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// jwin Popup Library 1.17a - Please don't erase this copyright notice. // Copyright Jason Anderson 2001-2002. All rights reserved. // // var SIMPLE = 1, CAPTION = 2, LEFT = 1, CENTER = 2, RIGHT = 3, ABOVE = 1, BELOW = 2, DELAY_OPEN = 1, DELAY_CLOSE = 2, JWIN_DEF_FONT = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica", JWIN_OBJECT = 'jw' function jw_scr(){} jc = jw_scr.prototype jc.m_X = jc.m_Y = jc.o_X = jc.o_Y = jc.o_W = jc.o_H = 0 jc.mouseout = false function jwin(){} jwin.version = '1.17a 08/22/2002' jwin.ns4mouseout = false jwin.popups = new Array jwin.popupscount = 0 jwin.popupindexes = new Array jwin.popupszindex = 1234 jwin.inmodalstate = jwin.modalclosed = false var jwp = jwin.prototype jwp.popup = new Object = jw_show jwp.hide = jw_hide jwp.kill = jw_closestick jwp.modalclosed = false var jw = new jwin() function jw_show(d,p,t){ if(jwin.inmodalstate) return if(jw_playingevents(d)) return var x, y, l = 0, write = true, args = jw_show.arguments, argArr = new Array, tp var al = args.length, jh if(al > 1){ if(typeof p == 'object'){ if(!p.length && (typeof t == 'string' && al == 3)){ tp = jw_parsetable(t,p) }else{ if(al > 3 && !p.length && typeof args[2] == 'number'){ for(var j = 2; j < al; j++) argArr[l++] = args[j] tp = jw_parseIt(p,argArr) }else if(p.length){ for(j = 0; j < p.length; j++){ if(j%2==0){ if(typeof p[j] == 'string') p[j] = eval(p[j].toUpperCase()) } } tp = jw_parseIt(null,p) if(al > 2 && typeof t == 'number'){ for(var j = 2; j < al; j++) argArr[l++] = args[j] tp = jw_parseIt(tp, argArr) }else if(al > 2 && typeof t == 'string'){ tp = jw_parsetable(t,tp) } }else if(typeof t == 'object'){ for(j = 0; j <t.length; j++){ if(j%2==0){ if(typeof t[j] == 'string') t[j] = eval(t[j].toUpperCase()) } } tp = jw_parseIt(p,t) if(al > 3 && typeof args[3] == 'number'){ for(var j = 3; j < al; j++) argArr[l++] = args[j] tp = jw_parseIt(tp, argArr) }else if(al > 3 && typeof args[3] == 'string'){ tp = jw_parsetable(args[3],tp) } }else{ tp = jw_parseIt(p, argArr) } } }else{ if(typeof p == 'string' && al == 2){ tp = jw_parsetable(p) }else{ if(al > 1){ for(var j = 1; j < al; j++) argArr[l++] = args[j] tp = jw_parseIt(null, argArr) } } } } if(tp == false || typeof tp == 'undefined') this.popup = new cls_jwinpopup() else this.popup = tp if(this.popup.Function) this.popup.text = jw_callFunction(this.popup.Function) if(this.popup.text == '' && this.popup.captiontext == '' || al == 1) write = false = d this.popup.jwError = jwin.modalclosed = false var i = jwin.popupindexes[d] = jwin.popupscount jwin.popupscount++ jwin.popups[i] = this.popup jwin.popups[d] = this.popup this.window = eval(jwin.popups[d].targetframe) || window jwin.popups[d].layref = jw_getlyrbyid(d, this.window.document) if(jwin.popups[d].layref == null || jwin.popups[d].layref==false){ jw_errorhandler() return } if((jh = jwin.popups[d].handicap) && typeof jh == 'string' || (jh = jwin.popups[d].dropshadow) && typeof jh == 'string'){ if(nav.opera){ jh = '' }else{ jh = jw_getlyrbyid(jh, this.window.document) if(jh == null || jh == false){ if(jwin.popups[d].handicap) alert("jwinError: Handicap layer " + jwin.popups[d].handicap + " not found!\nAccessibility feature can't be employed.") else if(jwin.popups[d].dropshadow) alert("jwinError: Drop-shadow layer " + jwin.popups[d].droshadow + " not found!\nDrop Shadow feature can't be employed.") jh = '' } } if(jwin.popups[d].handicap != ''){ jwin.popups[d].handicap = jh jwin.popups[d].handicap.styref = jwin.popups[d] || jwin.popups[d].handicap }else{ jwin.popups[d].dropshadow = jh jwin.popups[d].dropshadow.styref = jwin.popups[d] || jwin.popups[d].dropshadow } } var l = jwin.popups[d].layref if(jwin.popups[d].capturemouseevents){ l.mouseOverAction = null l.mouseOutAction = null if(l.captureEvents) l.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN|Event.MOUSEMOVE|Event.MOUSEUP|Event.MOUSEOVER|Event.MOUSEOUT) l.onmouseover = _div_onmouseover l.onmouseout = _div_onmouseout jw_setmousevent(l,"MOUSEOVER",jw_divonmouseover) jw_setmousevent(l,"MOUSEOUT",jw_divonmouseout) } jwin.popups[d].styref = jwin.popups[d] || jwin.popups[d].layref var jp = jwin.popups[d] if(document.styleSheets){ x = parseInt(jw_getlyrcssproperty("left",d)) y = parseInt(jw_getlyrcssproperty("top",d)) }else{ x = parseInt(jp.styref.left) y = parseInt( } jw_loadbgpic(jp.background,d) this.x = jp.x = (x || x == 0) ? x : l.offsetLeft this.y = jp.y = (y || y == 0) ? y : l.offsetTop if(jp.divclass || jp.textclass || jp.captionclass || jp.closeclass) jp.classes = true if(write) jw_write(d) else jw_setwh(d) if(jp.markername){ if(!jw_setmarker(d)) return } if(jp.debug && typeof jw_displayProperties != 'undefined') jw_displayProperties(jp) if(jp.snapx != '' || jp.snapy !