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y %!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal 1.05 %%CreationDate: Wed Dec 22 1999 % Copyright (URW)++,Copyright 1999 by (URW)++ Design & Development % (URW)++,Copyright 1999 by (URW)++ Design & Development % See the file COPYING (GNU General Public License) for license conditions. % As a special exception, permission is granted to include this font % program in a Postscript or PDF file that consists of a document that % contains text to be displayed or printed using this font, regardless % of the conditions or license applying to the document itself. 12 dict begin /FontInfo 10 dict dup begin /version (1.05) readonly def /Notice ((URW)++,Copyright 1999 by (URW)++ Design & Development. See the file COPYING (GNU General Public License) for license conditions. As a special exception, permission is granted to include this font program in a Postscript or PDF file that consists of a document that contains text to be displayed or printed using this font, regardless of the conditions or license applying to the document itself.) readonly def /Copyright (Copyright (URW)++,Copyright 1999 by (URW)++ Design & Development) readonly def /FullName (Nimbus Roman No9 L Medium Italic) readonly def /FamilyName (Nimbus Roman No9 L) readonly def /Weight (Bold) readonly def /ItalicAngle -15.3 def /isFixedPitch false def /UnderlinePosition -100 def /UnderlineThickness 50 def end readonly def /FontName /NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal def /PaintType 0 def /WMode 0 def /FontBBox {-200 -324 996 964} readonly def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0.0 0.0 0.001 0.0 0.0] readonly def /Encoding StandardEncoding def /UniqueID 5020939 def currentdict end currentfile eexec ϥ `,i"[[5j5mTʻ^+݄fKitrޟm%9۩*++`[&NfA-O!J"|UY+; <Ԟ2?.P2QhnDtw =y0)n*[ Y]~ RzYi [AXm>mPhɊP)cJ&/FFZ >o^A9vX f9&7G~2z <n1ҡˡXZ( a$:;:<shW (QCZFs~ ||E^|j{xˇ#%?h̦.NHoX/|2+{VQE\?uYev5[U۹+3@6Cy}|A#%sE)dXk[QbAc=NFcƵv{կ%m:-kIn%"c65 .QͯL , ٝ\bb3H$&]e[ *HB v3I9/CC>3D ؼԯïI/Cj3nOz-G9k0ES`ټ"m* &%{c2n4zyh>8u)E"+-v/O5:Saޖis&F0кxH D'i@cw݊SzÚ5Ak8P{&}5@鴕G T?T[N;}xc=WlBrg ܅+L6y(օKGg(⤝W6)ڙyc$0`Ɣd1}`}x%%Gk0ލN=4yX0ۚj9e5te<^{O?^ч~uF|J#,&"U6o=BQG@%1-IGn a5B[vPե_b)DWT~BQMmmR&iaa7`OrpiD UvJ./kmݪ!0@>,$$kQK*ۙPIr2ΛJ4g [{aGϋfj?dAB˹!oO:I<t+!QصhN9A`p\uś!1:Cx6Zr-'G'3`Fd}_ӎ_lRkWԽݠ:b͕3$X ȌtSl)݇HA1]v.hAeoe^$Ϻ<8$LrNP֪aZqU-GYpO> ?L?m֚vαWv[2N!QcjIjw&2A;(oc% 2!Dž7gMAAfgOa#ՑOHҋ?aRIRD)R~Url:AIPj*X/ 騁nYpW?I[4hhH.R8ۉ)J8ӫb~,N (}-$%z DM6^i?i`\CAaG˾MZ3wX1UÕý>S&-=Dh ^TI1 +]oEs&[1I[pfpd.?W_LCDȆ`E9MTBot[u/hpf^2jca1=F -J Pєy+(x9f"7/Iw!*SEi.ԒEUM~CT-n Pq8,=L{"Ɋ3Sxݪ= GFxXp&"LE ΟJ<1ic[CLԂ}/HW{F- y&GێH/ͼ J9osHK*Len Eg@;&fȹzpQ=pBFr43ֆ$O3hY2dԜtQEѐҘ=DS+,foLZaSn_uAPc$QDcK?<b֧2zO푄,;ΕY@ =M{ 4,-UmFcXqvD!7AM3bצRK̞ƈ14=>к$ۚT? XI ;Q"IMxX3" 毗P|qr;PhKNN+?>