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mò xùžNc @ sz d Z d k l Z d k l Z l Z d k l Z l Z l Z l Z l Z d k l Z e ƒ d „ Z e ƒ d „ Z d S( s~ Simple API for XML (SAX) implementation for Python. This module provides an implementation of the SAX 2 interface; information about the Java version of the interface can be found at The Python version of the interface is documented at <...>. This package contains the following interface classes and functions: ContentHandler, ErrorHandler - base classes for SAX2 handlers SAXException, SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXParseException, SAXNotSupportedException - SAX exceptions make_parser - creation of a new parser object parse, parseString - parse a document, using a provided handler ( s InputSource( s ContentHandlers ErrorHandler( s SAXExceptions SAXNotRecognizedExceptions SAXParseExceptions SAXNotSupportedExceptions SAXReaderNotAvailable( s make_parserc C s4 t ƒ } | i | ƒ | i | ƒ | i | ƒ d S( N( t make_parsert parsert setContentHandlert handlert setErrorHandlert errorHandlert parset filename_or_stream( R R R R ( ( t9 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/__init__.pyR s c C sž y d k l } Wn t j o d k l } n X| d j o t ƒ } n t ƒ } | i | ƒ | i | ƒ t ƒ } | i | | ƒ ƒ | i | ƒ d S( N( s StringIO( t cStringIOt StringIOt ImportErrorR t Nonet ErrorHandlerR R R R R t InputSourcet inpsrct setByteStreamt stringR ( R R R R R R ( ( R t parseString! s N( t __doc__t xmlreaderR R t ContentHandlerR t _exceptionst SAXExceptiont SAXNotRecognizedExceptiont SAXParseExceptiont SAXNotSupportedExceptiont SAXReaderNotAvailablet sax2extsR R R ( R R R R R R R R R R R ( ( R t ? s %