='') jp.followmouse=true jw_move(d) if(jp.modal) jwin.inmodalstate = true if(jp.autozindex) jw_setz(d,jwin.popupszindex++) else jw_setz(d,'') if(jp.visible){ if(jp.delayinterval > 0 && jp.delayevent == DELAY_OPEN && jp.jwEvt_DelayOpenCloseID == 0) jp.jwEvt_DelayOpenCloseID = setTimeout('jw_showme("' + d + '")', jp.delayinterval) else jw_showme(d) } if(jp.setstatus) return true } function jw_write(l){ var tp = jwin.popups[l] if(tp.height == '' && tp.autoheight == false || tp.autoheight == true){ tp.autoheight = true tp.height = '' } if(tp.width == '' && tp.autowidth == false || tp.autowidth == true){ tp.autowidth = true tp.width = '' } if(tp.captiontext || tp.closetext || tp.closeimage || tp.captionicon){ tp.code=tp.getCaption() }else if( == CAPTION){ tp.captiontext = 'Default captiontext' tp.code=tp.getCaption() }else if({ tp.code=tp.getSimple() } jw_writeme('',l) } function jw_writeme(istr,l){ var tp = jwin.popups[l] var ostr = istr || tp.code if(document.layers){ tp.layref.document.write(ostr) tp.layref.document.close() }else{ tp.layref.innerHTML = ostr } if(tp.handicap) jw_clipbackdrop(l) jw_setwh(l) if(tp.dropshadow) jw_getdropshadow(l) } function jw_setwh(l){ var tp = jwin.popups[l] if(tp.height=='') if(nav.opera) tp.height = tp.styref.pixelHeight else tp.height = (tp.layref.clip) ? tp.layref.clip.height : tp.layref.offsetHeight if(tp.width=='') if(nav.opera) tp.width = tp.styref.pixelWidth else tp.width = (tp.layref.clip) ? tp.layref.clip.width : tp.layref.offsetWidth } function isjwin(d){ if(typeof d == 'number'){ return !(jwin.popups[jwin.popups[d].id] == null) }else{ if(jwin.popups[d] == null) return false return !(typeof jwin.popups[d] == 'undefined') } } function jw_setmousevent(l,a,f){ eval('switch(a){'+ 'case "MOUSEOVER": l.mouseOverAction = f; break;'+ 'case "MOUSEOUT": l.mouseOutAction = f; break;'+ '}') } function _div_onmouseover(e){ if(nav.ns4){ if( != this){ routeEvent(e) return } }else if(nav.ie4up){ if(window.event.srcElement == this && window.event.srcElement.tagName == "DIV") window.event.cancelBubble = true else if(window.event.srcElement == this) return } if(this.mouseOverAction) this.mouseOverAction(e, } function _div_onmouseout(e){ if(nav.ns4){ if( != this){ routeEvent(e) return } }else if(nav.ie4up){ if(window.event.srcElement == this && window.event.srcElement.tagName == "DIV") window.event.cancelBubble = true else if(window.event.srcElement == this) return } if(this.mouseOutAction) this.mouseOutAction(e, } function jw_divonmouseover(e,o){ if(!isjwin(o)) return var jp = jwin.popups[o] if(nav.ns4 && !jwin.ns4mouseout){ if(jp.jwEvt_DelayOpenCloseID > 0){ clearTimeout(jp.jwEvt_DelayOpenCloseID) jp.jwEvt_DelayOpenCloseID = setTimeout('jw_hideme("'+o+'")', jp.delayinterval) } }else{ jp.mouseover = true } if(jp.styref.zIndex != jwin.popupszindex - 1){ jwin.ns4mouseout = false jw_setz(o, jwin.popupszindex++) }else{ jwin.ns4mouseout = true } } function jw_divonmouseout(e,o){ if(!isjwin(o)) return jwin.popups[o].mouseover = false } function jw_showme(l){ var jp = jwin.popups[l] jp.styref.visibility = "visible" jp.isvisible = true if(jp.handicap || jp.dropshadow){ var jh = (jp.handicap) ? jp.handicap : jp.dropshadow jh = (jw_ns ? jh : jh.zIndex = jp.styref.zIndex - 1 jh.visibility = 'visible' } } function jw_hide(l){ if(!isjwin(l)) return if(jwin.inmodalstate && jwin.modalclosed) jwin.inmodalstate = jwin.modalclosed = jwin.popups[l].modal = false else if(jwin.inmodalstate && jwin.modalclosed == false) return var jp = jwin.popups[l] if(jp == null) return if(jp.playingtextarray && jp.arrayclose) return if(jp.playingcaptionarray && jp.arrayclose) return jp.playingtextarray = jp.playingcaptionarray = false jp._textarrlen = jp._captionarrlen = 0 jp.writetext = '' if(!jp.stickaround || jp.delayinterval>0){ if(jp.delayinterval > 0 && jp.delayevent == DELAY_CLOSE && jp.isvisible) jp.jwEvt_DelayOpenCloseID = setTimeout('jw_hideme("' + l + '")', jp.delayinterval) else jw_hideme(l) } } function jw_hideme(l){ if(!isjwin(l)) return var jp = jwin.popups[l] if(jp == null) return if(jp.jwError) return if(jwin.ns4mouseout || !nav.ns4){ if(jp.mouseover){ jp.jwEvt_MouseOverID = setTimeout('jw_hideme("'+l+'")', 1) return } } jp.styref.visibility = "hidden" jp.isvisible = false if(jp.handicap || jp.dropshadow){ var jh = (jp.handicap) ? jp.handicap : jp.dropshadow jh = (jw_ns ? jh : jh.visibility = 'hidden' } jw_clearevents(l) jp.targetframe.status = '' if(jp.classes){ jp.classes = false if(!jw_ns && jp.layref.className) jp.layref.className = '' } if(jp.delpopup) jw_delpopup(l) } function jw_delpopup(l){ var pops = new Array, k=0 if(!jw_ns && jwin.popups[l].divclass) jwin.popups[l].layref.className = '' if(jwin.popupscount){ for(var j = 0; j < jwin.popups.length; j++){ if(jwin.popups[j].id == l){ jwin.popups[l] = null continue } pops[k++] = jwin.popups[j] jwin.popups[j] = null } jwin.popups.length = 0 for(j=0; j<pops.length; j++) jwin.popups[j] = pops[j] jwin.popupscount = jwin.popups.length } } function jw_setz(l,z){ z = z || jwin.popups[l].styref.zIndex jwin.popups[l].styref.zIndex = jwin.popups[l].z = z } function jw_move(l){ l = l || var