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""" Hacking Tools for Python (c) 1997-2000, Copyright by Marc-Andre Lemburg (; All Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation or portions thereof, including modifications, that you make. THE AUTHOR MARC-ANDRE LEMBURG DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE ! """ __version__ = '0.5' __package_info__ = """ BEGIN PYTHON-PACKAGE-INFO 1.0 Title: Hacking tools for Python Current-Version: 0.5 Home-Page: Primary-Site: This module includes some tools that I find useful to examine code from inside an interactive interpreter session. It includes functions to display doc strings, dictionaries, sequences, etc. in a more or less nice format and common stuff like disassembly routines, timing gadgets and exception helpers. END PYTHON-PACKAGE-INFO """ import types,sys,time,string,re INDENT = ' ' # string used to indent one level in show,docs,... def docs(c, INDENT=INDENT): """ doc(c) -- print c's doc-strings """ try: showobject(c,'',0) showdocstring(c.__doc__,1) if hasattr(c,'__version__'): print print INDENT+'[Version: %s]' % c.__version__ except AttributeError: pass print items = [] try: items = c.__dict__.items() except AttributeError: items = [] try: for m in c.__methods__: items.append((m,getattr(c,m))) except AttributeError: pass if items: items.sort() for name,obj in items: if hasattr(obj,'__doc__') and obj.__doc__: showobject(obj,name, 1) showdocstring(obj.__doc__, 2) # Helper for docs: def func_sig(func): """func_sig(func) Returns the signature of a Python function/method as string. Keyword initializers are also shown using repr(). Representations longer than 100 bytes are truncated. XXX Anonymous arguments ((a,b,c)=(1,2,3)) are not supported and probably never will be since they require disassembling the byte code which is bound to fail once byte code optimizers find their way into every Pythoneers home... """ if hasattr(func,'im_func'): # func is a method func = func.im_func code = func.func_code fname = code.co_name callargs = code.co_argcount # XXX Uses hard coded values taken from Include/compile.h args = list(code.co_varnames[:callargs]) if func.func_defaults: i = len(args) - len(func.func_defaults) for default in func.func_defaults: try: r = repr(default) except: r = '<repr-error>' if len(r) > 100: r = r[:100] + '...' arg = args[i] if arg[0] == '.': # anonymous arguments arg = '(...)' args[i] = '%s=%s' % (arg,r) i = i + 1 if code.co_flags & 0x0004: # CO_VARARGS args.append('*'+code.co_varnames[callargs]) callargs = callargs + 1 if code.co_flags & 0x0008: # CO_VARKEYWORDS args.append('**'+code.co_varnames[callargs]) callargs = callargs + 1 return '%s(%s)' % (fname,string.join(args,', ')) spaces = re.compile('([ ]*)[^ ]') def showdocstring(doc,level=0, split=re.split,INDENT=INDENT,join=string.join, strip=string.strip,expandtabs=string.expandtabs, spaces=spaces): try: l = split(strip(doc),'\n\|\r\|\r\n') except: #print '%sno doc string available' % (INDENT*level) return if len(l) > 1: # Try to even out the indents indent = sys.maxint l = map(expandtabs,l) for i in range(1,len(l)): m = spaces.match(l[i]) if m: sp = m.regs[1][1] if sp < indent: indent = sp else: # Blank line pass l = [strip(l[0])] + map(lambda x,indent=indent: x[indent:],l[1:]) else: l = map(strip,l) l = map( lambda x,n=level,INDENT=INDENT: INDENT*n + x, l) s = join(l,'\n')+'\n' print s def showobject(obj,name='',level=0): if type(obj) in (types.FunctionType,types.MethodType): try: objrepr = func_sig(obj) except AttributeError: objrepr = name elif type(obj) is types.ModuleType: objrepr = 'Module ' + name elif type(obj) is types.ClassType: objrepr = 'Class ' + name else: objrepr = name if not objrepr: try: objrepr = obj.__name__ except AttributeError: objrepr = repr(obj) print INDENT*level + objrepr,':' ### def info(c): """ info(c) -- print all the information known about c """ print 'Documentation:' print '-'*72 docs(c) print print 'Attributes, Internals, etc.:' print '-'*72 show(c,2) def show(c,maxdepth=2,level=0, INDENT=INDENT): """ show(c) -- print all the internals of c """ try: # print '%srepr:' % (INDENT*level) r = repr(c) if len(r) > 40: r = r[:40]+' ...' print '%s%s' % (INDENT*(level),r) except: return level = level + 1 if level > maxdepth: #print return showobj(c,'__name__',maxdepth,level) showobj(c,'__class__',maxdepth,level) showseq(c,'__bases__',maxdepth,level) showattr(c,'__methods__',maxdepth,level) showattr(c,'__members__',maxdepth,level) showattr(c,'__attributes__',maxdepth,level) showdict(c,'__dict__',maxdepth,level) # print # Helpers for show: def showattr(c,name,maxdepth=1,level=0, INDENT=INDENT): """ showattr(c,name) -- for a in print c.a """ try: items = getattr(c,name) items.sort() except AttributeError: return print '%s%s :' % (INDENT*level,name) level = level + 1 if level > maxdepth: return for x in items: try: a = getattr(c,x) r = repr(a) except: a = None r = '*exception*' if len(r) > 40: r = r[:40]+' ...' if level < maxdepth and a is not None: print '%s%s :' % (INDENT*level,x) show(a,maxdepth,level+1) else: print '%s%s : %s' % (INDENT*level,x,r) def showobj(c,name,maxdepth=1,level=0, INDENT=INDENT): """ showobj(c,name) -- print