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mò ·¯Ec @ s˜ d Z d k Z d k Z d k l Z d k Z d d d d d g Z d e i f d „ ƒ YZ d e i f d „ ƒ YZ d e i f d „ ƒ YZ e Z d S( s/ GOption command line parser Extends optparse to use the GOptionGroup, GOptionEntry and GOptionContext objects. So it is possible to use the gtk, gnome_program and gstreamer command line groups and contexts. Use this interface instead of the raw wrappers of GOptionContext and GOptionGroup in gobject. N( s OptionErrort OptionErrort Optiont OptionGroupt OptionParsert make_optionc B s_ t Z d Z e i i d Z e i i d d d g Z d e i Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z RS( s¼ Represents a command line option To use the extended possibilities of the GOption API Option (and make_option) are extended with new types and attributes. Types: filename The supplied arguments are read as filename, GOption parses this type in with the GLib filename encoding. Attributes: optional_arg This does not need a arguement, but it can be supplied. hidden The help list does not show this option in_main This option apears in the main group, this should only be used for backwards compatibility. Use Option.REMAINING as option name to get all positional arguments. NOTE: Every argument to an option is passed as utf-8 coded string, the only exception are options which use the 'filename' type, its arguments are passed as strings in the GLib filename encoding. For further help, see optparse.Option. t filenamet hiddent in_maint optional_args --c O s‡ t i i | | | Ž | i p t d ƒ ‚ n t | i ƒ t | i ƒ j o t d ƒ ‚ n | i p t d | i d ƒ ‚ n d S( Ns! %s at least one long option name.s; %s at least more long option names than short option names.s %s needs a help message.i ( t optparseR t __init__t selft argst kwargst _long_optst ValueErrort lent _short_optst help( R R R ( ( t: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gobject/option.pyR Q s c C sm | i | j o | i i | i ƒ n t i i | | ƒ t | i ƒ t | i ƒ j o t d ƒ ‚ n d S( NsC goption.Option needs more long option names than short option names( R t REMAININGt optsR t appendR R t _set_opt_stringR R R ( R R ( ( R R ] s c c s) d } | i o | i t i O_ n | i o | i t i O_ n | i ƒ o | i o | t i O} q n | t i O} | i d j o | t i O} n xD t | i | i ƒ D]- \ } } | d | d | | i | i f Vq¶ Wx; | i t | i ƒ D]# } | d d | | i | i f Vqþ Wd S( Ni R i i t ( t flagsR R t gobjectt OPTION_FLAG_HIDDENR t OPTION_FLAG_IN_MAINt takes_valueR t OPTION_FLAG_OPTIONAL_ARGt OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARGt typet OPTION_FLAG_FILENAMEt zipR R t long_namet short_nameR t metavarR ( R R$ R# R ( ( R t _to_goptionentriese s"