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""" Cookie -- Create sendable Netscape Cookies. Needs mxDateTime, mxURL and mxTextTools. Copyright (c) 2000, Marc-Andre Lemburg; All Rights Reserved. See the documentation for further information on copyrights, or contact the author. All Rights Reserved. """ import string from mx import DateTime,URL,TextTools # Version number __version__ = '1.2' # Enable debugging output ? _debug = 0 class Cookie: """ Cookie object, cf. Netscape's specification. """ # Default values expires = None # temporary cookie path = '/' domain = '' secure = 0 def __init__(self, name, value, expires=None, path=None, domain=None, secure=None): """ Create a Netscape cookie for name with the given value. If expires is given, the cookie will be a temporary cookie which expires after a certain amount of time. expires may be given as integer (seconds relative to the current time), DateTime instance (absolute date/time) or RelativeDateTime instance (relative date/time to current time). path, domain, secure work according to the Netscape specification. """ = name self.value = value if expires is not None: # Long living cookie if isinstance(expires, DateTime.DateTimeType): self.expires = expires elif isinstance(expires, DateTime.RelativeDateTime): self.expires = now() + expires else: self.expires = + \ expires * DateTime.oneSecond if path: self.path = path if domain: self.domain = domain if secure: = 1 def header_content(self,,oneSecond=DateTime.oneSecond, urlencode=URL.urlencode,join=string.join): # Add things that always have a value l = ['%s=%s' % (, urlencode(self.value)), 'path=%s' % self.path] if self.expires is not None: l.append('expires=%s' %\ self.expires.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')) if self.domain: l.append('domain=%s' % self.domain) if l.append('secure') return join(l,';') # Alias for b/w compatibility: content = header_content def set_cookie_header(self): return 'Set-Cookie: %s\r\n' % self.header_content() # Alias for b/w compatibility: http_header = set_cookie_header def cookie_header(self, urlencode=URL.urlencode): return 'Cookie: %s=%s\r\n' % (, urlencode(self.value)) def match(self, url, datetime=None): """ Return 1/0 depending on whether the Cookie matches the given url or not. datetime is used to check for expiration in case the Cookie is a temporary one. It defaults to the current date/time. """ url = URL.URL(url) if self.expires is not None: if datetime is None: datetime = if self.expires < datetime: if _debug: print 'expired' return 0 if TextTools.prefix(url.path, (self.path,)) is None: if _debug: print 'path does not match' return 0 if TextTools.suffix(, (self.domain,)) is None: if _debug: print 'domain does not match' return 0 return 1 def __str__(self): return 'Set-Cookie: %s' % self.header_content() def __repr__(self): return '<%s.%s "%s = %s" at 0x%x>' % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,, self.value, id(self)) ### Set-Cookie header parser def CookieFromHeader(value, splitat=TextTools.splitat,strip=string.strip, charsplit=TextTools.charsplit,urldecode=URL.urldecode, lower=TextTools.lower, DateTimeFrom=DateTime.DateTimeFrom): """ Parse the value of an Set-Cookie header and return a corresponding Cookie instance. """ items = map(strip, charsplit(value, ';')) c = Cookie('no-name', '') if not items: return c, value = splitat(items[0], '=') c.value = urldecode(value) if len(items) > 1: for item in items[1:]: key, value = splitat(item,'=') key = lower(key) if key == 'path': c.path = value elif key == 'expires': try: c.expires = DateTimeFrom(value) except ValueError: pass elif key == 'domain': c.domain = value elif key == 'secure': = 1 return c # Alias for b/w compatibility ParserCookie = CookieFromHeader if __name__ == '__main__': c1 = Cookie('a', 'b', path='/mysite', expires=20, domain='') print c1 s1 = c1.header_content() c2 = ParserCookie(s1) print c2 c3 = ParserCookie(s1[:-10]) print c3 print c4 = Cookie('a', 'b', expires=10) print c4.set_cookie_header() s1 = c4.header_content() c5 = ParserCookie(s1) print c5.cookie_header()