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""" mxTextTools - A tools package for fast text processing. Copyright (c) 2000, Marc-Andre Lemburg; Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Software GmbH; See the documentation for further information on copyrights, or contact the author. All Rights Reserved. """ import string,types # # import the C module and the version number # from mxTextTools import * from mxTextTools import __version__ # # import the symbols needed to write tag tables # from Constants.TagTables import * # # import the some handy character sets # from Constants.Sets import * # # format and print tables, taglists and joinlists: # def format_entry(table,i, TupleType=types.TupleType): """ Returns a pp-formatted tag table entry as string """ e = table[i] jne = 0 je = 1 t,c,m = e[:3] if len(e)>3: jne = e[3] if len(e)>4: je = e[4] flags,cmd = divmod(c,256) c = id2cmd[cmd] if type(m) == TupleType and c in ('Table','SubTable'): m = '<table>' elif m == None: m = 'Here/To' else: m = repr(m) if len(m) > 17: m = m[:17]+'...' return '%-15.15s : %-30s : jne=%+i : je=%+i' % \ (repr(t),'%-.15s : %s'%(c,m),jne,je) def format_table(table,i=-1): """ Returns a pp-formatted version of the tag table as string """ l = [] for j in range(len(table)): if i == j: l.append('--> '+format_entry(table,j)) else: l.append(' '+format_entry(table,j)) return string.join(l,'\n')+'\n' def print_tagtable(table): """ Print the tag table """ print format_table(table) def print_tags(text,tags,indent=0): """ Print the taglist tags for text using the given indent level """ for tag,l,r,subtags in tags: tagname = repr(tag) if len(tagname) > 20: tagname = tagname[:20] + '...' target = repr(text[l:r]) if len(target) > 60: target = target[:60] + '...' if subtags == None: print ' '+indent*' |',tagname,': ',target,(l,r) else: print ' '+indent*' |',tagname,': ',target,(l,r) print_tags(text,subtags,indent+1) def print_joinlist(joins,indent=0, StringType=types.StringType): """ Print the joinlist joins using the given indent level """ for j in joins: if type(j) == StringType: text = repr(j) if len(text) > 40: text = text[:40] + '...' print ' '+indent*' |',text,' (len = %i)' % len(j) else: text = j[0] l,r = j[1:3] text = repr(text[l:r]) if len(text) > 40: text = text[:40] + '...' print ' '+indent*' |',text,' (len = %i)' % (r-l),(l,r) def normlist(jlist, StringType=types.StringType): """ Return a normalized joinlist. All tuples in the joinlist are turned into real strings. The resulting list is a equivalent copy of the joinlist only consisting of strings. """ l = [''] * len(jlist) for i in range(len(jlist)): entry = jlist[i] if type(entry) == StringType: l[i] = entry else: l[i] = entry[0][entry[1]:entry[2]] return l # # aid for matching from a list of words # def _lookup_dict(l,index=0): d = {} for w in l: c = w[index] if d.has_key(c): d[c].append(w) else: d[c] = [w] return d def word_in_list(l): """ Creates a lookup table that matches the words in l """ t = [] d = _lookup_dict(l) keys = d.keys() if len(keys) < 18: # somewhat arbitrary bound # fast hint for small sets t.append((None,IsIn,string.join(d.keys(),''))) t.append((None,Skip,-1)) # test groups for c, group in d.items(): t.append(None) # hint will be filled in later i = len(t)-1 for w in group: t.append((None,Word,w[1:],+1,MatchOk)) t.append((None,Fail,Here)) # add hint t[i] = (None,Is,c,len(t)-i) t.append((None,Fail,Here)) return tuple(t) # # Extra stuff useful in combination with the C functions # def replace(text,what,with,start=0,stop=None, SearchObject=BMS,join=join,joinlist=joinlist,tag=tag, string_replace=string.replace,type=type, StringType=types.StringType): """A fast replacement for string.replace. what can be given as string or search object. This function is a good example for the AppendTagobj-flag usage (the taglist can be used directly as joinlist). """ if type(what) == StringType: so = SearchObject(what) else: so = what what = so.match if stop is None: if start == 0 and len(what) < 2: return string_replace(text,what,with) stop = len(text) t = ((text,sWordStart,so,+2), # Found something, replace and continue searching (with,Skip+AppendTagobj,len(what),-1,-1), # Rest of text (text,Move,ToEOF) ) found,taglist,last = tag(text,t,start,stop) if not found: return text return join(taglist) # Alternative (usually slower) versions using different techniques: def _replace2(text,what,with,start=0,stop=None, join=join,joinlist=joinlist,tag=tag, StringType=types.StringType,BMS=BMS): """Analogon to string.replace; returns a string with all occurences of what in text[start:stop] replaced by with - uses a one entry tag-table and a Boyer-Moore-Search-object - what can be a string or a BMS/FS search object - it's faster than string.replace in those cases, where the what-string gets long and/or many replacements are found; faster meaning from a few percent up to many times as fast - start and stop define the slice of text to work in - stop defaults to len(text) """ if stop is None: stop = len(text) if type(what) == StringType: what=BMS(what) t = ((with,sFindWord,what,+1,+0),) found,taglist,last = tag(text,t,start,stop) if not found: return text return join(joinlist(text,taglist)) def _replace3(text,what,with, join=string.join,FS=FS, StringType=types.StringType): if type(what) == StringType: what=FS(what) slices = what.findall(text) if not slices: return text l = [] x = 0 for left,right in slices: l.append(text[x:left] + with) x = right l.append(text[x:]) return join(l,'') def _replace4(text,what,with, join=join,joinlist=joinlist,tag=tag,FS=FS, StringType=types.StringType): if type(what) == StringType: what=FS(what) slices = what.findall(text) if not slices: return text repl = [None]*len(slices) for i in range(len(slices)): repl[i] = (with,)+slices[i] return join(joinlist(text,repl)) def multireplace(text,replacements,start=0,stop=None, join=join,joinlist=joinlist): """ Apply multiple replacement to a text at once. replacements must be list of tuples (replacement, left, right). It is used to replace the slice text[left:right] with the string replacement. Note that the replacements do not affect one another. Indices always refer to the original text string. Replacements must not overlap. Otherwise a ValueError is raised. """ if stop is not None: return join(joinlist(text,replacements,start,stop)) else: return join(joinlist(text,replacements,start)) def find(text,what,start=0,stop=None, SearchObject=FS): """ A faster replacement for string.find(). Uses a search object for the task. Returns the position of the first occurance of what in text[start:stop]. stop defaults to len(text). Returns -1 in case no occurance was found. """ if stop is not None: return SearchObject(what).find(text,start,stop) else: return SearchObject(what).find(text,start) def findall(text,what,start=0,stop=None, SearchObject=FS): """ Find all occurances of what in text. Uses a search object for the task. Returns a list of slice tuples (l,r) marking the all occurances in text[start:stop]. stop defaults to len(text). Returns an empty list in case no occurance was found. """ if stop is not None: return SearchObject(what).findall(text,start,stop) else: return SearchObject(what).findall(text,start) def split(text,sep,start=0,stop=None,translate=None, SearchObject=FS): """ A faster replacement for string.split(). Uses a search object for the task. Returns the result of cutting the text[start:stop] string into snippets at every sep occurance in form of a list of substrings. translate is passed to the search object as translation string. XXX convert to a C function... or even better, add as method to search objects. """ if translate: so = SearchObject(sep,translate) else: so = SearchObject(sep) if stop: cuts = so.findall(text,start,stop) else: cuts = so.findall(text,start) l = 0 list = [] append = list.append for left,right in cuts: append(text[l:left]) l = right append(text[l:]) return list # helper for tagdict def _tagdict(text,dict,prefix,taglist): for o,l,r,s in taglist: pfx = prefix + str(o) dict[pfx] = text[l:r] if s: _tagdict(text,dict,pfx+'.',s) def tagdict(text,*args): """ Tag a text just like the function tag() and then convert its output into a dictionary where the tagobjects reference their respective strings - this function emulates the interface of tag() - in contrast to