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# # Copyright (c) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version # 2 of the License (GPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. # There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or implied, # including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, # NON-INFRINGEMENT, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should # have received a copy of GPLv2 along with this software; if not, see # # """ Module for managing the cached information about a system. Classes here track various information last sent to the server, compare this with the current state, and perform an update on the server if necessary. """ import gettext import logging import os import socket import threading from M2Crypto import SSL from rhsm.config import initConfig import rhsm.connection as connection from rhsm.profile import get_profile, RPMProfile from subscription_manager.certlib import ConsumerIdentity, DataLib from subscription_manager.jsonwrapper import PoolWrapper import subscription_manager.injection as inj from rhsm import ourjson as json _ = gettext.gettext log = logging.getLogger('rhsm-app.' + __name__) PACKAGES_RESOURCE = "packages" cfg = initConfig() class PackageProfileLib(DataLib): """ Another "Lib" object, used by rhsmcertd to update the profile periodically. """ def _do_update(self): profile_mgr = ProfileManager() try: consumer = except IOError: return 0 consumer_uuid = consumer.getConsumerId() return profile_mgr.update_check(self.uep, consumer_uuid) class InstalledProductsLib(DataLib): """ Another "Lib" object, used by rhsmcertd to update the installed products on this system periodically. """ def _do_update(self): mgr = InstalledProductsManager() try: consumer = except IOError: return 0 consumer_uuid = consumer.getConsumerId() return mgr.update_check(self.uep, consumer_uuid) class CacheManager(object): """ Parent class used for common logic in a number of collections where we need to push some consumer JSON up to the server, maintain a local cache of that data, and check if anything has changed on subsequent runs. """ # Fields the subclass must override: CACHE_FILE = None def to_dict(self): """ Returns the data for this collection as a dict to be serialized as JSON. """ raise NotImplementedError def _load_data(self, open_file): """ Load the data in whatever format the sub-class uses from an already opened file descriptor. """ raise NotImplementedError def _sync_with_server(self, uep, consumer_uuid): """ Sync the latest data to/from the server. """ raise NotImplementedError def has_changed(self): """ Check if the current system data has changed since the last time we updated. """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def delete_cache(cls): """ Delete the cache for this collection from disk. """ if os.path.exists(cls.CACHE_FILE):"Deleting cache: %s" % cls.CACHE_FILE) os.remove(cls.CACHE_FILE) def _cache_exists(self): return os.path.exists(self.CACHE_FILE) def write_cache(self, debug=True): """ Write the current cache to disk. Should only be done after successful communication with the server. The update_check method will call this for you if an update was required, but the method is exposed as some system data can be bundled up with the registration request, after which we need to manually write to disk. """ # Logging in this method (when threaded) can cause a segfault, BZ 988861 and 988430 try: if not os.access(os.path.dirname(self.CACHE_FILE), os.R_OK): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.CACHE_FILE)) f = open(self.CACHE_FILE, "w+") json.dump(self.to_dict(), f) f.close() if debug: log.debug("Wrote cache: %s" % self.CACHE_FILE) except IOError, e: if debug: log.error("Unable to write cache: %s" % self.CACHE_FILE) log.exception(e) def _read_cache(self): """ Load the last data we sent to the server. Returns none if no cache file exists. """ try: f = open(self.CACHE_FILE) data = self._load_data(f) f.close() return data except IOError: log.error("Unable to read cache: %s" % self.CACHE_FILE) except ValueError: # ignore json file parse errors, we are going to generate # a new as if it didn't exist pass def update_check(self, uep, consumer_uuid, force=False): """ Check if data has changed, and push an update if so. """"Checking current system info against cache: %s" % self.CACHE_FILE) if self.has_changed() or force:"System data has changed, updating server.") try: self._sync_with_server(uep, consumer_uuid) self.write_cache() # Return the number of 'updates' we did, assuming updating all # packages at once is one update. return 1 except connection.RestlibException, re: raise re except Exception, e: log.error("Error updating system data on the server") log.exception(e) raise Exception(_("Error updating system data on the server, see /var/log/rhsm/rhsm.log " "for more details.")) else:"No changes.") return 0 # No updates performed. class StatusCache(CacheManager): """ Unlike other cache managers, this one gets info from the server rather than sending it. """ def __init__(self): self.server_status = None self.last_error = None def load_status(self, uep, uuid): """ Load status from wherever is appropriate. If server is reachable, return it's response and cache the results to disk. If the server is not reachable, return the latest cache if it is still reasonable to use it. Returns None if we cannot reach the server, or use the cache. """ try: self._sync_with_server(uep, uuid) self.write_cache() self.last_error = False return self.server_status except SSL.SSLError, ex: log.exception(ex) self.last_error = ex log.error("Consumer certificate is invalid") return None except connection.RestlibException, ex: # Indicates we may be talking to a very old candlepin server # which does not have the necessary API call. self.last_error = ex return None except connection.AuthenticationException, ex: log.error("Could not authenticate with server, check registration status.") log.exception(ex) self.last_error = ex return None except (connection.RemoteServerException, connection.NetworkException, socket.error), ex: log.error(ex) self.last_error = ex if not self._cache_exists(): log.error("Server unreachable, registered, but no cache exists.") return None log.warn("Unable to reach server, using cached status.") return self._read_cache() except connection.ExpiredIdentityCertException, ex: log.exception(ex) self.last_error = ex log.error("Bad identity, unable to connect to server") return None def to_dict(self): return self.server_status def _load_data(self, open_file): json_str = return json.loads(json_str) def _read_cache(self): """ Prefer in memory cache to avoid io. If it doesn't exist, save the disk cache to the in-memory cache to avoid reading again. """ if not self.server_status: self.server_status = super(StatusCache, self)._read_cache() return self.server_status def _cache_exists(self): """ If a cache exists in memory, we have written it to the disk No need for unnecessary disk io here. """ if self.server_status: return True return super(StatusCache, self)._cache_exists() def write_cache(self): """ This is threaded because it should never block in runtime. Writing to disk means it will be read from memory for the rest of this run. """ threading.Thread(target=super(StatusCache, self).write_cache, args=[False], name="WriteCache%s" % self.__class__.__name__).start() log.debug("Started thread to write cache: %s" % self.CACHE_FILE) def delete_cache(self): super(StatusCache, self).delete_cache() self.server_status = None class EntitlementStatusCache(StatusCache): """ Manages the system cache of entitlement status from the server. Unlike other cache managers, this one gets info from the server rather than sending it. """ CACHE_FILE = "/var/lib/rhsm/cache/entitlement_status.json" def _sync_with_server(self, uep, uuid): self.server_status = uep.getCompliance(uuid) class ProductStatusCache(StatusCache): """ Manages the system cache of installed product valid date ranges. """ CACHE_FILE = "/var/lib/rhsm/cache/product_status.json" def _sync_with_server(self, uep, uuid): consumer_data = uep.getConsumer(uuid) if 'installedProducts' not in consumer_data: log.warn("Server does not support product date ranges.") else: self.server_status = consumer_data['installedProducts'] class OverrideStatusCache(StatusCache): """ Manages the cache of yum repo overrides set on the server. """ CACHE_FILE = "/var/lib/rhsm/cache/content_overrides.json" def _sync_with_server(self, uep, consumer_uuid): self.server_status = uep.getContentOverrides(consumer_uuid) class ProfileManager(CacheManager): """ Manages the profile of packages installed on this system. """ CACHE_FILE = "/var/lib/rhsm/packages/packages.json" def __init__(self, current_profile=None): # Could be None, we'll read the system's current profile later once # we're sure we actually need the data. self._current_profile = current_profile self._report_package_profile = cfg.get_int('rhsm', 'report_package_profile') def _get_current_profile(self): # If we weren't given a profile, load the current systems packages: if not self._current_profile: self._current_profile = get_profile('rpm') return