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#!/pkg/ldc/bin/wish8.3 #/home/maeda/bin/wish8.4 # Prompter.tcl set ready 0 puts [info script] set dictfile [tk_getOpenFile -title "Please select a dictionary file" -initialdir [file join [file dirname [info script]] ..]] #set dictfile Nahuatl-june-ref.dos if {$dictfile == ""} {exit} set start "" set end "" set logfile "" proc RandomInit {seed} { global randomSeed set randomSeed $seed } proc Random {} { global randomSeed set randomSeed [expr ($randomSeed*9301 + 49297) % 233280] return [expr $randomSeed/double(233280)] } proc RandomRange {range} { expr int([Random]*$range) } # initialize random seed RandomInit [pid] # randomize a list of length $length consisting of integers 1 to $length proc RandomList {length} { set count 1 set randlist [list] while {$count <= $length} { set index [expr [RandomRange $count] - 1] set randlist [linsert $randlist $index $count] incr count } return $randlist } # createNewWindow -- # # Arguments: # class - # win - # # Return: # proc createNewWindow {class w} { catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w -class $class wm title $w $class wm group $w . return $w } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc createTimerIndicator {canvas} { canvas $canvas -background black -width 55 -height 15 # $canvas create oval 5 5 10 10 -fill green -tag ind1 $canvas create oval 5 5 10 10 -fill black -tag ind1 $canvas create oval 15 5 20 10 -fill white -tag ind2 $canvas create oval 25 5 30 10 -fill white -tag ind3 $canvas create oval 35 5 40 10 -fill white -tag ind4 $canvas create oval 45 5 50 10 -fill white -tag ind5 return $canvas } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # canvas - # num - number between 1 and 5 # # Return: proc updateTimerIndicator {canvas num} { foreach x {1 2 3 4 5} { $canvas delete ind$x set n1 [expr $x * 10 - 5] set n2 [expr $x * 10] if {$x == $num && $x == 5} { #set color red set color white } elseif {$x == $num} { # set color green set color black } else { set color white } $canvas create oval $n1 5 $n2 10 -fill $color -tag ind$x } } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc incrementTimerIndicator {canvas interval num} { global prompt_stop set x 0 set prompt_stop 0 updateTimerIndicator $canvas $num after $interval {set prompt_stop 1} vwait prompt_stop } # canvas # time: time in msec. # status: 0 - go, 1 - stop # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc runTimerIndicator {canvas time} { global prompt_status set interval [expr $time / 5] foreach num {1 2 3 4 5} { if {$prompt_status == 1} {return 0} incrementTimerIndicator $canvas $interval $num } return 1 } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc createScale {varName min max widgetName} { scale $widgetName -from $min -to $max -variable $varName \ -orient horizontal -showvalue true \ -borderwidth 0 -relief raised -background black -foreground white return $widgetName } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # # take <img src=.....gif><img src=...>.. # return a list of gif file names # proc parseImgTags {s base} { while {[string length $s] > 0} { set s2 [string trimleft $s "<img src="] set s2_index [string first ">" $s2] set s3 [string range $s2 0 $s2_index] set s3 [string trimright $s3 ">"] set s3 [string trimleft $s3 $base] set s [string range $s2 [expr $s2_index + 1] end] lappend out $s3 } return $out } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # # ReadShoebox # args: # filename: filename # field_list: list of fields (i.e., \id, \w, \p ...) # {id w p {eg gl}} (eg gl can be repeated) # return value: # a string of formatted lexicon (for now..) proc ReadShoebox {filename field_list} { set f [open $filename] # puts "opening $filename" if {[gets $f line] >= 0} { if {[regexp {^\\_sh\s*(.*)$} $line match rest]} { set lexicon_version $rest # puts $lexicon_version } } # blank lines separate records (check the Shoebox manual) set new_record_flag 1 set line_l [gets $f line] # loop over each record set counter 1; while {$line_l >= 0} { # out_array: r1, r2, r3... upvar 0 r$counter out_array # skip blank lines (record separater) while {$line_l == 0} { # puts "new_record" set new_record_flag 1 set line_l [gets $f line] } # process record set continuous_flag 0 while {$line_l > 0} { if {[regexp {^\\([A-Za-z]+)\s+(.