jX = parseInt(jw_scr.m_X), jY = parseInt(jw_scr.m_Y), jp = jwin.popups[l] if(isNaN(jX) || isNaN(jY)){ jX=0; jY=0 jw_setmousemove() } jw_setposition(jX,jY,l) if(nav.opera){ jp.styref.pixelLeft = parseInt(jp.x) jp.styref.pixelTop = parseInt(jp.y) }else{ jp.styref.left = parseInt(jp.x) + jpx = parseInt(jp.y) + jpx if(jp.handicap || jp.dropshadow){ var jh = (jp.handicap) ? jp.handicap : jp.dropshadow jh = (jw_ns ? jh : jh.left = (jp.handicap) ? jp.styref.left : ((parseInt(jp.styref.left) + parseInt(jp.dropshadowx)) + jw_nsPixel() + jpx) = (jp.handicap) ? : ((parseInt( + parseInt(jp.dropshadowy)) + jw_nsPixel() + jpx) } } } function jw_clearevents(l){ if(isjwin(l)){ var jp = jwin.popups[l] clearTimeout(jp.jwEvt_DelayOpenCloseID) jp.jwEvt_DelayOpenCloseID = 0 clearTimeout(jp.jwEvt_PlayArrayID) jp.jwEvt_PlayArrayID = 0 } } function jw_playingevents(l){ if(isjwin(l)){ if(jw_isdelayeffect(l)) return true if(jw_isplayingtextarray(l)) return true } return false } function jw_loadbgpic(p,l){ var jp = jwin.popups[l] if(p == ""){ if(!nav.ns4) jp.styref.backgroundImage = "none" }else{ if(nav.ns4) jp.layref.background.src = p else jp.styref.backgroundImage = "url("+p+")" } } function jw_getlyrcssproperty(p,l){ if(jwin.popups[l].styref[p]) return jwin.popups[l].styref[p] else return jw_getcssproperty("#" + l, p) } function jw_getcssproperty(l,p){ var s = document.styleSheets, r, j, u, c for(j = 0; j < s.length; j++){ r = s[j].cssRules || s[j].rules for(u = 0; u < r.length; u++){ if(r[u].selectorText == l && r[u].style[p]) c = r[u].style[p] } } return c } function jw_getlyrbyid(l, d){ var r = "", j d = (d || document) if(d.getElementById){ return d.getElementById(l) }else if(d.all){ return d.all[l] }else if(d.layers && d.layers.length > 0){ if(d.layers[l]) return d.layers[l] for(j = 0; j < d.layers.length; j++){ r = jw_getlyrbyid(l, d.layers[j].document) if(r) return r } } return false } function jw_getimgbyname(l, d){ var r = null, j d = (d || document) if(d.images[l]){ return d.images[l] }else if(d.layers && d.layers.length > 0){ for(j = 0; j < d.layers.length; j++){ r = jw_getimgbyname(l, d.layers[j].document) if(r && r.length > 0) return r else if(r) return [r, d.layers[j]] } } return null } function jw_s(txt){ if(jw.window) jw.window.status = txt return true } function jw_setposition(toX,toY,l){ if(!isjwin(l)) return var jp = jwin.popups[l] var pW = jp.width, pH = jp.height, sTO = 0, sLO = 0 var nsScroll = false nav.init(l) var nW = nav.width var nH = nav.height var nWh = nW/2 var nHh = nH/2 var sT = nav.scrollTop var sL = nav.scrollLeft if (jp.applyscrolloffsets && !(jp.markername || jp.anchormark || jp.markeroffset)){ sTO = sT sLO = sL } if(jp.targetframe != self) nsScroll = true if(jp.showcenterscreen){ jp.x = (nWh - (pW/2)) + sL jp.y = (nHh - (pH/2)) + sT }else{ if(jp.fixedx != ''){ jp.x = jp.fixedx + sLO }else{ var h = jp.halign if(jp.halignauto){ if((toX - sL) > nWh) h = LEFT else h = RIGHT } if(h==2 || h == 'center'){ jp.x = toX - (pW/2) }else if(h==3 || h =='right'){ if(nav.ns4up && !(nsScroll)) jp.x = toX + jp.offsetx else jp.x = (toX + sL) + jp.offsetx if((jp.x + pW) > (sL + nW)){ jp.x = (sL + nW) - pW if(jp.x < 0) jp.x = 0 } }else{ if(nav.ns4up && !(nsScroll)) jp.x = toX - (pW + jp.offsetx) else jp.x = (toX + sL) - (pW + jp.offsetx) if(jp.x < sL) jp.x = sL } if(jp.snapx != ''){ jp.snapx = parseInt(jp.snapx) var so = (jp.snapx == 0 ? 0 : jp.x % jp.snapx) if(h == 1 || h == 'left') jp.x -= so else jp.x += (jp.snapx - so) if(jp.x < 0) jp.x = 0 } } if(jp.fixedy != ''){ jp.y = jp.fixedy + sTO }else{ var v = jp.valign if(jp.valignauto){ if((toY - sT) > nHh) v = 1 else v = 2 } if(pH > 0 && v == 1 || v == 'above'){ if(nav.ns4up && !(nsScroll)) jp.y = toY - (pH + jp.offsety) else jp.y = (toY + sT) - (pH + jp.offsety) if(jp.y < sT) jp.y = sT }else{ if(nav.ns4up && !(nsScroll)) jp.y = toY + jp.offsety else jp.y = (toY + sT) + jp.offsety } if(jp.snapy != ''){ jp.snapy = parseInt(jp.snapy) var so = (jp.snapy == 0 ? 0 : jp.y % jp.snapy) if(pH > 0 && v == 1 || v == 'above') jp.y -= so else jp.y += (jp.snapy - so) if(jp.y < 0) jp.y = 0 } } } if(jp.dropshadow){ var dy = parseInt(jp.dropshadowy) var dx = parseInt(jp.dropshadowx) if(dy < 0) jp.y -= dx if(dx < 0) jp.x -= dx } jp.setStat() } function jw_setmarker(l){ var jp = jwin.popups[l], mn = jp.markername, mlyr = jw_getlyrbyid(mn, jw.window.document) var mkObj, of mlyr = mlyr || jw_getimgbyname(mn, jw.window.document) if(mlyr==null || mlyr==false){ jw_errorhandler() return false } mkObj = mlyr if(document.layers){ if(typeof mlyr.length != 'undefined' && mlyr.length > 1){ mkObj = mlyr[0] jp.fixedx = mlyr[0].x + mlyr[1].pageX jp.fixedy = mlyr[0].y + mlyr[1].pageY }else{ if(mlyr.toString().indexOf('Image') != -1){ jp.fixedx = mlyr.x jp.fixedy = mlyr.y }else{ jp.fixedx = mlyr.pageX jp.fixedy = mlyr.pageY } } }else{ jp.fixedx = jw_pageLocation(mlyr,'Left') jp.fixedy = jw_pageLocation(mlyr,'Top') } of = jw_getMarkerOffsets(mkObj, l) jp.fixedx += of[0] jp.fixedy += of[1] if(jp.markeroffset){ mo = jp.markeroffset if(typeof mo == 'string' && mo.indexOf(',') != -1) mo = mo.split(',') if(mo[0]) jp.fixedx += parseInt(mo[0]) else alert("jwinError: Invalid markeroffset argument.") if(mo[1]) jp.fixedy += parseInt(mo[1]) } return true } function jw_getMarkerOffsets(mkObj, l){ var tp = jwin.popups[l], mp = tp.anchormark.toUpperCase() var mW = mH = pW = pH = 0 var of = [0,0] pW = tp.width pH = tp.height if(mkObj.toString().indexOf('Image') != -1){ mW = mkObj.width mH = mkObj.height }else{ mW = (nav.ns4) ? mkObj.clip.width : mkObj.offsetWidth mH = (nav.ns4) ? mkObj.clip.height : mkObj.offsetHeight } if(mp == 'UR') of = [mW - pW, 0] else if(mp == 'LL') of= [0, mH - pH] else if(mp == 'LR') of = [mW - pW, mH - pH] return of } function jw_pageLocation(o, t){ var x = 0 while(o.offsetParent != null && o.offsetParent.tagName != "BODY"){ x += o['offset' + t] o = o.offsetParent } x += o['offset' + t] return x } function jw_callFunction(f){ var s = '' if(typeof f == 'function'){ return f() }else if(typeof f == 'string'){ if(/\(/.test(f) && /\)/.test(f)) return eval(f) else return eval(f + '()') }else{ return s } } function jw_parseIt(p,args){ var key, val if(!args) return false if(!p) var p = new cls_jwinpopup() for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){ if(typeof args[i] == 'undefined'){ i++ continue } key = propArr[args[i]].toLowerCase() key = (key == 'function' ? 'Function' : key) val = args[++i] val = jw_getVarVal(val) p[key] = val continue } return p } function jw_parsetable(t,p){ var start = 1, pause = false, rp = 0, lp = 0 var ch = wrd = prop = val = jwshow = '' if(!t) return false if(!p) var p = new cls_jwinpopup() for(var x = 0; x < t.length; x++){ ch = t.substr(x,1) jwshow +=ch if(jwshow.indexOf(JWIN_OBJECT+'.show')>0 && pause == false){ pause = true wrd+=ch jwshow='' }else if(pause == true){ if(ch == '(') lp++ if(ch == ')') rp++ wrd+=ch if(lp == rp){ pause = false jwshow ='' } }else{ if(ch==':'){ d = wrd.toLowerCase().trim() d = (d == 'function' ? 'Function' : d) if(typeof p[d] != 'undefined'){ prop = d wrd = '' }else{ wrd+=ch } }else if(ch==';'){ c = t.indexOf(':',x+1) prop = (prop == 'function' ? 'Function' : prop) if(c > 0){ if(typeof p[prop] != 'undefined'){ p[prop] = jw_getVarVal(wrd.trim(), prop) wrd = '' }else{ wrd+=';' } }else{ p[prop] = jw_getVarVal(wrd.trim(), prop) wrd = '' } }else{ wrd+=ch } } } return p } function jw_getVarVal(v, p){ var typ = typeof v if(typ == 'object' || typ == 'boolean' || typ == 'number') return eval(v) else if(v.indexOf('[')== 0 && v.lastIndexOf(']') == (v.length-1)) return eval(v) else if(v == 'true' || v == 'false' || p == 'targetframe') return eval(v) else if(jw_isInt(v)) return parseInt(v) else return v } function jw_isInt(n){ if(n.trim()=='') return false if(n.charAt(0)=="-")n = n.substr(1) for(var i = 0; i<n.length; i++) if(n.charAt(i) < "0" || n.charAt(i) > "9") return false return true } function jw_setStatus(){ if(this.setstatus){ if(this.statustext == '') this.statustext = this.text window.status = this.statustext } } function jw_closestick(id){ var jp = jwin.popups[id] if(jp==null) return if(jwin.inmodalstate && !jp.modal) return if(jwin.inmodalstate){ jwin.modalclosed = true jwin.inmodalstate = false } jw_clearevents(id) jp.playingtextarray = jp.playingcaptionarray = false jp.jwEvt_PlayArrayID = 0 jp._textArrLen = jp._captionArrLen=0 jp.styref.visibility = "hidden" jp.isvisible = false if(jp.handicap || jp.dropshadow){ var jh = (jp.handicap) ? jp.handicap : jp.dropshadow jh = (jw_ns ? jh : jh.visibility = 'hidden' } if(jp.delpopup) jw_delpopup(id) } function jw_errorhandler(){ jwin.popups[].jwError = true var jwc = jw_errorhandler.caller.toString() var f = 'function ' if(jwc.indexOf(f + 'jw_show') >= 0) alert('jwinError: Layer ' + + '.' + + ' not found.') else if(jwc.indexOf(f + 'jw_setmarker') >= 0) alert('jwinError: Marker ' + + '.' + jw.popup.markername + ' not found.') else alert('jwinError: ' + jwc) if(jw.popup.delpopup) jw_delpopup( } function jw_trim(){ var s1 = this.replace(/(^ *)/,"") var ret = s1.replace(/( *)$/,"") return ret } String.prototype.trim = jw_trim function jw_isdelayeffect(l){ for(var x = 0; x < jwin.popupscount; x++){ if(isjwin(x)){ if(jwin.popups[jwin.popups[x].id].jwEvt_DelayOpenCloseID > 0){ if(l == jwin.popups[x].id) return true } } } return false } function jw_isplayingtextarray(l){ for(var x = 0; x < jwin.popupscount; x++){ if(isjwin(x)){ if(jwin.popups[jwin.popups[x].id].playingtextarray){ if(l == jwin.popups[x].id) return true } } } return false } function jw_processArrays(l){ if(isjwin(l)){ var jshow = false var jp = jwin.popups[l] if(jp.playingtextarray){ if(jp._textarrcount < jp._textarrlen){ if(jp.arrayinterval > 0){ jp.writetext = jp._textarray[jp._textarrcount] jp._textarrcount++ jshow = true } }else{ jp.playingtextarray = false jp._textarrlen = 0 if(!jp.playingcaptionarray) jshow = false } } if(jp.playingcaptionarray){ if(jp._captionarrcount < jp._captionarrlen){ if(jp.arrayinterval > 0){ jp.captiontext = jp._captionarray[jp._captionarrcount] jp._captionarrcount++ jshow = true } }else{ jp.playingcaptionarray = false jp._captionarrlen = 0 if(!jp.playingtextarray) jshow = false } } if(jshow){ jw_write(l) jp.jwEvt_PlayArrayID = setTimeout('jw_processArrays("'+ l +'")', jp.arrayinterval) jp.statustext = '' jp.setStat(jp.writetext) } if(jp.arrayclose){ if(!jp.playingtextarray){ if(!jp.playingcaptionarray) jw_hideme(l) } } } } function cls_jwinpopup(){ } var p = cls_jwinpopup.prototype p.getSimple = jw_getSimplePopup p.getCaption = jw_getCaptionPopup p.getClosingTableDef = jw_getClosingTableDefVal p.getPaddedText = jw_getPaddedTextContent p.getHR = jw_getHRule p.getPopW = jw_getPopWidth p.getPopH = jw_getPopHeight p.getTPadL = jw_getTextPadL p.getTPadR = jw_getTextPadR p.getTPadT = jw_getTextPadT p.getTPadB = jw_getTextPadB p.getTPad = jw_getTextPad p.setCIcon = jw_setCapIcon p.setStat = jw_setStatus var p = cls_jwinpopup.prototype p.cls_name='cls_table' p.styref = p.layref = new Object p.visible = p.delpopup = true p.border = = 1 p.bordercolor = '#333399' p.bgcolor='#FFFFFF' p.textfont=JWIN_DEF_FONT p.textcolor = p.dropshadowcolor = '#000000' p.dropshadowx = p.dropshadowy = 5 p.textsize='2' p.text = 'A JWIN popup' p.Function = null p.textcellpadding = p.textcellspacing = p.textborder = p.bordercellpadding = p.bordercellspacing = p.delayinterval = p.textpadbottom = p.textpadright = p.textpadtop = p.textpadleft = p.arrayinterval = 0 = p.code = p.width = p.height = p.background = p.captiontext = p.textbordercolor = p.captionicon = p.closetext = p.closetaginsert = p.markername = p.statustext = p.fixedx = p.fixedy = p.snapx = p.snapy = p.markeroffset = p.writetext = p.closeimage = p.divclass = p.textclass = p.captionclass = p.closeclass = p.handicap = p.dropshadow = p.anchormark = '' p.captiontextcolor = '#FFFFFF' p.captiontextfont = JWIN_DEF_FONT p.captiontextsize = p.closetextsize = '2' p.captionbgcolor = p.captiontextbordercolor = '#333399' p.captiontextborder = p.captioncellpadding = p.captioncellspacing = p.jwEvt_MouseOverID = p.jwEvt_DelayOpenCloseID = p.jwEvt_PlayArrayID = 0 p.closetextcolor = '#9999FF' p.closetextfont = JWIN_DEF_FONT p.closeonclick = p.playcaptionarray = p.playingcaptionarray = p.playtextarray = p.arrayclose = p.playingtextarray = p.captiontextseparator = p.showcenterscreen = p.stickaround = p.followmouse = p.modal = p.autowidth = p.autoheight = p.textonly = p.captiontextonly = p.valignauto = p.halignauto = p.centertext = p.centercaptiontext = p.setstatus = p.mouseover = p.autozindex = p.closeonframeout = p.isvisible = p.jwError = p.capturemouseevents = p.debug = p.classes = p.applyscrolloffsets = false p.targetframe = self p.valign = p.delayevent = 2 p.halign = 3 p.offsetx = p.offsety = 10 p.x = p.y = p._textarrlen = p._textarrcount = p._captionarrlen = p._captionarrcount = 0 p._textarray = p._captionarray = '' function jw_getPopWidth(){ return (this.width) ? ' width="' + this.width + '"' : '' } function jw_getPopHeight(){ return (this.height) ? ' height="' + this.height + '"' : '' } function jw_getSimplePopup(){ if(this.writetext == '') this.writetext = this.text var d = this.text var t = '<table width="100%" border="' + this.textborder + '" bordercolor="' + this.textbordercolor + '" cellpadding="' + this.textcellpadding + '" cellspacing="' + this.textcellspacing + '" bgcolor="' + this.bgcolor + '"' + this.getPopH() +' background="' + this.background + '"><tr><td>' + this.getPaddedText(this.writetext) + '</td></tr></table>' if(this.playtextarray && this.playingtextarray==false && d != null && typeof d == 'object'){ this._textarrcount = 0 if(this._textarray == ''){ jwt = jw_getarray(this.writetext) this._textarray = jwt } this.writetext = this._textarray[this._textarrcount] this._textarrcount++ if(this._textarrlen == 0) this._textarrlen = this._textarray.length this.playingtextarray = true this.jwEvt_PlayArrayID = setTimeout('jw_processArrays("'+ + '")', this.arrayinterval) } if(this.textonly){ return this.writetext }else{ if(this.background != ''){ var jw_bgpic = (nav.ie4up) ? this.background:'' return '<table' + this.getPopW() + this.getPopH() + ' border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="' + jw_bgpic + '"><tr><td>' + this.getPaddedText(this.writetext) + '</td></tr></table>' }else{ if(this.classes){ if(!jw_ns && this.divclass) this.layref.className = this.divclass var s0 = '<table' + this.getPopW() + this.getPopH() + ' border="0" cellpadding="' + this.textcellpadding + '" cellspacing="' + this.textcellspacing + '"><tr><td' + ' class = "' + this.textclass + '">' + this.text + '</td></tr></table>' if(jw_ns) s0 = '<div class="' + this.divclass + '">' + s0 + '</div>' return s0 }else{ return '<table' + this.getPopW() + this.getPopH() + ' border="' + this.border + '" bordercolor="' + this.bordercolor + '" cellpadding="' + this.bordercellpadding + '" cellspacing="' + this.bordercellspacing + '" bgcolor="' + this.bgcolor + '"><tr><td>' + this.getPaddedText(this.writetext) + '</td></tr></table>' } } } } function jw_getarray(t){ var a = new Array if(typeof t == 'string'){ var cm = t.replace(/\/,/g,"[jw_com]") var cm2 = cm.split(',') for(var x = 0; x < cm2.length; x++) a[x] = cm2[x].replace(/\[jw_com\]/g,",") return a }else{ return t } } function jw_getCaptionPopup(){ var processarray = false, jwt = new Array, d if(this.writetext == '') this.writetext = this.text d = this.text if(this.playtextarray && this.playingtextarray==false && this.playingcaptionarray == false && d != null && typeof d == 'object'){ jw_clearevents( this._textarrcount = 0 if(this._textarray == ''){ jwt = jw_getarray(this.writetext) this._textarray = jwt } this.writetext = this._textarray[this._textarrcount] this._textarrcount++ if(this._textarrlen == 0) this._textarrlen = this._textarray.length processarray = true } d = this.captiontext if(this.playcaptionarray && this.playingcaptionarray == false && this.playingtextarray == false && d != null && typeof d == 'object'){ jw_clearevents( this._captionarrcount = 0 if(this._captionarray == ''){ jwt = jw_getarray(this.captiontext) this._captionarray = jwt } this.captiontext = this._captionarray[this._captionarrcount] this._captionarrcount++ if(this._captionarrlen == 0) this._captionarrlen = this._captionarray.length processarray = true } if(processarray){ this.jwEvt_PlayArrayID = setTimeout('jw_processArrays("'+ + '")', this.arrayinterval) this.playingtextarray = true this.playingcaptionarray = true } if(this.captionicon!='') this.setCIcon(this.captionicon) var fs1, s0, s1, s2, s3, s5, s6, ret s0 = this.captiontextsize + '' if(this.classes){ if(!jw_ns && this.divclass) this.layref.className = this.divclass s1 = s2 = '<table' + this.getPopW() + this.getPopH() + ' border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>' s3 = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="' + this.captioncellpadding + '" cellspacing="' + this.captioncellspacing + '"><tr><td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="' + this.captionclass + '">' + this.captionicon s4 = s3 + this.captiontext + '</td>' + this.getClosingTableDef(this.closeclass) + '</tr></table></td></tr></table>' s5 = '<table width="100%" border="0" ' + this.getPopH() + ' cellpadding="' + this.textcellpadding + '" cellspacing="' + this.textcellspacing + '"><tr><td class="' + this.textclass + '">' + this.writetext + '</td></tr></table>' }else{ s1 = '<table' + this.getPopW() + this.getPopH() + ' border="' + this.border + '" bordercolor="' + this.bordercolor + '" cellpadding="' + this.bordercellpadding + '" cellspacing="' + this.bordercellspacing + '" bgcolor="' + this.bgcolor + '"><tr><td>' s2 = '<table' + this.getPopW() + this.getPopH() + ' border="0" cellpadding="' + this.bordercellpadding + '" cellspacing="' + this.bordercellspacing + '"><tr><td>' s3 = '<table width="100%" border="' + this.captiontextborder + '" bordercolor="' + this.captiontextbordercolor + '" cellpadding="' + this.captioncellpadding + '" cellspacing="' + this.captioncellspacing + '" bgcolor="' + this.captionbgcolor + '"><tr><td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td align="left">' + this.captionicon +jw_getCenterText(this.centercaptiontext,0) if(s0.indexOf("px") != -1) fs1 = '<font style="font-family: ' + this.captiontextfont + '; color: ' + this.captiontextcolor + '; font-size: ' + this.captiontextsize + '">' else fs1 = '<font color="' + this.captiontextcolor + '" face="' + this.captiontextfont + '" size="' + this.captiontextsize + '">' s4 = s3 + fs1 + this.captiontext +'</font>'+jw_getCenterText(this.centercaptiontext,1) +'</td>' + this.getClosingTableDef() + '</tr></table></td></tr></table>' + this.getHR() s5 = '<table width="100%" border="' + this.textborder + '" bordercolor="' + this.textbordercolor + '" cellpadding="' + this.textcellpadding + '" cellspacing="' + this.textcellspacing + '" bgcolor="' + this.bgcolor + '"' + this.getPopH() +' background="' + this.background + '"><tr><td>' + this.getPaddedText(this.writetext) + '</td></tr></table>' } s6 = '</td></tr></table>' if(this.captiontextonly) ret = s2 + this.captiontext else ret = s1 + s4 if(this.textonly) ret += this.writetext else ret += s5 ret += s6 if(jw_ns && this.classes) ret = '<div class="'+ this.divclass + '">' + ret + '</div>' return ret } function jw_getTextPadL(){return (this.textpadleft) ? ' width="'+ this.textpadleft + '"' : ''} function jw_getTextPadR(){return (this.textpadright) ? ' width="' + this.textpadright + '"' : ''} function jw_getTextPadT(){return (this.textpadtop) ? ' height="' + this.textpadtop + '"' : ''} function jw_getTextPadB(){return (this.textpadbottom) ? ' height="' + this.textpadbottom + '"' : ''} function jw_getTextPad(){ return (this.width) ? ' width="' + (this.width-this.textpadleft-this.textpadright)+ '"' : ''} function