrase_s> <phrase_s_s>Ustedes siempre estan contentos, nunca se enojan (en este caso un hombre y su esposa).</phrase_s_s> </phrase_ngroup> </sense_egroup> <sense_egroup><sense_e>(with short vowel reduplication) to be excited; to be jubilant</sense_e> <sense_s>(con reduplicación de vocal corta) estar emocionado</sense_s> <sense_s_s>(con reduplicacion de vocal corta) estar emocionado</sense_s_s> <sense_d>Pending</sense_d> <phrase_ngroup><phrase_n>Papa:kinikone:wa:n, yo:kinwi:kak, yo:kintlachialti:to ke:no:n u:nkah mi:hli. Tla:ki.</phrase_n> <phrase_d>Am</phrase_d> <phrase_e>His children are happy and excited, he (their father) took them, he took them to take a look at how the maize is. It is bearing fruit.</phrase_e> <phrase_s>Sus hijos están emocionados, los llevó(su papá), los llevóa asomar como andaba el maíz. Estárindiendo.</phrase_s> <phrase_s_s>Sus hijos estan emocionados, los llevo(su papa), los llevoa asomar como andaba el maiz. Estarindiendo.</phrase_s_s> </phrase_ngroup> </sense_egroup> <sense_egroup><sense_e>(with long vowel reduplication) to start to feel better or recover, little by little (physically)</sense_e> <sense_s>(con reduplicación de vocal larga) empezar a recuperarse, aliviarse o mejorarse, poco a poco (físicamente)</sense_s> <sense_s_s>(con reduplicacion de vocal larga) empezar a recuperarse, aliviarse o mejorarse, poco a poco (fisicamente)</sense_s_s> <sense_d>Pending</sense_d> <phrase_ngroup><phrase_n>Yo:pe:w pa:pa:ki, ye tlachia, ye pati.</phrase_n> <phrase_d>Am</phrase_d> <phrase_e>Little by little he's started to get somewhat better, he's already come above, he's already getting well.</phrase_e> <phrase_s>Poco a poco se va mejorando, ya estáconciente, ya se mejora.</phrase_s> <phrase_s_s>Poco a poco se va mejorando, ya estaconciente, ya se mejora.</phrase_s_s> </phrase_ngroup> <phrase_ngroup><phrase_n>Kwalowa:ya. A:man yo:pe:w pa:pa:ki, ye patitsi:n.</phrase_n> <phrase_d>Am</phrase_d> <phrase_e>He used to be ill. Now bit by bit he's started to recover, he's a little better.</phrase_e> <phrase_s>Estaba enfermo. Ahora poco a poco ya empezóa aliviarse, ya estáun poquito mejor.</phrase_s> <phrase_s_s>Estaba enfermo. Ahora poco a poco ya empezoa aliviarse, ya estaun poquito mejor.</phrase_s_s> </phrase_ngroup> </sense_egroup> <sem>emotions</sem> <root>pa:ki</root> <nse>The verb<na>pa:ki</na> means, in difference contexts and different tenses and aspects, 'to be happy' and 'to be healthy.' Most generally, the form with a"progressive/stative"ending<na>-tok</na> indicates a state of healthiness:<na>nipa:ktok</na> 'I am healthy.' This applies to other tenses such as<na>nipa:ktos</na> , etc. On the other hand, this verb without a"progressive/stative"ending often means 'to become happy.' Thus<na>nipa:kis</na> is most often 'I will be happy.' Nevertheless, occasionally this division in meaning is not applicable. Thus with long vowel reduplication as in<na>Yo:pe:w pa:pa:ki, ye tlachia, ye pati</na> the reference of<na>pa:pa:ki</na> is to health, as clearly established by the meaning of what follows,<na>ye tlachia, ye pati</na> .</nse> <grm>Tsi:-n diminutive: /Kwalowa:ya, a:man yo:pe:w pa:pa:ki, ye patitsi:n/ 'He used to be ill, now bit by bit he's started to recover, he's a little better.' Note the case of /-tsi:n/ being used with a verb (apparently in its stative aceptation). Very few verbs take this endings (perhaps check), and the only one I can remember in the corpus is /poliwitsi:n/.