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#!/usr/bin/python -t # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # Copyright 2005 Duke University # Parts Copyright 2007 Red Hat, Inc import rpm import os import fcntl import time import logging import types import sys from yum.constants import * from yum import _ import misc class NoOutputCallBack: def __init__(self): pass def event(self, package, action, te_current, te_total, ts_current, ts_total): """ @param package: A yum package object or simple string of a package name @param action: A yum.constant transaction set state or in the obscure rpm repackage case it could be the string 'repackaging' @param te_current: current number of bytes processed in the transaction element being processed @param te_total: total number of bytes in the transaction element being processed @param ts_current: number of processes completed in whole transaction @param ts_total: total number of processes in the transaction. """ # this is where a progress bar would be called pass def scriptout(self, package, msgs): """package is the package. msgs is the messages that were output (if any).""" pass def errorlog(self, msg): """takes a simple error msg string""" pass def filelog(self, package, action): # check package object type - if it is a string - just output it """package is the same as in event() - a package object or simple string action is also the same as in event()""" pass class RPMBaseCallback: ''' Base class for a RPMTransaction display callback class ''' def __init__(self): self.action = { TS_UPDATE : _('Updating'), TS_ERASE: _('Erasing'), TS_INSTALL: _('Installing'), TS_TRUEINSTALL : _('Installing'), TS_OBSOLETED: _('Obsoleted'), TS_OBSOLETING: _('Installing'), TS_UPDATED: _('Cleanup'), 'repackaging': _('Repackaging')} # The fileaction are not translated, most sane IMHO / Tim self.fileaction = { TS_UPDATE: 'Updated', TS_ERASE: 'Erased', TS_INSTALL: 'Installed', TS_TRUEINSTALL: 'Installed', TS_OBSOLETED: 'Obsoleted', TS_OBSOLETING: 'Installed', TS_UPDATED: 'Cleanup'} self.logger = logging.getLogger('yum.filelogging.RPMInstallCallback') def event(self, package, action, te_current, te_total, ts_current, ts_total): """ @param package: A yum package object or simple string of a package name @param action: A yum.constant transaction set state or in the obscure rpm repackage case it could be the string 'repackaging' @param te_current: Current number of bytes processed in the transaction element being processed @param te_total: Total number of bytes in the transaction element being processed @param ts_current: number of processes completed in whole transaction @param ts_total: total number of processes in the transaction. """ raise NotImplementedError() def scriptout(self, package, msgs): """package is the package. msgs is the messages that were output (if any).""" pass def errorlog(self, msg): # FIXME this should probably dump to the filelog, too print >> sys.stderr, msg def filelog(self, package, action): # If the action is not in the fileaction list then dump it as a string # hurky but, sadly, not much else if self.fileaction.has_key(action): msg = '%s: %s' % (self.fileaction[action], package) else: msg = '%s: %s' % (package, action) class SimpleCliCallBack(RPMBaseCallback): def __init__(self): RPMBaseCallback.__init__(self) self.lastmsg = None self.lastpackage = None # name of last package we looked at def event(self, package, action, te_current, te_total, ts_current, ts_total): # this is where a progress bar would be called msg = '%s: %s %s/%s [%s/%s]' % (self.action[action], package, te_current, te_total, ts_current, ts_total) if msg != self.lastmsg: print msg self.lastmsg = msg self.lastpackage = package def scriptout(self, package, msgs): if msgs: print msgs, # This is ugly, but atm. rpm can go insane and run the "cleanup" phase # without the "install" phase if it gets an exception in it's callback. The # following means that we don't really need to know/care about that in the # display callback functions. # Note try/except's in RPMTransaction are for the same reason. class _WrapNoExceptions: def __init__(self, parent): self.__parent = parent def __getattr__(self, name): """ Wraps all access to the parent functions. This is so it'll eat all exceptions because rpm doesn't like exceptions in the callback. """ func = getattr(self.__parent, name) def newFunc(*args, **kwargs): try: func(*args, **kwargs) except: pass newFunc.__name__ = func.__name__ newFunc.__doc__ = func.__doc__ newFunc.__dict__.update(func.