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# Authors: Karl MacMillan <> # # Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # OVERVIEW # # # This is a parser for the refpolicy policy "language" - i.e., the # normal SELinux policy language plus the refpolicy style M4 macro # constructs on top of that base language. This parser is primarily # aimed at parsing the policy headers in order to create an abstract # policy representation suitable for generating policy. # # Both the lexer and parser are included in this file. The are implemented # using the Ply library (included with sepolgen). import sys import os import re import refpolicy import access import defaults import lex import yacc # ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # # lexer # # ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: tokens = ( # basic tokens, punctuation 'TICK', 'SQUOTE', 'OBRACE', 'CBRACE', 'SEMI', 'COLON', 'OPAREN', 'CPAREN', 'COMMA', 'MINUS', 'TILDE', 'ASTERISK', 'AMP', 'BAR', 'EXPL', 'EQUAL', 'IDENTIFIER', # reserved words # object classes 'CLASS', # types and attributes 'TYPEATTRIBUTE', 'TYPE', 'ATTRIBUTE', 'ALIAS', 'TYPEALIAS', # conditional policy 'BOOL', 'IF', 'ELSE', # users and roles 'ROLE', 'TYPES', # rules 'ALLOW', 'DONTAUDIT', 'AUDITALLOW', 'TYPE_TRANSITION', 'TYPE_CHANGE', 'TYPE_MEMBER', 'RANGE_TRANSITION', 'ROLE_TRANSITION', # refpolicy keywords 'OPT_POLICY', 'INTERFACE', 'TUNABLE_POLICY', 'GEN_REQ', 'TEMPLATE', # m4 'IFDEF', 'IFNDEF', 'DEFINE' ) # All reserved keywords - see t_IDENTIFIER for how these are matched in # the lexer. reserved = { # object classes 'class' : 'CLASS', # types and attributes 'typeattribute' : 'TYPEATTRIBUTE', 'type' : 'TYPE', 'attribute' : 'ATTRIBUTE', 'alias' : 'ALIAS', 'typealias' : 'TYPEALIAS', # conditional policy 'bool' : 'BOOL', 'if' : 'IF', 'else' : 'ELSE', # users and roles 'role' : 'ROLE', 'types' : 'TYPES', # rules 'allow' : 'ALLOW', 'dontaudit' : 'DONTAUDIT', 'auditallow' : 'AUDITALLOW', 'type_transition' : 'TYPE_TRANSITION', 'type_change' : 'TYPE_CHANGE', 'type_member' : 'TYPE_MEMBER', 'range_transition' : 'RANGE_TRANSITION', 'role_transition' : 'ROLE_TRANSITION', # refpolicy keywords 'optional_policy' : 'OPT_POLICY', 'interface' : 'INTERFACE', 'tunable_policy' : 'TUNABLE_POLICY', 'gen_require' : 'GEN_REQ', 'template' : 'TEMPLATE', # M4 'ifndef' : 'IFNDEF', 'ifdef' : 'IFDEF', 'define' : 'DEFINE' } # The ply lexer allows definition of tokens in 2 ways: regular expressions # or functions. # Simple regex tokens t_TICK = r'\`' t_SQUOTE = r'\'' t_OBRACE = r'\{' t_CBRACE = r'\}' # This will handle spurios extra ';' via the + t_SEMI = r'\;+' t_COLON = r'\:' t_OPAREN = r'\(' t_CPAREN = r'\)' t_COMMA = r'\,' t_MINUS = r'\-' t_TILDE = r'\~' t_ASTERISK = r'\*' t_AMP = r'\&' t_BAR = r'\|' t_EXPL = r'\!' t_EQUAL = r'\=' # Ignore whitespace - this is a special token for ply that more efficiently # ignores uninteresting tokens. t_ignore = " \t" # More complex tokens def t_m4comment(t): r'dnl.*\n' # Ignore all comments t.lineno += 1 def t_refpolicywarn(t): r'refpolicywarn\(.*\n' # Ignore refpolicywarn statements - they sometimes # contain text that we can't parse. t.lineno += 1 def t_IDENTIFIER(t): r'[a-zA-Z_\$][a-zA-Z0-9_\.\$\*]*' # Handle any keywords t.type = reserved.get(t.value,'IDENTIFIER') return t def t_comment(t): r'\#.*\n' # Ignore all comments t.lineno += 1 def t_error(t): print "Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0] t.skip(1) def t_newline(t): r'\n+' t.lineno += len(t.value) # ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # # Parser # # ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # Global data used during parsing - making it global is easier than # passing the state through the parsing functions. # m is the top-level data structure (stands for modules). m = None # error is either None (indicating no error) or a string error message. error = None # spt is the support macros (e.g., obj/perm sets) - it is an instance of # refpolicy.SupportMacros and should always be present during parsing # though it may not contain any macros. spt = None # utilities def collect(stmts, parent, val=None): if stmts is None: return for s in stmts: if s is None: continue s.parent = parent if val is not None: parent.children.insert(0, (val, s)) else: parent.children.insert(0, s) def expand(ids, s): for id in ids: if spt.has_key(id): s.update(spt.by_name(id)) else: s.add(id) # Top-level non-terminal def p_statements(p): '''statements : statement | statements statement | empty ''' if len(p) == 2: m.children.append(p[1]) elif len(p) > 2: m.children.append(p[2]) def p_statement(p): '''statement : interface | template | obj_perm_set ''' p[0] = p[1] # Basic terminals - identifiers and lists of identifiers. These must # be handled somewhat gracefully. Names returns an IdSet and care must # be taken that this is _assigned_ to an object to correctly update # all of the flags (as opposed to using update). The other terminals # return list - this is to preserve ordering if it is important for # parsing (for example, interface_call must retain the ordering). Other # times the list should be used to update an IdSet. def p_names(p): '''names : identifier | nested_id_set | asterisk | TILDE identifier | TILDE nested_id_set | IDENTIFIER MINUS IDENTIFIER ''' s = refpolicy.IdSet() if len(p) < 3: expand(p[1], s) elif len(p) == 3: expand(p[2], s) s.compliment = True else: expand([p[1]]) s.add("-" + p[3]) p[0] = s def p_identifier(p): 'identifier : IDENTIFIER' p[0] = [p[1]] def p_asterisk(p): 'asterisk : ASTERISK' p[0] = [p[1]] def p_nested_id_set(p): '''nested_id_set : OBRACE nested_id_list CBRACE ''' p[0] = p[2] def p_nested_id_list(p): '''nested_id_list : nested_id_element | nested_id_list nested_id_element ''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = p[1] + p[2] def p_nested_id_element(p): '''nested_id_element : identifier | MINUS IDENTIFIER | nested_id_set ''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: # For now just leave the '-' str = "-" + p[2] p[0] = [str] def p_interface_call_param(p): '''interface_call_param : IDENTIFIER | IDENTIFIER MINUS IDENTIFIER | nested_id_set ''' # Intentionally let single identifiers pass through # List means set, non-list identifier if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = [p[1], "-" + p[3]] def p_interface_call_param_list(p): '''interface_call_param_list : interface_call_param | interface_call_param_list COMMA interface_call_param ''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = [p[1]] else: p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]] def p_comma_list(p): '''comma_list : nested_id_list | comma_list COMMA nested_id_list ''' if len(p) > 2: p[1] = p[1] + p[3] p[0] = p[1] def p_optional_semi(p): '''optional_semi : SEMI | empty''' pass def p_cond_expr(p): '''cond_expr : IDENTIFIER | EXPL cond_expr | cond_expr AMP AMP cond_expr | cond_expr BAR BAR cond_expr | cond_expr EQUAL EQUAL cond_expr | cond_expr EXPL EQUAL cond_expr ''' l = len(p) if l == 2: p[0] = [p[1]] elif l == 3: p[0] = [p[1]] + p[2] else: p[0] = p[1] + [p[2] + p[3]] + p[4] def p_empty(p): 'empty :' pass # Reference policy language constructs def p_interface(p): '''interface : INTERFACE OPAREN TICK IDENTIFIER SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN ''' x = refpolicy.Interface(p[4]) collect(p[8], x) p[0] = x def p_template(p): '''template : TEMPLATE OPAREN TICK IDENTIFIER SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN | DEFINE OPAREN TICK IDENTIFIER SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN ''' x = refpolicy.Template(p[4]) collect(p[8], x) p[0] = x def p_interface_stmts(p): '''interface_stmts : policy | interface_stmts policy | empty ''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] elif len(p) > 2: p[0] = p[1] + p[2] def p_optional_policy(p): ''' optional_policy : OPT_POLICY OPAREN TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN ''' o = refpolicy.OptionalPolicy() o.children = p[4] p[0] = [o] def p_tunable_policy(p): '''tunable_policy : TUNABLE_POLICY OPAREN TICK cond_expr SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN | TUNABLE_POLICY OPAREN TICK cond_expr SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN ''' x = refpolicy.TunablePolicy() x.cond_expr = p[4] collect(p[8], x, val=True) if len(p) > 11: collect(p[12], x, val=False) p[0] = [x] def p_ifdef(p): '''ifdef : IFDEF OPAREN TICK IDENTIFIER SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN optional_semi | IFNDEF OPAREN TICK IDENTIFIER SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN optional_semi | IFDEF OPAREN TICK IDENTIFIER SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN optional_semi ''' x = refpolicy.IfDef(p[4]) if p[1] == 'ifdef': v = True else: v = False collect(p[8], x, val=v) if len(p) > 12: collect(p[12], x, val=False) p[0] = [x] def p_interface_call(p): 'interface_call : IDENTIFIER OPAREN interface_call_param_list CPAREN' i = refpolicy.InterfaceCall(ifname=p[1]) i.args.extend(p[3]) p[0] = i def p_obj_perm_set(p): 'obj_perm_set : DEFINE OPAREN TICK IDENTIFIER SQUOTE COMMA TICK names SQUOTE CPAREN' s = refpolicy.ObjPermSet(p[4]) s.perms = p[8] p[0] = s # Basic SELinux policy language def p_policy(p): '''policy : policy_stmt | optional_policy | tunable_policy | ifdef | conditional ''' p[0] = p[1] def p_policy_stmt(p): '''policy_stmt : gen_require | avrule_def | typerule_def | typeattribute_def | interface_call | role_def | role_allow | type_def | typealias_def | attribute_def | range_transition_def | role_transition_def ''' p[0] = [p[1]] def p_gen_require(p): 'gen_require : GEN_REQ OPAREN TICK requires SQUOTE CPAREN' # We ignore the require statements - they are redundant data from our point-of-view. # Checkmodule will verify them later anyway so we just assume that they match what # is in the rest of the interface. pass def p_requires(p): '''requires : require | requires require | ifdef | requires ifdef ''' pass def p_require(p): '''require : TYPE comma_list SEMI | ROLE comma_list SEMI | ATTRIBUTE comma_list SEMI | CLASS comma_list SEMI | BOOL comma_list SEMI ''' pass def p_type_def(p): '''type_def : TYPE IDENTIFIER COMMA comma_list SEMI | TYPE IDENTIFIER SEMI | TYPE IDENTIFIER ALIAS names SEMI | TYPE IDENTIFIER ALIAS names COMMA comma_list SEMI ''' t = refpolicy.Type(p[2]) if len(p) == 6: if p[3] == ',': t.attributes.update(p[4]) else: t.aliases = p[4] elif len(p) > 4: t.aliases = p[4] if len(p) == 8: t.attributes.update(p[6]) p[0] = t def p_attribute_def(p): 'attribute_def : ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER SEMI' a = refpolicy.Attribute(p[2]) p[0] = a def p_typealias_def(p): 'typealias_def : TYPEALIAS IDENTIFIER ALIAS names SEMI' t = refpolicy.TypeAlias() t.type = p[2] t.aliases = p[4] p[0] = t def p_role_def(p): 'role_def : ROLE IDENTIFIER TYPES comma_list SEMI' r = refpolicy.Role() r.role = p[2] r.types.update(p[4]) p[0] = r def p_role_allow(p): 'role_allow : ALLOW names names SEMI' r = refpolicy.RoleAllow() r.src_roles = p[2] r.tgt_roles = p[3] p[0] = r def p_avrule_def(p): '''avrule_def : ALLOW names names COLON names names SEMI | DONTAUDIT names names COLON names names SEMI | AUDITALLOW names names COLON names names SEMI ''' a = refpolicy.AVRule() if p[1] == 'dontaudit': a.rule_type = refpolicy.AVRule.DONTAUDIT elif p[1] == 'auditallow': a.rule_type = refpolicy.AVRule.AUDITALLOW a.src_types = p[2] a.tgt_types = p[3] a.obj_classes = p[5] a.perms = p[6] p[0] = a def p_typerule_def(p): '''typerule_def : TYPE_TRANSITION names names COLON names IDENTIFIER SEMI | TYPE_CHANGE names names COLON names IDENTIFIER SEMI | TYPE_MEMBER names names COLON names IDENTIFIER SEMI ''' t = refpolicy.TypeRule() if p[1] == 'type_change': t.rule_type = refpolicy.TypeRule.TYPE_CHANGE elif p[1] == 'type_member': t.rule_type = refpolicy.TypeRule.TYPE_MEMBER t.src_types = p[2] t.tgt_types = p[3] t.obj_classes = p[5] t.dest_type = p[6] p[0] = t def p_conditional(p): ''' conditional : IF OPAREN cond_expr CPAREN OBRACE interface_stmts CBRACE | IF OPAREN cond_expr CPAREN OBRACE interface_stmts CBRACE ELSE OBRACE interface_stmts CBRACE ''' c = refpolicy.Conditional() c.cond_expr = p[3] collect(p[6], c, val=True) if len(p) > 8: collect(p[10], c, val=False) p[0] = [c] def p_typeattribute_def(p): '''typeattribute_def : TYPEATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER comma_list SEMI''' t = refpolicy.TypeAttribute() t.type = p[2] t.attributes.update(p[3]) p[0] = t def p_mls_level_def(p): '''mls_level_def : IDENTIFIER COLON comma_list | IDENTIFIER''' pass def p_mls_range_def(p): '''mls_range_def : mls_level_def MINUS mls_level_def | mls_level_def ''' pass def p_range_transition_def(p): '''range_transition_def : RANGE_TRANSITION names names COLON names mls_range_def SEMI | RANGE_TRANSITION names names names SEMI''' pass def p_role_transition_def(p): '''role_transition_def : ROLE_TRANSITION names names names SEMI''' pass def p_error(tok): global error error = "Syntax error on line %d %s [type=%s]" % (tok.lineno, tok.value, tok.type) print error def prep_spt(spt): if not spt: return { } map = {} for x in spt: map[] = x parser = None lexer = None def create_globals(module, support, debug): global parser, lexer, m, spt if not parser: lexer = lex.lex() parser = yacc.yacc(method="LALR", debug=debug, write_tables=0) if module is not None: m = module else: m = refpolicy.Module() if not support: spt = refpolicy.SupportMacros() else: spt = support def parse(text, module=None, support=None, debug=False): create_globals(module, support, debug) lexer.lexdata = [] lexer.lexpos = 0 try: parser.parse(text, debug=debug) except Exception, e: global error error = "internal parser error: %s" % str(e) if error is not None: msg = 'could not parse text: "%s"' % error raise ValueError(msg) return m def list_headers(root): modules = [] support_macros = None blacklist = ["init.if", "inetd.if", "uml.if", "thunderbird.if"] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root): for name in filenames: # FIXME: these make the parser barf in various unrecoverable ways, so we must skip # them. if name in blacklist: continue modname = os.path.splitext(name) filename = os.path.join(dirpath, name) if modname[1] == '.spt': if name == "obj_perm_sets.spt": support_macros = filename elif len(re.findall("patterns", modname[0])): modules.append((modname[0], filename)) elif modname[1] == '.if': modules.append((modname[0], filename)) return (modules, support_macros) def parse_headers(root, output=None, expand=True, debug=False): import util headers = refpolicy.Headers() modules = [] support_macros = None if os.path.isfile(root): name = os.path.split(root)[1] if name == '': raise ValueError("Invalid file name %s" % root) modname = os.path.splitext(name) modules.append((modname[0], root)) all_modules, support_macros = list_headers(defaults.headers()) else: modules, support_macros = list_headers(root) if expand and not support_macros: raise ValueError("could not find support macros (obj_perm_sets.spt)") def o(msg): if output: output.write(msg) def parse_file(f, module, spt=None): if debug: o("parsing file %s\n" % f) try: fd = open(f) txt = fd.close() parse(txt, module, spt, debug) except IOError, e: return except ValueError, e: raise ValueError("error parsing file %s: %s" % (f, str(e))) spt = None if support_macros: o("Parsing support macros (%s): " % support_macros) spt = refpolicy.SupportMacros() parse_file(support_macros, spt) headers.children.append(spt) # FIXME: Total hack - add in can_exec rather than parse the insanity # of misc_macros. We are just going to preten that this is an interface # to make the expansion work correctly. can_exec = refpolicy.Interface("can_exec") av = access.AccessVector(["$1","$2","file","execute_no_trans","read", "getattr","lock","execute","ioctl"]) can_exec.children.append(refpolicy.AVRule(av)) headers.children.append(can_exec) o("done.\n") if output and not debug: status = util.ConsoleProgressBar(sys.stdout, steps=len(modules)) status.start("Parsing interface files") failures = [] for x in modules: m = refpolicy.Module() = x[0] try: if expand: parse_file(x[1], m, spt) else: parse_file(x[1], m) except ValueError, e: o(str(e) + "\n") failures.append(x[1]) continue headers.children.append(m) if output and not debug: status.step() if len(failures): o("failed to parse some headers: %s" % ", ".join(failures)) return headers