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############################################################## # Copyright (c) 2010-2019 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. ############################################################## # # English translation catalog. # # Please follow a few guidelines when editing this file: # . Try to maintain formatting (e.g., indentation and line breaks). # . Avoid long lines by breaking them into multiple lines. # . Catalogs *must* be in UTF-8. # . Try to keep the file sorted by message id. # arg.command = "command" arg.config.key = "config key" arg.config.operation = "config operation" arg.config.section = "config section" arg.config.value = "config value" arg.devicename = "device name" = "info infoclass" = "info operation" arg.logging.level = "logging level" arg.logging.service = "logging servicename" arg.logging.subcommand = "logging operation" arg.mountpoint = "mount point" arg.scriptpath = "script path" arg.scripttype = "script type" arg.subcommand = "subcommand" device.connect.error = "Unable to connect device %1$s.\n" device.disconnect.error = "Unable to disconnect device %1$s.\n" device.notfound = "Error fetching interface information: device not found.\n" disk.shrink.canceled = "Disk shrink canceled.\n" disk.shrink.complete = "Disk shrinking complete.\n" disk.shrink.conflict = "Error, The Toolbox believes disk shrinking is enabled while the host believes it is disabled.\n\n Please close and reopen the Toolbox to synchronize it with the host.\n" disk.shrink.disabled = "Shrink disk is disabled for this virtual machine.\n\nShrinking is disabled for linked clones, parents of linked clones, \npre-allocated disks, snapshots, or due to other factors. \nSee the User's manual for more information.\n" disk.shrink.error = "Error while shrinking: %1$s\n" disk.shrink.incomplete = "Shrinking not completed.\n" disk.shrink.partition.error = "Unable to collect partition data.\n" disk.shrink.partition.notfound = "Unable to find partition %1$s\n" disk.shrink.partition.unsupported = "Partition %1$s is not shrinkable\n" disk.shrink.unavailable = "The shrink feature is not available,\n\neither because you are running an old version of a VMware product, or because too many communication channels are open.\n\nIf you are running an old version of a VMware product, you should consider upgrading.\n\nIf too many communication channels are open, you should power off your virtual machine and then power it back on.\n" disk.shrink.ignoreFreeSpaceWarnings = "Please disregard any warnings about disk space for the duration of shrink process.\n" disk.wipe.ignoreFreeSpaceWarnings = "Please disregard any warnings about disk space for the duration of wipe process.\n" disk.wiper.file.error = "Error, Unable to create wiper file.\n" disk.wiper.progress = "\rProgress: %1$d" error.message = "Error: %1$s\n" error.missing = "%1$s: Missing %2$s\n" error.noadmin.posix = "%1$s: You must be root to perform %2$s operations.\n" = "%1$s: Administrator permissions are needed to perform %2$s operations.\nUse an administrator command prompt to complete these tasks.\n" error.novirtual = "%1$s must be run inside a virtual machine.\n" error.unknown = "%1$s: Unknown %2$s '%3$s'\n" help.config = "%1$s: modify Tools configuration\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand>\n\nSubcommands:\n get <section> <key>: display current value for <key>\n set <section> <key> <value>: set <key> to <value>\n\n remove <section> <key>: remove <key>\n\n<section> can be any supported section, such as logging, guestoperations or guestinfo.\n<key> can be any configuration key.\n<value> can be any value.\n" help.device = "%1$s: functions related to the virtual machine's hardware devices\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand> [args]\ndev is the name of the device.\n\nSubcommands:\n enable <dev>: enable the device dev\n disable <dev>: disable the device dev\n list: list all available devices\n status <dev>: print the status of a device\n" help.disk = "%1$s: perform disk shrink operations\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand> [args]\n\nSubcommands:\n list: list available locations\n shrink <location>: wipes and shrinks a file system at the given location\n shrinkonly: shrinks all disks\n wipe <location>: wipes a file system at the given location\n" help.hint = "Try '%1$s %2$s%3$s%4$s' for more information.