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"""An adapter for Java DOM implementations that makes it possible to access them through the same interface as the Python DOM implementations. Supports: - Sun's Java Project X - Xerces - David Brownell's SAX 2.0 Utilities / DOM2 - Indelv DOM - SXP - OpenXML $Id:,v 1.7 2001/02/19 15:21:50 fdrake Exp $ """ # Todo: # - extend test suite # - start using _set_up_attributes, or give up as too slow? # - support level 2 import string # --- Supported Java DOM implementations class BaseDomImplementation: """An abstract DomImplementation with some reusable implementations of build* methods that depend on a lower-level _parse_from_source method.""" def buildDocumentString(self, string): from import StringReader from org.xml.sax import InputSource return self._parse_from_source(InputSource(StringReader(string))) def buildDocumentUrl(self, url): return self._parse_from_source(url) def buildDocumentFile(self, filename): return self.buildDocumentUrl(filetourl(filename)) class SunDomImplementation: def createDocument(self): from com.sun.xml.tree import XmlDocument return Document(XmlDocument()) def buildDocumentString(self, string): from com.sun.xml.tree import XmlDocumentBuilder return Document(XmlDocumentBuilder.createXmlDocument(string)) def buildDocumentUrl(self, url): from com.sun.xml.tree import XmlDocument return Document(XmlDocument.createXmlDocument(url)) def buildDocumentFile(self, filename): return self.buildDocumentUrl(filetourl(filename)) class XercesDomImplementation(BaseDomImplementation): def createDocument(self): from org.apache.xerces.dom import DocumentImpl return Document(DocumentImpl()) def _parse_from_source(self, source): from org.apache.xerces.parsers import DOMParser p = DOMParser() p.parse(source) return Document(p.getDocument()) class BrownellDomImplementation(BaseDomImplementation): def createDocument(self): from org.brownell.xml.dom import DomDocument return Document(DomDocument()) def _parse_from_source(self, source): from org.brownell.xml import DomBuilder return Document(DomBuilder.createDocument(source)) class IndelvDomImplementation(BaseDomImplementation): def createDocument(self): from com.indelv.dom import DOMImpl return Document(DOMImpl.createNewDocument()) def _parse_from_source(self, source): from com.indelv.dom.util import XMLReader from org.xml.sax import InputSource return Document(XMLReader.parseDocument(InputSource(source))) class SxpDomImplementation(BaseDomImplementation): def createDocument(self): from fr.loria.xml import DOMFactory return Document(DOMFactory().createDocument()) def _parse_from_source(self, source): from fr.loria.xml import DocumentLoader loader = DocumentLoader() if type(source) == type(""): doc = loader.loadDocument(source) elif source.getCharacterStream() != None: doc = loader.loadDocument(source.getCharacterStream()) elif source.getByteStream() != None: doc = loader.loadDocument(source.getByteStream()) elif source.getSystemId() != None: doc = loader.loadDocument(source.getSystemId()) return Document(doc) class OpenXmlDomImplementation(BaseDomImplementation): def createDocument(self): from org.openxml.dom import DocumentImpl return Document(DocumentImpl()) def _parse_from_source(self, source): from org.openxml.dom import SAXBuilder from org.openxml.parser import XMLSAXParser builder = SAXBuilder() parser = XMLSAXParser() parser.setDocumentHandler(builder) parser.parse(source) return Document(builder.getDocument()) # ===== Utilities def filetourl(file): # A Python port of James Clark's fileToURL from from import File from import URL from java.lang import System file = File(file).getAbsolutePath() sep = System.getProperty("file.separator") if sep != None and len(sep) == 1: file = file.replace(sep[0], '/') if len(file) > 0 and file[0] != '/': file = '/' + file return URL('file', None, file).toString() def _wrap_node(node): if node == None: return None return NODE_CLASS_MAP[node.getNodeType()] (node) # ===== Constants ELEMENT_NODE = 1 ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2 TEXT_NODE = 3 CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4 ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5 ENTITY_NODE = 6 PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7 COMMENT_NODE = 8 DOCUMENT_NODE = 9 DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10 DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11 NOTATION_NODE = 12 # ===== DOMException try: from org.w3c.dom import DOMException except ImportError, e: pass # ===== DOMImplementation class DOMImplementation: def __init__(self, impl): self._impl = impl def hasFeature(self, feature, version): if version == None or version == "1.0": return string.lower(feature) == "xml" and \ self._impl.hasFeature(feature, version) else: return 0 def __repr__(self): return "<DOMImplementation, using '%s'>" % self._impl # ===== Node class Node: def __init__(self, impl): self.__dict__['_impl'] = impl # attributes def _get_nodeName(self): return self._impl.getNodeName() def _get_nodeValue(self): return self._impl.getNodeValue() def _get_nodeType(self): return self._impl.getNodeType() def _get_parentNode(self): return _wrap_node(self._impl.getParentNode()) def _get_childNodes(self): children = self._impl.getChildNodes() if children is None: return children else: return NodeList(children) def _get_firstChild(self): return _wrap_node(self._impl.getFirstChild()) def _get_lastChild(self): return _wrap_node(self._impl.getLastChild()) def _get_previousSibling(self): return _wrap_node(self._impl.getPreviousSibling()) def _get_nextSibling(self): return _wrap_node(self._impl.getNextSibling()) def _get_ownerDocument(self): return _wrap_node(self._impl.getOwnerDocument()) def _get_attributes(self): atts = self._impl.getAttributes() if atts is None: return None else: return NamedNodeMap(atts) # methods def insertBefore(self, new, neighbour): self._impl.insertBefore(new._impl, neighbour._impl) def replaceChild(self, new, old): self._impl.replaceChild(new._impl, old._impl) return old def removeChild(self, old): self._impl.removeChild(old._impl) return old def appendChild(self, new): return self._impl.appendChild(new._impl) def hasChildNodes(self): return self._impl.hasChildNodes() def cloneNode(self): return _wrap_node(self._impl.cloneNode()) # python def __getattr__(self, name): if name[ : 5] != '_get_': return getattr(self, '_get_' + name) () raise AttributeError, name def __setattr__(self, name, value): getattr(self, '_set_' + name) (value) # ===== Document class Document(Node): def __init__(self, impl): Node.__init__(self, impl) # methods def createTextNode(self, data): return Text(self._impl.createTextNode(data)) def createEntityReference(self, name): return EntityReference(self._impl.createEntityReference(name)) def createElement(self, name): return Element(self._impl.createElement(name)) def createDocumentFragment(self): return DocumentFragment(self._impl.createDocumentFragment()) def createComment(self, data): return Comment(self._impl.createComment(data)) def createCDATASection(self, data): return CDATASection(self._impl.createCDATASection(data)) def createProcessingInstruction(self, target, data): return ProcessingInstruction(self._impl.createProcessingInstruction(target, data)) def createAttribute(self, name): return Attr(self._impl.createAttribute(name)) def getElementsByTagName(self, name): return NodeList(self._impl.getElementsByTagName(name)) # attributes def _get_doctype(self): return self._impl.getDoctype() def _get_implementation(self): return DOMImplementation(self._impl.getImplementation()) def _get_documentElement(self): return _wrap_node(self._impl.getDocumentElement()) # python def __repr__(self): docelm = self._impl.getDocumentElement() if docelm: return "<Document with root '%s'>" % docelm.getTagName() else: return "<Document with no root>" # ===== Element class Element(Node): def __init__(self, impl): Node.__init__(self, impl) self.__dict__['_get_tagName'] = self._impl.getTagName self.__dict__['getAttribute'] = self._impl.getAttribute self.__dict__['setAttribute'] = self._impl.setAttribute self.__dict__['removeAttribute'] = self._impl.removeAttribute self.