tag() this funtion *does* make copies of the found stings - returns a tuple (rc,tagdict,next) with the same meaning of rc and next as tag(); tagdict is the new dictionary - None in case rc is 0 """ rc,taglist,next = apply(tag,(text,)+args) if not rc: return (rc,None,next) d = {} tagdict = _tagdict for o,l,r,s in taglist: pfx = str(o) d[pfx] = text[l:r] if s: tagdict(text,dict,pfx+'.',s) return (rc,d,next) def invset(chars): """ Return a set with all characters *except* the ones in chars. """ return set(chars,0) def is_whitespace(text,start=0,stop=None, nonwhitespace=nonwhitespace_set,setfind=setfind): """ Return 1 iff text[start:stop] only contains whitespace characters (as defined in Constants/, 0 otherwise. """ if stop is None: stop = len(text) i = setfind(text,nonwhitespace,start,stop) return (i < 0) def collapse(text,separator=' ', join=join,setsplit=setsplit,collapse_set=set(newline+whitespace)): """ Eliminates newline characters and compresses whitespace characters into one space. The result is a one line text string. Tim Peters will like this function called with '-' separator ;-) """ return join(setsplit(text,collapse_set),separator) _linesplit_table = ( (None,Is,'\r',+1), (None,Is,'\n',+1), ('line',AllInSet+AppendMatch,set('\r\n',0),+1,-2), (None,EOF,Here,+1,MatchOk), ('empty line',Skip+AppendMatch,0,0,-4), ) def splitlines(text, tag=tag,linesplit_table=_linesplit_table): """ Split text into a list of single lines. The following combinations are considered to be line-ends: '\r', '\r\n', '\n'; they may be used in any combination. The line-end indicators are removed from the strings prior to adding them to the list. This function allows dealing with text files from Macs, PCs and Unix origins in a portable way. """ return tag(text,linesplit_table)[1] # Alias for backward compatibility linesplit = splitlines _linecount_table = ( (None,Is,'\r',+1), (None,Is,'\n',+1), ('line',AllInSet+AppendTagobj,set('\r\n',0),+1,-2), (None,EOF,Here,+1,MatchOk), ('empty line',Skip+AppendTagobj,0,0,-4), ) def countlines(text, linecount_table=_linecount_table): """ Returns the number of lines in text. Line ends are treated just like for splitlines() in a portable way. """ return len(tag(text,linecount_table)[1]) _wordsplit_table = ( (None,AllInSet,whitespace_set,+1), ('word',AllInSet+AppendMatch,nonwhitespace_set,+1,-1), (None,EOF,Here,+1,MatchOk), ) def splitwords(text, setsplit=setsplit,whitespace_set=whitespace_set): """ Split text into a list of single words. Words are separated by whitespace. The whitespace is stripped before adding the words to the list. """ return setsplit(text,whitespace_set) # # Testing and benchmarking # # Taken from my module: import time class _timer: """ timer class with a quite obvious interface - .start() starts a fairly accurate CPU-time timer plus an absolute timer - .stop() stops the timer and returns a tuple: the CPU-time in seconds and the absolute time elapsed since .start() was called """ utime = 0 atime = 0 def start(self, clock=time.clock,time=time.time): self.atime = time() self.utime = clock() def stop(self, clock=time.clock,time=time.time): self.utime = clock() - self.utime self.atime = time() - self.atime return self.utime,self.atime def usertime(self, clock=time.clock,time=time.time): self.utime = clock() - self.utime self.atime = time() - self.atime return self.utime def abstime(self, clock=time.clock,time=time.time): self.utime = clock() - self.utime self.atime = time() - self.atime return self.utime def __str__(self): return '%0.2fu %0.2fa sec.' % (self.utime,self.atime) def _bench(file='mxTextTools/mxTextTools.c'): def mismatch(orig,new): print for i in range(len(orig)): if orig[i] != new[i]: break else: print 'Length mismatch: orig=%i new=%i' % (len(orig),len(new)) if len(orig) > len(new): print 'Missing chars:'+repr(orig[len(new):]) else: print 'Excess chars:'+repr(new[len(orig):]) print return print 'Mismatch at offset %i:' % i print (orig[i-100:i] + '<- %s != %s ->' % (repr(orig[i]),repr(new[i])) + orig[i+1:i+100]) print text = open(file).read() import string t = _timer() print 'Working on a %i byte string' % len(text) if 0: print print 'Replacing