*)$} $line match field_id rest]} { set out_array($field_id) $rest } else { # continuous line (check if a feild allows a blank line) append out_array($field_id) $line } set line_l [gets $f line] } foreach i $field_list { if {[info exists out_array($i)]} { append out_line "$out_array($i):" } else { append out_line ":" } } set out_line [string trimright $out_line ':'] append out_line '\n' # lappend out_list r$counter incr counter } close $f return $out_line } #### from Effective TCL # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # EXAMPLE: simple panedwindow facility # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Effective Tcl/Tk Programming # Mark Harrison, DSC Communications Corp. # Michael McLennan, Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies # Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series # ====================================================================== # Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Lucent Technologies Inc. and Mark Harrison # ====================================================================== option add *Panedwindow.grip.cursor sb_v_double_arrow widgetDefault proc panedwindow_create {win width height} { global pwInfo frame $win -class Panedwindow -width $width -height $height frame $win.pane1 place $win.pane1 -relx 0.5 -rely 0 -anchor n \ -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 0.5 frame $win.pane2 place $win.pane2 -relx 0.5 -rely 1.0 -anchor s \ -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 0.5 frame $win.sash -height 4 -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken place $win.sash -relx 0.5 -rely 0.5 -relwidth 1.0 -anchor c frame $win.grip -width 10 -height 10 \ -borderwidth 2 -relief raised place $win.grip -relx 0.95 -rely 0.5 -anchor c bind $win.grip <ButtonPress-1> "panedwindow_grab $win" bind $win.grip <B1-Motion> "panedwindow_drag $win %Y" bind $win.grip <ButtonRelease-1> "panedwindow_drop $win %Y" return $win } proc panedwindow_grab {win} { $win.grip configure -relief sunken } proc panedwindow_drag {win y} { set realY [expr $y-[winfo rooty $win]] set Ymax [winfo height $win] set frac [expr double($realY)/$Ymax] if {$frac < 0.05} { set frac 0.05 } if {$frac > 0.95} { set frac 0.95 } place $win.sash -rely $frac place $win.grip -rely $frac return $frac } proc panedwindow_drop {win y} { set frac [panedwindow_drag $win $y] panedwindow_divide $win $frac $win.grip configure -relief raised } proc panedwindow_divide {win frac} { place $win.sash -rely $frac place $win.grip -rely $frac place $win.pane1 -relheight $frac place $win.pane2 -relheight [expr 1-$frac] } ### From Steven's interliear program (modified) proc info_for {win mesg} { global info set info($win) $mesg bind $win <Enter> {show_info %W} bind $win <Leave> {clear_info %W} } proc clear_info {w} { global info regexp {^(.[^\.]*)\.} $w match base $ configure -text {} } proc show_info {w} { global info regexp {^(.[^\.]*)\.} $w match base $ configure -text $info($w) } ## Global variables and default values set lexicon_type "shoebox" set delimiter | set list_font {times 12} set display_font {times 36} set display_font2 {times 36} set width 300 set height 200 #set font {-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--*-160-*} set backgroud_color white set char_color black set prompter_window_height 300 set prompter_window_width 640 ## Process arguments here set startnum 1 #set prompt_num_in_session 300 if {[llength $argv] > 0} { set filename [lindex $argv 0] set startnum [lindex $argv 1] # set prompt_num_in_session [lindex $argv 2] } else { set filename $dictfile } ### Main program wm title . "Prompter" ## Menu bar frame .menubar -borderwidth 1 -relief raised pack .menubar -fill x foreach x {File Options} { menubutton .menubar.m$x -text $x -menu .menubar.m$x.m pack .menubar.m$x -side left menu .menubar.m$x.m -tearoff 0 } menubutton .menubar.mHelp -text Help -menu .menubar.mHelp.m pack .menubar.mHelp -side right menu .menubar.mHelp.m -tearoff 0 .menubar.mFile.m add command -label "Exit" -command exit .menubar.mOptions.m add command -label "Some options.." .menubar.mHelp.m add command -label "About" .menubar.mHelp.m add command -label "Help notes" #.menubar add cascade -label Help -menu .menubar.mHelp ## File indicator frame .filename label .filename.lab -text "Imported Lexicon File Name:" entry -width 36 -relief sunken -textvariable filename pack .filename.lab -side left frame .range label .range.lab -text "Range: From" entry .range.start -width 12 -relief sunken -textvariable start label .range.lab2 -text "To" entry .range.end -width 12 -relief sunken -textvariable end pack .range.lab .range.start .range.lab2 .range.end -side left ## Control panel frame .control button -text "Properties" -command "importLexiconFile ." #button -text "Properties" -command changeProperties #pack -side top -anchor center label .control.lab1 -text "Total words/phrases/sentences in the file:" checkbutton .control.random -text "Randomize the list?" -variable random \ -anchor w checkbutton .control.shownumber -text "Show number..???" -variable shownumber # ScrolledList -- # # Arguments: # f - # font - # Return: # proc ScrolledList {f font} { frame $f eval {listbox $f.text -width 80 -height 15 \ -xscrollcommand [list $f.xscroll set] \ -yscrollcommand [list $f.yscroll set] -bg white\ -font $font} scrollbar $f.xscroll -orient horizontal \ -command [list $f.text xview] scrollbar $f.yscroll -orient vertical \ -command [list $f.text yview] grid $f.text $f.yscroll -sticky news grid $f.xscroll -sticky news grid rowconfigure $f 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1 return $f.text } # ScrolledMList -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # # ScrolledMList -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # global ID panedwindow_create .pw 640 400 ## Original Word List #frame .pw.pane1 label .pw.pane1.label -text "Imported Lexicon File:" -anchor w set t [ScrolledList .pw.pane1.list $list_font] set f [open $filename] fconfigure $f -encoding binary set count 1 global startnum #while {[gets $f line] >= 0} { # #puts $line # if {$startnum > 1} { # incr startnum -1 # continue # } # set id [lindex [split $line $delimiter] 0] # set a [lindex [split $line $delimiter] 1] # set a2 [lindex [split $line $delimiter] 2] # set b [lindex [split $line $delimiter] 3] # set c [lindex [split $line $delimiter] 4] # puts $a # set prompt_array(id,$count) $id # set prompt_array(1,$count) "$a\n$a2" # set prompt_array(2,$count) $b # set prompt_array(7,$count) $c # $t insert end $line # incr count #} set lxa "" set se "" set se_all "" set ref "" set count 1 set highest_ref 00000 while {[gets $f line] >= 0} { if {[regexp {^\\ref (.*)$} $line match ref]} { if {$highest_ref < $ref} { set highest_ref $ref } set prompt_array(id,$ref) $ref set prompt_array(1,$ref) $lxa set prompt_array(2,$ref) $se_all #puts $se_all set prompt_array(7,$ref) $ref set lxa "" set se "" set se_all "" set ref "" incr count } else { regexp {^\\lxac (.*)$} $line match lxa if {[regexp {^\\ss[a-z]* (.*)$} $line match se]} { if {$se_all == ""} { set se_all $se } } } } close $f proc add_zeros {n} { if {$n < 10} { set out 0000$n } elseif {$n < 100} { set out 000$n } elseif {$n < 1000} { set out 00$n } elseif {$n < 10000} { set out 0$n } else { set out $n } return $out } for {set i 1} {[add_zeros $i] <= $highest_ref} {incr i} { set n [add_zeros $i] if {![info exists prompt_array(id,$n)]} { set prompt_array(id,$n) $n set prompt_array(1,$n) "" set prompt_array(2,$n) "" set prompt_array(7,$n) "" } set line "$prompt_array(id,$n) $prompt_array(1,$n) $prompt_array(2,$n)" $t insert end $line } set prompt_array_total $count pack .pw.pane1.label -fill x -padx 4 -pady 4 pack .pw.pane1.list -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4 ## Prompter list label .pw.pane2.label -text "Created List:" -anchor w set prompt_list_text [ScrolledList .pw.pane2.list $list_font] pack .pw.pane2.label -fill x -padx 4 -pady 4 pack .pw.pane2.list -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4 #text -height 1 -relief sunken #pack -side bottom -fill x ## Action list frame .action button .action.viewlist -text "View List (Original Order)" -command viewList button .action.viewOrderedList -text "View List" -command viewSelectedList button .action.printlist -text "Print List" -command printlist button .action.startprompter -text "Start Prompter" -command startPrompter #pack .action.viewlist .action.viewOrderedList .action.printlist .action.startprompter -side left pack .action.startprompter .action.viewOrderedList -side left pack .filename .range .control .pw -side top -fill both -expand true #pack .pw.pane1 -expand yes -fill both -padx 4 -pady 4 #pack .pw.pane2 -expand yes -fill both -padx 4 -pady 4 focus .range pack .action -side top -padx 2 -pady 2 -fill x -expand true # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc viewList {} { global prompt_array prompt_array_total prompt_list_text # puts "New session" $prompt_list_text delete 0 end set count 1 while {$count < $prompt_array_total} { set n [add_zeros $count] set line "$count $prompt_array(1,$n) $prompt_array(2,$n) $prompt_array(7,$n)" $prompt_list_text insert end $line incr count } } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc viewOrderedList {} { global prompt_array prompt_array_total prompt_list_text # puts "Viewing the thing" $prompt_list_text delete 0 end set randomlist [RandomList [expr $prompt_array_total - 1]] set count 1 while {$count < $prompt_array_total} { set index [lindex $randomlist [expr $count - 1]] set line "$index $prompt_array(1,$index) $prompt_array(2,$index) $prompt_array(7,$index)" # puts $line $prompt_list_text insert end $line incr count } } proc viewSelectedList {} { global start end prompt_list_text prompt_array prompt_num_in_session ready set prompt_num_in_session [expr $end - $start + 1] $prompt_list_text delete 0 end if {$start == ""} { return } for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} { set