__dict__['normalize'] = self._impl.normalize # methods def getAttributeNode(self, name): node = self._impl.getAttributeNode(name) if node == None: return node else: return Attr(node) def setAttributeNode(self, attr): self._impl.setAttributeNode(attr._impl) def removeAttributeNode(self, attr): self._impl.removeAttributeNode(attr._impl) def getElementsByTagName(self, name): return NodeList(self._impl.getElementsByTagName(name)) # python def __repr__(self): return "<Element '%s' with %d attributes and %d children>" % \ (self._impl.getTagName(), self._impl.getAttributes().getLength(), self._impl.getChildNodes().getLength()) # ===== CharacterData class CharacterData(Node): def __init__(self, impl): Node.__init__(self, impl) self.__dict__['_get_data'] = self._impl.getData self.__dict__['_set_data'] = self._impl.setData self.__dict__['_get_length'] = self._impl.getLength self.__dict__['substringData'] = self._impl.substringData self.__dict__['appendData'] = self._impl.appendData self.__dict__['insertData'] = self._impl.insertData self.__dict__['deleteData'] = self._impl.deleteData self.__dict__['replaceData'] = self._impl.replaceData # ===== Comment class Comment(CharacterData): def __repr__(self): return "<Comment of length %d>" % self.getLength() # ===== ProcessingInstruction class ProcessingInstruction(Node): def __init__(self, impl): Node.__init__(self, impl) self.__dict__['_get_target'] = self._impl.getTarget self.__dict__['_get_data'] = self._impl.getData self.__dict__['_set_data'] = self._impl.setData def __repr__(self): return "<PI with target '%s'>" % self._impl.getTarget() # ===== Text class Text(CharacterData): def splitText(self, offset): return Text(self._impl.splitText(offset)) def __repr__(self): return "<Text of length %d>" % self._impl.getLength() # ===== CDATASection class CDATASection(Text): def __repr__(self): return "<CDATA section of length %d>" % self._impl.getLength() # ===== Attr class Attr(Node): def __init__(self, impl): Node.__init__(self, impl) self.__dict__['_get_name'] = self._impl.getName self.__dict__['_get_specified'] = self._impl.getSpecified self.__dict__['_get_value'] = self._impl.getValue self.__dict__['_set_value'] = self._impl.setValue def __repr__(self): return "<Attr '%s'>" % self._impl.getName() # ===== EntityReference class EntityReference(Node): def __repr__(self): return "<EntityReference '%s'>" % self.getNodeName() # ===== DocumentType class DocumentType(Node): def __init__(self, impl): Node.__init__(self, impl) self.__dict__['_get_name'] = self._impl.getName def _get_entities(self): return NamedNodeMap(self._impl.getEntities()) def _get_notations(self): return NamedNodeMap(self._impl.getNotations()) def __repr__(self): return "<DocumentType '%s'>" % self._impl.getNodeName() # ===== Notation class Notation(Node): def __init__(self, impl): Node.__init__(self, impl) self.__dict__['_get_publicId'] = self._impl.getPublicId self.__dict__['_get_systemId'] = self._impl.getSystemId def __repr__(self): return "<Notation '%s'>" % self._impl.getNodeName() # ===== Entity class Entity(Node): def __init__(self, impl): Node.__init__(self, impl) self.__dict__['_get_publicId'] = self._impl.getPublicId self.__dict__['_get_systemId'] = self._impl.getSystemId self.__dict__['_get_notationName'] = self._impl.getNotationName def __repr__(self): return "<Entity '%s'>" % self._impl.getNodeName() # ===== DocumentFragment class DocumentFragment(Node): def __repr__(self): return "<DocumentFragment>" # ===== NodeList class NodeList: def __init__(self, impl): self._impl = impl self.__dict__['__len__'] = self._impl.getLength self.__dict__['_get_length'] = self._impl.getLength self.