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# # classes to handle attributes of storage such as size. # # Peter Jones <> # # Copyright 2005 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # general public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. import genModule class Unit(object): def __init__(self, abbr, value): self.abbr = str(abbr) self.value = long(value) def __long__(self): return long(self.value) def __str__(self): return str(self.abbr) def __call__(self, num=0, display_force_unit=None): s = Size(self.value) s *= num s.display_force_unit = display_force_unit return s def __cmp__(self, other): if other is None: return -2 return cmp(long(self), long(other)) units = genModule.generate(__name__, 'units', { 'Bytes' : Unit('B', 1), 'kBytes' : Unit('kB', 1024), 'MBytes' : Unit('MB', 1024**2), 'GBytes' : Unit('GB', 1024**3), 'TBytes' : Unit('TB', 1024**4), }) class Size(object): from descriptors import TristateDescriptor, BoolDescriptor, \ NonNegativeIntegerDescriptor clamped = TristateDescriptor() display_space = BoolDescriptor() display_precision = NonNegativeIntegerDescriptor() display_unit = BoolDescriptor() roundup = BoolDescriptor() def __init__(self, bytes=0, display_force_unit=None): import math self.bytes = long(math.floor(bytes)) self.clamped = False self.clampbytes = None self.roundup = False self.display_precision = 2 self.display_space = True self.display_unit = True self.display_force_unit = display_force_unit def clamp(self, bytes=None): if bytes is None and self.clampbytes is None: self.clampbytes = 0 self.clamped = True elif bytes is not None: self.clampbytes = bytes self.clamped = True else: self.clamped = True return self def unclamp(self, reset=False): if reset: self.clampbytes = None self.clamped = False return self def shrink(self): """Reduce the unclamped size of the Size object to that of it's current size, taking clamping into account, and reset the clamp state. """ self.bytes = long(self) self.unclamp(reset=True) return self def __long__(self): import math if self.roundup: func = math.ceil else: func = math.floor del math if self.clamped: return long(func(self.bytes/self.clampbytes)*self.clampbytes) return long(self.bytes) def __float__(self): return float(long(self)) def __mul__(self, other): ret = Size(self) ret *= other return ret def __div__(self, other): ret = Size(self) ret /= other return ret def __mod__(self, other): ret = Size(self) ret %= other return ret def __add__(self, other): ret = Size(self) ret += other return ret def __sub__(self, other): ret = Size(self) ret -= other return ret def __imul__(self, other): import math self.bytes = long(math.floor(float(self.bytes) * float(other))) return self def __idiv__(self, other): import math self.bytes = long(math.floor(float(self) / float(other))) return self def __imod__(self, other): import math self.bytes = long(math.floor(float(self) % float(other))) return self def __iadd__(self, other): self.bytes += long(other) return self def __isub__(self, other): self.bytes -= long(other) return self def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.bytes, long(other)) def __str__(self): from storage.units import Bytes, kBytes, MBytes, GBytes, TBytes units = [Bytes, kBytes, MBytes, GBytes, TBytes] for u in units: scale = u scaled_size = float(self.bytes) / long(u) if (scaled_size < 1024 and not self.display_force_unit) \ or u == self.display_force_unit: fmt = '%.' + str(self.display_precision) + 'f' args = [float(scaled_size),] if self.display_unit: if self.display_space: fmt += ' ' fmt += '%s' args.append(str(u)) return fmt % tuple(args) raise ValueError, "%s bytes is more than 1024 TB" % (self.bytes,) def __repr__(self): return "Size(bytes=%s)" % (self.bytes,) def asBytes(self): return long(self) def askBytes(self): return long(self / 1024) def asMBytes(self): return long(self / (1024**2)) def asGBytes(self): return long(self / (1024**3)) def asTBytes(self): return long(self / (1024**4)) def setBytes(self, size): self.bytes = size self.clampedFrom = None return self def setkBytes(self, size): return self.setBytes(size * 1024) def setMBytes(self, size): return self.setBytes(size * 1024**2) def setGBytes(self, size): return self.setBytes(size * 1024**3) def setTBytes(self, size): return self.setBytes(size * 1024**4) def sectors(self, sector_size=512): sector_size = Size().setBytes(sector_size) sectors = self / sector_size return sectors #constructors = genModule.generate(__name__, 'constructors', { # 'Bytes': lambda x: Size().setBytes(x), # 'kBytes': lambda x: Size().setkBytes(x), # 'kiloBytes': lambda x: Size().setkBytes(x), # 'MBytes': lambda x: Size().setMBytes(x), # 'MegaBytes': lambda x: Size().setMBytes(x), # 'GBytes': lambda x: Size().setGBytes(x), # 'GigaBytes': lambda x: Size().setGBytes(x), # 'TBytes': lambda x: Size().setTBytes(x), # 'TeraBytes': lambda x: Size().setTBytes(x), #}) del genModule __all__ = ['Size', 'units', 'Unit'] def __storage_test(): from storage.units import Bytes, MBytes x = Bytes(1) if str(x) != "1.00 B": raise RuntimeError, str(x) x = Bytes(1024) if str(x) != "1.00 kB": raise RuntimeError, str(x) x.display_force_unit=Bytes if str(x) != "1024.00 B": raise RuntimeError, str(x) x.display_precision=0 if str(x) != "1024 B": raise RuntimeError, str(x) x.display_force_unit = None if str(x) != "1 kB": raise RuntimeError, str(x) x.display_force_unit = MBytes if str(x) != "0 MB": raise RuntimeError, str(x) x.display_force_unit = None x.display_precision=2 x.display_unit = False if str(x) != "1.00": raise RuntimeError, str(x) __storage_test() del __storage_test