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m xNc @ s d Z d k l Z d f d YZ d e i f d YZ d f d YZ d f d YZ d f d YZ d e i f d YZ d k Z e i d d !d j o d k l Z n d e f d YZ d d d g Z d d d g Z d d d d d g Z d S( s A Python translation of the SAX2 parser API. This file provides only default classes with absolutely minimum functionality, from which drivers and applications can be subclassed. Many of these classes are empty and are included only as documentation of the interfaces. ( s saxlibt LexicalHandlerc B s\ t Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z RS( sY Default handler for lexical events Note: All methods can raise SAXException s# C s d S( s The XML DeclarationN( ( t selft versiont encodingt standalone( ( tC /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/dom/ext/reader/Sax2Lib.pyt xmlDecl s c C s d S( s3 Invoked at the beginning of the DOCTYPE declarationN( ( R t doctypet publicIDt systemID( ( R t startDTD s c C s d S( s Invoked after all components of the DOCTYPE declaration, including both internal and external DTD subsets N( ( R ( ( R t endDTD s c C s d S( s Note: If an external DTD subset is read, it will invoke this method with special entity name of "[DTD]" N( ( R t name( ( R t startEntity! s c C s d S( N( ( R R ( ( R t endEntity( s c C s d S( s XML CommentN( ( R t text( ( R t comment+ s c C s d S( s Beginning of CDATA SectionN( ( R ( ( R t startCDATA/ s c C s d S( s End of CDATA SectionN( ( R ( ( R t endCDATA3 s ( t __name__t __module__t __doc__t handlerIdR R R R R R R R ( ( ( R R s t AttributeList2c B s t Z d Z d Z RS( Nc C s d S( s( Whether the attribute value with the given name or index was explicitly specified in the element, or was determined from the default. Parameter can be either integer index or attribute name. None (the default) signals 'Don't Know', else a boolean return N( ( R t id( ( R t isSpecified9 s c C s d S( s XML 1,0 parsers are required to report all entity references, even if unexpanded. This includes those in attribute strings. Many parsers and apps ignore this, but for full conformance, This method can be called to get a list of indexes referring to entity references within the attribute value string for the given name or index. Parameter can be either integer index or attribute name. N( ( R R ( ( R t getEntityRefListB s ( R R R R ( ( ( R R 8 s t EntityRefListc B s; t Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z RS( sb This is the entity-reference list returned by AttributeList2.getEntityRefList(index) c C s d S( s( Return the number of Entity Ref pointersN( ( R ( ( R t getLengthT s c C s d S( s: Return the name of the entity reference at the given indexN( ( R t index( ( R t getEntityNameX s c C s d S( se Return the string start position of the entity reference at the given index N( ( R R ( ( R t getEntityRefStart\ s c C s d S( sc Return the string end position of the entity reference at the given index N( ( R R ( ( R t getEntityRefEndc s c C s d S( s Alias for getLength.N( ( R ( ( R t __len__j s ( R R R R R R R R! ( ( ( R R O s t DTDDeclHandlerc B sh t Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z RS( s3 A handler for a minimal set of DTD Events i i i i s$ C s d S( s Report an element-type declaration. name and model are strings, modelType is an enumerated int from 1 to 4 N( ( R R t modelTypet model( ( R t elementDecl~ s c C s d S( s Report an attribute declaration. The first 4 parameters are strings, defaultType is an integer from 1 to 4, entityRefs is an EntityRefList N( ( R t elementR t typet defaultValuet defaultTypet entityRefs( ( R t attributeDecl s c C s d S( s Report an external entity declaration. All parameters are strings except for isParameterEntity, which is 0 or 1 N( ( R R t isParameterEntityt publicIdt systemId( ( R t externalEntityDecl s c C s d S( s Report an external entity declaration. All parameters are strings except for isParameterEntity, which is 0 or 1 N( ( R R R, t value( ( R t internalEntityDecl s ( R R R t MODEL_ELEMENTSt MODEL_MIXEDt MODEL_ANYt MODEL_EMPTYt ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTEDt ATTRIBUTE_IMPLIEDt ATTRIBUTE_REQUIREDt ATTRIBUTE_FIXEDR R% R+ R/ R1 ( ( ( R R"