Tryag File Manager
Turbo Force
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<html> <body> <form action="../php4/add_database.php4" method="post"> <h2>Welcome to the Database Upload Module</h2> <h3>Step 1</h3> <B>Please make sure the Character Encoding option of your browser is set to UTF-8.</B><BR/> In Firefox: Go to View->Character Encoding->Unicode (UTF-8) <BR/> In IE: Go to View->Encoding->Unicode<BR/> <BR><BR> <input type='hidden' name='function' value='get_fields'/> <b>Name of the project</b>: <input type="text" name="database" size="30"/><BR/> <b>Database file name</b>: Please select the form of the database you will be uploading: (<A href=''> Help Me!</A>) <SELECT name="format_type"> <OPTION value="has_structure">Structured XML (no modifications necessary)</OPTION> <OPTION value="needs_structure">XML requiring restructuring</OPTION> <OPTION>Shoebox</OPTION> </SELECT> <BR></BR> <BR> If you have selected anything other than 'Structured XML', you must include a schema file to create structure within your database. In this step, each entry in your database will be checked against your schema. If errors exist, a list will be returned to you containing the line number of the error in the database and the field found to contain the error.<BR> <b>Schema file name on server</b>(<A href=''>Help me!</A>): <input type="text" name="schema" size="50"/><BR> <b>Head Field </b>(<A href=''>Help me!</A>): <input type="text" name="head_tag" size="30"/><BR> <br> <b>Id field</b> (<A href=''>Help me!</A>): <input type="text" name="id_field" size="30"/><BR> <br> <b>Database file name on server:</b> <input type="text" name="db_file" size="50"/> <BR> <b>New Database Name</b> (<A href=''>Help me!</A>): <input type="text" name="new_database_name" size="30"/><BR> <br><BR> <hr> <BR> <b>Field Stripping</b> (<A href=''>Help me!</A>: Please provide substitution rules below. In the next step, JLex will report back to you those fields in your lexicon containing these symbols. You will be able to elect to input the stripped version of each field into the MySQL database.<BR/> Please separate symbols with their subsitutes with a " = ". (That's space-equals-space, e.g. <B>í = i</B>)<BR> Symbols to be replaced:(<A href=''>Help me!</A>):<BR><textarea name="symbols" rows="5" cols="20"> á = a é = e í = i ó = o ú = u Á = A É = E Í = I Ó = O Ú = U Ñ = N ñ = n ü = u </textarea><BR> First symbols to be replaced:(<A href=''>Help me!</A>):<BR><textarea name="first_chars" rows="5" cols="20"> ' = '' - = '' </textarea><BR> <br> <hr> <BR> <b>Sort fields</b> (<A href=''>Help me!</A>): Please include an ordered list of fields which you would like to sort query results on. The list should be space seperated, e.g. field1 field2 field3 ...<BR> <input type="text" name="sort_fields" size="30"/><BR> <b>Alphabetization:</b> The following symbols will be stripped from the columns you listed above in order to create the alphabetization column</b><BR/> Please separate symbols with their subsitutes with a " = ". (That's space-equals-space, e.g. <B>í = i</B>)<BR> Symbols to be replaced:(<A href=''>Help me!</A>):<BR><textarea name="alpha_symbols" rows="5" cols="20"> á = a é = e í = i ó = o ú = u Á = a É = e Í = i Ó = o Ú = u Ñ = n ñ = n ü = u </textarea><BR> First symbols to be replaced in the sort fields:(<A href=''>Help me!</A>):<BR><textarea name="alpha_first_chars" rows="5" cols="20"> ' = '' - = '' </textarea><BR> <br> <input type="submit"/> </form> </body> </html>