__dict__) return newFunc class RPMTransaction: def __init__(self, base, test=False, display=NoOutputCallBack): if not callable(display): self.display = display else: self.display = display() # display callback self.display = _WrapNoExceptions(self.display) self.base = base # base yum object b/c we need so much self.test = test # are we a test? self.trans_running = False self.filehandles = {} self.total_actions = 0 self.total_installed = 0 self.complete_actions = 0 self.installed_pkg_names = [] self.total_removed = 0 self.logger = logging.getLogger('yum.filelogging.RPMInstallCallback') self.filelog = False self._setupOutputLogging() if not os.path.exists(self.base.conf.persistdir): os.makedirs(self.base.conf.persistdir) # make the dir, just in case # Error checking? -- these should probably be where else def _fdSetNonblock(self, fd): """ Set the Non-blocking flag for a filedescriptor. """ flag = os.O_NONBLOCK current_flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) if current_flags & flag: return fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, current_flags | flag) def _fdSetCloseOnExec(self, fd): """ Set the close on exec. flag for a filedescriptor. """ flag = fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC current_flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD) if current_flags & flag: return fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, current_flags | flag) def _setupOutputLogging(self): # UGLY... set up the transaction to record output from scriptlets (r, w) = os.pipe() # need fd objects, and read should be non-blocking self._readpipe = os.fdopen(r, 'r') self._fdSetNonblock(self._readpipe.fileno()) self._writepipe = os.fdopen(w, 'w') self.base.ts.scriptFd = self._writepipe.fileno() rpm.setVerbosity(rpm.RPMLOG_INFO) rpm.setLogFile(self._writepipe) def _shutdownOutputLogging(self): # reset rpm bits from reording output rpm.setVerbosity(rpm.RPMLOG_NOTICE) rpm.setLogFile(sys.stderr) try: self._writepipe.close() except: pass def _scriptOutput(self): try: out = return out except IOError: pass def __del__(self): self._shutdownOutputLogging() def _dopkgtup(self, hdr): tmpepoch = hdr['epoch'] if tmpepoch is None: epoch = '0' else: epoch = str(tmpepoch) return (hdr['name'], hdr['arch'], epoch, hdr['version'], hdr['release']) def _makeHandle(self, hdr): handle = '%s:%s.%s-%s-%s' % (hdr['epoch'], hdr['name'], hdr['version'], hdr['release'], hdr['arch']) return handle def ts_done(self, package, action): """writes out the portions of the transaction which have completed""" if self.test: return if not hasattr(self, '_ts_done'): # need config variable to put this in a better path/name te_fn = '%s/transaction-done.%s' % (self.base.conf.persistdir, self._ts_time) self.ts_done_fn = te_fn try: self._ts_done = open(te_fn, 'w') except (IOError, OSError), e: self.display.errorlog('could not open ts_done file: %s' % e) return self._fdSetCloseOnExec(self._ts_done.fileno()) # walk back through self._te_tuples # make sure the package and the action make some kind of sense # write it out and pop(0) from the list # make sure we have a list to work from if len(self._te_tuples) == 0: # if we don't then this is pretrans or postrans or a trigger # either way we have to respond correctly so just return and don't # emit anything return (t,e,n,v,r,a) = self._te_tuples[0] # what we should be on # make sure we're in the right action state msg = 'ts_done state is %s %s should be %s %s' % (package, action, t, n) if action in TS_REMOVE_STATES: if t != 'erase': self.display.filelog(package, msg) if action in TS_INSTALL_STATES: if t != 'install': self.display.filelog(package, msg) # check the pkg name out to make sure it matches if type(package) in types.StringTypes: name = package else: name = if n != name: msg = 'ts_done name in te is %s should be %s' % (n, package) self.display.filelog(package, msg) # hope springs eternal that this isn't wrong msg = '%s %s:%s-%s-%s.%s\n' % (t,e,n,v,r,a) try: self._ts_done.write(msg) self._ts_done.flush() except (IOError, OSError), e: # Having incomplete transactions is probably worse than having # nothing. del self._ts_done misc.unlink_f(self.ts_done_fn) self._te_tuples.pop(0) def ts_all(self): """write out what our transaction will do""" # save the transaction elements into a list so we can run across them if not hasattr(self, '_te_tuples'): self._te_tuples = [] for te in self.base.ts: n = te.N() a = te.A() v = te.V() r = te.R() e = te.E() if e is None: e = '0' if te.Type() == 1: t = 'install' elif te.Type() == 2: t = 'erase' else: t = te.Type() # save this in a list self._te_tuples.append((t,e,n,v,r,a)) # write to a file self._ts_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M.%S') tsfn = '%s/transaction-all.%s' % (self.base.conf.persistdir, self._ts_time) self.ts_all_fn = tsfn if not os.path.exists(self.base.conf.persistdir): os.makedirs(self.base.conf.persistdir) # make the dir, try: fo = open(tsfn, 'w') except (IOError, OSError), e: self.display.errorlog('could not open ts_all file: %s' % e) return try: for (t,e,n,v,r,a) in self._te_tuples: msg = "%s %s:%s-%s-%s.