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mò •F»Oc @ s£ d Z y d k Z Wn e j o d k Z n Xd e f d „ ƒ YZ d d d d „ Z d „ Z d d „ Z d d „ Z e i d d j o e Z n e Z d S( s« utility functions to handle differences in pysqlite versions These are from Wichert Akkerman <>'s python-dhm Nt TokenizeErrorc B s t Z d Z RS( s Tokenizer error class( t __name__t __module__t __doc__( ( ( t0 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/yum/sqlutils.pyR s s s "s \c C s² | g d d f \ } } } } y?x8| o0| d | j o d } n| d j o | d | j o | d } nÜ | d | j oY | d j o | | d 7} qM| i | ƒ d } x• | d | j o | d } q¸ Wnr | d | j o7 | d j o | d } n | | d 7} | d } n* | d j o | d } n | | d 7} | d } q$ WWn t j o t d ‚ n X| o t d ‚ n | d j o | i | ƒ n | S( s– String tokenizer This function tokenizes a string while taking quotation and escaping into account. >>> import dhm.strtools >>> dhm.strtools.Tokenize("this is a test") ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'] >>> dhm.strtools.Tokenize("this "is a" test") ['this', 'is a', 'test'] >>> dhm.strtools.Tokenize("this \"is\" a test") ['this', '"is"', 'a', 'test'] >>> dhm.strtools.Tokenize("this "is a test") Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/site-packages/dhm/", line 80, in Tokenize raise TokenizeError, "Unexpected end of string in quoted text" dhm.strtools.TokenizeError: Unexecpted end of string in quoted text @param str: string to tokenize @type str: string @param whitespace: whitespace characters seperating tokens @type whitespace: string @param quotes: legal quoting characters @type quotes: string @param escapes: characters which can escape quoting characters @type escapes: string @return: list of tokens @rtype: sequence of strings i i s Unexpected end of strings' Unexpected end of string in quoted textN( t strt Nonet buffert tokenst curtokent quotet quotest whitespacet appendt escapest IndexErrorR ( R R R R R R R R ( ( R t Tokenize sB c C s» t | d d ƒ} g } d } xR | D]J } | i d ƒ o' | i | d d | ƒ | d 7} q% | i | ƒ q% Wh } d } x&