\n" = "%1$s: update guest information on the host\nUsage: %2$s %3$s update <infoclass>\n\nSubcommands:\n update <infoclass>: update information identified by <infoclass>\n<infoclass> can be 'network'\n" help.logging = "%1$s: modify tools logging\nUsage: %2$s %3$s level <subcommand> <servicename> <level>\n\nSubcommands:\n get <servicename>: display current level\n set <servicename> <level>: set current level\n\n<servicename> can be any supported service, such as vmsvc or vmusr\n<level> can be one of error, critical, warning, info, message, debug\n default is %4$s\n" help.main = "Usage: %1$s <command> [options] [subcommand]\nType '%2$s %3$s <command>' for help on a specific command.\nType '%4$s -v' to see the VMware Tools version.\nUse '-q' option to suppress stdout output.\nMost commands take a subcommand.\n\nAvailable commands:\n config\n device\n disk (not available on all operating systems)\n info\n logging\n script\n stat\n timesync\n upgrade (not available on all operating systems)\n" help.script = "%1$s: control the scripts run in response to power operations\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <power|resume|suspend|shutdown> <subcommand> [args]\n\nSubcommands:\n enable: enable the given script and restore its path to the default\n disable: disable the given script\n set <full_path>: set the given script to the given path\n default: print the default path of the given script\n current: print the current path of the given script\n" help.stat = "%1$s: print useful guest and host information\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand>\n\nSubcommands:\n hosttime: print the host time\n speed: print the CPU speed in MHz\nESX guests only subcommands:\n sessionid: print the current session id\n balloon: print memory ballooning information\n swap: print memory swapping information\n memlimit: print memory limit information\n memres: print memory reservation information\n cpures: print CPU reservation information\n cpulimit: print CPU limit information\n raw [<encoding> <stat name>]: print raw stat information\n <encoding> can be one of 'text', 'json', 'xml', 'yaml'.\n <stat name> includes session, host, resources, vscsi and\n vnet (Some stats like vscsi are two words, e.g. 'vscsi scsi0:0').\n Prints the available stats if <encoding> and <stat name>\n arguments are not specified.\n" help.timesync = "%1$s: functions for controlling time synchronization on the guest OS\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand>\n\nSubcommands:\n enable: enable time synchronization\n disable: disable time synchronization\n status: print the time synchronization status\n" help.upgrade = "%1$s: functions related to upgrading VMware Tools.\nUsage: %2$s %3$s <subcommand> [args]\nSubcommands:\n status: check the VMware Tools upgrade status.\n start: initiate an auto-upgrade of VMware Tools.\n\nFor upgrades to work, the VMware Tools service needs to be running.\n" option.disabled = "Disabled" option.enabled = "Enabled" script.notfound = "%1$s doesn't exist.\n" script.operation = "operation" script.unknownop = "No script for operation %1$s.\n" script.write.error = "Error writing config: %1$s\n" stat.balloon.failed = "Failed to get ballooned memory: %1$s\n" stat.cpumax.failed = "Failed to get CPU limit: %1$s\n" stat.cpumin.failed = "Failed to get CPU minimum: %1$s\n" stat.formattime.failed = "Unable to format host time.\n" stat.get.failed = "Failed to get stat: %1$s\n" stat.getsession.failed = "Failed to get session ID: %1$s\n" stat.getspeed.failed = "Unable to get processor speed.\n" stat.gettime.failed = "Unable to get host time.\n" stat.maxmem.failed = "Failed to get memory limit: %1$s\n" stat.memres.failed = "Failed to get memory reservation: %1$s\n" stat.memswap.failed = "Failed to get swapped memory: %1$s\n" stat.openhandle.failed = "OpenHandle failed: %1$s\n" stat.update.failed = "UpdateInfo failed: %1$s\n" = "%1$u MHz\n" = "%1$u MB\n" = "%1$u MB\n" = "%1$u MB\n" = "%1$u MB\n" = "%1$u MHz\n" = "%1$u MHz\n" upgrade.available = "A new version of VMware Tools is available.\n" upgrade.error.check_error = "Error checking upgrade availability.\n" upgrade.error.error = "Error starting VMware Tools upgrade.\n" upgrade.error.not_supported = "The host does not support auto upgrade of VMware Tools.\n" upgrade.error.unknown_reply = "Unexpected host reply: %1$s\n" upgrade.started = "The upgrade has started.\n" upgrade.uptodate = "VMware Tools are up-to-date.\n"