</grm> <grm>Causative; directional /Papa:kin ikone:wan, yo:kinwi:kak, yo:kintlachialti:to ke:non unkah mi:hli, tla:ki./ 'His children are happy and excited, he (their father) took them, he took them too see how the maize is. It is bearing fruit.' This phrase is interesting for several reasons. The first concerns the use of /tlachialtia/, a causative of an intransitive /tlachia/. The latter means 'to take a peek at' when used with a directional, e.g., /xtlachiati/ 'go take a look' or /xontlachia/ 'take a peek out (e.g., of a window).' In the causative note that apparently the directional suffix continues to have this semantic sense of 'to take a look over there' 'to take a peek at,' etc. But now, with the causative, the directional suffix effectively indicates a movement of the object (patient), in this case the children being moved. This counters the idea that the suffix always indicates subject (at times called purposive) movement. Syntactically, the question here is the formal process of derivat ion. However, it seemsthat at least at some semantic level the reading is"cause to take a look at,"i.e., [tlachia+extraverse directional] + causativization.</grm> <xrefgroup><xref>pa:ktia</xref> <xref_t>val_add_caus</xref_t> <xref_d>Am</xref_d> </xrefgroup> <xrefgroup><xref>pa:htia</xref> <xref_t>val_add_caus</xref_t> <xref_d>Oa</xref_d> </xrefgroup> <alpha>paki</alpha> </refgroup> <refgroup><ref>06214</ref> <lxam>pa:kilismaka</lxam> <lxam_c>nopa:kilismaka</lxam_c> <lxoa>pa:ilismaka</lxoa> <lxoa_c>nopa:ilismaka</lxoa_c> <psm>V2</psm> <incorp>N-V3</incorp> <der>V3-b</der> <infv>Irregular, see<nlao>maka</nlao> </infv> <sense_egroup><sense_e>(refl.) to make oneself happy (e.g., in painting something that one takes pleasure in)</sense_e> <sense_s>(refl.) hacerse feliz (p. ej., al pintar algo que le gusta a uno)</sense_s> <sense_d>Oa</sense_d> </sense_egroup> <root>pa:ki</root> <root>maka</root> <grm>Oapan phonology: k-deletion. Note the intervocalic deletion of /k/ in /pa:ilismaka/.</grm> <alpha>pakilismaka</alpha> </refgroup> <refgroup><ref>02181</ref> <lxam>pa:ktia</lxam> <lxam_c>kipa:ktia</lxam_c> <lxoa>pa:htia</lxoa> <lxoa_c>kipa:htia</lxoa_c> <psm>V2</psm> <der>V2-d-ca</der> <infv>class-2a</infv> <sense_egroup><sense_e>to make happy</sense_e> <sense_s>hacer feliz a</sense_s> <sense_d>Pending</sense_d> <phrase_ngroup><phrase_n>Xne:chpa:ktia, xnikwelita.</phrase_n> <phrase_d>Am</phrase_d> <phrase_e>It doesn't make me happy, I don't like it.</phrase_e> <phrase_s>No me hace feliz, no me gusta.</phrase_s> </phrase_ngroup> </sense_egroup> <root>pa:ki</root> <xrefgroup><xref>pa:ki</xref> <xref_t>verb_base</xref_t> <xref_d>Am, Oa</xref_d> </xrefgroup> <alpha>paktia</alpha> </refgroup> <refgroup><ref>02455</ref> <lxam>te:pa:ktih</lxam> <lxam_c>te:pa:ktih</lxam_c> <lxoa>te:pa:htih</lxoa> <lxoa_c>te:pa:htih</lxoa_c> <psm>Adj</psm> <der>Adj-dvb-perf</der> <sense_egroup><sense_e>to be pleasing; to make people happy</sense_e> <sense_s>ser agradable; ser algo que da placer o gusto</sense_s> <sense_d>Pending</sense_d> </sense_egroup> <root>pa:ki</root> <alpha>tepaktih</alpha> </refgroup> </resultset>