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#-*- coding: latin-1 -*- """ Timezone information. XXX This module still has prototype status and is undocumented. XXX Double check the offsets given in the zonetable below. XXX Add TZ environment variable parsing functions. The REs are already there. Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Marc-Andre Lemburg; Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Software GmbH; See the documentation for further information on copyrights, or contact the author. All Rights Reserved. """ import DateTime import re,string ### REs # time zone parsing isozone = ('(?P<zone>[+-]\d\d:?(?:\d\d)?|Z)') zone = ('(?P<zone>[A-Z]+|[+-]\d\d?:?(?:\d\d)?)') zoneoffset = '(?:(?P<zonesign>[+-])?(?P<hours>\d\d?):?(?P<minutes>\d\d)?)' # TZ environment variable parsing dstswitchtime = ('(?P<hour>\d\d?):?' '(?P<minute>\d\d)?:?' '(?P<second>\d\d)?') dstswitch = ('(?:' '(?P<doy>\d+)|' '(?:J(?P<jdoy>\d+))|' '(?:M(?P<month>\d+).(?P<week>\d+).(?P<day>\d+))' ')' '(?:/' + dstswitchtime + ')?' ) # XXX Doesn't work since re doesn't like multiple occurrences of # group names. #tz = ('(?::(?P<filename>.+))|' # '(?P<std>[A-Z]+)' + zoneoffset + # '(?:' # '(?P<dst>[A-Z]+)' + zoneoffset + '?'+ # '(?:[;,]' + dstswitch + '[;,]' + dstswitch + ')' # ')?' # ) # Compiled RE objects isozoneRE = re.compile(zone) zoneRE = re.compile(zone) zoneoffsetRE = re.compile(zoneoffset) #tzRE= re.compile(tz) ### Time zone offset table # # The offset given here represent the difference between UTC and the # given time zone. # # Additions and corrections are always welcome :-) # zonetable = { # Timezone abbreviations # Std Summer # Standards 'UT':0, 'UTC':0, 'GMT':0, # A few common timezone abbreviations 'CET':1, 'CEST':2, 'CETDST':2, # Central European 'MET':1, 'MEST':2, 'METDST':2, # Mean European 'MEZ':1, 'MESZ':2, # Mitteleuropäische Zeit 'EET':2, 'EEST':3, 'EETDST':3, # Eastern Europe 'WET':0, 'WEST':1, 'WETDST':1, # Western Europe 'MSK':3, 'MSD':4, # Moscow 'IST':5.5, # India 'JST':9, # Japan 'KST':9, # Korea 'HKT':8, # Hong Kong # US time zones 'AST':-4, 'ADT':-3, # Atlantic 'EST':-5, 'EDT':-4, # Eastern 'CST':-6, 'CDT':-5, # Central 'MST':-7, 'MDT':-6, # Midwestern 'PST':-8, 'PDT':-7, # Pacific # Australian time zones 'CAST':9.5, 'CADT':10.5, # Central 'EAST':10, 'EADT':11, # Eastern 'WAST':8, 'WADT':9, # Western # US military time zones 'Z': 0, 'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3, 'D': 4, 'E': 5, 'F': 6, 'G': 7, 'H': 8, 'I': 9, 'K': 10, 'L': 11, 'M': 12, 'N':-1, 'O':-2, 'P':-3, 'Q':-4, 'R':-5, 'S':-6, 'T':-7, 'U':-8, 'V':-9, 'W':-10, 'X':-11, 'Y':-12 } def utc_offset(zone, atoi=string.atoi,zoneoffset=zoneoffsetRE, zonetable=zonetable,zerooffset=DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0), oneMinute=DateTime.oneMinute,upper=string.upper): """ utc_offset(zonestring) Return the UTC time zone offset as DateTimeDelta instance. zone must be string and can either be given as +-HH:MM, +-HHMM, +-HH numeric offset or as time zone abbreviation. Daylight saving time must be encoded into the zone offset. Timezone abbreviations are treated case-insensitive. """ if not zone: return zerooffset uzone = upper(zone) if zonetable.has_key(uzone): return zonetable[uzone]*DateTime.oneHour offset = zoneoffset.match(zone) if not offset: raise ValueError,'wrong format or unkown time zone: "%s"' % zone zonesign,hours,minutes = offset.groups() offset = int(hours or 0) * 60 + int(minutes or 0) if zonesign == '-': offset = -offset return offset*oneMinute