strings' print '-'*72 print for what,with in (('m','M'),('mx','MX'),('mxText','MXTEXT'), ('hmm','HMM'),('hmmm','HMM'),('hmhmm','HMM')): print 'Replace "%s" with "%s"' % (what,with) t.start() for i in range(100): rtext = string.replace(text,what,with) print 'with string.replace:',t.stop(),'sec.' t.start() for i in range(100): ttext = replace(text,what,with) print 'with tag.replace:',t.stop(),'sec.' if ttext != rtext: print 'results are NOT ok !' print '-'*72 mismatch(rtext,ttext) t.start() for i in range(100): ttext = _replace2(text,what,with) print 'with tag._replace2:',t.stop(),'sec.' if ttext != rtext: print 'results are NOT ok !' print '-'*72 print rtext t.start() for i in range(100): ttext = _replace3(text,what,with) print 'with tag._replace3:',t.stop(),'sec.' if ttext != rtext: print 'results are NOT ok !' print '-'*72 print rtext t.start() for i in range(100): ttext = _replace4(text,what,with) print 'with tag._replace4:',t.stop(),'sec.' if ttext != rtext: print 'results are NOT ok !' print '-'*72 print rtext print if 0: print print 'String lower/upper' print '-'*72 print op = string.lower t.start() for i in range(1000): op(text) t.stop() print ' string.lower:',t op = string.upper t.start() for i in range(1000): op(text) t.stop() print ' string.upper:',t op = upper t.start() for i in range(1000): op(text) t.stop() print ' TextTools.upper:',t op = lower t.start() for i in range(1000): op(text) t.stop() print ' TextTools.lower:',t print 'Testing...', ltext = string.lower(text) assert ltext == lower(text) utext = string.upper(text) assert utext == upper(text) print 'ok.' if 0: print print 'Joining lists' print '-'*72 print l = setsplit(text,whitespace_set) op = string.join t.start() for i in range(1000): op(l) t.stop() print ' string.join:',t op = join t.start() for i in range(1000): op(l) t.stop() print ' TextTools.join:',t op = string.join t.start() for i in range(1000): op(l,' ') t.stop() print ' string.join with separator:',t op = join t.start() for i in range(1000): op(l,' ') t.stop() print ' TextTools.join with separator:',t if 0: print print 'Creating join lists' print '-'*72 print repl = [] for i in range(0,len(text),10): repl.append((str(i),i,i+1)) op = joinlist t.start() for i in range(1000): op(text,repl) t.stop() print ' TextTools.joinlist:',t if 0: print print 'Splitting text' print '-'*72 print op = string.split t.start() for i in range(100): op(text) t.stop() print ' string.split whitespace:',t,'(',len(op(text)),'snippets )' op = setsplit ws = whitespace_set t.start() for i in range(100): op(text,ws) t.stop() print ' TextTools.setsplit whitespace:',t,'(',len(op(text,ws)),'snippets )' assert string.split(text) == setsplit(text,ws) op = string.split sep = 'a' t.start() for i in range(100): op(text,sep) t.stop() print ' string.split at "a":',t,'(',len(op(text,sep)),'snippets )' op = split sep = 'a' t.start() for i in range(100): op(text,sep) t.stop() print ' TextTools.split at "a":',t,'(',len(op(text,sep)),'snippets )' op = charsplit sep = 'a' t.start() for i in range(100): op(text,sep) t.stop() print ' TextTools.charsplit at "a":',t,'(',len(op(text,sep)),'snippets )' op = setsplit sep = set('a') t.start() for i in range(100): op(text,sep) t.stop() print ' TextTools.setsplit at "a":',t,'(',len(op(text,sep)),'snippets )' # Note: string.split and setsplit don't work identically ! op = string.split sep = 'int' t.start() for i in range(100): op(text,sep) t.stop() print ' string.split at "int":',t,'(',len(op(text,sep)),'snippets )' op = split sep = 'int' t.start() for i in range(100): op(text,sep) t.stop() print ' TextTools.split at "int":',t,'(',len(op(text,sep)),'snippets )' op = setsplit sep = set('int') t.start() for i in range(100): op(text,sep) t.stop() print ' TextTools.setsplit at "i", "n", "t":',t,'(',len(op(text,sep)),'snippets )' op = string.split sep = 'register' t.start() for i in range(100): op(text,sep) t.stop() print ' string.split at "register":',t,'(',len(op(text,sep)),'snippets )' op = split sep = 'register' t.start() for i in range(100): op(text,sep) t.stop() print ' TextTools.split at "register":',t,'(',len(op(text,sep)),'snippets )' if __name__=='__main__': _bench()