jw_getPaddedTextContent(text){ var fs1, s0 = this.textsize + '', s1 = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td colspan="3"' + this.getTPadT()+ '></td></tr><tr><td' + this.getTPadL()+ '></td><td'+ ((this.autowidth==true && nav.ie4up)? ' width="100%" ': this.getTPad())+ '>' if(s0.indexOf("px") != -1) fs1 = '<font style="font-family: ' + this.textfont + '; color: ' + this.textcolor + '; font-size: ' + this.textsize + '">' else fs1 = '<font color="' + this.textcolor + '" face="' + this.textfont + '" size="' + this.textsize + '">' return s1 +jw_getCenterText(this.centertext,0) + fs1 + text + '</font>' +jw_getCenterText(this.centertext,1) + '</td><td' + this.getTPadR() + '></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3"' + this.getTPadB() + '></td></tr></table>' } function jw_getCenterText(a,e){ if(a==false) return '' if(e) return '</div>' else return '<div align="center">' } function jw_getHRule(){ return (this.captiontextseparator) ? '<hr>' : '' } function jw_getcallingframe(){ var fr = 'parent.frames' var efr = eval(fr) var fl = efr.length for(var x = 0; x < fl; x++){ var lfr = efr[x] if(lfr == self) return fr + '.' + } } function jw_getClosingTableDefVal(cc){ var om = 'onmouseover', cti='', fs1, s0, s1 var closing = (this.closetext || this.stickaround || this.modal && this.closeimage != '' ? (this.closetext == '' ? 'Close' : this.closetext) : this.setCIcon(this.closeimage)) var cs = 'jw_closestick(\''+ + '\')' if(this.targetframe != self){ jwfrm = this.targetframe var tFrm = jw_getFrameRef(top.frames) jwfrm = self var sFrm = jw_getFrameRef(top.frames) if(sFrm.length == tFrm.length){ l = tFrm.lastIndexOf('[') if(l){ while(sFrm.substring(0,l) != tFrm.substring(0,l)) l = tFrm.lastIndexOf('[',l-1) tFrm = tFrm.substr(l) sFrm = sFrm.substr(l) } } var cnt = 0, p = '', str = tFrm, k while((k = str.lastIndexOf('[')) != -1){ cnt++ str = str.substring(0,k) } for(var i=0; i<cnt; i++) p = p + 'parent.' cs = p + 'frames' + sFrm + '.' + cs } if(this.closeonclick) om = 'onclick' if(this.closetaginsert != '') cti = this.closetaginsert if(closing == ''){ return '' }else{ if(cc){ s1 = '<td class="' + cc + '"><a href="javascript:void(0);" ' + om + '="' + cs + '">' }else{ s0 = this.closetextsize + '' s1 = '<td align="right"><a href="javascript:void(0);" ' + cti + ' '+ om + '="'+ cs + '">' if(!this.closeimage){ if(s0.indexOf("px") != -1) fs1 = '<font style="font-family: ' + this.closetextfont + '; color: ' + this.closetextcolor + '; font-size: ' + this.closetextsize + '">' else fs1 = '<font color="' + this.closetextcolor + '" face="' + this.closetextfont + '" size="' + this.closetextsize + '">' closing = fs1 + closing + '</font>' } } return s1 + closing + '</a></td>' } } function jw_setCapIcon(c){ if(c && c.indexOf("<img ") == -1) return this.captionicon = '<img src="'+ c +'" border="0">' else return this.captionicon = '' } function jwinbrowser(){ this.agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() this.major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion) this.minor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) this.ns = ((this.agt.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (this.agt.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && (this.agt.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (this.agt.indexOf('opera')==-1) && (this.agt.indexOf('webtv')==-1) && (this.agt.indexOf('hotjava')==-1)) this.ns2 = (this.ns && (this.major == 2)) this.ns3 = (this.ns && (this.major == 3)) this.ns4 = (this.ns && (this.major == 4)) this.ns4up = (this.ns && (this.major >= 4)) this.nsonly = (this.ns && ((this.agt.indexOf(";nav") != -1) || (this.agt.indexOf("; nav") != -1)) ) this.ns6 = (this.ns && (this.major == 5)) this.ns6up = (this.ns && (this.major >= 5)) this.gecko = (this.agt.indexOf('gecko') != -1) = ((this.agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (this.agt.indexOf("opera") == -1)) this.ie3 = ( && (this.major < 4)) this.ie4 = ( && (this.major == 4) && (this.agt.indexOf("msie 5")==-1) ) this.ie4up = ( && (this.major >= 4)) this.ie5 = ( && (this.major == 4) && (this.agt.indexOf("msie 5.0")!=-1) ) this.ie5_5 = ( && (this.major == 4) && (this.agt.indexOf("msie 5.5") !=-1)) this.ie5up = ( && !this.ie3 && !this.ie4) this.ie5_5up =( && !this.ie3 && !this.ie4 && !this.ie5) this.opera = (this.agt.indexOf("opera") != -1) this.opera2 = (this.agt.indexOf("opera 2") != -1 || this.agt.indexOf("opera/2") != -1) this.opera3 = (this.agt.indexOf("opera 3") != -1 || this.agt.indexOf("opera/3") != -1) this.opera4 = (this.agt.indexOf("opera 4") != -1 || this.agt.indexOf("opera/4") != -1) this.opera5 = (this.agt.indexOf("opera 5") != -1 || this.agt.indexOf("opera/5") != -1) this.opera5up = (this.opera && !this.opera2 && !this.opera3 && !this.opera4) this.getWidth = jwinbrowser_getClientWidth this.getHeight = jwinbrowser_getClientHeight this.getScrollTop = jwinbrowser_getClientScrollTop this.getScrollLeft = jwinbrowser_getClientScrollLeft this.init = jwinbrowser_init } function jwinbrowser_init(l){ l = jwin.popups[l] this.getWidth(l) this.getHeight(l) this.getScrollTop(l) this.getScrollLeft(l) } function jwinbrowser_getClientWidth(l){ if(l.targetframe != self) return this.width = (this.ie4up) ? eval('l.targetframe.' + docRoot + '.clientWidth') : l.targetframe.window.innerWidth else return this.width = (this.ie4up) ? eval(docRoot + '.clientWidth') : window.innerWidth } function jwinbrowser_getClientHeight(l){ if(l.targetframe != self) return this.height = (this.ie4up) ? eval('l.targetframe.' + docRoot + '.clientHeight') : l.targetframe.window.innerHeight else return this.height = (this.ie4up) ? eval(docRoot + '.clientHeight') : window.innerHeight } function jwinbrowser_getClientScrollTop(l){ if(l.targetframe != self) return this.scrollTop = (this.ie4up) ? eval('l.targetframe.' + docRoot + '.scrollTop') : l.targetframe.window.pageYOffset else return this.scrollTop = (this.ie4up) ? eval(docRoot + '.scrollTop') : window.pageYOffset } function jwinbrowser_getClientScrollLeft(l){ if(l.targetframe != self) return this.scrollLeft = (this.ie4up) ? eval('l.targetframe.' + docRoot + '.scrollLeft') : l.targetframe.window.pageXOffset else return this.scrollLeft = (this.ie4up) ? eval(docRoot + '.scrollLeft') : window.pageXOffset } var jw_ie = (document.all) ? true : false var jw_ns = (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4) var nav = new jwinbrowser() var jpx = jw_ns ? '':'px' var docRoot = 'document.body' if(jw_ie && document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') docRoot = 'document.documentElement' if(!nav.ie4up && !nav.ns4up && !nav.opera5up){ = jw_null jwp.hide = jw_null }else{ jw_setmousemove() } function jw_null(){} function jw_setmousemove(){ var fn, func, re = /function[ ]+(\w+)\(/ if(document.onmousemove || window.onmousemove){ if(document.onmousemove) func = document else if(window.onmousemove) func = window fn = func.onmousemove.toString().match(re) if(fn[1] == 'jw_mousehandler') return var str = 'jw_mousehandler(e); ' + fn[1] + '(e)'; func.onmousemove = new Function('e',str) }else{ document.onmousemove = jw_mousehandler func = document } if(nav.ns4) func.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) } function jw_mousehandler(e){ var e = (nav.ns4up || nav.ns6up) ? e : event var jc = jw_scr if(nav.ns4){ jc.o_X = e.pageX - self.pageXOffset jc.o_Y = e.pageY - self.pageYOffset }else{ jc.o_X = e.clientX jc.o_Y = e.clientY } if(nav.ns4up || nav.ns6up){ jc.o_W = self.innerWidth - 2 jc.o_H = self.innerHeight - 2 }else{ jc.o_W = eval('self.' + docRoot + '.offsetWidth - 4') jc.o_H = eval('self.' + docRoot + '.offsetHeight - 4') } if(nav.ns4up || nav.ns6up){ jc.m_X = e.pageX jc.m_Y = e.pageY }else if(nav.ie4up){ jc.m_X = e.x jc.m_Y = e.y }else if(nav.ie5up){ jc.m_X = eval('e.x+' + docRoot + '.scrollLeft') jc.m_Y = eval('e.y+' + docRoot + '.scrollTop') }else if(nav.opera){ jc.m_X = e.clientX jc.m_Y = e.clientY } jc.mouseout = (jc.o_X < 2 || jc.o_X > jc.o_W ||jc.o_Y < 2 || jc.o_Y > jc.o_H) for(var t = 0; t < jwin.popupscount; t++){ if(!isjwin(t) || jwin.popups[t] == null) continue var jp = jwin.popups[t] if(jwin.popups[] != null){ if(jwin.popups[].visible && jwin.popups[].closeonframeout && jc.mouseout) jw_closestick( } } if(typeof jw != 'undefined'){ if(typeof jw.popup != 'undefined'){ if(jw.popup.followmouse){ if(jw.popup.styref.visibility!=null){ if(jw.popup.styref.visibility.indexOf('hid') == -1) jw_move() } } } } } var propArr = new Array, _jwp = new cls_jwinpopup(), pr = 0 for(prop in _jwp){ propArr[pr++] =((prop.charAt(0) == '_' || prop.indexOf('jwE') != -1 || typeof _jwp[prop] == 'function') ? prop : prop.toUpperCase()) } for(var i = 0; i < propArr.length; i++){ eval('var ' + propArr[i] + '=' + i) } var jwfrm function jw_getFrameRef(f){ var r = '' for(var i = 0; i < f.length; i++){ if(f[i].length > 0){ r = jw_getFrameRef(f[i]) if(r == '') continue }else if(f[i] != jwfrm){ continue } r = '[' + i + ']' + r break } return r } function jw_clipbackdrop(l){ var jp = jwin.popups[l] var jh = jp.handicap if(jw_ns){ jh.clip.width = jp.layref.clip.width jh.clip.height = jp.layref.clip.height }else{ = 'rect(0px ' + jp.layref.offsetWidth + 'px ' + jp.layref.offsetHeight + 'px 0px)' } } function jw_nsPixel(){ if(nav.ns4) return 2 if(nav.ns6up) return 1 else return 0 } function jw_getdropshadow(l){ var tp = jwin.popups[l] var ostr = '<table bgcolor="' + tp.dropshadowcolor + '" width="' + (parseInt(tp.width)+jw_nsPixel()) + '" height="' + (parseInt(tp.height)+jw_nsPixel()) + '"><tr><td> </td></tr></table>' if(document.layers){ tp.dropshadow.document.write(ostr) tp.dropshadow.document.close() }else{ tp.dropshadow.innerHTML = ostr } } // these vars will be phased out eventually var JWIN_POPUP_STYLESIMPLE = 1, JWIN_POPUP_STYLECAPTION = 2, JWIN_HALIGN_LEFT = 1, JWIN_HALIGN_CENTER = 2, JWIN_HALIGN_RIGHT = 3,JWIN_VALIGN_ABOVE = 1, JWIN_VALIGN_BELOW = 2, JWIN_DELAY_OPEN = 1, JWIN_DELAY_CLOSE = 2