object """ try: x = getattr(c,name) except AttributeError: return print '%s%s :' % (INDENT*level,name) level = level + 1 if level > maxdepth: return show(x,maxdepth,level) def showseq(c,name,maxdepth=1,level=0, INDENT=INDENT): """ showseq(c,name) -- print sequence """ try: items = getattr(c,name) except AttributeError: return print '%s%s :' % (INDENT*level,name) level = level + 1 if level > maxdepth: return if not items: print '%s%s' % (INDENT*level,items) return for x in items: try: r = repr(x) except: x = None r = '*exception*' if len(r) > 40: r = r[:40]+' ...' if level < maxdepth and x is not None: print '%s%s :' % (INDENT*level,r) show(x,maxdepth,level+1) else: print '%s%s' % (INDENT*level,r) def showdict(c,name,maxdepth=1,level=0, INDENT=INDENT): """ showdict(c,name) -- print """ try: dict = getattr(c,name) items = dict.items() items.sort() except AttributeError: return print '%s%s :' % (INDENT*level,name) level = level + 1 if level > maxdepth: return if not items: print '%s%s' % (INDENT*level,dict) return for key,value in items: try: k = str(key) except: k = '*exception*' if len(k) > 40: k = k[:40]+' ...' try: v = repr(value) except: v = '*exception*' value = None if len(v) > 40: v = v[:40]+' ...' if level < maxdepth and value is not None: print '%s%s :' % (INDENT*level,k) show(value,maxdepth,level+1) else: print '%s%s : %s' % (INDENT*level,k,v) # End of show helpers def dis(c): """ dis(c) -- disassemble c; can be a code-string, -object a function or a method """ if type(c) == types.StringType: c = compile(c,'hacking','exec') elif type(c) == types.FunctionType: c = c.func_code elif type(c) == types.MethodType or type(c) == types.UnboundMethodType: c = c.im_func.func_code import dis dis.disco(c) def clock(code,namespace=None): """ clock(code[,namespace]) -- clock the code executed in namespace which defaults to the top level namespace __main__. """ code = """import time;hack_timer=time.time(),time.clock()\n"""+\ code+\ """\nhack_timer=time.time()-hack_timer[0],time.clock()-hack_timer[1]; print '%.3fabs %.3fusr sec.' % hack_timer\n""" c = compile(code,'hack.clock-code','exec') if namespace: exec c in namespace else: import __main__ exec c in __main__.__dict__ return '' class timer: """ timer class with a quite obvious interface - .start() starts a fairly accurate CPU-time timer plus an absolute timer - .stop() stops the timer and returns a tuple: the CPU-time in seconds and the absolute time elapsed since .start() was called """ utime = 0 atime = 0 def start(self, clock=time.clock,time=time.time): self.atime = time() self.utime = clock() def stop(self, clock=time.clock,time=time.time): self.utime = clock() - self.utime self.atime = time() - self.atime return self.utime,self.atime def usertime(self, clock=time.clock,time=time.time): self.utime = clock() - self.utime self.atime = time() - self.atime return self.utime def abstime(self, clock=time.clock,time=time.time): self.utime = clock() - self.utime self.atime = time() - self.atime return self.utime def __str__(self): return '%0.2fu %0.2fa sec.' % (self.utime,self.atime) def profile(code,namespace=None): """ profile(code[,namespace]) -- profile the code executed in namespace which defaults to the top level namespace __main__. """ code = 'import profile;"'+code+'")' c = compile(code,'profiling','exec') if namespace: exec c in namespace else: import __main__ exec c in __main__.__dict__ def why(): """ why() -- show locals that caused the last exception """ if hasattr(sys,'last_traceback'): tb = sys.last_traceback while tb.tb_next != None: tb = tb.tb_next frame = tb.tb_frame print 'locals() of the last exception:' dict(frame.f_locals) #return(frame.f_locals) else: print 'no exception available !' def dict(d,maxindent=3,indent=0, INDENT=INDENT): """ dict(d,maxindent,indent) -- show dict d with given indentation (=0) """ if hasattr(d,'items'): print indent*INDENT+'{' if indent < maxindent: items = d.items() items.sort() for k,v in items: print indent*INDENT+' ',k,':' try: print_here = dict(v,maxindent,indent+1) if print_here: s = repr(v) if len(s) > 40: s = s[:40] + '...' print (indent+1)*INDENT,s except: print (indent+1)*INDENT,'*exception*' else: print indent*INDENT,'...' print indent*INDENT+'}' return None else: return 'Error: no items-method' def seq(l,maxindent=10,indent=0): """ seq(l,maxindent=10,indent=0) -- show sequence l with given indentation (=0), limiting the indent-depth at maxindent (=10) """ try: len(l) if type(l) == type('') or indent > maxindent: raise TypeError for i in l: try: seq(i,maxindent,indent+1) except ValueError: print '*exception*', print indent*' |' return except TypeError: print indent*' |', s = repr(l) if len(s) > 40: s = s[:40] + '...' print s #t = (1,2,3,(4,5,6),(3,(4,5,6),(3,4))) #t = t + t #seq(t) def modules(): """ modules() -- pretty print a list of loaded modules and packages; cached miss entries in sys.modules are not shown. """ l = sys.modules.items() l.sort() print 'Loaded modules and packages:' for k,v in l: p = string.split(k,'.') for i in range(len(p)-1): p[i] = ' ' n = string.join(p,'') if v is not None: if hasattr(v,'__path__'): print ' %s[%s]' % (string.join(p[:-1],''),p[-1]) else: print ' %s' % (n)