%s\n" % (t,e,n,v,r,a) fo.write(msg) fo.flush() fo.close() except (IOError, OSError), e: # Having incomplete transactions is probably worse than having # nothing. misc.unlink_f(self.ts_all_fn) def callback( self, what, bytes, total, h, user ): if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START: self._transStart( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_PROGRESS: self._transProgress( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP: self._transStop( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE: return self._instOpenFile( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE: self._instCloseFile( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS: self._instProgress( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_START: self._unInstStart( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_PROGRESS: self._unInstProgress( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_STOP: self._unInstStop( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_REPACKAGE_START: self._rePackageStart( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_REPACKAGE_STOP: self._rePackageStop( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_REPACKAGE_PROGRESS: self._rePackageProgress( bytes, total, h ) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_CPIO_ERROR: self._cpioError(bytes, total, h) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNPACK_ERROR: self._unpackError(bytes, total, h) # SCRIPT_ERROR is only in rpm >= 4.6.0 elif hasattr(rpm, "RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_ERROR") and what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_ERROR: self._scriptError(bytes, total, h) def _transStart(self, bytes, total, h): if bytes == 6: self.total_actions = total if self.test: return self.trans_running = True self.ts_all() # write out what transaction will do def _transProgress(self, bytes, total, h): pass def _transStop(self, bytes, total, h): pass def _instOpenFile(self, bytes, total, h): self.lastmsg = None hdr = None if h is not None: hdr, rpmloc = h[0], h[1] handle = self._makeHandle(hdr) try: fd =, os.O_RDONLY) except OSError, e: self.displaylog.errorlog("Error: Cannot open file %s: %s" % (rpmloc, e)) else: self.filehandles[handle]=fd if self.trans_running: self.total_installed += 1 self.complete_actions += 1 self.installed_pkg_names.append(hdr['name']) return fd else: self.display.errorlog("Error: No Header to INST_OPEN_FILE") def _instCloseFile(self, bytes, total, h): hdr = None if h is not None: hdr, rpmloc = h[0], h[1] handle = self._makeHandle(hdr) os.close(self.filehandles[handle]) fd = 0 if self.test: return if self.trans_running: pkgtup = self._dopkgtup(hdr) txmbrs = self.base.tsInfo.getMembers(pkgtup=pkgtup) for txmbr in txmbrs: self.display.filelog(txmbr.po, txmbr.output_state) self.display.scriptout(txmbr.po, self._scriptOutput()) self.ts_done(txmbr.po, txmbr.output_state) def _instProgress(self, bytes, total, h): if h is not None: # If h is a string, we're repackaging. # Why the RPMCALLBACK_REPACKAGE_PROGRESS flag isn't set, I have no idea if type(h) == type(""): self.display.event(h, 'repackaging', bytes, total, self.complete_actions, self.total_actions) else: hdr, rpmloc = h[0], h[1] pkgtup = self._dopkgtup(hdr) txmbrs = self.base.tsInfo.getMembers(pkgtup=pkgtup) for txmbr in txmbrs: action = txmbr.output_state self.display.event(txmbr.po, action, bytes, total, self.complete_actions, self.total_actions) def _unInstStart(self, bytes, total, h): pass def _unInstProgress(self, bytes, total, h): pass def _unInstStop(self, bytes, total, h): self.total_removed += 1 self.complete_actions += 1 if h not in self.installed_pkg_names: self.display.filelog(h, TS_ERASE) action = TS_ERASE else: action = TS_UPDATED self.display.event(h, action, 100, 100, self.complete_actions, self.total_actions) self.display.scriptout(h, self._scriptOutput()) if self.test: return # and we're done self.ts_done(h, action) def _rePackageStart(self, bytes, total, h): pass def _rePackageStop(self, bytes, total, h): pass def _rePackageProgress(self, bytes, total, h): pass def _cpioError(self, bytes, total, h): hdr, rpmloc = h[0], h[1] pkgtup = self._dopkgtup(hdr) txmbrs = self.base.tsInfo.getMembers(pkgtup=pkgtup) for txmbr in txmbrs: msg = "Error in cpio payload of rpm package %s" % txmbr.po txmbr.output_state = TS_FAILED self.display.errorlog(msg) # FIXME - what else should we do here? raise a failure and abort? def _unpackError(self, bytes, total, h): hdr, rpmloc = h[0], h[1] pkgtup = self._dopkgtup(hdr) txmbrs = self.base.tsInfo.getMembers(pkgtup=pkgtup) for txmbr in txmbrs: txmbr.output_state = TS_FAILED msg = "Error unpacking rpm package %s" % txmbr.po self.display.errorlog(msg) # FIXME - should we raise? I need a test case pkg to see what the # right behavior should be def _scriptError(self, bytes, total, h): hdr, rpmloc = h[0], h[1] remove_hdr = False # if we're in a clean up/remove then hdr will not be an rpm.hdr if not isinstance(hdr, rpm.hdr): txmbrs = [hdr] remove_hdr = True else: pkgtup = self._dopkgtup(hdr) txmbrs = self.base.tsInfo.getMembers(pkgtup=pkgtup) for pkg in txmbrs: # "bytes" carries the failed scriptlet tag, # "total" carries fatal/non-fatal status scriptlet_name = rpm.tagnames.get(bytes, "<unknown>") if remove_hdr: package_name = pkg else: package_name = pkg.po if total: msg = ("Error in %s scriptlet in rpm package %s" % (scriptlet_name, package_name)) if not remove_hdr: pkg.output_state = TS_FAILED else: msg = ("Non-fatal %s scriptlet failure in rpm package %s" % (scriptlet_name, package_name)) self.display.errorlog(msg) # FIXME - what else should we do here? raise a failure and abort?