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mò x^Sc @ s d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d k Z d f d „ ƒ YZ d „ Z e ƒ a d „ Z e d „ Z d S( t IDENTITYt CERT_SORTERt PRODUCT_DATE_RANGE_CALCULATORt ENT_DIRt PROD_DIRt ENTITLEMENT_STATUS_CACHEt PROD_STATUS_CACHEt OVERRIDE_STATUS_CACHEt CP_PROVIDERt PLUGIN_MANAGERt DBUS_IFACEt POOLTYPE_CACHENt FeatureBrokerc B s) t Z d Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z RS( sð Tracks all configured features. Can track both objects to be created on the fly, and singleton's only created once throughout the application. Do not use this class directly, rather the global instance created below. c C s h | _ d S( N( t selft providers( R ( ( t1 /usr/share/rhsm/subscription_manager/injection.pyt __init__* s c C s | | i | <d S( s Provide an implementation for a feature. Can pass a callable you wish to be called on every invocation. Can also pass an actual instance which will be returned on every invocation. (i.e. pass an actual instance if you want a "singleton". N( t providerR R t feature( R R R ( ( R t provide- s c O s y | i | } Wn# t j o t d | ƒ ‚ n Xt | t t i f ƒ o | ƒ | i | <n t | ƒ o | | | Ž Sn | i | S( s[ Require an implementation for a feature. Can be used to create objects without requiring an exact implementation to use. Depending on how the feature was configured during initialization, this may return a class, or potentially a singleton object. (in which case the args passed would be ignored) s Unknown feature: %rN( R R R R t KeyErrort isinstancet typet typest ClassTypet callablet argst kwargs( R R R R R ( ( R t require8 s ( t __name__t __module__t __doc__R R R ( ( ( R R ! s c s ‡ d † } | S( s Creates a factory method for a class. Passes args to the constructor in order to create a new object every time it is required. c s ˆ | | Ž S( N( t otherR R ( R R ( R ( R t factoryT s N( R! ( R R! ( ( R R t nonSingletonO s c O s t i | | | Ž S( N( t FEATURESR R R R ( R R R ( ( R R ` s c C sA | o) t | t t i f ƒ o t | ƒ } n t i | | ƒ S( N( t singletonR R R R R R"