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g %!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: NimbusMonL-BoldObli 1.05 %%CreationDate: Wed Dec 22 1999 % Copyright (URW)++,Copyright 1999 by (URW)++ Design & Development % (URW)++,Copyright 1999 by (URW)++ Design & Development % See the file COPYING (GNU General Public License) for license conditions. % As a special exception, permission is granted to include this font % program in a Postscript or PDF file that consists of a document that % contains text to be displayed or printed using this font, regardless % of the conditions or license applying to the document itself. 12 dict begin /FontInfo 10 dict dup begin /version (1.05) readonly def /Notice ((URW)++,Copyright 1999 by (URW)++ Design & Development. See the file COPYING (GNU General Public License) for license conditions. As a special exception, permission is granted to include this font program in a Postscript or PDF file that consists of a document that contains text to be displayed or printed using this font, regardless of the conditions or license applying to the document itself.) readonly def /Copyright (Copyright (URW)++,Copyright 1999 by (URW)++ Design & Development) readonly def /FullName (Nimbus Mono L Bold Oblique) readonly def /FamilyName (Nimbus Mono L) readonly def /Weight (Bold) readonly def /ItalicAngle -12.0 def /isFixedPitch false def /UnderlinePosition -100 def /UnderlineThickness 50 def end readonly def /FontName /NimbusMonL-BoldObli def /PaintType 0 def /WMode 0 def /FontBBox {-61 -278 840 871} readonly def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0.0 0.0 0.001 0.0 0.0] readonly def /Encoding StandardEncoding def /UniqueID 5020948 def currentdict end currentfile eexec `,i"[[5j5mTʻ^+݄fKitrޟm%9۩*++`[&NfA-O!J"|UY+; <Ԟ2?.P2QhnDtw =y0)n*[ Y]~ RzYi [AXm>j/?4/:͓F}0ִ+Zy{ `?ԓ{D.yY x;`/nSN Q˄-88Ot#"3;>FJ`]K> tw҄B+?[+-&m O]l ӥ9Duf^X~&,Cu#_7T#>P2c$©LJlV1Qt+ ~`\ᔃ2&N|˹AemNolX<}&ͧS$6i7 ,BO%S<=:zͱ!{H~.5<+K )%qcUQἔg[7,4`D$3`0)L+&bqÞR ҧcm>'ruD$_&-T"m:#Ҋ-=A7WO=E&r8Xk; (GG s Q.95n,mTXRü|z)@ej&TM0)Hku(/qʆˎzrsP{ܮ#3} +Ѭ֝E49Im` @M@(Xt6~[swP9#}3y}r!O-iўS8fn89Qs$yʉJ&z<[ȌL=~ *[q;)k/=mQD0]b*:⨱-PF$b2RZPo%q@*e@-}+0ᒵ=&:іsKE f+ <Tm*N#IeK16kV3ӅEOCٲSrn$ ݷjL%<'!jtN t3Cyf钐Vxc :dim?GPS#]rZ`] a fLeafdB3vⴉuFL缞1MatREl{hal<SX0^0f5OJL,ک')r}$x.hSi {* o?A p3(x\&5@@L{*} rؕ>%Tõ?%.BZ-W"7b6EuNyp vYq(+Jtq\v%vPeEcmȺ *x |=&eu,7a $Zmſ͖rV6V>fA[r}X.sP<04l{p&wq(+YsSxS!<p >wY0.[uO2B؎*Y|6PCg:7L$UgE>sȱc[5uWL~4*,xh͓^jX:NRf7Rs`^lQ F3^`$Hd(WŸ!WzdipmfK:Z?zӽC|iΠ6l%? 4- rM {N0Qa1eMlKzx5,*ЗցNT/~OX@`5dFDT`+U ӭ?>N$U>/RTHNӎBP-eB= \lj hzf䫾ƣXY5. <UbjÁu^.˟1Q#9WMeiĦ@)[s5FаVc|B \"Dsz:j3QNtS8;5ەG\ƌ%u'**4e}N՛'{&a YȬM0hK)ct)`Jؒ>N~>" qs3?DA~\/=&vDk!Ӷ^RdY#z/]e~`(\phBިg.Dc1XaMYc/L o0 ܆aApp-pt~1L>WOMK5nj7fwH0CXȳǟ~ZIYBf&.=I몆7s\["tUw[֝ů ddE}-RJP{-$ 0$AȚ~Utn>y/cƸ^Z*}( %uшh** 5)ha]͎a]V*^WViῈWT<Fgc%Mzx:Y'((_DKo3ڝ[TlnMg$R<֥[|J?J?՜[1ZcKX |VO9p_kKS@6)F-vmݵBH/HAN[؉˽+5<9,}tFj&P< "~lj rni<S)m^CC6O4-wBw ۱RT9g3A&*/fn`ϿaŻ6(3߿E<[F4U/E1u ~s!,'yða}ja2GpѴr,iL[Eقƚx'R.ܻK/g'Bx|//p)mΙlR<.%,5 s4+Pc[pf٫y\Hzv°';h6}V8 Fh+05=EIa;>FMD5z(W[P苺*[. $?L;)1'GuTaZU9δR3.Ϫ+ˏ} k gjQ-.G [@ZfhS~=|)60^WX}x2YR&3϶%I|NI&O##M6I.߫ O|LG謵^Ć*Qi3K8WӃc"&1^?wP1Af6q(yTHy6w"8fn} X{aDl)OFһ%j~(JA3[8AviEokn aЀs Ȗ#ɢf&fZ{W;>@ֶI'e\*-FST(m\,-gb͓wKqcT-Kh9|zڴ+SMBbڃ(\ȣBWsS.<,Q[|а ~RTQ7LUDHApz(vd{@Vbw8dN#P[{dQ}ǯ-f^{*l zr;9g=X-X*F"/dWNY0 f~V9s;)T>vB+R6f_7Z6=(>D[ 2ٹ6MퟳL<)iH+и`;?l U0xjXKgsLT;h߶w`nŭ=ѣ"PD˝9䁅9+ aDT51i tlĬltP~Gp.GI:ޫ``HRǜ3{ 6 ;|q©jt0P<ՔoCa'`|z"$Oۉ co+SE>4סM%TR?Ǽ,^'c/e)>֢̖ɤgcU#"_!S<