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mō ôÔ5;c @ sų d Z d Z d Z d k Z d f d YZ d f d YZ d e f d YZ d f d YZ d f d YZ e d j ok e d d d Z e d d d Z e d d d Z e i d e d d d Z e d d d Z n d S( sY ODMG type classes for date/time handling These are built on top of the basic DateTime[Delta] types and include rudimentary time zone handling through an offset in minutes. It is the applications responsibility to set the offset to correct values. The offsets are then used in date calculations. The implementation has not yet been thoroughly tested, but provides a good example of the swiftness with which you can build new date/time classes on top of the two basic types. If you find any errors or would like to see new features, mail them to s 0.1alphas* Marc-Andre Lemburg, mailto:mal@lemburg.comNt _EmptyClassc B s t Z RS( N( t __name__t __module__( ( ( t4 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mx/DateTime/ODMG.pyR s t Datec B sM t Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z RS( Ni c G s t t i | | _ d S( N( t applyt DateTimet argst selft data( R R ( ( R t __init__ s c C s | | _ d S( N( t offsetR ( R R ( ( R t set_timezone s c C s t | i | S( N( t getattrR R t what( R R ( ( R t __getattr__"