self._current_profile def _set_current_profile(self, value): self._current_profile = value def _set_report_package_profile(self, value): self._report_package_profile = value current_profile = property(_get_current_profile, _set_current_profile) def to_dict(self): return self.current_profile.collect() def _load_data(self, open_file): return RPMProfile(from_file=open_file) def update_check(self, uep, consumer_uuid, force=False): """ Check if packages have changed, and push an update if so. """ # If the server doesn't support packages, don't try to send the profile: if not uep.supports_resource(PACKAGES_RESOURCE):"Server does not support packages, skipping profile upload.") return 0 if not self._report_package_profile:"Skipping package profile upload due to report_package_profile setting.") return 0 return CacheManager.update_check(self, uep, consumer_uuid, force) def has_changed(self): if not self._cache_exists():"Cache does not exist") return True cached_profile = self._read_cache() return not cached_profile == self.current_profile def _sync_with_server(self, uep, consumer_uuid): uep.updatePackageProfile(consumer_uuid, self.current_profile.collect()) class InstalledProductsManager(CacheManager): """ Manages the cache of the products installed on this system, and what we last sent to the server. """ CACHE_FILE = "/var/lib/rhsm/cache/installed_products.json" def __init__(self, product_dir=None): self.product_dir = product_dir if not product_dir: self.product_dir = inj.require(inj.PROD_DIR) self._setup_installed() def to_dict(self): return self.installed def _load_data(self, open_file): json_str = return json.loads(json_str) def has_changed(self): if not self._cache_exists():"Cache does not exist") return True cached = self._read_cache() self._setup_installed() if len(cached.keys()) != len(self.installed.keys()): return True if cached != self.installed: return True return False def _setup_installed(self): """ Format installed product data to match the cache and what the server can use. """ self.installed = {} for prod_cert in self.product_dir.list(): prod = prod_cert.products[0] self.installed[] = {'productId':, 'productName':, 'version': prod.version, 'arch': ','.join(prod.architectures) } def format_for_server(self): """ Convert the format we store in this object (which is a little easier to work with) into the format the server expects for the consumer. """ self._setup_installed() final = [val for (key, val) in self.installed.items()] return final def _sync_with_server(self, uep, consumer_uuid): uep.updateConsumer(consumer_uuid, installed_products=self.format_for_server()) class PoolTypeCache(object): def __init__(self): self.identity = inj.require(inj.IDENTITY) self.cp_provider = inj.require(inj.CP_PROVIDER) self.ent_dir = inj.require(inj.ENT_DIR) self.pooltype_map = {} self.update() def get(self, pool_id): return self.pooltype_map.get(pool_id, '') def update(self): if self.requires_update(): self._do_update() def requires_update(self): attached_pool_ids = set([ for ent in self.ent_dir.list() if ent.pool and]) missing_types = attached_pool_ids - set(self.pooltype_map) return bool(missing_types) def _do_update(self): result = {} if self.identity.is_valid(): cp = self.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp() entitlement_list = [] try: entitlement_list = cp.getEntitlementList(self.identity.uuid) except Exception, e: # In this case, return an empty map. We just won't populate the field log.debug('Problem attmepting to get entitlements from the server') log.debug(e) for ent in entitlement_list: pool = PoolWrapper(ent.get('pool', {})) pool_type = pool.get_pool_type() result[pool.get_id()] = pool_type self.pooltype_map.update(result) def update_from_pools(self, pool_map): # pool_map maps pool ids to pool json for pool_id in pool_map: self.pooltype_map[pool_id] = PoolWrapper(pool_map[pool_id]).get_pool_type() def clear(self): self.pooltype_map = {} class WrittenOverrideCache(CacheManager): ''' Cache to keep track of the overrides used last time the a redhat.repo was written. Doesn't track server status, we've got another cache for that. ''' CACHE_FILE = "/var/lib/rhsm/cache/written_overrides.json" def __init__(self, overrides=None): self.overrides = overrides or {} def to_dict(self): return self.overrides def _load_data(self, open_file): try: self.overrides = json.loads( or {} return self.overrides except IOError: log.error("Unable to read cache: %s" % self.CACHE_FILE) except ValueError: # ignore json file parse errors, we are going to generate # a new as if it didn't exist pass