__dict__['item'] = self._impl.item # Python list methods def __getitem__(self, ix): if ix < 0: ix = len(self) + ix node = self._impl.item(ix) if node == None: raise IndexError, ix else: return _wrap_node(node) def __setitem__(self, ix, item): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support item assignment" def __delitem__(self, ix, item): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support item deletion" def __setslice__(self, i, j, list): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support slice assignment" def __delslice__(self, i, j): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support slice deletion" def append(self, item): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .append()" def insert(self, i, item): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .insert()" def pop(self, i=-1): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .pop()" def remove(self, item): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .remove()" def reverse(self): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .reverse()" def sort(self, *args): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .sort()" def __add__(self, *args): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support +" def __radd__(self, *args): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support +" def __mul__(self, *args): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support *" def __rmul__(self, *args): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support *" def count(self, *args): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances can't support count without equality" def count(self, *args): raise TypeError, "NodeList instances can't support index without equality" def __getslice__(self, i, j): if i < len(self): i = len(self) + i if j < len(self): j = len(self) + j slice = [] for ix in range(i, min(j, len(self))): slice.append(self[ix]) return slice def __repr__(self): return "<NodeList [ %s ]>" % string.join(map(repr, self), ", ") # ===== NamedNodeMap class NamedNodeMap: def __init__(self, impl): self._impl = impl self.__dict__['_get_length'] = self._impl.getLength self.__dict__['__len__'] = self._impl.getLength # methods def getNamedItem(self, name): return _wrap_node(self._impl.getNamedItem(name)) def setNamedItem(self, node): return _wrap_node(self._impl.setNamedItem(node._impl)) def removeNamedItem(self, name): return _wrap_node(self._impl.removeNamedItem(name)) def item(self, index): return _wrap_node(self._impl.item(index)) # Python dictionary methods def __getitem__(self, key): node = self._impl.getNamedItem(key) if node is None: raise KeyError, key else: return _wrap_node(node) def get(self, key, alternative = None): node = self._impl.getNamedItem(key) if node is None: return alternative else: return _wrap_node(node) def has_key(self, key): return self._impl.getNamedItem(key) != None def items(self): list = [] for ix in range(self._impl.getLength()): node = self._impl.item(ix) list.append((node.getNodeName(), _wrap_node(node))) return list def keys(self): list = [] for ix in range(self._impl.getLength()): list.append(self._impl.item(ix)._get_nodeName()) return list def values(self): list = [] for ix in range(self._impl.getLength()): list.append(_wrap_node(self._impl.item(ix))) return list def __setitem__(self, key, item): assert key == item._impl._get_nodeName() self._impl.setNamedItem(item._impl) def update(self, nnm): for v in nnm.values(): self._impl.setNamedItem(v._impl) def __repr__(self): pairs = [] for pair in self.items(): pairs.append("'%s' : %s" % pair) return "<NamedNodeMap { %s }>" % string.join(pairs, ", ") # ===== Various stuff NODE_CLASS_MAP = { ELEMENT_NODE : Element, ATTRIBUTE_NODE : Attr, TEXT_NODE : Text, CDATA_SECTION_NODE : CDATASection, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE : EntityReference, ENTITY_NODE : Entity, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : ProcessingInstruction, COMMENT_NODE : Comment, DOCUMENT_NODE : Document, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE : DocumentType, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : DocumentFragment, NOTATION_NODE : Notation } # ===== Self-test if __name__ == "__main__": impl = BrownellDomImplementation() #XercesDomImplementation() #SunDomImplementation() doc2 = impl.createDocument() print doc2 print doc2._get_implementation() root = doc2.createElement("doc") print root doc2.appendChild(root) txt = doc2.createTextNode("This is a simple sample \n") print txt root.appendChild(txt) print root._get_childNodes()[0] print root._get_childNodes() root.setAttribute("huba", "haba") print root print root._get_attributes()