n [add_zeros $i] set line "$n $prompt_array(1,$n) $prompt_array(2,$n)" $prompt_list_text insert end $line } set ready 1 } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc printlist {} { global filename random puts "Printing the thing" puts $random } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc changeProperties {} { global randomize shownumber delimiter column_num set_num file_format set w [createNewWindow Properties .prop] frame $ pack $ -side top -expand true -fill both frame $ -background white label $ -text "List Format" -background white pack $ -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 frame $ -background white label $ -text "File format: " -background white tk_optionMenu $ file_format "shoebox" "text" pack $ $ -side left frame $ -background white label $ -text "Delimiter: " -background white entry $ -width 3 -relief sunken -textvariable delimiter set delimiter | pack $ $ -side left frame $ -background white label $ -text "Which fields to use: " -background white entry $ -width 3 -relief sunken -textvariable column_num set column_num "2,3" pack $ $ -side left frame $ -background white label $ -text "How many at a time?: " -background white entry $ -width 5 -relief sunken -textvariable set_num set set_num 600 pack $ $ -side left pack $ $ $ $ -side top -padx 4 -pady 4 ## Viewing properties frame $ -background white label $ -text "test test test test test" -background white # pack $ -side top frame $ -width 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken -background white pack $ -side left -fill both -expand true pack $ -side left -fill y pack $ -side left -fill both -expand true # checkbutton $ -text "Randomize lines" -variable randomize # checkbutton $ -text "Show numbers" -variable shownumber # pack $ $ $ -side top frame $w.sep -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken -background white pack $w.sep -side top -fill x frame $w.bottom -background white pack $w.bottom -side bottom -fill x frame $w.bottom.exit -background white button $w.bottom.exit.ok -text "Dismiss" -command "destroy $w" pack $w.bottom.exit.ok -side right pack $w.bottom.exit -side right -padx 4 -pady 4 } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc startPrompter {} { global prompt_count global prompt_session global prompt_num_in_session global prompt_status global prompter_window_height global prompter_window_width prompt_array global prompt_interval start global logfile ready if {$ready == 0} { return } set file [tk_getSaveFile -title "Please name a log file" -initialdir [file join [file dirname [info script]] ..]] set logfile [open $file w 0644] set prompt_interval 5 set prompter_on 1 set prompt_session 1 # puts "Start the prompter" set w [createNewWindow prompter .prompter] set prompter_num_fields 3 set root_width [winfo screenwidth .] set prompter_window_width $root_width set root_height [winfo screenheight .] set control_panel_height 1 set status_panel_height 30 set prompter_window_height [expr int ($root_height / $prompter_num_fields) - 30] set prompter_overall_height [expr $prompter_window_height * \ $prompter_num_fields + $control_panel_height + $status_panel_height] wm geometry $w ${prompter_window_width}x${prompter_overall_height}+0+0 # wm geometry $w +0+0 wm minsize . 50 50 ### Main panel frame $w.main pack $w.main -side top -fill both -expand true $w configure -width $prompter_window_width $w configure -height $prompter_overall_height canvas $w.main.entry -width $prompter_window_width \ -background white canvas $w.main.entry2 -width $prompter_window_width \ -background white canvas $w.main.entry7 -width $prompter_window_width \ -background white pack $w.main.entry -side top -anchor center -fill both -expand true pack $w.main.entry2 -side top -anchor center -fill both -expand true pack $w.main.entry7 -side top -anchor center -fill both -expand true # prompt_status: 0 -- auto, 1 -- stop set prompt_status 1 set prompt_count 1 set entry_id 0 showPrompt $w ### Key bind information frame $ label $ -relief sunken -height 1 pack $ -fill x -expand true pack $ -fill x -expand true info_for $w.main "Test" ### Status indicator frame $w.status -height $status_panel_height -background black pack $w.status -side top -fill x createTimerIndicator $w.status.timer pack $w.status.timer -side left -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2 label $w.status.l1 -text "Count " -background black -foreground white label $w.status.count -textvariable prompt_count -background white \ -foreground black -relief sunken label $w.status.l2 -text " out of " -background black -foreground white label $w.status.count2 -textvariable prompt_num_in_session -background white -foreground black -relief sunken label $w.status.l3 -text " in Session " -background black -foreground white label $w.status.count3 -textvariable prompt_session -background white \ -foreground black -relief sunken pack $w.status.l1 $w.status.count $w.status.l2 $w.status.count2 -side left -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2 ### Control panel frame $w.control -background black -borderwidth 0 createScale prompt_interval 1 20 $w.control.scale $w.control.scale set $prompt_interval # $w.control.scale configure -background black -foreground white # puts $prompt_interval button $w.control.go -text "Auto" -command "autoPrompt $w" -bg white -fg black button $w.control.pause -text "Pause" -command "pausePrompt" -bg white -fg black #button $w.control.exit -text "Exit" -command "puts LAST\t$prompt_count\t$prompt_array(id,$prompt_count);destroy $w;destroy ." -bg white -fg black button $w.control.exit -text "Exit" -command "close $logfile;destroy $w;destroy ." -bg white -fg black button $w.control.back -text "Prev" -command "prevPrompt $w" -bg white -fg black button $w.control.forward -text "Next" -command "nextPrompt $w" -bg white -fg black pack $w.control.exit -side right -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $w.control.forward $w.control.back -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $w.control.pause $w.control.go $w.control.scale -side right \ -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $w.control -side bottom -fill x ### Key bindings ### using KeyRelease so that key-releasing noise won't overlap with speech bind $w <KeyRelease-n> {nextPrompt %W} bind $w <KeyRelease-Right> {nextPrompt %W} #bind $w <KeyRelease-Return> {nextPrompt %W} #bind $w <KeyRelease-space> {nextPrompt %W} bind $w <KeyRelease-r> {nextIsUsed} bind $w <KeyRelease-BackSpace> {prevPrompt %W} #bind $w <KeyRelease-p> {prevPrompt %W} bind $w <KeyRelease-Left> {prevPrompt %W} # bind $w <KeyRelease-Escape> {destroy %W} #bind $w <KeyRelease-Escape> { # puts LAST\t$prompt_count\t$prompt_array(id,$prompt_count) # destroy %W # destroy . # } focus $w grab $w } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # # w - window # id_list - a list of # entry_id - the first tag ... proc showPrompt {w} { global prompter_window_width global prompter_window_height global display_font global display_font2 global prompt_array global prompt_count global start logfile set count [expr $prompt_count + $start - 1] set n [add_zeros $count] $w.main.entry delete all $w.main.entry2 delete all $w.main.entry7 delete all # place entries in the middle of each canvas set height [expr int($prompter_window_height / 2)] set width [expr int($prompter_window_width / 2)] set entry_id [$w.main.entry create text $width $height -text $prompt_array(1,$n) -font $display_font2 -width $prompter_window_width] set entry_id2 [$w.main.entry2 create text $width $height -text $prompt_array(2,$n) -font $display_font2 -width $prompter_window_width] set entry_id7 [$w.main.entry7 create text $width $height -text $prompt_array(7,$n) -font $display_font2 -width $prompter_window_width] puts -nonewline $logfile "ORIG\t" puts -nonewline $logfile "$n\t" puts -nonewline $logfile "$prompt_array(1,$n)\t" puts -nonewline $logfile [clock clicks -milliseconds]\t puts $logfile [clock format [clock seconds]] flush $logfile } proc nextIsUsed {} { global logfile bell puts -nonewline $logfile "REDO\t" puts -nonewline $logfile [clock clicks -milliseconds]\t puts $logfile [clock format [clock seconds]] # puts $logfile [exec date] flush $logfile } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc nextPrompt {w} { global prompt_count prompt_num_in_session incr prompt_count if {$prompt_count > $prompt_num_in_session} { incr prompt_count -1 } showPrompt $w } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc prevPrompt {w} { global prompt_count if {$prompt_count > 1} { incr prompt_count -1 } showPrompt $w } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc autoPrompt {w} { global prompt_interval global prompt_count global prompt_status set prompt_status 0 while {$prompt_count < 40} { if {[runTimerIndicator $w.status.timer [expr $prompt_interval * 1000]]} { set prompt_interval [$w.control.scale get] nextPrompt $w } else { break } } } # FunctionName -- # # Arguments: # args - # # Return: # proc pausePrompt {} { global prompt_stop global prompt_status set prompt_stop 1 set prompt_status 1 } # part of code borrowed from tk8.3/demos/filebox.tcl proc importLexiconFile {parent} { set types { {"Shoebox lexicons" {.sh .shoebox .shoe .sho}} {"Text files" {.txt .text} TEXT} {"All files" *} } set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -parent $parent] #puts $file return $file # if [string compare $file ""] { # $ent delete 0 end # $ent insert 0 $file # $ent xview end # } } #viewList #startPrompter